Chances Are

By Red

Published on Jul 18, 2000


Disclaimer: This is just fiction and there isn't an ounce of truth about the sexuality of the Nsync boys in here. At least not as far as I know. If you're below 18 or if you don't want to read fiction about homosexuality, do not go further than this line.

Breakfast was NOT fun. The tension was palpable even though Chris and Joey were their usual boisterous selves. Lance kept trying to draw JC and Justin into a conversation such that two would end up talking to each other. JC tried but Justin adamantly ignored him and had his head bent over his cereals the whole time, giving only the occasional nod or monosyllabic answer to Lance's questions. By the end of breakfast Lance had just about given up. They were about to head back to their rooms when Julian McKenzie, the group's management assistant, joined them at their table. "Good morning, guys. So everyone had a good night?" he asked, his attention was focused on the Palmtop in his hand. "No! I hate sharing rooms with Joey! He snores like he has an elephant stuffed down his throat!" Chris complained. "Hey! I DON'T snore!" Joey protested. "Yeah right! And Clinton doesn't lie!" "At least I don't shed like a cat all over the room. Seriously man, I think you're going bald!" "Alright. Alright. If you ask me, the real victim is Lance, having to put up with you two bitches." Julian quipped. "I'm glad someone recognizes my pain." Lance added with a grin. "Aww. Does Lancy poo not like us as roomies?" Chris teased in a girly voice. "I'm hurt. I'm hurt." Joey panted, holding his hands over his chest and rested his head mournfully on Lance's shoulder. Lance rolled his eyes and continued with his breakfast. "Besides, at least each of you had a single bed to yourselves. Justin and JC had to share one bed. How about you guys? Complains, comments, threats?" Julian asked, looking at JC and Justin who had been quiet the whole time. The two of then froze momentarily but recovered quickly. JC just smiled and shook his head. Justin didn't even look up. Julian had seen them tense up and wondered if they had fought because of the sleeping arrangement. Then he dismissed the thought. These were Justin and JC. Two of the five most easy going guys he knew. Fighting because of sleeping arrangements? Not likely. "Uh.ok.. Here's your schedule for today. You have a photoshoot at 11, that's in an hour's time so we'll be leaving here at 10:30. Then you break for a lunch interview at 1." "Oxyidiot." Joey mumbled. "What?" Julian inquired. "I said that's an oxyidiot. We * break * for an * interview *? That's not a break." Joey replied. "I think you mean 'oxymoron', Joey." Lance corrected. "Yeah that!" Joey answered amidst chuckles from Chris. "Sorry guys. We're strapped for time today because you will be leaving for New York at 8 tonight. The red-eye." Julian explained. That earned the usual playful groans and whines. "Hey hey hey. I'm doing you guys a favor. At least you get to New York by 1 am and grab some winks before we head on to the MTV studio. Anyway, at 2 you'll be doing pre-recording for the Disney special until 6 with Christina Aquilera and S Club7. At 6 we head on back to the hotel for more interviews. You'll break at 7 to pack up your stuff and we leave here by 7:30. Capische?" "I think I lost you at the favor part." Chris stated. Julian gave Chris a deadpan look. Lance stepped in. "That's ok, I'll make sure the old man remembers, Jules." "Lance, my hero. Ok, so I'll meet you guys at the lobby at 10:30." Julian stated and walked away. The guys all got up and headed for their rooms with their bodyguards in tow. As they had to pass the lobby to get to the elevators, they saw some fans milling around the place. The hotel security was good in keeping out people who weren't staying at the hotels but Nsync's fans were more than willing to fork out cash just so they could stay at the hotel and catch a glimpse of their favorite group. However, this time they had lucked out as the hotel was full because of an on-going convention. Still some older fans had managed to sneak in and converged on the group to get autographs and pictures. Thanks to their bodyguards, the guys managed to escape with just a few autographs and 'how are you's. Once they reached their floors, they headed for their rooms. Joey, Lance and Chris told JC and Justin to meet them in their room as went their way. Justin turned without a word and headed for the room he and JC shared. JC followed, his gaze focused on Justin's back the whole time. 