Chances Are

By Red

Published on Jul 27, 2000


Title: Chances Are (Part 4)

Author: Red (

Disclaimer: This is just fiction and there isn't an ounce of truth about the sexuality of the Nsync boys in here. At least not as far as I know. If you're below 18 or if you don't want to read fiction about homosexuality, do not go further than this line.

Part 4 The photo-shoot had began about an hour ago. The guys were all made to stand in various artistic as well as humorous poses. The humor came easily to them as they were only too happy to clown around, shoving at each other playfully and laughing. More often than not, Justin and JC would find a way to stand beside each other, touching each other but in an implicit and subtle manner. Finally the group shots were over and they were steered into another area of the set for individual shots and told to change into white outfits, each different from the other. "Another hour of this! Man! I hate this job!" Chris whined. "Can it! You're just miffed that white makes you look fat." Lance teased him. "Miffed? Who says miffed? Is it some form of albino slang?" "ha ha!" Lance said dryly. Joey grinned and teamed up with Chris on Lance. "Oh my god! You bring up an important point, Chris!" Joey acted like he was yelling out to the photographer. "Rob! We're gonna have a problem here! White on white! How are we going to see Lance? He would be invisible!" "Stop it, Joey. You're too funny. The world is not ready for Your Funnyness!" Lance replied. "Thank you. Thank you." Joey took mock bows. "Hey where are JC and Justin?" Chris asked, casting the make-up artist a wary look. "JC's getting his shots done. Justin's probably with him since he's next." Lance answered as he tackled the last of the buttons on his vest. "Well, at least those fixed whatever was bothering them at breakfast." Chris said while trying to avoid the make-up artist, Michelle's attempt to powder the shine on his face. "Chris! If you don't stand still, you're going to give new meaning to 'shining star' in the photos!" Michelle scolded and forced Chris to sit still. Chris pouted like a child and slumped into the seat. "Honestly, none of the other guys give me this much trouble!" Michelle muttered. "JC and Lance are angels. Joey doesn't help but he doesn't hinder either. Justin hates it but even he just sits still but YOU!" "That's because I'm too manly for this girly stuff. Obviously I'm the only one." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Hey!" Joey and Lance protested. "Don't worry guys. Let's just put it down to over compensation. Something you want to tell us, Chris hun?" Michelle quipped, as Lance and Joey sniggered. "Right. Just admit it, Michelle! You want me, don't you? That's why you are always looking to molest my face with those fluffy brushes! Well, it's not going to happen, dear." Michelle just rolled her eyes and let Chris talk. Anything to keep him in one place so that she could finish her work." "Whatever you say Chris." The concealer was patted on. "Oh yeah! I knew it! Couldn't resist the X-man charm!" "Yeah. Couldn't." The powder was patted on. "You dream of me getting on this chair and having your way with me, don't you?" "Sure. Dreams, nightmares. What's the difference." The shine was taken off. "Touching my face, looking into my eyes, running your fin." "Done. Get out of my chair. Joey! You're next." Michelle called out as she turned to the other chair where Joey had glibly sat down. Chris frowned and shook his head. "Sure, use me and dump me. The female of the species!" Within a few minutes both Joey and Lance were also ready and all three headed back out to the set. They saw JC was already being photographed and sat down on the seats by the refreshment table, waiting for their turn. Justin was standing just behind the photographer, looking at JC as he sat there, straddling a chair, set against the white background, waiting while the photographer gave instruction to his assistants about the lighting. Justin couldn't help but grin as he saw JC yawn. JC looked up to see Justin grin and returned the smile. Justin felt a stirring in his pants just looking at JC. Justin realized that he had made the transition from being straight to not-so-straight rather easily and couldn't help but wonder why he didn't feel any confusion or fear. Even JC had some reservation though he didn't quite put it that way. But Justin just felt that this was right. He knew that in part it was because the guy he was having all these feelings for, was JC. Somehow, this would have been a whole lot more complicated if it had been anyone else. Then again, seeing JC smiling into the camera, Justin didn't think it was