Change for the Better

By zmartin24

Published on Oct 7, 2001


This story is intended for adult readers. If you cannot read this story because you are under the age of 18- 21, or not allowed because of country/state/local laws please visit another website. This story also contains a fictional plot between a fictional character and Brian Littrell. This story does not however intend to imply anything about the true sexuality or personal knowledge about the private life of any celebrity (or other person) mentioned in this story. Also, if you are expecting sex right away, find another story. This one is hopefully going to have a plot and long-term relationship.

Now that the legal stuff is done with, lets get started!

The next morning I woke up late. I didn't even feel Brian get out of bed. He'd even gotten dressed and downstairs by himself. When I looked at the clock I saw that I had to be to work in a half hour I jumped out of bed and immediately headed for the shower. After my shower I called the hospital and told them that I would be a little late.

I headed downstairs and found Brian cooking breakfast. Nobody else had woken up yet except of course for Midnight, who was hovering around Brian just waiting for him to drop something. I went over to Brian and said "Morning hun, whatcha cookin?" "Food" he replied. "No shit. How long till it's done?" I asked him. He just laughed and said "Bout 5 minutes". I asked him if he was going to be all right if I went back upstairs to finish getting ready for work. "Go on! Food will be served when you get back."

With that I nodded and headed back upstairs to finish preparing for work. When I came back down he indeed had everything ready for me. He had made a delightful cheese omelet with onions mushrooms and peppers (and lots of cheese I might add). To go with the omelet he had made homefries and English muffins with strawberry cream cheese. "What, no bacon?" I asked him smiling. " I can only cook with one arm right now so be happy with what you got." he replied trying to keep a strait face. As I started to eat Brian came up behind me and wrapped his good arm around me and kissed me softly on the neck. I turned my head so that we were face to face and said. "I've got a little supprise for you tonight." "Oh do you now" he replied. "Yep, but you will have to wait for tonight though" I told him. "I waited for a week in the hospital, I think I can wait for a few more hours to go by." he replied.

After breakfast I hurried out of the house. After giving Brian a good-bye hug and kiss of course. Arriving at the hospital I kicked myself in the ass because I forgot my damn jacked again. The day was going pretty fast until I heard someone on the emergency radio calling the hospital. I went over to the radio "This is University Medical Center. Re-identify and go ahead with your message." I said into the mic. "This is Mercy Flight Helicopter 1. Were inbound to your location with a 47 year old male with 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 60% of his upper body. Patient was working on his truck when a fuel line ruptured and covered him with gasoline. We were told that the heat from the exhaust manifold ignited the gasoline. Patient's vitals are stable but he is in great pain. We've given him 10 units of morphine IV and covered the burns with dry sterile dressings. Do you have any questions or orders?" said the flight nurse. "Negative. We'll meet you on the roof and transport him to the burn unit. University Medical Center Clear."

The entire trauma team including myself greeted the chopper on the roof and the next 4 hours were spent caring for the man in the burn unit. His X-rays showed that he had an enormous build up of fluid in his lungs, and if we didn't do something about it he would die. I helped the doctor perform a thorocentesis. Meaning we stuck a big needle into the mans lungs from the back to drain some of the fluid. And for those of you have a queasy stomach, I won't go into any more detail. The man was then sent to the operating room where they began to graft his skin to repair the damaged parts of his upper body.

At lunch time I went to the ER director's office and put in a request for two weeks of vacation starting in a week and a half. He gladly obliged and made the schedule change. I then made a call to the Firm to make sure that the guys were going to be on time. The rep that I was talking to stated that they were about 2-3 hours out. I then asked him if there was any way that they could wait until about 6:30pm and then come to my house and knock on the door. I told him that I wanted to set Brian up for a big supprise, and it would be better if I didn't have the guys get there before I did. He told me that it wouldn't be a problem, and that he would call Kevin's cell phone to tell him. After thanking him I hung up the phone and continued my stressful day. 5:00pm rolled around and I was waiting at the time clock waiting to punch out. I practically ran out to my truck and drove home.

