Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on May 29, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care..

If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Again thank you to everyone who has written me.. it is very much appreciated.

Chapter 11 Chance and Brian

"Ok now im ready lets go.." Brian said smiling at me.

He released me and I said "Well then lets go, were already late Tig" with that we walked out of his room and down to the elevator.

Brian walked up to Dave and apologized for what happened earlier, he said "Dave im really sorry for what happened, Chance and I talked about it and he made me realize that I was out of line, and that it should have never happened, again im really sorry."

"Bri, its no big deal, its forgotten." he then leaned over to Brian and said "I think Chance is a keeper you better take care of him." he stood back up and smiled at me and then looked back at Brian and said "You guys have fun tonight."

"Thanks Dave." Brian said and walked over to me. We got on the elevator and Brian pushed the lobby button.. as the doors were closing I yelled. "Night Dave.". he just smiled at me..

I turned and looked at Brian and said "What was all that about?"

He smiled and said "He told me that you were a keeper and that I better take care of you." He then leaned in and kissed me and added "but I already knew that, and believe me I will take care of you."

I started to tear up so I said "Brian this is something that I have written may I tell it to you?"

"Of course baby anything." he said

Can this....

can this be true can this be a dream can this be the love that i long for and need

my love for you is whole and true my love for you will never be blue my life with you will cross endless seas as long as your always true to me.

Can this be true can this be a dream can this be the love that I long for and need.

Brian Stared deep into my eyes and said "When did you write that?"

"Two nights ago, when I was lying awake watching you sleep, so I grabbed my journal and jotted it down, I do that when I get a little emotional about situations that I am in."

He had this puzzled look on his face and said "What do you mean by emotional?, is everything ok? are you not happy with me,, ....... are you ok with us being together?"

With that I started crying, Brian hugged me and said "Chance......... please talk to me." the elevator doors opened I wiped my eyes and walked out of the elevator and through the lobby heading for fresh air, with Brian right on my heels, I got outside and took a deep breath, Brian grabbed my arm and turned me towards him and said "Please talk to me."

"I will Brian, please... lets just get in the car and we can talk in there." He walked over to the car door and opened it and I got in with him right behind me. He sat down and said "Ok start talking, whats going on?"

Crying I said "Brian, im fine really, I just felt trapped in the elevator and I had to get out of there. I sit and watch you sleep when I cant sleep, the reason that I do that is because I cant believe that you are sleeping next to me, I write im my journal when I get emotional which means when things are bothering me or things are going great, I need to get how I feel out of my system.. when I write in my journal about you, its all good stuff.. its how sweet you are, and how you are with Nate, how you make me feel loved and wanted, which I havent felt in a very very long time. When I start to think about what I am telling you, thats when I start crying, but thats not a bad thing, its because im so happy.... Brian I have told you that I love you, but I must tell you that I am in love with you, the first day we met the second day I dont think it really matters when, but I am in love with you."

I looked over at him and saw a tear slowly make its way from his eye to his chin, he wiped it away and said "Come over here and sit next to me Chance." I got up from the spot I was sitting and sat down next to him, he put his arm around me and pulled me close and said " Chance... I have never met anyone like you ever, and I love you and im in love with you.. and I cannot ever see that ending.. I think its great that you feel this way about me.. because i feel the same way about you, and please dont ever forget that."

Chance, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can Brian, anything, you know that."

"So the poem was about me then?"

"Yes it was tig."

He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said "Thank you babe, its beautiful."

I leaned over and kissed him on the lips and said "Thank you Brian, you gave me the inspiration for it."

"Well I will be expecting more then." he said smiling at me. "Oh im sure there will be lots more ..." I added smiling back

"I hope so baby, ok.... enough crying, we need to get going." he rolled down the partition window and gave the driver the location which turned out to be the the Ste Michelle Winery. I looked at him and said "Your taking me to a winery? Brian honey, I dont drink that often and if I was going to it sure wouldnt be wine."

He laughed and said "You will just have to wait and see what it is.."

"Oh I see your going to try and get me drunk and then take advantage of me arnt you."

"I wasnt planning on it but that sounds like a plan to me."

"Well tell me then Tig.... Please...."

"No, Chance you will have to wait and see"

"OK" was all I said

"Hey Brian?"

"Yea Baby"

"Whats going to happen to us when you go back on the road, What I mean is , how are we going to make this work? most long distance romances or love affairs dont work, so how are we going to make this work, I dont know about you but I will be fighting tooth and nail to keep us going."

