
Published on Aug 14, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 4

One thing I was never going to get used to was waking to the smell of fresh coffee. That was one thing both learned I liked first thing. When I walked in the kitchen, both boys were sitting nude at the table. I guess the idea of nudity was working with them, neither were hard even after good morning kisses.

I never had more than coffee and toast for breakfast, but I saw both boys having cereal. Milk might be a problem for us. I then figured we could get powdered skim milk. I added it to the food list.

"Okay guys, first off we are going to need a shit load of packing boxes. I want you two to get dressed and take my H2 and go to a couple of U-Haul places and buy all you can." I pulled out 500 dollars from my wallet and gave it to them.

"I think we'll start with your house and pack all the dry goods you guys want to take. The first load will be mostly non food items. I'll check out your Dad's truck and trailer."

"Okay Eddy."

"Did you guys think of any others we might take with us?"

"Well we know one guy. His Dad works the same place my Dad does, but don't know much else. He's seventeen too, but older than us."

"Well when you get back, maybe call him and see what's up."

After they finished breakfast both boys got dressed and headed out. I headed next door to have a look at this truck the boys raved about. I opened both garage doors.

Well the front of the truck told me it was a dodge Ram. It had huge tires on the front and presumed back. It looked like you might need a step ladder to get in the cab. When I walked along side it I got my next big surprise. It was a 6X6. I thought Ram Trucks had only built the 6x6 as a prototype. But here was one in dark forest green. There was a roll cage at the back of the crew type cab and a huge auxiliary fuel tank in the box. I saw it was configured to pull a fifth wheel trailer.

The trailer sitting beside it was a thirty foot stake style trailer with a hard cover over the box. It had over size tandem wheels which gave it a good ground clearance. Well Jake had prepared well.

As I turned to close up the garage I saw a youngish looking man walking up the driveway. He was a real blonde and not bad looking.

"Hi, are you Eddy?"

"That's me. What's on your mind son?"

"Well my Dad works for the same place Sam and Mark's dad does and he said I should talk to you. He also gave me a letter to give to you." He handed me a thick envelope.

"Well let's go in the house and we'll see what this is."

I led him across Jakes yard, through the man gate onto my property and into the house. I took him to my den. I offered him a coke, which he accepted and I sat behind my desk. He sat on the edge of one of the chairs as opened the envelope.

I dumped the contents of the envelope on my desk. The first thing I noticed was a large wad of cash. When I thumbed through it I saw there was several thousand dollars.

There was a letter addressed to me from Jake and another from Edward Anderson. I presumed it was the boys Dad.

"What's your Name?"

"Daniel, well Danny. Everyone calls me Danny."

"Okay Danny, relax, this might take a while." He sat back in the chair.

I opened the letter from Danny's Dad.

Dear Mr. Townsend:

I have been talking to Sam and Marks Farther a lot lately. He's told me you are taking both his boys to his mountain retreat until this current crisis is over.

He also told me he has made you guardian of both boys until their eighteenth birthday. Well Danny, My Son will be eighteen in November, so asking you to be guardian of him would be stupid.

Jake has told me what your particular lifestyle is and to be honest it doesn't matter to me. I have no idea what Danny is or isn't and won't ask. He's old enough to decide on his own. I do know he has known both Sam and Mark for several years and they have had sleepovers at both our homes.

I know he likes both boys and when I asked him if he would go with you and the boys, he said yes. Even after I told him you were Gay.

As a Father, I don't want to leave him alone, but it is of the upmost importance that I travel with Jake to try and convince the powers that China is a real threat. Please take him with you and the boys.

I have included several thousand dollars to help offset costs to take him along. I also told Danny he could clean out all our food stocks.

"Please, as a Father, I ask you to accept him.

Edward Anderson.

"Did you read this letter your Father wrote?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well first off it's just Eddy. I am gay and both boys are too. What are you Danny?"

"I don't know Sir, I mean Eddy. I've played around with Sam and Mark when we were younger."

"Are you a virgin Danny?"

He turned bright red.

"No." He said real quiet like.

"Danny, to me it does not matter one way or the other. Mark loves to fuck but not get fucked. Sam on the other hand loves to get fucked. I like it both ways. Both also love to suck too."

"Well I guess I might be Gay, coz I kind of like it when I get a dick in my ass. I just only done it with one other guy."

"Well you can come along with us Danny. I'd never leave anyone alone here in the city with the possibility of War on the horizon."