I got home at about 5:20pm and found everyone down in the basement watching Galaxy Quest laughing their asses off. Any movie with Tim Allen in it has to be funny. I sat down next to Brian on the couch and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked over to me and said "Tough day?" "How'd you know?" I asked him. "Women's intuition." he replied with a laugh. I just laughed with him and hugged him.

"So what did everybody do today?" I asked looking around the room. Harrold Jr. was the first to speak up. "Dirk at the fire dept. called looking for you and I asked him if I could come hang out. He came and picked me up and I helped out around the station today." " That's great Harrold, thank you for doing that. Did you have fun.?" I said. "Oh yeah, I learned a lot. They even let me put on some gear and go through the smoke house." "Good for you Harrold. How about you guys?" I said looking over at Brian's parents. "We worked on arrangements for a our trip home. We're picking up a rental car tomorrow morning, and are going to start for Lexington tomorrow night." Jackie said. "Well I'm sorry that you have to go so soon." I replied "Well we've imposed long enough, and we have to get back home soon." Harrold Sr. joined in.

"I'm going to stay here with you if that's all right with you Zach" Brian chimed. "You know you don't have to leave. Besides, I wouldn't let you. I still have to help you with your physical therapy." I replied to Brian winking at him. Brian laid his head on my shoulder and began to watch the movie again.

After the movie we all went upstairs to the living room and discussed what we were going to do for dinner. Jackie had said that she went to the store and restocked my refrigerator, and that she was going to cook. I thanked her but gave her a weird look because she knew as well as I that the rest of the BSB would be there tonight. And that would be a lot of cooking to do. She just smiled and winked at me. Letting me know that she had things under control. Just then the doorbell rang. I already knew who it was but said something dumb to the fact of, gee I wonder who that could be.

I got up and answered the door. There standing on my porch were four men, all with smiles on their faces. One of them said "Zach Martin?" "You got the right place" I replied as I opened the door wide and waved them in. Kevin, Nick, Howie, and A.J. walked in. I pointed over to the couch where Brian was sitting, facing the opposite direction. Nick was the first one to speak "Hey Frick!" he yelled. Brian turned around to see his colleagues standing in my living room. The smile on his face spread from ear to ear. He got up off of the couch as quick as he could with his cast and hobbled over to hug all of the guys individually.

After all of the introductions were finished between the BSB and myself we all sat down in the living room. We all started talking about Brian, but nick was having too much fun playing with Midnight. "Dog lover huh?" I said looking at the guys. "Yeah but I thing Nick will wear out the dog before the dog wears him out." Kevin said. Jackie stood up and said "I think I will go start dinner." "Would you like some help?" I asked her. "No, stay here and get to know the guys. Besides Harrold Sr. will help me. Won't you honey." she said sternly as she gave Harrold Sr. a hinting look. "Oh, I guess" Harrold Sr. said as he got out of the recliner.

Over the next hour I got to know the guys. Who they were and what they did when not touring and all that good stuff. Jackie came into the room and said "I hate to break this up guys, but dinner is on the table." We all stood up at the same time and made a b-line for the dining room. I swear there was so much food on my kitchen counter I could have open up an all you can eat buffet. Everyone grabbed a plate and piled it high with the food. Throughout dinner everyone kept talking. Asking Brian about his trip to New England, what happened on the way back, how he met me, and so on. The guys were already treating me like one of their own. Obviously accepting the fact that Brian and I were an item. I brought up the fact that I had spoken to the police officer that was in charge of the investigation of the crash scene. He had told me that an RV driving beside Brian on the highway had caused the whole thing. The RV was towing a car on a trailer behind it. It turns out that the welds on the ball hitch that the trailer was connected to had broke and the safety chains were not strong enough to hold the weight. The trailer broke free and crossed into Brian's lane, pushing him to the left into oncoming traffic. That is where Brian's car had collided with a tractor trailer. Thank god for modern safety equipment in modern vehicles. Otherwise Brian would not be here today.

