Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Dec 16, 2002


Chance and Brian Chapter 26

I know its been a long long time since i have posted.. and i hope that some of you remember this story..

Please let me know what you think..

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the BSB or do I know what there sexual preference is, nor do I care.. This story is purely fiction.. Made up in my warped little mind.. If you are to young to read this.. Or it is not allowed in the state that you live in.. then I suggest you look for another story.. If you are offended by gay material.. Then why are you here?.. You really need to pick another site..

On with the story .. I hope you like it.

Chance and Brian Chap 26

NOOOOOOOOO. I woke crying.. Sitting up in the hospital bed.. Brian was next to me.. his eyes wide with fear,. I sobbed as Brian hugged me.. "Chance are you ok??? It was just a bad dream" I sobbed harder trying to tell him I was ok.. Again he whispered " Baby its ok.. I'm here.. It was just a bad dream"

I sobbed out "I know Brian.. But it was so real.."

"I'm sure it was sweetie.. Are you ok. Do you want to talk about it?"

"NO." I practically screamed .. I saw Brian flinch away a little but never let go of me .. I hung my head "Brian I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to raise my voice."

"Baby.. Its ok really.. I just want to make sure your ok.. Do you think you can go back to sleep?"

"I don't think so." Brian didn't ask anything else.. I knew that he would sit with me all night if that's what I needed .. He was that kind of person, he scooted up against the wall and sat back and patted the mattress between his legs for me to move up and rest between them.. I moved up and turned and looked in his eyes.. They were filled with love and compassion and worry, but he knew not to press me until I was ready to talk.. And at that point I wasn't ready to talk.. I had so many things going through my mind.. What was I going to do about mom.. What was I going to do about Brian leaving.. I don't think that I can handle everything with mom.. Without Brian.. The tears started flowing again and without having to say anything Brian hugged me tighter.. I cried harder.. I must have cried myself to sleep when I woke it was daylight and looking at the clock about 12:30 pm..

Brian was no where to be found.. I pressed the nurses call button and waited.. Not two minutes later she came walking into the room..

"What's up Chance?"

"Did you see Brian leave?"

"Yep, he left at ten, said that he had a meeting, but he would be back at about one ."

"Ok thanks.. Ummm could you set up the papers to have me released? I need to get home."

"Chance I don't think that's a good idea.." she was going to continue on so I cut her off and said "I know.. But I have no choice my mom needs me.. More than I need to be here.. I will heal" A single tear ran down my check. " But she wont. I need to be at home.. Just set up the papers please.. "

She came over and squeezed my hand and added "Ok I will call your doctor and make sure he gets down here as soon as he can to sign the papers."

"Thank you" was all that I could say without getting emotional .. Well ok.. More emotional that what I was. She turned and walked out of the room and stopped in her tracks said something to someone that I couldn't see and then back tracked to the door.. She looked in smiling and said "Chance you have a visitor."

"Go ahead and send them in" I said not sure that I really wanted to see anyone. The person that walked in was not someone I was expecting.. I stared on in wide eyed amazement. "What are you doing here.. I thought you were in California."

"What your not happy to see me.. I flew up.. As soon as I heard about your mom.. I don't really know what to say but.. Im sorry.. She will get through this.. We all have to have faith. And pray.. Everyone will be praying for her. Chance you don't have to go through this alone.. We all are here for you.. Let us help you and carry some of the burden for you.. If you need anything and I do mean anything you call me.. Hell if you want me to take Nate for awhile.." she stopped and looked up at me and held her hand up. And continued " until you guys can get a handle on everything I will.. He can travel with us.. I have a nanny and the kids are always with me so he would be safe.. I just think you have to much going on in your life right now to handle by yourself."

I sat there stunned I couldn't believe she would jump on a plane for me.. Truly it blew my mind.. "Wynonna, I cant believe you came here for this for me.. I cant tell you how much that means to me." I held out my hand so that she would come closer.. I pulled her over to the bed and continued "and its awful sweet of you to offer, however I think its really important that Nate stays with us for now.. That way he can spend more time with his Grandma." I hugged her with such force I'm sure she thought I would crack her ribs. I released her and she sat on the bed.. I looked up at her as the tears started to flow.. She reached over and hugged me again and said "Everything will be fine Chance.. You have a lot of people who love you and will be praying for you and your mom.. The power of prayer is an amazing thing."

