Channings Visit

By Andy Darko

Published on Sep 30, 2013


This story will contain sexual acts between two adult males. I am not, nor do I know the celebrities involved. I do not know their sexual preferences. If you are not of legal age, please direct yourself to another site. If you enjoy Nifty, please donate!

-------------------------------------------------- Channing's Visit - Chapter 9 -------------------------------------------------- Well, I wonder if anyone reads this anymore...

There's not enough apologizing that I could do to explain how sorry I am to keep you guys waiting. My life is a whirlwind and things have been insane. But, just to prove to you that I am still alive (and so is this story!) here is the next chapter! Big things are coming, I promise!

Thanks to Jonathon, Paul, Tyler, David, Dext, Michael, Faisal, Freddie, Jason, Shannon, JA, Jacob, Joseph and John for the e-mails!

Channing's aura of emotional attachment continued throughout the day, even when we took the horses out for a ride. While saddling them up, he would shoot me small smiles or run a hand over my waist as he walked past. We even had a literal roll in the hay when he decided to sneak up behind me and tackle me into the straw. I emerged laughing and covered in hay, much to his amusement.

Meagan led the way around the ranch with the guys in tow. I entertained myself by taking my horse, Leonardo, for a gallop around the property. Crouched low in the saddle, I felt exhilarated as we zoomed freely. All was going well until our approach sent a flock of birds skyward, startling the horse. He reared violently and, in the process, tossed me from the saddle. I curled into a ball as I hit the ground, rolling to avoid any injury.

Within seconds, the group was upon me. Meagan slowed as she approached. "You good, Reagan?"

I sat up and smiled. "I'm okay."

She nodded, then spurred her horse forward to catch my retreating mount. Channing wasn't a second behind, throwing himself from the saddle and rushing over to me. "Babe, are you all right? Are you hurt?" He frantically looked me over, checking arms and legs. He even started prodding my head with his fingers, looking for blood I guess. I rolled my eyes as I brushed him off.

"I am perfectly fine. It's not the first time I've been unsaddled."

"Are you sure?" he pressed. "Should we go to the hospital? Just to make sure?"

I playfully shoved him away, laughing. "When did you become such a worrywart? I promise, I'm fine." He shook his head, stood and held out a hand to help me up. "Sorry I'm concerned about my boyfriend's well-being."

I took his hand and let him pull me up. As soon as I stood, I cried out and grabbed my leg as I buckled. Channing was on me in an instant. "Oh, my god, Reagan! What? What is it?"

I couldn't help the devious grin that spread across my face. "Gotcha."

"Fuck. You."

I burst into laughter, as did Joey, bringing a flush to Channing's face. "Come on, Chan," Joey chided. "You should know better by now."

"You're going to really be in trouble one day and I'm not going to take you seriously," Channing growled, pointing a finger in my face. I ignored him, choosing instead to take a friendly nibble at the tip of his digit. He threw his arm around my neck and kissed me lightly. "You're trouble, little man."

"Would you like to be IN trouble?"


Meagan trotted up with my steed in tow, interrupting our repartee. "You boys gonna dawdle all day or are we going to keep riding?"

I took the reins from her and mounted the horse. "I think I'm going to take Channing to the clearing. While the weather is nice." Meagan looked up at the cloudless sky curiously, as if to ask, "˜Are you anticipating rain?', but said nothing aloud. Channing's eyes lit up, excited at the potential alone time. He reached for his own steed, but I stopped him. "I'll drive." He paused, then placed his foot in the stirrup and joined me in the saddle. His body was pressed alluringly close to mine, a feeling I welcomed.

With nothing but a glance backwards, I spurred my horse forward and galloped off across the field and through a grove of trees. Channing held his arms around me tightly, although whether it be because of the speed or for romanticism, I'll never know. After a few minutes, the trees thinned and we emerged into a picturesque clearing full of wildflowers of all colors. The only sounds were the birds flitting across the span and the gurgle of a nearby brook. It was near the water that I dismounted and tied the reins up.

"This is gorgeous," Channing said as he jumped down.

"It's one of my favorite places to go," I replied, taking his hand in mine. "There's rarely anyone around and it's completely cut off from the world."

"Kind of like you."

I didn't take the remark offensively. Both he and I knew it to be very true. "I wasn't always," I chuckled as we made our way through knee-high flowers. "Believe it or not, I used to be quite the party animal."

"I can't picture that."

"Oh, yeah," I continued. "Drinking all the time, staying up until the wee hours of the morning. All that. Ask Meagan."

"I'll be sure to," he quipped as I stopped him. He looked around the field, then at me. "What are we stopping for?"