After dinner, everyone had a hand in cleaning up. We all met in the living room trying to decide what to do next. "I know, lets have a bon fire in my pit out back. that should keep us nice and warm." I said. Everyone agreed and I led them all to the back yard where I had quickly stoked the fire. We all sat out there for what seemed like minutes but really was hours just talking and talking. Everyone had a great time. Brian was in his prime, telling embarrassing stories about his buds. He just hung onto me throughout the whole night. It was great having someone so close to me.

At about 2:00am the fire was dying out and everyone was starting to get a little chilly. But Brian and I were keeping each other warm with our hearts. We decided to call it a night and Kevin, Nick, Howie and A.J. headed for their rental car and drove off for their hotel. Jackie and Harrold Sr. Retired to their guest room and Harrold Jr. went down to the basement. Brian and I went up to my room and got into bed. Brian looked over to me and thanked me for his supprise. We were both soon asleep.

The next week and a half went very quickly. The Littrells returned to Lexington with Harrold Jr. The rest of the BSB returned to Orlando after spending a couple of days in town seeing what there was to see. And Brian had his casts removed. Now that Brian could move without obstruction it was time for him to regain his strength. Him and I worked out in my garage where I had a home gym set up and he made a supprising recovery in his strength. He and I would go out to dinner and seeing movies. We even went to a couple of clubs. He never really got noticed because he wasn't with the other guys. The hat and sunglasses kinda helped too. I realized that I was really falling for this man. not because of WHO he was, but because of who he was. I never thought about the SUPERSTAR or the monetary aspects of his life. Just the important ones. Like personality.

The big day finally came, VACATION! "What do you want to do for your vacation?" Brian asked. "SLEEP!" I said. "Seriously, whatever you want to do. I'll pick up the tab." Brian said "I've always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise." I replied. "Done. I'll just call the Firm and have them arrange our trip." he said. "Seriously?" I asked. "Dead serious. Besides they can pull strings and have our tickets a lot quicker than a travel agent could get them." he replied. "OK then, an Alaskan cruise it is then." I stated.

Brian picked up his cell phone and dialed the Firm. After about five minutes he hung up and said "The Firm will overnight our tickets to us, we leave in 2 days." he said excitedly. I leaned over and kissed him hard on the lips. He opened his mouth to allow my tongue access. He pushed me back on the couch laying on top of me. I could feel his excitement as he gyrated his hips into mine. I instinctively started gyrating my hips in perfect synchronization with his. Our arms were wrapped around each other and we were still kissing. I broke the kiss to breath for a second before starting to kiss down his neck. I practically tore Brian's shirt off of his back and began to lick my way down to his chest. Just then he stopped me and said "You know that I want this more than anything in the world right now, but I want our time to be special." I protested at first, then thought about where we were. Sitting on a couch in the living room of my house. I began to see his point. It wasn't very romantic. But we were both very inconvenienced with the tents in our pants. It was almost painful to move due to the pressure that the excitement had caused. We both headed upstairs and decided to take a cold shower before bed.

The Next afternoon, sure as shit an envelope arrived priority Fed-Ex with our tickets. I opened the envelope and looked. First class all the way. But today was the day to pack. Not only did we pack but we went shopping for some new clothes for the trip. When we got home I called my station to let them know that I was going to be out of town for a week and that I was leaving Midnight at the station. I knew that it wouldn't be a problem because there is at least one person there 24/7 to answer calls. after that Brian and I decided to hit the sac early because tomorrow would be a long day.

Well, that's part three. Things are going to get a little steamy during the trip. Zach and Brian will really discover who they are together. Chapter four will focus mainly on the Alaskan Cruise and will definitely be exciting for all of us. I want to thank someone in the state of Massachusetts for inspiring me with some new ideas for the next chapter. I can't say who he is because I haven't asked him if I can use his name yet, but you know who you are. Thank you. Thank you all for your interest in my stories. I am getting some good feedback. Please remember that all feedback is welcome at

Next: Chapter 4

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