Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on May 24, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care.. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Again thank you to everyone who has written me.. it is very much appreciated.

Chance and Brian Chapter 10

The guard turned and looked at Brian and started to object. Brian walked up to him "I said let go of him now or I will have you fired, that is if he doesnt press charges against you for hitting him."

The guard released me and backed away.

Nick walked up to him and said "I will be calling whoever your supervisor is and make sure that our agency does not use the company you work for again, and for hitting another man with a child in his arms, if he doesnt press charges against you, I will have you fired I can guarantee that."

Nick turned and acted like he was going to walk away from him, but swung back around and was going to hit him. I stepped in front of Nick and said "we need to talk" grabbing his arm I walked him away from the situation.

What I got was "Chance why did you stop me, he should have never hit you."

"I understand that Nick, but what, you thought by hitting him that was going to make it better, hell Nick I could have hit him, but I choose not to, it wasnt going to make the situation any better, I choose to take the less agressive way"

"But Chance he was going to hit you again!" Nick argued angrily

"Maybe so Nick but that doesnt mean that you should hit him.. and besides a nice little lawsuit would have been his action for you.. it would have made headlines all over the world, thats why I was willing to take another hit if thats what it would have prevented, However, it would have never come to that.. if you would have noticed my leg was already up in the air and aimed at his crotch, he would have never connected with my ugly mug again."

He stood there looking at me shocked.

"What you didnt think I could take care of myself?, Nick I can handle myself believe me, I didnt grow up in a household of 4 boys and not learn how to defend myself."

"Ok Chance sorry, I was really angry I couldnt believe that he actually hit you while you were holding Nate."

Laughing I said " You, hell I couldnt either, and then when he was pulling back to hit me again I was thinking, ok buddy the wars on.. you may hit me once but you will never hit me twice."

I was having trouble seeing out of my right eye, I wiped it with my hand and realized that blood was running into my eye thats why I was having trouble seeing. I asked "Nick could you look at the cut?, how bad is it?"

He walked closer to me and said "Oh god Chance its pretty bad, I think you need to have someone look at it, "

"I need to find a mirror, so that I can take a look at it"

I walked over to a mirror that was hanging on the wall and inspected the cut I didnt think that it was that bad, I asked for a towel or a cloth so that I could apply pressure to stop the bleeding. the front desk handed me a first aid kit which would do the trick. I was applying pressure to the cut with some bandages when Brian walked over to me.

"Chance I had the hotel manager call the police, so that you could talk to them about this. I hope that was ok?"

"Thats fine Brian thank you. Brian he was protecting you guys and I cant fault him for that, but he did go to far. I will file a police report and I will talk to his boss, but I dont think I will file charges, maybe let it go for a few weeks just to scare him and the company he works for, so it doesnt happen to someone else."

Brian said "Let me see the cut."

"Its ok Brian really."

"Chance let me see it and i will judge for myself."

I moved the bandages and saw the look on his face. He stepped back and said "you need to have a doctor look at that, you made need stitches."

"Brian its fine really."

"No its not Chance it looks like it could use a few stitches," He turned and looked at Nick and said "Nick could you get somemore bandages out of the first aid kit please" Nick walked over and pulled a few out and handed them to Brian. Brian pulled out his cell phone and started dialing I heard Brian say "Kevin could you please call our on staff doctor and have them meet us in my room," then he said "Yes... no its Chance.......... then yes........ meet us in my room and you can see for yourself......... yes........... just call the doc and have them meet me in my room Please." and with that he hung up the phone..

"Brian Im fine really, cant we just go up to your room?"

"Yes were going now," and with that two Seattle Police officers walked in the lobby. Brian walked over to them and started telling them what happened.

I stood up frantic and said "Wheres Nate?" I had forgot about him in all this mess, I turned and looked to see him still sitting in the chair that I told him to wait in. He was half laying and half sitting, he was asleep. I sat back down relieved that he was still there..

Nick walked up and said "Chance Im going to carry Nate upstairs and put him in my room so that he can sleep, and then I will see you guys in Brians room ok?"

"Thanks Nick I appreciate it." I said standing up and giving him a hug.

Brian walked back over to me and said "Chance the police officers would like to talk to you, is that ok?"

"Sure Brian send them over."

"Officers this is Chance, Chance this is officer Don.. I cut him off and said "Officer Donaldson and Smith, Its good to see you two again. "

Officer Donaldson said "Chance what the hell happened?"

I explained what happened to them as they took notes for the police report. Officer Smith said " Chance, I thought we taught you better than that, your suppose to dodge the punch, not lean into it." and chuckled.

Laughing I said "Very funny Smith, hell I didnt even see it coming, I never thought he would hit me."

Officer Donaldson Said "Chance you have every right to press charges against him, he hit you for no reason whatsoever and since you were holding Nate makes it worse for him."