"Thank you Eddy. You won't be sorry."

"Danny, you might."

"Well I guess I pretty much have to accept anything the boys want to do."

"Danny, you have to accept anything I want to do too."

"Okay Eddy." Again very quietly.

"Okay Danny, now that that's out of the way, have you packed up anything yet?"

"Oh yeah. I got all the canned and dry stuff in boxes as well as all my Dad's booze. He's got a big wine cellar. I didn't know if I should pack it up too. My bags are packed and Dad said make sure I got my cold weather gear too. The freezer stuff I left until we can put it in another freezer."

When he mentioned cold weather gear, I knew I would need to shop.

"That's great Danny. We can wait for the boys to get back."

"Are you going to do stuff to me?" He asked again quietly.

"That's up to you Danny. I won't force you but living with gay guys might be hard if you don't take part."

"Yeah I kind of figured that." "Have you been alone since Jake left?"

"No. Jake left last week and my Dad left yesterday. He was hoping you were home before he left. He had some stuff to finish in the office."

"Well I took the boys up to the cabin for their birthday."

"Oh shit. Their birthday was day before yesterday. I didn't get them anything."

"Danny, you might be present enough for both."

When he realized what I said he turned bright red and giggled.

"Danny, there are a few rules I have laid down for the boys. Some are common sense. Like showering everyday and cleaning your self out inside. Also I require you boys to do anything I ask with out question. That does not include sex with me. You have to ask me to have sex with me Danny. Also I require both Sam and Mark to nude at all times here in this house, their house and I suppose now your house, as well as the cabin."

"Do you want me to get nude now?"

"That's up to you Danny. You can do it now or wait until the boys get back."

"Well I don't mind being nude all the time. When my dads away I'm always nude in the house. Our pools indoors so I swim nude too."

"Well go ahead then."

He never hesitated. He pulled off his t-shirt and folded it and placed it on the arm of the chair. Then undid the Dockers he had on and slipped them off. He was wearing white y-front undies. After his deck shoes and socks, he just slid down his underwear and stepped out of them. He definitely wasn't shy.

Damn nice cock and body. He was well toned with a swimmer build. Good muscles in his upper chest and arms, with a slim waist. Good solidly muscled legs. His cock looked to be about six and half inches and he was uncut. The foreskin just covered his glands.

"You are one hot looking guy Danny."

"I'm not that hot looking. I got a small cock. Sure I got good upper body strength, but you need that for swimming competitions."

"Well to me you are hot." I walked around my desk. I was already hard.

He never moved a muscle as I walked up to him. I ran my hand down over his chest. I tweaked on of his prominent nipples. He moaned and I watched as the blood rushed into his cock. The Shiny and dark red head of his cock slowly emerged from his foreskin. If he thought he had a small cock he was dead wrong. He was longer and thicker than either other boy. I figured very close to 7.5 inches and thick.

I reached down and wrapped my hand around it. His whole body started to shake, so I guided him into the chair. I let him go.

"You think you have a small cock Danny? You are bigger than both boys."

"Really. Wow! I just thought I was small."

I had to back down or I would have had him on the couch screwing his ass. I turned and walked back to my desk. I just leaned against letting my emotions slowly subside.

Danny sat for a moment and then stood up. The look in his eyes told me nothing, but he almost looked like he under some kind of control. He walked to me and stood in front of me for a moment. Then reached forward and undid my jeans. He pushed the zipper down and then using both hand pulled them down as he went to his knees.

He just leaned forward and took my cock into his mouth. He didn't stop and I felt my cock slide down his throat. His nose mashed my pubic hairs.

Holy fuck! Danny took my whole cock like it was just a normal thing to do. I was astounded. He slowly pulled back and I felt his tongue on the head of my cock before he took all of me again. I heard a deep moan as my cock bottomed out in his throat.

When he pulled back the second time I felt his hands on my hips. He pulled me forward, pushing my cock into his throat hard. Again I heard a moan from him. I knew what he wanted then and as he pulled back, I grabbed both sides of his head and rammed my cock into his throat. The short moan I heard again. From then on I just hammered his mouth. Each time I pulled back his tongue went to work on my glands. This was one very good cocksucker and I wondered where he had learned.

His tongue on the head of my cock brought me up real fast. I didn't bother to warn him and my first shot blasted into the base of his throat. He swallowed! My cock was pulled deeper and I came again. He pulled back a bit and continued to milk my cock. It didn't take him long to completely drain me. I slumped back against my desk.