Brian looked at me with a sad expression on his face and said "I dont know... but we will.. we will just have to take it one day at a time, I will fly back as much as possible and you and nate can fly and meet us."

"Ok that sounds good Tig, when do you guys head out again?" i asked

"A week from today Chance"

"Ok Sweetie that gives us a week to pack as much of us into it as possible"

He pulled me over to him and kissed me.. I pulled back and said "what was that for?"

"Because you always see the positive side of everything, and I love you for that."

"Thanks sweetie," I kissed him on the cheek and rested my head on his shoulder, just then the partition window started to roll down, I sat up so fast trying to move away from Brian that I fell on the limo floor."

Brian started laughing and said "Its ok babe they are bound by contract, they cannot say anything about what they see good or bad. so its ok if you cuddle with me." he pulled me back onto the seat with him and put his arm around my waist..

The driver said " Mr Littrell we will be at the winery within minutes."

"Ok thank you."

I looked at Brian and said "Ok are you gonna tell me what your up too?"

Smiling he said "I told you that we were going to a concert."

"Yea, but who????" I pleaded

"Baby, for that you will just have to wait and see, we are almost there anyway."

Not two seconds later we pulled up to the winery, I looked out one of the many windows and saw a banner that read Wynonna with special guest Brian White.

I looked at Brian and said " Are we going to see Wynonna??????"

"Yep" he said smiling from ear to ear..


"I know Chance, a little mouse told me." he said laughing at me being so hyper...

"Oh MY GOD BRIAN... I couldnt get tickets.. or should I say the tickets I wanted.. oh my god this is sooooooo cool.."

"Baby, I do have another surprise for you... I also have these.." he pulled backstage passes out of his jacket pocket.

Now I was bouncing off the walls, not only did I get to see the show but I also get to go backstage. This was truly a great ending to a not so good day, to say the least.

I leaned over and kissed him passionately on the lips and said " I love you so much" and kissed him again.

he leaned over and kissed my ear and said "I know you do baby, I know you do" and then sucked on my ear lobe.

I started moaning and said "Brian.... you dont want to start something that I may not want you to stop."

Brian pulled back from me and said " you serious"

"More than you will ever know Tig, more than you will ever know."

He leaned foward and kissed my nose and then kissed me on the lips and said "I would love nothing more baby, but we do have a concert to attend, and we cant miss it since Wynonna does know that we are coming." with that he opened up the door and stepped out and turned around to grab his coat.

I got up from my seat and sat next to the door, while Brian was getting his coat.. I looked at him and started laughing.. he leaned back in and said "what.".

"Well.... ummmm...... you may want to do a little adjusting big boy." and started laughing harder..

he readjusted himself and said "see what you do to me.. ?" I chuckled and said "Yep I sure did, but Tig its a good thing... Isnt it?."

"Yep it sure is baby... it sure is." and with that I stepped out of the limo.

I straightened myself up a little as we walked to the entrance, Brian turned and said "Keep close to me I dont want to loose you in this crowd."

"Ok" was all I said

We made it through the line in no time and found our seats. Brian said "Ok we know where are seats are.. are you ready to go back stage?"

"Oh my god you know I am." as I smacked him on the shoulder.

He started to laugh and said "lets go then." we walked to a far corner of the venue and asked a staff worker how to get backstage.

He was looking at Brian and said "Arnt you Brian from the BackStreet Boys?"

Brian started to answer him and thats when I stepped in.. and said "Really now, come on do you really think Brian from the backstreet boys would be here?, I dont.. anyway, this one here is not Brian, hes just a star look alike wanna be... I have met Brian, hes a wonderful sweet intelligent guy.. could you please tell us where we have to go to get back stage."

The whole time Brian and the security guard were laughing at me.. "what??? huh.... whats so funny? I asked

"Chance... this is Daves brother sam, he use to work for us too, but decided to travel with Wy."

I started blushing and said. "Oh God im really sorry... well I wonder if I cant fit anoither foot in my mouth.. ummm.. I think I will just go sit down over there.. let me know when the jaws of life get here to remove my feet.. would you please."

I started to walk away but Brian grabbed my arm and said "I dont think so.., we need to get back stage before the concert starts.." he was smiling at me..

Sam walked closer to us and said "you guys make a cute couple, it looks like you make Brian very happy and thats good, you can see how happy he is.. its all in the eyes."

I had no idea what to say... I just looked at Brian, he smiled at me and said "Im very happy Sam, thanks."