"Thank you Wy, thank you so much."

"Chance lean on your friends.. that's why we're here."

Wy left that night to fly back to San Diego. Telling me if I needed anything at all to call.. I was checked out of the hospital at Three that day. They pushed me down the hall and through the doors and loaded me into the biggest limo that I had ever seen.. I looked at Brian when they got me settled and asked "What you couldn't find anything bigger?"

"Nope.. This was the biggest I could find." he looked at me with the biggest grin on his face..

"What.. What.. Why are you looking at me like that.. Do I have something on my face.. OH MY GOD do I have a bugger on my nose." Brian busted.. After he calmed down he said "No.. I was just thinking my baby's back.. He's out of the hospital and I cant tell you how happy that makes me." and with that we were driven to my house. Well our house.. Well then again.. Im not sure who's house it was.. It was one that I had never seen before but my lord it was beautiful.. The gates started to slowly open, I turned and looked at Brian and asked. "What the hell? Brian where are we.?"

Smiling he leaned over and said "Welcome home baby." as I started to say something he held his hand up and put his fingers to my lips and added "This is our house.. We closed two weeks ago.. Everything has been moved from the townhouse to this house and what we don't have has waited until you got home so that we can go out and get it.. That way the house is complete before I leave on tour."

"Brian.. Good god.. Do you think you could have found something Smaller." I sounded angry but I wasn't.. it was just huge.. Way to large.. The thing that kept running through my mind was OVER KILL..OVER KILL.. It was way too much. But then again who the hell am I.. He's use to things like this, I am not.. I thought the townhouse was big enough.. For all of us.. But then again when the guys and everyone else visits they will need someplace to stay.. So ok.. Fine I give in.. he had already gotten out of the limo.. I slowly slid across the seat and stepped out.. Brian was beaming from ear to ear.. I walked up to him and kissed him on the lips and said "Its beautiful Brian.. It's wonderful."

"You really think so?"

"More than words can say.. Why don't you take me on a tour." and with that he showed me the house.. 6 bedrooms 4 baths two kitchens a huge theatre room.. It was way too much .. And believe me we talked about that.. That is until he showed me the master bedroom.. Our room.. It was huge.. Three times the size of my room at the town house.. It had a fireplace in the bedroom and its own huge bathroom.. It was truly amazing.. I walked out and onto the balcony.. And sat down on one of the chairs and looked out over the gardens and the small lake.. I kept trying to think about what this place reminded me of.. And until now I couldn't grasp it.. It reminded me of an English castle.. The manicured gardens.. The lake.. It was all way too much.. Just then the door opened.. And Brian walked out on to the balcony.. He came and sat down on the same chair as me and said "Ok.. I can tell your not happy.. I know I went a little overboard.. But we needed privacy and room.. And this fit the bill. So to speak."

"Brian its beautiful.. But its just so big.. How are we going to keep this place clean.. There just to much of it.. By the time I got one end done and moved to the next.. Well hell it would never end.."

"I've already taken care of that.. We have house cleaners coming in two times a week .. Your mom and I figured that should be enough.. And with everything else we will just do it ourselves."

"Brian I don't feel comfortable with people coming into the house.. especially with who you are."

"I already took care of that.. They all had to sign a contract. If anything is ever taken or if they try to sell info to any of the tabloids they can be fired and will be sued by the firm for breach of contract."

"Brian I don't care about contracts and suing people.. I want to feel safe in the home that I live and I don't really want just anyone running around the house."

"Chance.. You know that's the last thing that I want.. You will be safe.. We are checking the background of anyone that we are considering, you will get to meet everyone, this wont be a bad thing Chance.. I have someone that comes in and cleans in Florida also.. She's been doing it for four years now. I wouldn't trade her for the world."

"OK, OK.. But this is not going to make me happy.. Its going to take some getting use too.. And with how anal mom and I are.. They are going to have to do one hell of a job.. Or I will fire them. I hope your getting what I am saying?"

Leaning over he kissed me and added "I love how anal you are.. that's one of the reasons I fell in love with you." he snickered

"Oh really.. And what would the other reasons be you perv?"