Danny pulled out of my mouth and sat back on his haunches.

"Was that okay Eddy?" He asked in his quiet voice.

"God! More than okay Danny. Where did you learn to do that?"

"The old guy that I have been seeing taught me lots of stuff."

Before I could answer we both found out we had an audience. "Wow! Danny that was hot." Sam said.

Both Sam and Mark were standing by the door to the den. Both were nude and sporting very hard cocks.

Danny turned at the voice and got instantly red. He stood and tried to cover himself.

I pulled him close and held on to him as he started to shake.

"Relax Danny. You already know Sam and Mark."

"But." Was all he got out before both Sam and Mark were hugging him.

Both boys were talking at the same time. I slowly let go of Danny and pulled up my jeans. I moved around the desk and sat down. Danny was having a hard time not crying. He lost that battle and cried as he hugged both boys. I didn't figure we would have any problem with Danny joining us.

I let them get more relaxed with each other before intervening.

"Okay guys, before you just decide to rape each other, we still have a lot of work to do."

All three laughed, but I also saw I was pretty close to right.

"Okay guys. You can start packing. Remember you want to pack what we will need, not necessarily what you want. If you have game systems that's good, pack them and all the games you want. I plan on taking all my CD's and DVD's, plus my sound system. Danny you can help the boys for now. We'll go over to your house later."

"Sam. You can start lunch while the other two start packing.

"Okay Eddy." The boys trooped out of my den.

I got up and grabbed a beer and sat down to read Jakes letter.

Dear Eddy;

I hope by now, you have met and accepted Danny, Ed's son. Like me he doesn't want his son any where near any major city in the event of War.

"Danny is a well adjusted young man, but has some possible baggage. Mr. Hampton, the man who was tutoring my boys also tutored Danny and as I have recently found out was abusing him too. His Father doesn't know what I found out.

"Mr. Hampton has agreed to plead guilty on the grounds that he would name all of his other victims. In return the courts will sentence him to 15 years in Prison versus the life without parole that he had been facing.

"Danny had that tutor for a lot longer than my boys.

Now I know you have been looking at my records that are available to you. What you don't know can't be found on the Internet. For most part my records are sealed.

For your eyes only. I started out as a First Lieutenant after graduating from Royal Roads Military Academy. From there it was Infantry for five years and was moved into Intelligence. After eight years of Army life I went CSIS as a junior officer. I was assigned to various Embassies through out the world. It was an easy step to Foreign Affairs.

I won't go into my Diplomatic career except to say this. It is commonly believed I was cashiered from my Post in China after I wrote two entries for the Diplomatic Journal. This is not exactly the truth.

"Both reports were accepted at face value by the Canadian Government. By request, I was asked to join an International Think Tank. I of course accepted with both approval of the Government and that of several others Governments. The so called think tank is not exactly as it seems on paper. Actually we are funded by most western powers and some others as well. We glean intelligence from reports we receive all over the world, not only military, but economic as well.

"China is on the Brink of collapse. It has used and is using more resources than it has to both feed its ever growing population and to feed its economic growth. Without new sources of prime resources it could fall very dramatically in next couple of years.

North America is shipping all it can to stave off its inevitable end but it is now believed China will try and take what it needs to survive. That means the rice bowl countries of Asia and Siberia for its oil. It of course will also give them access to Alaska and Northern Canada.

There are two scenarios being talked about in the event of war.

The first is of course the Nuclear option. China may well decide to try and take out all or some of America's military basis and launch points with a preemptive strike. I very much doubt that the first missile China fires will have even hit a target before a thousand rains down on China. The US has a very formidable Ballistic Missile Fleet.

The second option is a long drawn out land war. China needs food and it needs oil. The Rice bowl countries have food and Russia and North America have oil. We believe here that the second option is the most likely.

I would ask that you burn this letter when I am done.

Lastly a little more about my little cabin in the mountains.

You already know my cabin is a lot more than just a cabin. It and several others in Canada, the United States, Europe, Russia and the Far East were built as retreats for the families of members of the Think Tank I work for. All governments have similar retreats and much more elaborate than ours. If I had had more time it would have been able to accommodate about 40 people. However now it will be just you and boys. By all means invite any others you can trust.

I don't know if I will ever be able to return to the city or even see you or my Sons. Please give my love to both and Danny too.

Jake Donaldson.