"Thats great Brian, Im very happy for you both." with that Sam walked us over to the door that lead to the backstage area.. he opened the door and ushered us to a table with another security guard.. Sam spoke and said "These two are guests of Wynonna's, Could you please check them in and send them back to see her, she's expecting them." Sam turned back to us and said "Its good seeing you again Brian, and when you see my lame brother you tell him to call me.. its been too long since I have talked to him." Brian shook Sams hand and said "I sure will, and thanks Sam."

"No problem Brian thats what friends are for." Sam said as he walked me away from Brian .. he shook my hand and said "Its good to meet you Chance, and I was serious about what I said, you are obviously good for him, you can see hes very happy."

I shook his hand and said .."Sorry about earlier Sam.. and thanks, he makes me very happy too.. so I guess it works both ways."

"Dont worry about earlier.. You were too funny. and im happy for you both.. now go meet Wynonna... "

"Thanks again Sam" I added as I walked back over to Brian

I put my hand on Brians shoulder like we were friends and said "Are you about ready Mr. Superstar."

He laughed and said "I guess I am Mr. Archer, are you ready?"

"Of course I am, im always ready and willing" He turned ten shades of red and said "well I guess we better get going then."

To tell you the truth I couldnt believe that came out of my mouth.. as we walked away I said "God Brian im sorry I cannot believe I just said that.."

He looked at me very serious and said "Why, I like it when you talk like that.. I hope what you say is true later tonight."

I stopped dead in my tracks and said "Brian Littrell.. just because youve done all this.. do you think that means that im going to sleep with you tonight.?"

He stopped and said "well yes.. we sleep together every night, so i wouldnt think tonight would be any different."

"well..... ummmm..... ok I guess youve got me there" I said laughing

Laughing Brian said "Come on Chance lets go see Wynonna, and by the way what did Sam say to you, that he couldnt say in front of me?"

"Are you sure you want to know Tig?"

"Of course I do, so what did he say?"

"Damn your a nosey little thang arnt you?"

"yep I sure am, so what did he say Baby."

"Oh.. so now your bringing out the big guns huh?"

"YEP, did it work???" he asked

"Yea I guess it did, but dont think it will always work.... Well.... he told me that he was very happy for us.. but that he has wanted your bony little ass for a very very long time.. but.... that you were too stuck up to even notice him.. so he finally gave up, anything else you want to know?"

He had a shocked look on his face and said "Oh my, did he really say that?"

I was practically laying on the ground laughing.,., I said "No Brian he didnt.. but thats what you get for being so nosey."

"You ass" he said trying to put a frown on his face, however you could see the smile also. I started laughing harder.

He turned and started to walk away and said "That was mean."

"Maybe so tig but you deserved it, and you have to admit it was a good one."

He turned back to me, smiled and said "yea it was, your better at this than I thought"

"Dont underestimate me little man." I said as I lifted one eyebrown to show him that I was amused..

"Chance I will never do that, you amaze me more that anything, could you please tell me what Sam said?" he begged.

"OK, dang you dont ever give up. I was going to tell you anyway. He said that he was very happy for us and that you can tell that your very happy."

"Yes I am, happier than I have been in a long long time." he said

"Yeah yeah whatever Tig, I wanna go see Wynonna."

Brian busted out laughing and said "Ok babe lets go." of course he knew that I was kidding.. he knew how much I cared for him, I havent exactly kept it a secret from him.. or alteast I dont think that I have.

We walked down a hallway only to be greated by a very pretty young lady.

"Mr Littrell I am Missy I will be taking you the rest of the way to Wynonna's dressing room, its a bit messy back here so please watch your step."

"Thank you Missy and Please call me Brian, and this is a very good friend of mine and his name is Chance."

"Thank you Mr...... Ummmm .. Brian and its very nice to meet you Chance, right this way please."

Missy started walking away as Brian followed her, He turned and said "Ok Chance lets go."

"Im right behind you Mr. Littrell, and oh my what a behind it is."

Brian was laughing and said "your impossible.."

"yea.. so..." I countered

He turned and looked at me "I didnt say it was a bad thing." he had a very seductive smile on his face, I thought my heart would melt.

We came to a stop in one of the hallways to let some sound crew pass us. Missy turned and said "Brian, Wynonna is very excited about seeing you again."

I walked closer to Brian and said "You know Wynonna?"

"Yes, we meet at the Country Music Awards, and since were both from Kentucky we always have a lot to talk about." "Brian that is so cool, God I cant tell you how excited I am."

Missy was once again walking down the hall

"Chance I dont think you have too." he said laughing

I stuck my tongue out at him.

he laughed and said "Stop that I want you to know how bad I want to kiss you right now."

"Well I guess you will just have to wait until I can get you alone Mr. Littrell."

