
Published on Aug 11, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 3

Dinner was grilled Venison and canned vegetables. We had also had canned peaches for dessert. Mark took off after dinner to move my H2. I helped Sam clean up after that great dinner.

After the long drive, great dinner and fresh mountain air, we started yawning pretty quickly.

"Let's hit the hay guys. We can get an early start tomorrow." Both were in agreement.

As we had been doing since the second night together, we just stripped nude and climbed into bed. We were all hard, but neither boy was interested in sex. Well at least partly. Both cuddled up close to me. One was holding my cock, while the other caressed my balls. With their heads resting on my chest, I soon felt them relax and slip into dreamland.

Yeah there had been a lot of changes over the last three weeks. More changes were coming. Both boys turned seventeen tomorrow and I knew what both wanted as a birthday present. That might be a problem. I know I loved both boys and wasn't sure I wanted to lose them if I fucked their very snug butts.

It didn't take me long to drift off to sleep too.

When I woke up both boys were gone from the bed. I did smell fresh coffee. When I swung my legs out of bed, I noticed there was a real chill in the air of the cabin. I quickly dressed in long pants, flannel shirt and a sweater. I slipped on walking boots.

When I walked downstairs, both boys were sitting at the table drinking coffee. I walked up to Sam and pulled him up. I gave him a deep loving kiss.

"Happy Birthday Sam. I hope you have many more."

I then did the same to Mark. Both got a little teary eyed.

"Thanks Eddy." Both said as I grabbed a coffee and sat down between them.

Both leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

For a while we drank our coffee in silence. Then Mark started to explain a few things.

"Dad told us he had picked this spot because there was already an old cabin here. It was at one time about 100 years ago a mining camp. That's why there is a big flat spot here. There is also a mine shaft going into that rock face you can see when we drove in."

"Now the power comes from the Sunwapta Wind Farm. Dad tapped one of their lines and we have a substation in the basement that lowers the voltage for our use. The basement also has a furnace and water heater. When no ones here, we put the power on standby and it keeps the temperature up so none of the pipes freeze."

"Dad said the cabin is pretty much invisible to radar and infrared. We don't know what that means or why."

I did, but wouldn't explain it just now. I wasn't sure why he would do as he had apparently done.

"The rest of the stuff is underground. We'll show it all to you."

After finishing our coffee and toast we headed outside. Sam grabbed a bottle of bear spray and Mark a canned air horn.

"You get bears around here?"

"Oh sure. All the time in summer. If the noise maker doesn't scare them the bear spray will drive them off real quick."

I had Sam set the inside temperature to 72 degrees. That would make it comfortable all the time. The outside was just a little cooler than inside.

In the early morning air the view from the front deck really was spectacular. A fairly large lake was visible to the south and just a glimpse could be seen of a waterfall near the lake. The ground around the cabin looked like crushed stone; it was pretty flat and smooth. You couldn't even see the road we came in on.

Mark led off and we walked behind the cabin. A solid concrete lid could be seen about 50 ft behind the cabin.

"That's part of the cistern for the waste water. It all drains into a creek down the hill a ways."

It too I saw coated with some kind of paint.

Mark walked to face of the short cliff. I saw pipes coming out of the side of the rock.

"That's a natural spring we get our water from. It's piped into the house and the bunker." "Bunker?" I said.

Both boys laughed.

"Come on Eddy. We'll show you everything."

We walked into the open in front of the cliff face. It looked like it extended about 60 feet length wise and about seventy five feet upward. Above I could see more trees.

"Here we are." Mark said.

I saw nothing that looked like a 'Bunker'. When I looked at the boys they had shit eating grins on their faces.

I just gawked at them. I saw Mark pull what looked like a key fob out of his pocket. He pushed a button and my mouth dropped open.

Two slabs of what appeared to be stone swung out from the cliff face. Each was about thirty feet long. Once it was open all the way, I could see a cavern about 60 feet long and 40 feet deep in the side of the cliff. My Hummer was parked in one slot. Three snowmobiles and a six wheeled garden tractor was in another. Two spaces were empty.

"Come on Eddy." Both walked to the opening. I just followed.

Once inside, Mark closed the doors. As soon as they closed tight overhead lights came on. There was no way Jake could have done this on his own. By hand it would have taken years. The cavern was cut from the stone. The walls were pretty smooth, but you could see where drill holes had been sunk into the rock.

Mark just walked to a door about center of the back wall.

"This was part of the mine entrance. Dad had it dug out to hide the vehicles. This door leads farther into the cliff."