"Don Im not sure if want to press charges, I just want to scare him and the company he works for, can we just file it and then I will think about it and maybe cancel it in a few weeks."

"Of course we can." replied officer Donaldson.

"Ok Don then lets do that." but for now my head hurts and I need to have someone look at this cut. Brians called their Doc in to have them look at it.. so we should probably be getting to his room."

"Ok Chance you take care and give me a call so that we all can get together." said Smith.

"Sounds great guys, and thanks for coming."

"No problem Chance, we better run we have official bussiness now " Don said laughing. He walked over to the guard and told him to turn around that he was being placed under arrest for assault and battery.

Brian laughed and said "Ok Chance lets get you upstairs so that we can get that cut looked at."

We walked over to the elevator and stepped inside Brian pushed the button for the 21st floor. When the doors closed he was at my side he kissed me on the lips and said "God Chance I am so sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I wasnt there when you needed me."

"Brian what makes you think that?"

"He hit you.... I should have been at your side.. you should have been on the elevator with us and none of this would have happened."

Ok Brian, Im overweight, Im losing my hair, Im ugly, we have smog problems, the suns too hot.... are you getting my point here.. can I blame those things on you too? there was nothing you could do about it.. it happened.. I am not going to sit and worry about it... and neither should you.. some things you just cant change, but you need to stop worrying about every little thing.. hell im surprised you dont have ulcers..."

Just then the elevator doors opened on the 21st floor, Brian and I walked out of the elevator and down the hallway to Brians room. Brian opened the door with the key card and held the door open for me. I walked in and waited for him, he shut the door and locked it.. he walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to lay down until the Doctor arrived."

I told him I would like nothing more but that I needed to check on Nate.

"Ok baby, Nick and I have adjoining rooms, the connecting door is right over here" as he walked me too it. I knocked and waited for a few seconds until it was opened by Nick.

"Hi Nick, hows it going with Nate?"

"Fine Chance hes still sleeping, come on in and see for yourself, and next time just come on in you dont have to knock."

"Ok thanks Nick.. well im glad hes still sleeping its been a hard day on all of us."

Nick chuckled and said "Yes it sure has."

I laughed and added "I tell you what I dont know how much more excitement I can take, I can atleast say this, there is never a dull moment around you guys."

I heard "God im so sorry, I guess it has been pretty bad hasnt it" I turned and looked at Brian standing in the doorway with his head down.

"Brian Littrell I did not say that, you did." he looked up and saw me smiling and realized it wasnt as bad as he was making it out to be.

I said "Well I can say this much, you guys will keep me on my toes."

He smiled back and said "Kevin called and said the Doctor was in his room, so we should go down there and have him take a look at your head."

"Ok Tig lets get moving, then when we get back you will have to hurry and get ready so that we can go."

"Ok then lets get going babe." Brian added

I turned to Nick and said "We will be back in a few minutes Nick. I will change Nate into his P.J's so that he will be ready for bed tonight."

"Ok see you then" was Nicks reply.

Brian and I walked out of Nicks room and down to Kevins, Brian knocked and Kevin opened up the door within seconds.

"Oh my god Chance!" was all that Kevin said before ushering us in the room. A young man walked out of the bathroom as we were just walking into the sitting area.

Kevin said "Chance this is Doctor Tate, hes the tour physician and will take a look at that cut and the huge black eye your going to have in the morning."

"Thanks Kevin, im sorry about all this trouble."

"Chance its no trouble at all, and by the way how did this happen?"

"Kevin I will let Brian fill you in on that so the Doctor can look at the cut."

I sat down on the bed as Brian was telling Kevin what happened. Doctor Tate was looking at the cut and said "Chance, it not that deep but it is long. I dont think you need stitches but I am going to put some surgical glue in the cut to hold it together, what this will do is prevent it from pulling apart and leaving a nice scar."

"Thank you Doctor Tate." I said happy that I didnt have to have stitches.

Doctor Tate asked me to lay down while he pulled out a small bottle and squeezed the cut together and applied the glue, and that was it, it was fairly painless, except when he squeezed the cut together.

I sat back up on the bed and looked over at Kevin and Brian to see Kevin on the phone with someone, he was not happy, Kevin left the room and we could hear him yelling in the other room. I was not sure who he was talking to but im sure glad I wasnt on the other end of his screaming. I looked over at Brian and he just frowned..

Doctor Tate walked over to Brian and said "My work here is done, Brian, Chance may have a bad headache later so here are a few pain killers and Chance you take it easy tonight, and everything should be fine."

"Ok great, thanks Doctor Tate." Brian said

With that Doctor Tate walked out the door.

I looked at Brian and asked "Whats going on with Kevin?"