possible that anyone else could have made him feel this way. Only JC. JC caught Justin's eyes and smiled sexily. "Beautiful JC! Hearts are going to go into overdrive with this one!" the photographer encouraged as he continued to snap. Justin smiled inwardly as that was exactly what was happening to him. For months he had covertly watched JC, basically drooling over him. Now finally, he knew that JC wanted to be with him and that made his heartbeat skip with happiness. It was a new feeling for him. One that he hadn't even felt for his girlfriends. Justin badly wanted to kiss JC right then and there as he watched the brunette striking another pose for the camera. /Yeah. That would go down well with everyone!/ Justin sighed as he realized then that it was going to be even more difficult once they were on the road. There wasn't much privacy on the bus and he was afraid that that would affect their fledgling relationship. He only hoped that maybe soon they could tell the other guys what was going on between them. That would make the tour easier to bear. But would that be a good idea? Justin looked over at where Chris, Joey and Lance were sitting and horsing around. Chris. He would be cool. There didn't seem to be anything in the world that fazed Chris. Maybe finding out that two of his closest friends were gay and together would not be a big deal to him. Joey. He would most likely be shocked but would shock turn into something nasty? Lance. Now Lance was who Justin was worried the most about. Lance was very religious and he might very well be disgusted with them. At the same time, Lance was one of the nicest people Justin knew. So the question really was which side would win out? "Ok, JC. You're done. Who's next?" the photographer asked. "ME!" Chris yelled. "Hey! I was here first." Justin protested. "Aw! Come on, Curly! I want to get this over with and take this gunk off my face!" "Chris, that gunk * is * your face." Justin teased his friend. "Ho ho ho." Chris deadpanned as he stepped onto the set. Justin grinned and went over to where JC was standing. "Hey gorgeous," he whispered as he casually ran his hand over JC's back. JC returned the smile, then laughed softly. Justin looked at him questioningly. "What's so funny?" "Nothing. I'm just not used to you calling me that." JC replied with an adoring smile. "Well, get used to it. I like to shower mah man with compliments," Justin said, then added with a grin, "Ok. Now * that * was kind of weird for me." "I guess we both have to get used to a few things," JC said as he flitted his finger teasingly down Justin's arm. Justin couldn't help the shiver of pleasure that went through his body. "There are more things I would like to get used to," he said as he grabbed hold of JC's arm and pulled him to one of the empty dressing rooms. As everyone was busy laughing at Chris' animated antics in front of the camera, they didn't notice the sudden departure of the two guys. Justin closed the door behind them and locked it as he turned to face JC. "Are you sure this is good idea? What if someone finds out?" JC asked, even as he reached for Justin. "You know what? I don't really care." Justin mumbled before capturing JC's mouth with his own. JC felt Justin grasp the front of his shirt as he angled his head and deepened the kiss. Justin plunged his tongue deep inside JC's mouth, needing to taste him. JC in turn held Justin by the back of his head and sucked on his intruding tongue. One of them moaned, neither knowing which one. Minutes seemed to pass before they broke apart, both panting heavily. Justin's half-lidded gaze hungrily drank in JC's darkly flushed face and moist, swollen lips. JC's blue eyes were wide and full of swirling emotions of desire and happiness. JC steered Justin towards the couch that sat in the corner of the room and pushed him on it. Justin used his hold on JC's shirt to pull him down along with him. "Ow!" JC yelped as he hit his knees on the armrest. "Sorry. Let me kiss you and make it better." Justin whispered as he moved to JC's mouth again. "I think you are supposed to kiss * it * and make it better." "Later." Justin mumbled as he licked just below JC's lips. JC steadied himself by placing his hands on Justin's shoulders and automatically straddled Justin's thighs as he leaned down to kiss the blond again. Justin moved his hands down JC's waist and to his hips. Using his hold on JC as leverage, Justin thrust against the brunet, reveling in the feel of JC's hard warmth against him. JC moved his lips down the side of Justin's neck, licking up the sweat building up on him while at the same time he thrust down on Justin. This time both their moans reverberated