Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Aug 26, 2001


Hello everyone.. heres another chap of Chance and Brian. I hope you guys like it.. sorry its taken a while to get it posted. but life goes on..

As always: This is a story of male on male relationships. I do not know what the sexual orientation is of anyone else other than myself.

If anyone in the BSB is gay more power too you.. if not, then thats cool too.. If you are underage please leave the site.

Last time:

I looked up and into his eyes and said " I love you Tig... and my answer to your question is ..yes..... yes.... I will marry you." the last thing I remember is doubling over from the pain and looking at Brian as he became dimmer and dimmer as I passed out.

Chapter 17

I awoke as they were placing me on the gurney to take me to the hospital, I felt someones hand in mine and looked to the left to see who it was ... I smiled as Nates face came into view.. You could see that he was crying.. "Pooh.. Im fine really.. They are just going to take me to the hospital to make sure that im ok.. ... So you stay here with Nick and the other guys and grandma will be here soon to take you home.. OK?" He started crying harder and screamed "Daddy I wanna go with you." I Smiled and said "I know you do sweetie.. Maybe if you ask Nick and Kevin really nice maybe they will bring you to the hospital Ok... but for now get up here and give me a kiss so that we can go." I motioned for Brian to pick him up since he was having trouble climbing on the gurney. Brian picked him up and sat him down at my side. Nate leaned over and kissed me and said " I love you dad and I will see you soon." "I love you too Pooh and I will see you in a little while." I hugged him and asked Brian to put him back on the floor.

Brian picked him up, hugged him and then kissed him on the forehead and sat him down.. He kneeled down to Nates level and said, "I will back in a little while ok.. You stay here with Kevin and Nick and I will make sure they take good care of your dad at the hospital ok?" Nate sorta looked down and then shook his head yes.. Brian again hugged him and I heard him say, "You know im not going to let anything happen to your dad right?"

"Yeah I know Brian, Just bring him home soon k."

"You know I will Pooh.. Now you go with Kevin and Nick so that we can get your dad to the hospital."

I looked on with love and admiration, I had to be the luckiest man on the earth.. I have a wonderful family and awesome friends. I watched as Nate walked over and took Kevins hand. Kevin picked him up and walked over to me and bent down and kissed me on the forehead and said "We all love you Chance. You take care and we will see you at the hospital in about an hour or so."

As a tear slipped out of the corner of my eye I choked out " I love you guys too.. and I will see you soon.. Take care of my baby.. Please."

As Nick walked up to me I watched his face only to realize that he was crying.. "Nick could you come closer please I would like a hug." He bent down and wrapped his arms around me and let out a sob.. I hugged him tight and said "Nicky I love you, you know that... I will be fine I promise." He released me slightly and looked into my eyes.. I think to make sure that I wasn't telling him a story. I slowly bent forward and kissed him on the cheek and again said " I swear Nicky I will be fine." I wiped away the tears that were falling and said "Your my little brother im not going anywhere." I looked over at Brian who was also standing there crying and said " There is no other place I would want to be."

Brian walked over and took my hand and said " ok guys lets get moving he needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible." With that they walked over and into the elevator and we started our decent. I looked over at Brian and said "What happened to the other guy?"

"Chance don't worry about him..we can talk about that later.. lets just get you fixed up."

"Brian please.. He's dead isn't he? I killed him with the one shot I fired."

Brian shook his head yes. I looked away and said "Oh my god, I can not believe that I have killed someone."

I heard Brian say "Chance you did what you had to do.. he was going to kill you and god only knows how many more people.. he had already killed two people Chance and you were next."

"I know Brian but that doesn't change the fact that I took another life."

"And that doesn't change the fact that you probably saved a few too." he said

"I need to thank Don and Smith for giving me those shooting lessons I guess they paid off."

"Thank god they paid off Chance."

With that they wheeled me out of the hotel lobby and over to the ambulance, as they were trying to put me into the ambulance something caught and made the gurney come to a complete stop with an awful jolt. I moaned loudly and passed out from the pain.

From Brians point of view:

I heard Chance moan and watched his face go expressionless, I knew he had passed out.. I got into the ambulance once they got Chance in and sat next to him and took a hold of and held his hand not caring who noticed.. I bent over and kissed him on the forehead and said "I love you very much Chance.. You mean so much to me that I cannot even tell you.. you are my heart.. you are the part of me that has always been missing from my life.. please don't leave me.. I don't know what I would do without you in my life.. I don't know if I would make it.. I love you Chance.. " I looked down and realized that I was crying.. As a drop hit his cheek, I heard Chance moan and say "I love you too Brian. I always have and I always will.. Always and forever sweetie." I leaned over and kissed him on the lips and said "I love you too baby."

I looked over at the paramedic and said "Sorry"

He smiled and said "You have nothing to be sorry about... If my boyfriend was in this position I would be doing the same thing. Its good to see two people that care so much about each other. Please don't worry I wont say anything to anyone about what I see or hear.. I swear."

I turned and looked back at Chance and said " Thank you very much.. He's the love of my life... oh and by the way he's not my boyfriend... he's my fiancé.. I asked him to marry me tonight and he said yes."

"Sir.. That's wonderful.. congratulations.. im very happy for you."

"Thank you" was all that I could say because I was getting choked up again.. so I left it at that.

Chance moaned and turned and looked at me and said "Sweetie am I going to be ok??? how bad am I? I know that I have lost a lot of blood... but how bad is it Brian?"

"Chance your going to be fine.. yes you have lost a lot of blood but they will take care of that at the hospital once we get there... really baby.. you will be fine I swear." I said not quite sure if I believed it or not..

"Ok" was all that he said before we hit another bump and he passed out again.