"Chance, Kevin is calling management about what happened, and demanding that they release the security agency that we use in Seattle and find another one immediately."

"But Brian maybe we need to just give this a few days before anything rash is done, this will give everyone time to calm down."

"Ok, let me go tell Kevin how you feel."

"Actually Brian could you please go get him and let me talk to him."

"sure babe, I will be right back." he said.

Not two minutes later Brian and Kevin stood in front of me.

"Kevin I dont want you guys to make rash decisions on my part, please understand that yes this one guy was out of control, but that doesnt mean that the security firm is bad, and that they should be dropped."

"But Chance I...We" and that is when I cut him off..

"Kevin I understand that this is not a good situation, but I also understand that when someone is upset like you are now maybe the best thing to do is let things lay for awhile, I understand how you feel, however I also understand that protection for the Backstreet Boys is crucial, so please for me, not that you owe me anything or should do as I ask, but for me please give this a few days to calm down, then you guys as a group can decide if you want to use this security agency if and when you come back to Seattle ... Ok... Please for me?"

"Well Chance I dont like it, I dont like the fact that he struck you, or anyone for that matter, but since you were the one that was struck I will do as you ask and let it ride for now."

"Thank you Kevin I appreciate that."

"Your welcome Chance, now what about the cut, does it need stitches?"

"No thank god, he was able to use surgical glue to hold it together and it should be fine."

"Thats great news" Brian said

"Yes I agree Brian." I said smiling at him.

"Ok well I think we need to get going Mr Littrell, I do believe we have a date that we are suppose to go on tonight."

"Ok babe lets go so that I can get ready." Brian said

I told Kevin thank you as we walked out of his room and started down to Brians room, as we were walking down the hall Brian stopped to talk with a security guard that was posted in front of the elevator doors. I noticed it was the same security guard that was at the concert.

I stood next to Brian and waited while he talked to Dave. I believe he said his that was his name, hmmmm .

Brian turned and said "Dave this is Chance, Chance this is Dave, Chance will be around here for the next few weeks Dave, could you make sure that no one gives him a hard time?"

"I sure will Brian" Dave said and turned and looked at me and added "Chance its good seeing you again, is Nate here with you too?"

"He sure is, hes sleeping in Nicks room right now, but im sure you will see him running the halls later tonight." I said laughing

Brian grabbed my sweater and started to pull me towards his room, I turned with a scowl on my face and said "Brian stop being rude. You can see that we are talking!"

He lowered his head and said "sorry, its just that we need to get going so that I can get ready to go out tonight."

"Thats fine Brian just say that then, but you do not need to be rude about it."

"OK, SORRY GOD!!!".... and he turned and stormed off towards his room.

I turned back to Dave and said "Well I guess this will be part of the wonderful day I have had so far, we can add this to the books.. Hmmmmm..Pissed Brian off too.... I think I need to go to bed and sleep through the rest of the day, maybe I will be safe then."

Dave started laughing and said "you will be ok, you seem like the strong type. Now go see if hes ok."

"Thanks Dave and sorry about that."

"No problem Chance, its good you dont let him get away with anything, thats the way it should be."

I turned and started walking down the hall to Brians room, I reached room 2101 and knocked, but there was no answer. I knocked again, still no answer, I tried the knob to see if it was unlocked...Nope, it was locked.. I knocked harder this time..but he still didnt answer the door.

He must really be mad at me. I walked over to room 2103 and knocked, I heard Nick say "Just a second"

Nick opened the door with a puzzled look on his face.

"I think Brians pissed off at me."

"Why, what happend?" he said

I told him the story about Brian being rude when Dave and I were talking and about knocking on the door and he wouldnt answer it.

"Thats when I knocked on your door Nick, I didnt know what else to do, maybe I just need to go home , I have caused enough trouble for one day, hell actually many days." I said with a frown on my face.

Nick looked at me and said "Thats not the answer and you know it Chance, you need to talk to him."

"I know I do Nick, but maybe he doesnt want to talk to me right now."

"Chance, I cant imagine that to be true, he likes you to much for that to happen, so go talk to him."

"If you say so Nick.."

"I say so Chance, now go."

I walked over to the connecting door and checked it to make sure it was unlocked which it was. I opened the door and walked in and turned back to Nick and said "Wish me luck Nick I may need it."

"No you wont Chance, he may be angry but I can tell you that he also loves you, the anger will fade but the love wont."

I couldnt believe what I had just heard, I had no idea what to say so I just shut the door.

Brian wasnt in the sitting room so I walked into the bedroom he wasnt in their either, I could hear the shower running so I sat on the bed.

I started to think about what Nick said. With that doubt set in... how could Brian love me, did he love me, why would he love me.. I was consumed with my thoughts, I couldnt even fathom the idea, I closed my eyes and laid back on the bed.