through the room. "Ssssshhhh" Both hushed the other, then broke into soft laughter before continuing their movements. Justin moved his hands under JC's shirt and made contact with the cool, ridged expanse of his stomach. JC inhaled sharply and bit down slightly on Justin's neck. Justin knew he should probably protest because this was going to leave him with an hickey but that part of his mind was not exactly working right then. In fact it was silently cheering JC on. Justin moved his hands up JC's stomach to his chest while he nuzzled his nose into JC's neck, inhaling his heavenly smell. He played his thumbs over the twin tight nubs, causing JC to gasp. JC ground against Justin groin and brought his hand to the blonde's pants. Their lust filled gaze met as JC ran the his hand over Justin's hard bulge. Justin inhaled sharply. JC took that as a yes. Then without taking his eyes away from Justin's, JC undid the belt and pulled down the zipper in one swift movement. He reached into the slit in Justin's boxers just as Justin thrust up. The blonde's shaft sprang into JC's ready hand causing both guys to moan. Strange as it was for JC to be touching another guy's cock, JC enjoyed the feel of Justin. Reality was even better than the fantasy as numerous as they had been. Justin's head fell back against the back of the couch, as pleasure shot through him at the feel of JC's hands on him. Unconsciously he began to thrust upwards into JC's grasp. Slowly at first, JC began to stroke the hard length in his hand, pulling upward until the tip was almost out of his hand before pushing back down. His long fingers easily encircled the thickness of Justin's cock. "Josssshhh!" Justin moaned, his breathing by now coming in short pants. JC on the other hand felt his breath catch as he watched the play of ecstasy on Justin's face. The blond was truly beautiful in the throes of passion. JC was delighted to be able to give so much pleasure to him and he wanted to make Justin cum for him. "Let go, Just." JC whispered as he increased the speed of his hands, wiping the accumulating bead of white liquid forming at the head, with his thumb. His grasp on Justin shaft tightened. "D-don't.s-stop." Justin managed to say as he roughly pulled JC's mouth to his again. Thrusting his tongue into JC's mouth in mimic of his hips, he knew he was close. He was in heaven. His heart was racing. He could feel his balls tighten. Anytime now...anytime... The door opened as someone stepped into the room. "Oh! Sorry. I...OH MY GOD!" Justin and JC heard the exclamation and looked up. For a second, under the fog of desire, Justin wanted to tell whoever it was to leave or come back later. But logic kicked in abruptly. The tiny frame of Christina Aquilera stood by the doorway, transfixed upon the scene before her eyes. "SHIT!" Justin swore as he scrambled to stand up, while zipping his pants up. He had to struggle with it because of the hard-on he was sporting. Plus his body was screaming for the release it was so close to getting and so cruelly denied. JC followed his lead and straightened his clothes, obviously in an equally uncomfortable situation. He saw Justin's expression and realized that he had it better than the former as far as the point of no-return was concerned. If it wasn't for the fact that he and Justin had just been caught making out, JC knew he would have been laughing his head off. Unfortunately... "Chrissy," JC tried to explain but couldn't find the words. Just then they heard more voices coming from behind Christina. Christina took one look at the two of them, their wrinkled clothing, messy hair, hickey, swollen lips and red faces and knew that if anyone saw Justin and JC right then, they were going to know the truth. Immediately she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Just as the door closed, there was a knock. "Hey, Chrissy! What the deal with slamming the door on my face? Let me in!" Keith, Christina's bodyguard yelled. "The MTV cameras are supposed to be following you! Not me!" "K, I'm not feeling well. I'm just going to rest up. Tell the MTV crew and Michelle, I'll be out in a few minutes." "Ok, take your time." Keith yelled and walked away. >From inside the room, they could hear Keith's words as he spoke to the MTV crew that had been following Christina. "Sorry guys. You heard the lady...I don't know. Maybe it's PMS." "I HEARD THAT!" Christina yelled, then turned back to face the still shell-shocked and embarrassed Justin and JC. Folding her arms in front of her, Christina arched a eyebrow. "So. JC, Justin. Anything you guys want to tell me?" ** tbc

Next: Chapter 5

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