Wow! That was an eye opener for sure.

I grabbed a stiff drink and reread the letter. Then I got up and took it to my fire place and watched as it was consumed by flames.

I wouldn't tell all that was in the letter to any of the boys. I knew now who had taught Danny to suck cock, but even that I might not mention.

I called Jimmy and had a long talk with him. I explained much of what I knew. I know he had originally wanted to go home, but he was a pretty smart guy and knew if he went home now, he would be drafted into the Army and probably die. China just from their Human rights abuses inside there own country meant they would equally brutal in any country they took. When I asked him if he wanted to come with me he said yes. I told him what to pack and said I'd have someone pick him up tomorrow.

That done I headed out to see how lunch was coming.

Sam was working at the counter, humming a nameless tune. I walked up beside him and ran my hand over his very delectable ass. He stopped what he was doing and turned. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed me. "I love you Eddy."

"I love you too Sam." I returned his kiss.

"I'm almost done. If you call **********, you can get Mark and Danny over. By the time they get here it will be ready."

"Okay Baby." I gave him a light slap on his ass.

"You say the nicest things." Then giggled.

Sam had made Club House sandwiches with potato chips on the side. He also had milk and juice on the table for them and a cold beer for me.

"Boy you did good." Danny said.

"Yeah you can cook all the time." Mark snickered.

"Well I don't mind cooking, but you guys got to clean up."

"Good deal." Danny said although Mark gave him a dirty look.

"I think we will share in all duties. Now how are you boys getting along and what did you get done?"

I had a sneaking suspicion that they had been more than packing. That was confirmed when both Danny and Mark got a little red. Sam laughed out loud.

"Told you he'd find out." He said.

"Look boys, I don't care one iota what you in your free time, but we have a lot of work to do in a very short time. If I catch any of you goofing off when you are supposed to be working I'll tan those sweet asses of yours along with the innocent one." "We're sorry Eddy." Mark said.

"Apology accepted this time. Now tomorrow I will be away for most of the day. I want you guys to load what you have packed, then start on my CD's and DVD's. You can also load up all the beer and other booze your dad has. We'll see how much space we have left. If there's room we can load the canned food from Danny's place. I figure we will head up to the cabin on Wednesday."

"Danny, you will be charge, not I think it will matter."

"Okay, lastly I have invited one other person to come up with us. He is very different from you three. He is Gay, but he is strictly a bottom. I have known him for about three years. He's Vietnamese. He's also a lot older than you three. I want you to make him welcome when I bring him here."

"We will Eddy; any friend of yours is a friend of us too." Sam said.

"Okay, we'll work until about 3 and then you guys can exercise before a swim."

"Sam, while the boys clean up for lunch, I'll talk to you."

"Okay." He followed me to the den.

I sat behind my desk.

"Sam, you and Mark are both capable of passing your Provincial Exams. I'm going to arrange it so that you both can do them online."

"Thanks Eddy, but why? If War comes we won't be able to go to University anyway."

"Well it's nice to have that Grade twelve Diploma anyway."

"Now that is not main reason I asked to come in. You are very good at history. Can you tell me what happened when the Nazi invaded France in WW 2?"

"Well they did it real fast, like maybe in one month."

"What did the people do?"

"They ran. So many took to the roads the Germans just ran them down with their tanks or machine gunned them from the air."

"Now, what do you think will happen here if the Chinese invade Canada and get close to this city?"

The other two had come in while I was talking.

"People will panic. They'll probably run like in WW2."

"Yes, those that can afford it will run with everything they can pack and carry. Those that can't buy or beg their way out will use what ever means they can to escape. That means looting and stealing what they can't buy."

There will be a run on the banks and the social fabric of this city will break down real fast. The police will never be able to coupe."

"Now, what would like all of you to is give me any money your Dad's left with and give me access to your bank accounts. I'll transfer it all to my account in the US. With some of it I'll buy Gold Bullion. There is a good possibility money, at least paper money will become useless under Chinese rule. Gold will act as a currency. Gold is a standard used world wide."

Danny got up and walked to the desk. He pulled out his bank card and wrote the access number on the back.

"Dad already gave you all the cash we had in the house."

Sam and Mark did the same thing.

"Thanks boys. Grab yourselves a beer."

I was about to go on when my front door chimed. I flipped my lap top to the camera feed. It was Mathew Crenshaw, my yard man. I wasn't expecting him until next week.