The door led to a tunnel that went straight for about 100 feet. At least that was as far as it was lighted. I followed both boys. We came to a cross tunnel with a door on each cross tunnel. Mark just opened one and walked inside.

"This Dad called the Security center."

Sam walked over and started to flip on switches. The big flat screen on one wall lit up and soon after many small screens opened. You had a view of the outside of the cabin as well as views of the lake, trees, and several other views. There was even one of the road we came in on.

"We got cameras covering everything outside. There's also a satellite phone here and transmitter/receiver. We also have internet."

"Your dad did all this?"

"Well we know he had help, but we don't know who. Come on there's more."

He walked out of the room and across the main hall into another short hall. The door he came to was steel and he had to use a key to open it. He handed the key to me after he opened the door. I was about to ask why he gave me the key.

"Dad said you would be charge of everything. So you are keeper of the keys."

When he opened that door, I knew both had told me the truth. The walls were lined with weapon racks. Everything they told me was up here was in that room. M-16's, hunting rifles, pistols, even crates with M-72 marked and M-2 markings. I knew what they all were but had never fired or even handled any of them.

Sam walked to another door in the same room. This one looked like a vault and even had a combination lock.

"Okay Eddy. You start at zero and go one full turn right and then to 15. Then back left two full turns and then to 45. Then straight back to 30. Then to Zero."

He stood aside while I dialed the lock.

After I dialed the combination Sam spun a wheel and the door opened. Inside was obviously the ammo lockup. I saw crates with full magazines for the rifles as well as boxes of .50 cal ammo for the Machine guns. There were several crates of grenades. This all smelled of Government to me. No way could Jake, on his own, get all this stuff. Everything was completely restricted in Canada. I think the only legal things were the hunting rifles and maybe the automatic pistols. Sam told me the bolts for all the weapons were in here too.

We left and locked everything up.

Mark went back to the central hallway and led me to another door. Inside was a food storage place. A huge walk in freezer dominated the room. There were also boxes and boxes filled with MRE's. That in itself told me the military was involved here. Shelves held hundreds of cans of everything from vegetables to beans and fruit. He had said a six month supply. But I figured that might be right for say a hundred people.

There wasn't a lot inside the big freezer. Mostly deer and fish. There were a few steaks and a fair amount of frozen vegetables and fruit. We could definitely bring more meat up here.

"The last two rooms are a bathroom with shower and a sleeping room with cots." Mark said.

"Dad said if he had had more time he would have made the quarters in here more comfortable."

After seeing everything we headed back to the garage.

"You going to shut down that equipment you started Sam?"

"No we can leave it running. No one can see or here anything inside. The antenna for them is on a cell phone tower on top of the hill."

After leaving and closing everything up we went back to the cabin. Sam had grabbed three steaks from the big freezer and a bag of mixed vegetables. He set them on the counter. Mark built a big fire in the fire place. I grabbed three beers from the Fridge and sat on the couch by the fire. Both boys sat beside me.

"Well this place won't be invisible with that hot smoke going out the chimney." I said.

"Not to worry Eddy. There are vents that pull in outside air to cool the smoke to outside temperature before it leaves the chimney."

Jesus, Jake had thought of everything.

Sitting next to the two boys, it was more than just physical love I felt for them. This was all new to me. I don't think I had ever loved anyone before. That was my problem now. I had to promise both boys I would fuck them on their seventeenth birthday and that was today. I just wasn't sure I could hurt these two.

"Boys, I really love you two. That is something very new for me. I know I promised to screw both of you today, but I am scared if I just ram my dick into each of you, you will hate me after. I don't want to lose your love."

"Eddy, Sam and I love you with everything. Some times we think we love you more than our Dad. You have been so gentle with us, even when we knew you really wanted to totally dominate us. I've been dominating Sam since almost the first time I fucked him. I wanted him to do the same thing to me but he never would. Well I want to feel what he feels when a dick is forced into his ass. I want to be dominated. Please Eddy, you have to make me like Sam." Mark had tears flowing down his face.

I just hugged him closer.

"Eddy, Mark and I know you could have been a lot harder on us than you have been. You let us get used to your dick before you started to fuck our faces. Well I like that big cock of yours in my mouth and I know I definitely want it in my ass. But I want it your way, not ours."

"Okay guys, I promise to rape both your sweet butts later. Now how about a quick lunch and then I want to look around some more. You can show me that hot spring you talked about."

"Well it won't be exactly rape. We both have been fucked before." Sam giggled.

"You'll think its rape."

Sam and Mark jumped up and made sandwiches from the hamper we brought along with us. WE washed them down with more beer. That was another thing we needed to buy. Booze.