A few minutes later I heard the shower turn off, about five minutes later I heard the bathroom door open.

I heard Brian gasp and say "Damn Chance you scared the shit outta me, I didnt think that anyone was in the room."

I opened my eyes and said "actually, I was in Nicks room, he thought that maybe I needed to come over and talk to you."

"Why were you in Nicks room, why didnt you just come in here"

"I tried Brian, I knocked three times, and tried the knob but you didnt answer. I thought maybe you didnt want to talk to me, so I went to Nicks room."

"Chance... why would you think that?"

"Because of what happened in the hallway with Dave."

"Sweetie I was mad but thats all, when I started thinking about it, I realized that I was out of line, you two were talking and I was being an ass, you had every right to be upset with me, and im sorry about the door I thought I had unlocked it, when we go downstairs I will make sure to get another key card so that you will not have any problem getting in from now on."

"Im sorry too Brian."

"Why are you apologizing Chance, you did nothing wrong.?"

"Yes I did Brian, I could have handled it better than I did, and im sorry for that."

"Baby it was my fault, I was out of line." Brian said

"Brian we were both wrong, cant we just leave it at that?"

"Ok, we were both wrong." he said laughing at me.

He walked over to the bed and stood between my legs, he laid down on top on me and kissed me passionately, he pulled back and looked at me.. I leaned forward and kissed him and said "Tig do you have any idea of what you do to me."

He smiled and said "Yes I can feel what I do to you, can you feel what you do to me.?"

Laughing I said "Yes I can but thats not what I mean you perv."

Smiling he said "Well what did you mean then?"

"You dont know do you?" I asked

"No Baby, please tell me." he pleaded

"Well, How you make me feel when you walk into a room.... how wonderful it has been to wake up with your body wrapped around mine.... how when you look at me the only thing that I can think about is how I want you to just touch when im with you I feel like anything and everything is possible.... Brian I feel alive again and thats because of you, you make me feel that way.

I turned my head away from him and whispered "I love you."

He reached over and touched my face and turned my head back to him and said "Baby what did you say?"

"Nothing tig"

"No Chance it wasnt nothing, Please tell me."

I again whispered "I love you"

"Chance dont whisper it say it."

"I love you ...OK... I love you..."

He smiled down at me and said " Ilove you too Chance, I have from the moment we met in the hospital"

I was so happy that I started crying, Brian wiped away a tear and said "Chance Archer I do love you."

"Brian Littrell I love you too."

He leaned down and I leaned up, we were kissing when I heard the connector door open.

I heard Nick say "Damn Brian put some clothes on, its not a pretty site from here."

We were laughing as we were kissing, I pulled back and said "Nick... Tig looks good from any view."

"Well not from the view im getting Chance."

"What did you need Nick?" Brian said laughing.

"If you guys are going to go, you better get moving its almost six o'clock"

"Damn Tig you better get moving."

Brian got up and pulled some boxers on.

Nick was laughing and Brian said "What???"

"Brian that is a way I never ever want to see you again."

"And what way is that Nick?" I asked

Laughing Nick said "Naked with full wood."

I couldnt help but laugh. "Nick get out of here and let Brian get dressed."

"Ok ok im going." and with that Nick walked back into his room and shut the door.

Brian was pulling on a black pair of jeans, He already had a black tshirt on and a baby blue shirt over it. He put on his boots and said "Ok baby im ready lets go."

I walked up to him and kissed him and said "I like to see you naked and with full wood and I love it when you call me baby." I kissed him again and asked "Do you have to call for the Limo?,or is it waiting downstairs for us?"

"Its already downstairs waiting baby."

"Ok Tig let me go tell Nick that we are leaving and then we can go."

I walked over and opened the connecting door and found Nick and Nate on the bed watching cartoons. I walked over to them and said "Nick we are going, you have my cell phone number and Brians if you need to get ahold of us, I also wrote down moms in case of an emergency."

I walked over and pulled out Nates P.J's and had him stand up so that I could change his clothes..I stripped off his street clothes and put his night clothes on, kissing him on the forehead I told him that I would see him in the morning, and that I loved him.

I leaned down and kissed Nick on the forehead and whispered in his ear "Thank you Nick, Brian really does love me."

He smiled up at me and said "Yea I know"

"But what you didnt know is that I love him too" I said smiling

His eyes widened and he said "No... I knew that too."

I stood back up and said "Thanks again Nick."

He looked at me and said "by god, Would you go already."

laughing I said "OK OK I know when Im not wanted." with that I walked out of his room and shut the door. Brian was just coming out of the bathroom.

"Ok Tig Im ready to go, how about you?"

He walked up to me and said "Yes Im ready except for one thing?"

He leaned in and kissed me and said "I love you"

Smiling from ear to ear I said "I love you too Brian"

Next: Chapter 11

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