I drew him close to my body and looked up into his green eyes. "I know Meagan told you about what happened."

His face scrunched into an expression of confusion. "What do you-?" His eyes lit up in comprehension before he flinched like a kid that's been caught lying. "Oh... oh. Babe, look, I'm sorry for being nosy. I just didn't understand what-,"

"You weren't being nosy," I cut in. "And, you don't have to apologize. As a matter of fact, I need to apologize to you. For snapping at you. For not trusting you enough to tell you what happened. It's just... it's not something I like to think about and I certainly don't like to talk about it. But, I promise to be more open with you from now on, okay?"

He cracked an endearing smile before speaking. "You tell me whatever you want. Everybody has their secrets."

It was no surprise that the moment led to a glorious makeout session. The two of us held onto one another as if we might suddenly disappear like a wisp of smoke. I gripped his shirt eagerly as he held my face. We kissed for hours, days, months, I don't know. All I know is that it felt wonderful.

Then, something shifted in Channing's demeanor. His kiss seemed distracted, tentative. I opened my eyes to see his eyes looking, not at me, but behind me. I broke away from him and turned my head to look over my shoulder. All the way across the field was a man with a camera pointing towards the trees. I chuckled, already sure I knew what Channing's thought was.

"He's not paparazzi," I said to him, gripping his chin and forcing him to look at me. "He's an amateur nature photographer. Probably out here looking for birds."

The paranoia in his voice was thick. "And, he just happened to be here when we are?"

"Channing, this is a forest. And, there happen to be animals in it. Consequently, nature photographers come out here. Very rarely do closeted celebrities and their boyfriends come here to make out. Loosen up."

"Reagan, if pictures of us like this come out-,"

"Your reputation will survive, I'm sure."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm not worried about my reputation. I'm worried about you."

That statement threw me. "What... what do you mean?"

He paused to run a hand through his hair and sigh. "Basically... I don't know where this is going. You and I. But, I know that I can't stay out here forever. And, when I do have to go back to my life... I want you to come with me."

"How is that something to worry about?" I chuckled, nuzzling up next to him. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me.

"Babe, not saying anything against your personal fortitude, but... Hollywood is a rough place. You've been alone for so long that I'm worried it might be... a bit much for you. Hypothetically, if we did come out as a couple, there would be interviews and photo shoots and premieres and parties and a million different other things where people would want to know anything and everything about you." The frustration was written all over his face as he stood silent for a moment. "It was hard enough on you to open up to me. I can't imagine what a full-scale celebrity boyfriend status would do to you."

I absorbed his words with a rapt attention, realizing that I couldn't deny anything he had said. Describing my developing relationship with Channing as tumultuous would be putting it mildly. Under the scrutiny of the world, my life would become something even wilder.

Unable to respond to his words, I sat down amongst the flowers and motioned for him to do the same. In our new position, we were only visible from the shoulder up and, even then, someone would have to look very hard to find us in the midst of the flora. We sat studying each other for some time before I turned my body away from him and scooted in between his legs, pressing my back to his front. His arms wound around my torso encircling me in his body.

Unbidden, a thought came to me. "What about your baby?" I felt him tense around me and realized that we had never broached the subject before. When he didn't reply, I continued. "I mean... hypothetically, if we were to continue..." I was hesitant to use the word "˜dating'. "If we were continue seeing each other, what happens when your wife-,"

"Ex-wife," he said sternly.

"Right. Sorry. What happens when she has the baby? Do you expect me to rush to the emergency room with you? Will she even allow me to be in the same room as you, your families and your newborn child?" As I rambled on, I could almost hear Meagan's voice in my head chiding me.

Stop overanalyzing everything. Just take it one day at a time and see how it works out. That's all you can do.

Instead, I kept on. "And, what about when the baby grows up? How will she take it knowing that, when it's with you, it's also with me? What if she doesn't even like me? Hypothetically."

Channing paused silently, making me think I had dug up too many emotions. There hadn't been any mention of his divorce since I had sent off the papers. And, I certainly hadn't postulated anything about our future. Now, here I sat, throwing a million potential obstacles in our way despite the fact that we had just overcome plenty.

When he finally spoke, it was thoughtful and quiet. "Well, I can't really answer most of those questions. But... I know that I want you, hypothetically, to be a part of every aspect of my life, including raising my daughter. And, Jenna will have to learn to respect and accept the man I love as a part of it. Hypothetically."

I elbowed him as he laughed at his mockery. I was so preoccupied with his joking that it took me a minute to register what had just been said. "What did you just say?"