When I thought about that, I wondered if we could buy kits and try making our own beer or even build a still for hard stuff. It was something I would look into when we got back to the city.

After lunch we prepared to head out. I was surprised when Mark pulled a lever action rifle out of the rack and loaded it. He slung it over his shoulder. Sam clipped the bear spray and horn to his belt.

"Dad told us to never venture into the woods without at least a rifle. This won't stop a bear, but the horn and bear spray will. The rifle is for any wolves or coyotes that venture close."

That statement brought it home to me that this place really was in the wilderness. It maybe a well equipped and elaborate set up, but we were still far from any civilization.

Sam grabbed three towels and we set off.

We headed toward the cliff face and then past it. The path appeared to follow the cliff. On occasion you could see out cropping of rock. The other side was thick bush. After about 300 meters we came to a spot where hot water bubbled from the cliff.

"Don't put your hand in it Eddy. It's real hot here."

About twenty five meters further on we came to a man made pool in the center of a small creek.

"WE built this with Dad the first time we were up here. The cold water from the creek mixes with the hot spring. Makes it real nice."

Mark set the rifle down on a small shelf. Sam put the towels, horn and bear spray beside it. Then both boys just stripped. I followed suit. Both just climbed in the pool and sat down. The water came up to about tit level. When I climbed in it felt real good. Not hot enough to be uncomfortable but hot enough to relax your muscles.

"If you want it hotter, just move along the seat to your left Eddy. Colder move to the right." "This is just fine."

We spent about 30 minutes in the pool and I was getting sleepy.

"Time to get out before I fall asleep."

"Can't have that." Sam giggled. I knew what he was thinking.

Even though it was quite warm, the mountain air cooled us off quick when we climbed out of the pool. We dried and dressed quickly. Just as we were about to start back, Mark tugged at my arm.

"Look at that." He whispered and pointed.

I looked and saw a big beautiful stag deer slowly make its way down to the creek down stream from us. It stopped and appeared to look right at us before just lowering its head to drink.

We all just stood still and watched. I'll bet it was no more than 30 meters from us. After drinking it just turned and slowly moved back into the bush.

"If this had been the fall and we were up here I'd have taken it." Mark said.

"You would have to also pull it out yourself too." Sam laughed.

"Say what?"

"Dad made a rule. We shoot it, we clean and dress it and we pull it out of the bush. That one would have been a bitch." Sam said.

"Good rule." I laughed.

We headed back to the cabin. The boys showed me two other things their Dad had added to the complex. Two underground tanks, one with diesel and the other gasoline. The diesel tank held about 5,000 gallons and the gasoline about 1200 gallons. They also showed me the auxiliary Diesel Generator. They said it would cut in if the power from Sunwapta ever cut out.

"You guys know your Dad could never have built all this himself. He had to have had help."

"Yeah we know, but he wouldn't tell us who or how. Just said it was all planned."

This place had all the facilities a survival redoubt would have. Had Jake planned this from a long time ago and why? Surely not just for him and his family.

I was going to have to talk to Jake some more if I saw him again.

Back at the cabin, Sam started to get the steaks ready to grill. It was still about 3 hours until dinner, but he put the steaks in a mixture of beer, spices and sauce to marinade. Mark turned on the big screen TV and we tuned in CNN news.

There was a lot of speculation about what China was doing. But all the big powers were gearing for war. The US and Canada were at highest alert since the cold war. Russia was sending massive amounts of troops and equipment east by rail. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan were calling up reserves.

I knew other countries would be doing the same thing. There was still a lot of hate in the world and if China went to war, there was good possibility some of those other States would use it as an excuse to hit some of their long time enemies. The Middle East was an example.

Both boys had been watching the news.

"Is there going to be a war Eddy?" Mark asked.

"I don't really know. China may be just flexing its muscles. They have to know they'd get pummeled from all sides if they go through with their threats. Even if they have the largest land Army in the world, it is just that, an Army geared to fight on land. It may have boasted the largest Air force, but even that arm would be swept from the skies real quick. No one in their right mind goes to war against the US."

"We'd be safe here?" Sam asked.

"Yeah guys. Your Dad picked a real good spot. Even if it went Nuclear, we are 300 miles from the nearest target. Add in that most of the wind here is from the west or North West, means no radiation."

Both boys just cuddled next to me and I held them both real close.

"If they got such a large Army, why haven't they done anything yet?"