The paramedic spoke up and said.. "If you don't mind me asking, how long have you two been together?"

I looked over at him and then back at Chance and said "It's been about a week." I could see the shocked look on the paramedics face and had to giggle.. I continued on and said "I knew from the moment I saw him that I wanted to be with him.. he had this presence.. You just knew he was a kind, gentle person. And funny.. god he is so funny.. he makes me laugh all the time.. plus you never know what he's going to do.. he's very spontaneous. Like I've already said he's held my heart from the moment we met.. and he always will.. I love him very much." I finally looked at the paramedic and said "How much longer before we get to the hospital?"

"We should be there in less than two minutes."

I leaned over Chance and said a small prayer, and then kissed him on the lips and told him again that I loved him. And that I would not leave his side. I saw a slight upturn of his lips and he mumbled something that sounded like I love you.. We pulled up to the emergency entrance and the ambulance stopped. I was anxious for them to get Chance in the hospital and taken care of.. I wanted him home as soon as possible.

The back doors of the ambulance opened and I stepped out and let them pull Chance out.. as soon as he was on the ground and moving I walked over and took his hand.. We ran into the emergency room at a slow trot and were rushed back to the trauma bay.. I stood next to Chance not willing to move. A male nurse rushed up to me and asked me "Sir please wait out in the lobby when we know something we will come and get you."

"I'm not leaving him." I said firmly. "Sir it will be easier if you are out of the way."

"Fine I will move out of the way but I am not leaving him, and that's final."

"I understand sir.. please just move back so we can take care of your friend."

"His name is Chance I practically screamed." I put my head down and thought "you have got to get a hold of yourself." I then looked back up and said "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to yell at you.. Its just.. Well.... im just really scared.."

"That's understandable.. we can get him taken care of faster if you just take a few steps back.. I promise you.. No one will make you leave unless it's absolutely necessary.. Ok?"

"Ok" I said.. and stepped back and out of the way... I watched as they cut off all of Chances clothes, (Reminder to myself.. stop and pick him up some clothes before he gets out.) I figured that he wouldn't be getting out tonight.. It would be a few days.. unless the shot wasn't as bad as everyone thought.

I watched as an older man walked into the room and said " Ok tell me what's going on with this young man?" Everyone started calling out different triage phrases such as "Bp 80 over 60, Gunshot wound to the right lower quadrant.. It appears the bullet entered from the back and went straight through. the patient has lost an extreme amount of blood but the bleeding has been stopped..." the Doctor turned and said "Ok what's the plan?" someone yelled out "we need to do an MRI to find out if the bullet has hit any major body organs." the doctor yelled out "Very good, get him there now!"

They wheeled him out of the room I started to follow.. the male nurse walked up to me and said "He's in good hands.. actually the best.. you can't go in with him for the MRI. It will only be about an hour and then he will be wheeled back here.. why don't you go get yourself some coffee and something to eat and then come back here and wait for him.. If he wakes I will let him know that you are waiting for him.. ok?"

"Thank you very much.. my names Brian." He held out his hand and said "My names Angelo but everyone calls me Angel, its nice to meet you Brian."

"Its nice to meet you too Angel." I took it as a sign from god that Chance was and is in very good hands. He turned and walked down the hall going the way that they wheeled Chance.

I again said a little prayer.. and turned and walked back towards the emergency room area.. I went up to the desk and asked where to find a coffee machine. they pointed me in the correct direction and I walked off in search of a nice hot cup of coffee. After I got the coffee I sat down at a table near by and was deep in thought when someone put a hand on my shoulder.. I looked up and it was Chances mom Mary.. I stood quickly and gave her a hug and started crying again. When the hug was finished she asked what was going on with Chance and how he was doing.. I told her what I knew .. that he was now in X-ray where they were doing an MRI to see how much internal damage the bullet done.

I looked at her eyes, which were all puffy and red.. you could tell that she had been crying.. I reached over and took her hand and said "Mary he will be fine... he has a lot of people praying for him."

"I know he does Brian.. and he has you.. all the love in the world would not compare to what I see through your eyes right now."

Thank you Mary.. I love him totally.... and ummm well we should probably wait for Chance to tell you this.. but im going to go ahead and do it.. I asked Chance to marry me tonight and he accepted.. we are going to get married." I sat there not sure how she was going to take it.. I was hoping she wasn't going to pull out a gun and shoot me.. but I guess if she did then at least I wouldn't have far to go. I could see a tear slowly make its way down her cheek as she lowered her head.. I sat there not sure what to do .. or if I should do anything. She slowly raised her head and I could see the look on her face it was of pure joy.. don't get me wrong she was still crying but it was from her being happy for us.. not because she was upset. She stood and walked over to my side of the table and leaned down and kissed my cheek and said.. "You and Chance will be very happy together... and it will last forever I can feel it, Congratulations Brian I'm very happy for you both." I stood up and hugged her and said "Thank you Mary.. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I know how close you two are." We hugged for a few more minutes and then seperated when she walked over to her purse picked it up and said "lets go check on our boy."

We walked back to the ER waiting room and through the doors to the Triage rooms.. I walked up to the bay they put Chance in to hear someone yell "CODE BLUE, his blood pressure has plummited we need all hands in Trauma bay 5 NOW to start CPR." I stood there dumbfounded.. as the male nurse came running up.. he stopped and said " We need to help him.. please wait in the Triage waiting room."

I screamed I am not leaving him.... I cant.. I wont.. I would rather die.. im staying right here.. I started crying and added.. "Please go help him.. GOD please.. don't let him die!!!!"

Please let me know if you like the story. Good, Bad or otherwise... my email address is

Have a good one..

Take care,


Next: Chapter 18

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