"I said she'll have to live with the decision I've made to be with you."

"That's not..." I cut myself off, realizing that Channing had probably let that word slip. To press the issue might make it awkward, so I simply squeezed his leg in appreciation and leaned against him. He kissed my neck gently, the fuzz of his facial hair sending goosebumps over my skin. Despite the weight of our conversation, I found myself lost in bliss. Here, there was no dark pasts or familial responsibilities. There were no careers to worry about, no ex-boyfriends or ex-wives.

It was just the two of us.

We sat like that for a long time, Channing surrounding me with his body and me, staring off into the distance wondering how long this would last. Part of me chastised myself for automatically placing an expiration date on our relationship, but I had no clue as to how this could work itself out, what with him being as famous as he was.


Will be.

I suddenly felt a vibration on my backside. Channing jumped, then sighed. "Sorry, babe. I'm sure that's business." He lay back on the flowers and pulled his phone out, glancing at the screen. "Fuck. I have to take this."

He stood, leaving me with an empty presence behind me and began pacing about the field as he answered. I watched observantly as he talked, trying my best to gauge his mood as he spoke. For a time, he walked with his free hand in his pocket, almost sheepish. Then, he stopped and his body became rigid. I bit my bottom lip, sure that the news he was receiving wasn't good. Sure enough, he ran his hand through his hair before looking across the distance at me. He gave me what I'm sure he hoped was a genuine smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

His phone call ended after a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity. When Channing finally returned, he plopped down next to me and lay on the grass, heavy with the weight of his conversation.

"What's wrong?" I asked, reclining next to him.

He sighed, his hunter green eyes staring upwards. "Well... the news is out."


Another sigh, this time accompanied by a hand over his eyes. "The world knows that I'm divorced. Apparently, Jenna went out and someone noticed she didn't have her wedding band on. And, considering I haven't been seen with her in weeks, it didn't take long for the rest to be figured out. Some celeb gossip show just aired it."

"I'm sorry, babe."

He revealed his eyes and shrugged. "I'm not. Actually, I'm kinda glad it happened. It's a little bit of closure." I gave him a smile and placed my hand on his chest reassuringly. Channing took me by my wrist and pressed my hand to his lips, kissing gently. Then, he pulled a little more insistently, until my body was sprawled across his own. "Plus, it means there's nothing keeping me from telling the world about us."

I scoffed. "Except the fact that you are in the closet."

Channing rolled, pinning me underneath his muscle, and attacked my neck with pecks and kisses, evoking laughter from me.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to stay in," he growled. "Not when I have someone like you beside me."

I blushed, the heat rising in my cheeks. "You're so indecisive."

His brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"One minute you want to protect me from the horrors of Hollywood, the next you want to parade me in front of the world," I replied lightly. "Which one is it?"

Channing shrugged before leaning in for a kiss. "I guess we'll just wait and see." I chuckled as our lips locked, somehow content with his answer. Maybe Meagan was right. Maybe there truly was no point in trying to plan out every aspect of our future. Maybe I should be satisfied with the moment by moment affections.

Channing separated from me, eyes glossy with lust. "You ready to go back? I'm getting hungry."

"Sure. Besides, Meagan is probably talking Joey's ear off."

He laughed as we stood and made our way back to my horse. I noted that, as we climbed into the saddle, he was staring in the direction of the nature photographer who was currently looking down into his camera. I patted Channing's thigh reassuringly before spurring the horse forward and towards the house.

After securing our mount in the stables, we headed inside and were greeted my Meagan and Joey's laughter. They were parked in front of the television, drinks in hand. Surprise.

"So, then," Meagan said between gasps of laughter. "He rolls off of the pool table, knocking over every single cue stick in the bar as well as anyone's drink in the vicinity, pinballs to the bathroom and proceeds to puke everywhere EXCEPT the toilet! I had to bribe the bar owner just so he wouldn't call the police on us!"

I scowled as the two clutched their sides in mirth. "You are NOT telling the story I think you are."

"Oh, but I am!"

Channing questioned me with a raised eyebrow.

"Our twenty-first birthday. Also known as the night Meagan decided to let me do all the drinking."

Meagan snickered. "Lightweight."




Meagan's jaw dropped, then her eyes narrowed. "Touche, little brother. You win this round. Hey, we ordered pizza so we can stay in tonight before you guys have to leave tomorrow."

"Who said we were leaving?"

Joey raised his hand sheepishly. "Sorry. I have to get back to L.A. and I kind of assumed we were leaving tomorrow. My flight is in the afternoon."