"Well there are a couple of reason's I can think of. Siberia has a lot of swamp land and muskeg. There are not too many good roads or even rail service. Travel in summer is hampered by those soft grounds that any force has to cross. I think they are waiting for winter, and then the ground will be frozen. Also the main entry points into Russia from China are across deep valleys and rivers. Those rivers now have bridges, but if they attack, you can be sure those same bridges will be taken out by the Russians. That means attacking across open rivers some of which are very deep. I think they'll wait until those rivers are frozen as well."

"I figure if it's going to happen, it will happen in December or January."

"So we got time yet to prepare."

"Yeah, but we have to come here before it snows up here or we might not make it in with any vehicles."

"So that means by the middle or late September."


"Well I'm glad I got you Eddy." Sam said.

"Yeah, with out you I guess we'd be alone." Mark said as he cuddled closer.

"You boys will never be alone. That's a promise."

"You could keep another promise now Eddy. WE got lots of time before supper."

"I just don't why you both are so into getting raped by my big cock."

"Eddy, I got to tell you something that happened back when we were just thirteen."

"No Mark, Don't please." Sam said with a frown.

Mark pulled Sam up and walked a little way away from me. I heard them whispering but not what was said. Finally I saw Sam nod.

"Eddy, Sam and I have been doing stuff to each other since we were about twelve. We didn't start to come until we were almost thirteen. Sam was first when I was sucking him. I really wanted to come but was always just dry. WE used to finger each other a lot and one night after he shot some stuff, I was so mad I couldn't I threw him on the bed and stuck my dick in his ass. Well he screamed bloody murder, but I just didn't care. It felt so good with my dick in him I finally came.

"Well after the first time I did it to him almost everyday, coz I wanted to come lots. I also forced him to suck, even though I wouldn't do anything for him. It got to a point where he asked me to fuck him, sometimes two or three times a day.

"Well I knew I was the jock of the two of us and he was real smart. It was near the end of grade six and I was almost failing. I asked Sam to help me. He said he would if I let him fuck me and I sucked the same time he sucked me.

"Well I agreed but really didn't want it, Sam had been reading lots on the internet and did it real slow. It hardly hurt at all. Now I want to feel what I did to Sam."

Both boys were in tears when Mark finally sat down.

"As long as you're sure Mark?"

"Well I have been dominating Sam all the time and I guess I need to be dominated too."

"Sam, go up stairs and look in my bag. You'll find a big tube of KY Gel."

I stood up and started to undress.

"You going to do it right now?" Mark asked.

"Yes, right here on the rug by the fireplace."

Now that I had actually said I was going to fuck him, he started to shake a little, but he did get undressed.

When Sam saw us both nude he quickly undressed. Both boys were hard as stone. I knew Mark would not be for long.

I took Marks hand and lead him to the thick carpet.

"On your back Mark." He lay down.

"Sam kneel by his head."

"Now under normal circumstances, I would have your hands tied to the top of the bed. This time Sam, you are going to hold onto your Brother."

I got on my knees, between Mark's legs. I lifted them to my shoulders.

"Sit on his hands Sam and use your hands to hold him still."

"Mark, you need to relax or it will hurt even worse. When I start in I want you to push like you want to shit."

He nodded his head but was still shaking. I lubed up his hole and even used a finger to push some in and around his rings. He was damned tight.

I lubed up my cock and placed right on his tight pucker.

"Now push Mark." I pushed and was surprised when the head of my cock slipped inside him.

I guess getting fucked by Sam helped.

I knew he would be screaming shortly. I took a good grip on his upper thighs and just rammed my cock into him. It went about an inch.


"Too late for that Mark." I backed a little and pushed hard again.

He screamed like a banshee and tried to move up away from my onslaught. With Sam holding his hands down and me holding his thighs he wasn't going anywhere.

I just pulled and pushed. He squirmed and screamed the whole time. I finally had my cock in as far as I could go. There was still about an inch and half still out. I pulled back and saw a few streaks of blood, but nothing serious.

I started to fuck him in short fast strokes. He just continued to cry.

"You wanted this Mark, well now you get it and get it all." I said as I hammered his ass.

He had his eyes squeezed shut and he screamed. When my first hot load blasted into his colon, his eyes popped open. He also stopped screaming for a moment. I think he thought it was over now that I had cumm. He was wrong. Now slicked with my load I began to really fuck his ass. No more short strokes, this time out slow and in hard. Although he wasn't screaming anymore, he still cried his eyes out.

Sam I saw was rock hard, while Mark's cock was limp.

Sam also had a look of glee on his face.

"You like what I am doing to your brother Sam?"

"Yeah, I wish now I had fucked him like he did me the first time."

Mark got down to just whimpers after my second load went inside. I stopped with my cock buried deep in his ass.

I knew I could do him again, hell I usually spent four or five hours screwing Jimmy, so twice was easy.