"It's my Yard guy. Put some pants on guys." I headed for the front door.

"Hi Matt. What's up?"

"Well I came to tell you I won't be doing your yard anymore."

"Really, well come on in and have a beer and you can tell me about it."

He followed me across the hall and into my den. Danny had put on his Dockers, but nothing else. When he saw Matt, his mouth dropped open. I kind of knew that would be his reaction. Matt had on a pair of tight cutoffs that left nothing to the imagination. He also only wore a muscle shirt. Matt was also black, but not a deep black, more a light chocolate brown. I had the same reaction Danny had when I first met him and barely an hour later I had his ten inch beer can cock in my ass.

Living here in this gated community, I had picked who would do all the work I need around my house. The Yard man Matt and Keith the guy that did my pool were both Gay. I had had both on more than one occasion.

I grabbed Matt a beer and sat down at my desk.

"So what's up Matt."

"Well I have been telling all my customers, I'm packing up and leaving. You are the last. I'd like to collect too if it's okay."

"Sure no problem. So where are you going?"

"Well I think the mountains. I got a camp I go to hunting every year. I'm kind of scared of all this shit with the chinks. I heard some real bad stories about what they do with black guys and don't want to be around if they come here."

"Matt, I don't think you have met my three boys. That's Danny beside you and Sam in red and Mark in blue by the door."

All three were rock hard and just staring at Matt."

"You sure got some hot looking boys Eddy."

I knew what he was thinking; the three boys had a visible effect on him.

"Matt, I'm taking these three up to my cabin the mountains. We plan to leave permanently about the 15th of September. If you want you could come with us."

"I don't know if I would fit in."

"Well Matt, it might be a tight fit, but I have had both Sam and Mark. Sam loves to get screwed, but Mark doesn't although he will if I tell him to. Danny just arrived with us this morning so I haven't fucked him yet. I plan on doing that today. Undress boys. You too Matt."

Matt hesitated and then just pulled on his muscle shirt. Undid his cut off and let them drop. The shock on all the boys' faces was almost laughable. Matt's almost hard cock drooped from its weight.

"Holy fuck are you huge." Sam said. "You want it boy?" Matt said smiling.

"Well, well I might take it in my butt, but I don't think I can suck it."

I knew Sam would try. He had tried to take all of me right from the start the first time. I was also sure that Danny could do Matt.

Matt looked at me and when I nodded, he walked to one of the big leather chairs and sprawled back in it. He spread his legs.

"Well come on Sam. Let's see what you can take,"

Sam walked over and went to his knees. He used one hand to grab Matt's cock. Then he licked his lips and leaned in. He took about four inches before he quickly backed off. He licked the head of Matt's cock.

"That's it Sam. Just take what you can handle. Don't worry about your teeth. I kind of like teeth on my cock."

Sam went back onto his cock and got almost five inches in before backing off. He also started to jack Matt.

Matt leaned back and closed his eyes. He had one of his hands on Sam's head but not to force him.

"You a damn good sucker boy. Just keep that up."

I laughed to myself.

"Mark, why don't you fuck your brother?"

He didn't need a second invitation. Sam loved Mark's cock in him almost as much as Mark loved to fuck his brother.

As the last time Mark had fucked his brother, when Sam had been sucking me, he just slammed his cock into Sam's snug butt. Sam was forced onto Matt's cock and I was shocked when about 7 inches disappeared into Sam's mouth. He pulled back quick and tried again. No avail. All he could on his own was get near five inches of that thick meat.

Matt never moved just continued to rub Sam's head.

While all this was going on Danny had been just standing watching and slowly jacking his cock.

"Come over here Danny." I said.

When he walked around the edge of my desk, I just dropped in front of him and let his cock slide into my mouth. Damn it was nice, just thick enough to feel good and long enough to reach the base of my throat. Danny just moaned as I deep throated his cock. I think I only made about three strokes before I felt Danny's hand on my head. I felt his cock swell a bit before his very sweet and substantial load was blasted into my throat. He sure carried a lot in those small balls.

When I backed off his cock.

"Please fuck me Eddy." He said almost in a plea.

"Sure baby." I stood and dropped my jeans.

"My cock had been hard for a while and it was almost painful. I pushed Danny over my desk. I lined up my cock on his hole and just rammed it in. Damn he loved it. A real deep moan escaped his lips. From how slick he was inside I figured Mark had fucked him already. I just hammered his ass. After all the action I had been watching, plus sucking off Danny, it didn't take long for me to blow my load inside Danny's ass.