He stopped in front of a janitors closet.. and said "Well we can always step in here."

I smacked him on the shoulder and said "Damn you are so nasty.

"You keep saying that like its a bad thing, Chance ."

"Brian you know what, most people have you wrong, for some reason they think your angelic.. why im not sure." I pushed to get him moving again.

"Thats because I am Baby, cant you see that halo above my head."

"Ummmm.. yea whatever.. and I can also see that tail between your legs." at that moment I knew I blew it I left it wide open for whatever he had to say.

"Chance Archer... have you been checking out my tail?"

I busted out laughing.... "Brian Littrell, when you walk around naked as much as you do HOW COULD I NOT!"

I begged "Please cant we just go see Wynonna."

"Ok I have harrassed you enough.. lets go Baby." and with that we caught up to Missy.

She stopped in front of a door named. "Hurricane" I started laughing and said "well I guess thats appropriate from what her mom has said and what I have read."

Laughing missy said "yep its true." she held out her hand and said "It was a pleasure meeting you both."

Brian and I shook her hand and thanked her, then she walked away.

Brian stepped up to the door and knocked, we heard "come on in if you dare."

Brian stepped back and pushed me ahead of him, I backed up and said "No way.. they said if you dare.... I DONT DARE., you first Mr. Popularity" and pushed him in front of me.

Just then the door flew open, and before us stood Wynonna herself.

She said "Well I said come on in.. so come on in." she smiled when she saw Brian and hugged him something fierce, and told him how great it was to see him again. she ushered him into the room, so I followed.. they chatted about kentucky and about touring, I just stood there and listened not sure what I was suppose to do, feeling like a third wheel really isnt a pleasent experience. so I walked closer to Brian and cleared my throat.

Brian realized he forgot all about me and said "Oh god Chance Im really sorry, Wynonna this is Chance, Chance this is Wynonna."

I shook her hand and said" Its a pleasure to meet you. i have been to many of your concerts and I do mean many, and I have enjoyed them all."

She smiled and said "Thank you Chance, its my pleasure to have you two here, and its really good to see you again."

Brian spoke and said "What do you mean see you again, Im lost here guys.?"

"Brian... Chance and I have met before, I believe it was at the gorge in George Washington, and then somewhere else, but im not sure where." she replied.

I spoke up and said "It was at the Paramount in Seattle."

"Yes that was it.. I remember you because you and a friend missed Billy Dean just to talk with me for a few minutes."

"Yep that would be me." I said blushing.

Wynonna noticed me blushing and walked over and put her arm around me and said "It was very sweet and I do appreciate it, thats why I remembered you."

Brian looked at me with hurt and anger on his face and said "Why didnt you tell me that you had already met her."

"Brian how was I to know that she would remember me. Hell you yourself should know how many fans you meet and greet, why would I think she would remember me? Im sorry... if I thought that she would have remembered me, then you know that I would have told you, Im sorry Brian, but I dont understand why your so upset?"

"Because I wanted this to be your night, my treating you to something special." he said angrily

Brian.. how can you say this isnt something special, Damn.... you brought me to see my favorite musical artist, hell, im standing back stage talking to her.... and OH MY GOD... Wynonna im so sorry... I am so so sorry.. you have a concert to get ready for and here we are fighting in front of you.. I am really sorry, can you ever forgive us?"

"Chance and Brian, can I tell you both something?"

"Sure." was Brians reply.

"Of course you can." I said

Well..... Ummmmm obviously your together... because you fight like well husband and husband.. but what I want to tell you is.. its very healthy to fight.. sometimes you walk into situations that you arnt sure how they are going to turn out.. such as tonight... just remember to take it step by step and not get caught up in the little things... and Brian... there is no way that he could have known I would remember him.. like I said the only reason I did was because he was so sweet... so please if what chance has said is true.. then how could this not be a special night for him?"

I started to cry, I couldnt believe Wynonna had just said this to Brian and I. I was embarassed.. Here we are making a scene in her dressing room and shes counseling us.

Brian walked over to me and said "Im really sorry baby, I didnt mean to upset you." as he kissed away a tear.

"Brian I love you... but you really have to learn how to relax a little bit more.. stop stressing out so much, and dont ever forget if im spending time with you and we are just sitting watching tv. its special to me.. because I am with you."

I hugged him and kissed his cheek and said "Please dont ever forget that."

Well thats enough for another chapter.. hey atleast they finally made it on the date.. LOL ...

Please let me know what you think.. good bad or otherwise.. Please write me at

Take care and thanks for reading..


Next: Chapter 12

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