"MARK! Mark, if you want me to pull out you have to ask. I can go on all day."

I pulled back and rammed it in again. That brought Mark's eyes open real quick.

"Please take it out Eddy." He groaned.

"Okay Mark. After Sam rims your ass you can suck my cock clean."

"Okay Eddy."

"Sam let go and get on your back. Mark when I pull out you sit on Sam's face so you don't make a mess of the rug. You can suck me clean while Sam rims you."

Both boys just nodded.

"You guys want to be dominated, that's fine. From now on you do exactly what I say."

Mark looked scared at my remark, but Sam was smiling.

Sam got on his back beside Mark. I pulled out and Mark sat on his brothers face. He moaned when Sam started to rim him. I pulled his head forward and told him to suck my cock.

I was still super horny even after coming twice inside Mark. As soon as his lips were over my cock I started to fuck his face. Nothing gentle this time, I hammered his mouth and throat like I had his ass. I only did it for about five minutes, by that time he was almost faint. When I pulled out he took several deep breathes. When he went to get off Sam I stopped him.

"But, but, I'm going to??.

I heard Sam gag and knew what had happened. Sam got a lot more than just my cumm.

"Get off him Mark."

Sam definitely was green around the gills.

"Go puke boy and rinse." Sam bolted for the bathroom.

Mark just sat waiting.

"When Sam gets back you can hold him down while I fuck him."

"You won't need to hold him down. He's wanted you to fuck him since the first day we met."

"Well he hasn't had a cock in him as big as me."

"He'll probably scream when you enter him but I bet he's moaning right off."

Mark was right. Sam did scream a blue streak when I entered him but was moaning after only two strokes. After cumming in his ass, I pulled out and fucked his face while Mark rimmed him. Mark got everything he had given Sam. He had to puke when Sam let him up.

When both boys were back I laid down my rules.

"First I want you both to clean yourselves out each morning and evening. That means inside. Also, here in the house or at my house you will be nude all the time."

"That's so you can use us anytime." Sam said.

"Yes and I will. From now on you won't say no to anything I ask. Is that understood?"

"Yes Eddy." Both boys said.

"Okay, you might as well finish up supper Sam. Mark you come with me."

Mark must have thought I was going to fuck him again. He was shaking as I led him upstairs.

"Relax Mark. I won't fuck you again until after dinner. I'm going to show you how to clean yourselves out. You can show Sam later."

I didn't have the hose like I had in my shower at home, but I did bring an enema bulb with me. I showed him what to do and he cleaned himself out. He said it felt weird.

"I'll buy the accessories I need and install them up here."

I took him in the bedroom, had him sit down and then sucked him off. I was always amazed at the size of the load these boys had in their balls. I guess with all the sucking and fucking they had been doing over the years gave them that big load of salty sweet cumm.

"Thanks love. You taste great. I love your cock and now I love that tight ass too."

"You can have it anytime Eddy."

I knew that was the truth. Yeah big changes for me and them. This was almost a dream come true. To have two boys to fuck and suck anytime was fantastic. I just hope they never got tired of me.

"Let's go get some dinner."

Sam was in great spirits as we sat down. Mark sat gingerly on the hard chair. I got up and grabbed a cushion for him.

"Better buddy?"

"Thanks Eddy. Guess it will get easier later." He half grinned.

"Okay guys, tomorrow we will start making a list of stuff we need to either buy or pack from both houses. I have a big freezer in my garage I never use. We can put that in your Dad's trailer. There's a good chance we will be up here all winter so we need to prepare for just that. Until we are ready to move here for the winter, we'll use your Dad's truck to move stuff up here. Last trip we'll bring my H2 too."

"On another note guys, do you know of anyone else who would fit in up here with us? We have plenty of room."

I screwed both boys later that night again and I let Mark fuck me. He was in heaven as Sam sucked while he fucked. This was really great for me, having two versatile boys. I think I loved a cock in me as much as Sam did. Sleep was easy.

The next day both boys and myself made list of what they thought we would need. By the time we finished I figured we had a couple of tons of stuff.

Both boys figured I would be screwing them more and I was sorely tempted. Having them prance around nude in the house, usually with a hard cock bouncing in front was very distracting.

I did screw both that evening after dinner and let Sam screw me while Mark sucked. Both were happy, it seemed although I don't really think Mark liked it much. Not that I cared anymore.

Mark fueled my H2 from the underground tanks before we left to head back. It only took a couple of hours going back down. The road in still looked unused. Three and half hours later we were back in the city.

After a quick supper and showers we slept.


Next: Chapter 4

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