What was totally unusual for me was I was wasted. I leaned over and kissed the back of Danny's head and thanked him. Then pulled out and dropped into my chair. Danny turned and sucked my cock clean before just sitting with his head against my thigh. When I felt a slight shudder from Danny.

"You okay Danny?"

"More than okay. Nobody ever thanked me before."

"Well baby, you taste great and that ass of yours is to die for. You are going to get a lot more than thanks from me. Come up here Danny."

When he stood up, I pulled him onto my lap and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm very glad you're coming with us Danny."

He just buried his head on my shoulder and cried.

When I looked at the other three, Both Mark and Sam were on Matt's lap. Matt had just finished kissing Mark.

"Looks like you found some new friends Matt?"

"I think they found me."

I knew we would get no more work done today.

"Okay guys, I guess we won't be getting much work done today. Sam, you and Mark take Danny down and get your exercises done and hit the pool. We'll be down in a while."

"Okay Eddy. Come on Danny. We'll show you everything."

The boys took off.

I removed my jeans and t-shirt, got up and grabbed two cold beers, handed one to Matt and sat in another chair.

I explained everything I planned to do to him. I didn't tell him much about the retreat, but did say we had plenty of room if he wanted to come along.

He told me he'd very much like to join us but had a lot of work to do to sell all his equipment and buy a new truck.

"Look Matt. Sell all your stuff, but don't buy a truck. I doubt you would get it in to the cabin and even then you would have no need for it. I have my H2 and we have a 6x6 Ram Truck and trailer to get everything up to the cabin."

"Okay, that sounds like a plan. Too bad we didn't have Tyler too."

I had never thought about Tyler. He wasn't due at my house until mid September to do maintenance on my pool.

"Where do you suppose he is?" I asked.

"Well he already told me he was going to the US. Said he'd buy his way there on his knees or back." Matt laughed.

"You got his number?"


"Call him and invite him over."

He said he's take a cab, but we'd have to pay for it. I told Matt that was no problem. After Matt hung up he sat back with a smile on his face.

"What?" I said.

"You know you created a monster don't you?"

"What do you mean? You're the one that he fell in love with, well at least your cock."

"Well all he wants now is to be on his back or on his knees, preferably knees, with a cock in both ends. Hell that's all he would do if he didn't have to stop to eat and shit."

"So, I guess he can be a fuck and suck toy for everyone." I laughed.

"Yeah if they can get used to all his piercings."

In the four years I had known Tyler, I guess I had screwed his butt more than fifty times. What very much surprised me about Tyler was he always seemed damned tight, like he had not had many cocks up his chute. I knew different coz Matt had screwed him almost as many times as I had and Matt was even bigger than me. I knew he had rings in his ears, tits, belly button and upper lip. They sort of looked good on his dark skin. I didn't know his nationality, but wasn't black like Matt. I had thought he might be native, but had never asked.

"Well his rings look good on his dark skin." I said.

"In the last month he has added rings to his cock head, a couple through his balls, two in his tongue and two in his ass. He says they feel good when he sucks or gets fucked."

"I guess I will have to see for myself." I chuckled.

About forty minutes later my door chimed. I dressed and answered the door.

"Hi Tyler. How much for the cab?"

"Twenty two bucks." I gave him twenty five and he paid the cab.

I ushered Tyler into the house and into the den.

"Oh wow, hi Matt." Matt was still nude.

I offered Tyler a beer and he accepted. I knew what he really wanted just by the bulge in his jeans.

"Before Matt satisfies your obvious lust, I have a proposition for you."

"Okay, what?"

"Well, I'm taking Matt and four other guys up to my cabin in the mountains. We plan to stay there until all the shit that's happening blows over. Do you want to come along?"

"Why do you want me along?"

"If I said I wanted you to be the fuck and suck toy for the rest of us, what would you say?"

"Do I get to fuck too and get sucked?"

"Of course. I love the taste of what's inside those sweet balls of yours."

"Okay. I'll come along with you. Do I need to bring anything?"

"Well clothes and cold weather gear. I'll supply all the food and anything else you'll need." "Well I don't have a parka. I never go anywhere outside in winter except in warm houses." He giggled.

"Okay, I'm picking some one up tomorrow and need to buy winter stuff too, so you can come along."

"Now why don't you get out of those jeans before you split the seams?"


Next: Chapter 5

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