'Ok. I've got to talk to him. What do I tell him? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he tells me he hates me because of what happened? What if he blames me for the whole thing? Or what if he said that the whole thing was just a joke? A joke? No way. He knows that wasn't a joke. You're the joke. Geesh! He's five years younger than you and even then he was being adult about it and wanted to talk. You're the one who wanted to run. Chicken! Ok, enough. Just tell him, 'We need to talk' and hope to god he doesn't just ignore you.' Justin had by now had the door open and had stepped in. JC followed and closed the door. 'Ok. Here goes. One, two.' "We need to talk." Justin said as he whirled around to face JC. 'Damn. That was my line!' JC thought to himself. "Y-yes we do. I uh." "Where do you get off treating me like you did this morning, JC!" Justin yelled. "I'm sorry Justin. I was just.I was just confused. I've never." "Neither have I! You think I've been making out with guys all this time? And you think I'm not confused? Damn it! I've been confused for the past few months!" JC looked at Justin in surprise. "What?" "You heard me! I've been having these.these.feelings for you and.wait a minute! Why am I telling you this? You said you knew!" "I didn't know. I mean I wished and maybe thought I knew. But until last night when I opened my eyes and saw you kissing me, that's when I really knew." Justin began to pace the floor. "This is weird. talking like this. This morning I felt so sure that whatever was going on was right and I felt happy. Now I'm back to being confused." "Because of me." Justin stopped and faced JC. "Yes. Because of you. What.why JC? Do you regret what happened? Was it all just an experiment and you found out you didn't like it? Is that why you turned me away today?" JC felt guilty watching the hurt in Justin's face. He had done that. Now he had to make things right. "Justin, can I just ask you one thing first?" "What?" "Are you.are you gay?" Justin looked confused. He sat on the bed with his eyes cast down. "I don't know, JC. I know I still like girls but I also." "But you also like guys?" "No." Justin was quick to say. JC waited for more. "I also like you. Only you. I tried to see if I was attracted to any other guy but there was nothing. But just make me feel." Justin stopped and looked up in anger. "Why am I telling you this? It's obvious that you don't feel the same way. All right. Look, JC. It was a mistake. Let's just forget about it." Justin said as he stood up and was about to head into the bathroom. JC grabbed Justin's arm before he could move. "No! I don't want to forget about it. God Justin! I'm not an idiot. though I act like one sometimes. I know that we have some serious shit going on between us. I wasn't experimenting anything. I've been wanting to kiss you for god knows how long! But I didn't think you would feel that way about me. I definitely did not regret what happened." Justin eyes softened as he faced JC. "Then why did you run this morning?" JC frowned trying to figure out how to explain. "Because.because I was scared, I guess. I don't know. I woke up and just panicked. Believe it or not it took me ten minutes to figure out that it wasn't a dream because I've had plenty of those involving you." Justin smiled as JC continued. "Then suddenly it was all so real and there were all these questions. What is going to happen between us? What is this going to do to the group? How can we ever tell the rest? And I just needed to get away from you because when I see you, I just can't think." "That may not be such a bad thing. You think too much, Josh." Justin said as he reached for JC's hand. "Look, I don't know the answers to your other questions but as for what is going to happen to us.well I don't know either but I want to give this shot. You are my best friend, Josh and I love you. That's not going to change no matter what happens. But I also want to explore these other feelings I have for you. Ok, as cliche as it might sound, I need to know. I think we both will be better of seeing this through to whatever end it takes us." JC smiled. What Justin made sense to him. "You know what? Sometimes I wonder if you are really as young as you are supposed to be. You're so much wiser than me." "That's not a hard accomplishment." Justin teased. "Hey!" JC mock protested. The two guys looked into each others eyes, smiling. JC then placed his palm on Justin's cheeks and drew him close. He traced a path across Justin's cheekbone and over the edge of his jaw with his right thumb. Justin slid his