"well... the second would be.. Because your so butch.. The third.. Because you love me so much.. The fourth.. Is well the love you feel for me.. And fifth.. Because your such a stud.." He started laughing.. I reached over and pushed him off the chair .. He landed hard on the deck.. He rolled over on his side and said "Damn Chance that hurt.. Why the hell did you do that?"

"Well I just wanted to see what an ass looks like when it falls." He rolled back over facing me and started laughing.. "You are something else. Baby.. And just think.. This ass is all yours." How could you not start laughing.. I leaned over and offered him my hand and asked.. "Brian do you think we could maybe lay down for a little while.. I'm kinda tired, then I want to see my mom and my son." I saw a hurt look cross Brian's face.. And realized It shouldn't have been my mom and my son.. Since Brain was and is going to be Nates dad also and moms son in law.. So with that in mind it should have been our mom.. And our son.. I was trying not to show that I was kicking myself for that.. I pulled him up off the balcony and into my lap and said "Im sorry.. What I just said is not accurate .. Can we lay down for awhile and then go see our mom and our son?" the smile on his face was priceless.. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips "Of course we can.. Lets go lay down on OUR bed in OUR room." he stressed our as much as possible, I shook my head and smiled at him and pushed him off my lap.. We walked in and laid down on the bed and drifted toward each other on the bed.. I was laying on my side looking out the windows with Brian spooned behind me, I yawned and leaned back into Brian making sure we had enough body contact for my liking.. When I settled in I could feel my eyes shutting. I heard and felt nothing around me.. I was exactly where I was suppose to be.. In Brian's arms.

That was three months ago..

Since then Brian and I have been doing ok.. We made sure that the house was set up before Brian and the guys left that Saturday afternoon.. It broke my heart when the bus pulled out of the driveway. That's another thing that the house and all the property was good for.. the bus.. There were no problems getting in and out and it had plenty of parking. Anyway. When Brian left I truly felt lost.. I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do.. Or how I was suppose to act.. He had been around me for almost five months now.. And it was too long of a time together to not miss the one that left.. I had quit my job so that I could stay home with mom.. But mom didn't need me 24/7 which left me sitting and reading or playing with Nate when he wasn't at school.. Yes I did say school.. He is in kindergarten . Of course Brian insisted on all the best schools.. That is where and when I put my foot down.. I didn't want Nate to think just because he has a father that is very well off that we acted or treated anyone differently. Our child was not going to be one that acted like a spoiled little rich kid.. I wouldn't have it. Brian and I sat down and I told him that I wanted Nate to go to a public school just like I did.. And that WE would not buy him everything that he wanted. He needed to learn responsibility just like everyone else, he would get an allowance and once that was gone then he was money less until his next allowance. Somehow I won that battle.. I hadn't been winning very many of them, Especially when mom and Brian got together they always seemed to over rule me. The truth is that I didn't really care on most of it.. But Brian was finding out that it wasn't always going to work, especially on something that I felt strongly about. Then I wouldn't back down, and eventually he would back down.

I'm getting off track here.. Anyway Brian is back on the road.. He's been gone for about two weeks now.. And I hate it.. I want him here with me.. Or me with him.. I realize that that's not even close to being realistic but its something that I need and want.. We talk almost every night.. He calls me as soon as they get back to the hotel after the concert or interviews, or promotional events. We discuss the days events his and mine.. But it's just not the same as having him here with me.. But I move on.. You don't always get what you want.. You have to deal with life's little challenges.. And that's what we are doing.

Nate came in tonight asking why Brian wasn't coming home.. I sat him down and explained that he will be.. He's out on the road doing concerts.. And he would be home soon. I told Brian about it that night and he had a fit.. He said that he would fly home as soon as he could get a couple days break.. I tried to tell him it was ok.. That I had explained to Nate the difference between a daddy that comes home every night and one that has to be away. Brian was having none of it.. He simply said "I will be home soon." Who was I to argue.. Like I would have fought him on that issue anyway, I was getting what I wanted too.

Ok thats it for chap 26 i hope you all liked it.. let me know what you think.. my email addy is

I would appreciate any and all feedback..


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