hand behind JC's neck and pulled him gently forward and pressed his lips to JC's. Both of them inhaled sharply, their eyes falling closed as one. Gently, Justin deepened the kiss. JC responded by unhurriedly brushing his lips back and forth against the younger man's, then applied slight pressure, opening his mouth slightly. He cupped the back of Justin's head as he used his tongue to stroke the inside of the blond's mouth. Justin tilted his head and met JC's questing tongue with his own. Their tongues entwined together, the kiss progressing even further, growing steadily more passionate, yet staying tender. Soon they had to pull apart as oxygen was quickly becoming an issue. But that didn't stop them for long. Justin sat on the bed and pulled JC along with him. He pushed JC on his back and lay on top of him, seeking his mouth again. JC pulled Justin close to him, loving the feel of the younger man's strong body against his. Their mouths met again, and they kissed with a fierce passion, slightly bruising each other's lips. The dark-haired man slowly ran his hands down Justin's back and cupped the blond's firm backside, then slid his hand down to pull Justin's thigh up over his own leg. Justin arched his hips forwards against JC's, their erections rubbing erotically together. They both moaned simultaneously. Justin was reaching for the hem of JC's t-shirt when they heard the banging on the door. "HEY GIRLS! GET OUT HERE! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG!" Chris yelled from outside. Justin and JC broke apart and sent death glares towards the innocent door. They then looked at each other and broke into laughter. Justin got off JC and stood up. "We're coming!" Justin yelled as he held his hand out to JC. "Well not quite." JC added softly, with a grin and took Justin's hand. "WELL HURRY IT UP! JULES WILL LOSE IT IF WE ARE LATE!" Chris yelled and walked away. Justin pulled JC up with such force that the brunette crashed into his open arms. "Well, that was fun." "Yeah but now we have a problem and no time for a cold shower." JC said as he put his arms around Justin. Justin smiled and kissed JC again. This kiss was soft and tender and meant more to JC than the previous kisses. "I can help you with that." Justin said in a soft drawl. "Really? How?" JC whispered. "Just think of needles." JC's face contorted in disgust. "Ok, problem solved but I was hoping for something else." Justin laughed. "Soon. Wow. I can't believe this is actually happening." "Me too. But I'm glad it is. Come on, let's go. We can get our stuff packed later." JC said and kissed Justin one more time before taking his hand and pulling him to the door. Justin pulled back, causing JC to look back questioningly. "What?" "My hair!" Justin yelled and ran into the bathroom. "Justin! Your hair's fine!" JC yelled after him. "No way, man! Ya messed up ma fro. I've got to be perfect." came Justin's voice from the bathroom. "You already are." JC said softly to himself and smiled. Suddenly he had the crazy urge to start jumping for joy and laughing uncontrollably. He had always thought his life was great but it had just gotten better and he was thankful for it. "THAT'S IT! OPEN THE DOOR! NOW!" Chris yelled from outside. "OR LONNIE'S GOING TO BREAK IT DOWN!" JC rolled his eyes and opened the door, facing Lance, Joey, Chris and their bodyguards. "Keep your hair on, Chris." "Easier said than done," sniggered Joey. "What's taking you so long?" Chris asked as he stepped into the room. "Er.Justin's fixing his hair." JC covered quickly. "Figures! I knew this morning's speedy dressing was a fluke!" Joey stated. "Well not everyone has your bush-wacked hair, Joey." Justin said as he stepped out of the bathroom sans the bandana and his curly hair brought under some kind of control. "FYI, this hair is what makes the girls scream!" Joey answered. "We're still trying to decide if they are screaming out of horror or disgust." Lance added. "That's it Scoop! You're going down!!!!" Joey said as he caught Lance in a arm-lock and began to mock wrestle. Lonnie cleared his throat and told them to move it. Lance had to walk with his head in a arm-lock all the way to the elevator. Chris followed after them, laughing his head off. Justin and JC stepped out of their room and closed the door. As their bodyguards were with them, they just smiled at each other and followed the leading trio. Both were wondering how they were going to get through the day without kissing each the other. ** tbc

Next: Chapter 4

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