"Not a problem," Channing spoke up. "We can drop you off at the airport on the way back to Reagan's. Right, babe?"

"Sure. Although, I hate to see you go."

Joey's smile lit up. "Hey, not all of us can afford the time to take extended holidays like Chan. Some of us have work to do."

"Eat it."

"Only if you're the one serving."

"Oh, happily, punk."

"Let's go, then."

I rolled my eyes. "Behave, Channing."

His eyebrows lifted. "Are you taking his side? Because, you're supposed to be MY boyfriend."

I laughed as I plopped down next to Meagan. "I'm not taking anyone's side. And, just because I'm dating you doesn't mean I automatically take your side. I'm just saying."

"Benedict Arnold."

"Enough with the name calling!" Meagan half yelled, half laughed. "Let's try and have a nice evening before I spend the day cleaning my house."

"I'll get the plates, then," I spoke up. "Channing, would you mind grabbing the napkins and silverware?"

"I'll get some drinks started," Joey volunteered.

"And, I'll sit here and stand guard for the pizza," Meagan said, throwing her feet up on the couch. I shook my head, amused, and made my way to the kitchen. Channing and I set to our respective tasks, returning our items to the living room. Within minutes the spread was complete and we settled back into the den. The pizza arrived shortly after and we dove in, laughing and chatting all the while.

"So, Channing, you do know that I have to give you the Big Sister talk," Meagan said as she sat back from her empty plate. Channing, mouthful of pizza, turned and perked an eyebrow curiously. Joey sat up a little straighter, grinning amusedly. I rolled my eyes. "Please don't," I groaned.

Of course she ignored me. "Now, I know we just met this weekend, but I like what I've seen so far. And, in saying that, I mean both of you and of the relationship you have cultivated with Reagan."

I couldn't stop myself from interrupting. "Pardon? "˜Cultivated'? Have you rehearsed this?"

"Yes, I have, now shut up before I forget what I want to say." With a flip of the hair, she continued. "As much as I'm sure Reagan doesn't care if I approve or not, I give you both as much of a blessing as I can. I want you to make my brother happy in any way possible, but within reason because he's kind of a brat. On the other hand, I will warn you that if you break his heart, physically harm him or otherwise cause him distress, I will cut you from stem to stern and choke you to death with whatever falls out. Got it?"

Channing nodded, looking stunned.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, eyes shut. "Jesus, you are embarrassing."

"I've got to protect my fragile little brother," Meagan giggled. I rolled my eyes so hard they hurt. Channing threw an arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "I think it's cute. Well, up to the cutting and choking part."

"She wouldn't do that to you," I said reassuringly. "Because I'd have killed you myself by the time she got there."

"Murderous rage runs in the family," Joey chimed in. "Good to know."

The laughs continued into the late hours of the night until we all started to mellow. Joey was the first to go, curled up on the loveseat. I volunteered to wake him as Meagan and Channing took the remaining food to the kitchen. I sat on the couch and gently shook him by the shoulder. "Joey," I whispered. "Time to hit the hay upstairs."

He groaned quietly and turned, throwing an arm around my lap and pressing his face to my hip. I chuckled to myself before attempting again. This time, there was no response. Channing walked in, took one look at the situation and shook his head. "That kid sleeps like a rock."

"I can't get him up."

"I can."

He approached quietly, almost tip-toeing across the room. Then, before I could stop him, he threw his arm back, geared up and smacked Joey's ass harder than I could comprehend. With a scream and a flinging of limbs, Joey sat up. He looked bemusedly at me, then at Channing, who was now on the floor, incapacitated with laughter. "Ugh. Fuck you, Chan."

"Sorry, Joey," I said. "I tried to wake you up and it didn't work."

He responded with a yawn as he rolled off of the couch. "Thanks. Just wake me up tomorrow morning whenever you guys get up." As he left the room, he kicked at Channing, prompting more laughter. I waited until his door had closed to wriggle my way onto Channing's lap. His smile lingered as I kissed him, his hands resting on my hips.

"Mm, pizza," he snickered. I ignored him, meeting his lips with mine once again. He must have sensed my need for contact because his hands wandered. One rested gently on the back of my neck. The other crept slowly up the back of my shirt. My skin bumped up at the sensations. "Think you can behave until we get home tomorrow?" I asked, our lips so close they were still touching.

"I don't know. That's like... fifteen hours. Promise it'll be worth the wait?"

"You know it will."

His hand slid from my back down the seat of my pants, grabbing and squeezing. My back automatically arched, breaking our oral contact. I was in the throes of some serious arousal as I opened my eyes.

And saw Meagan staring down at us, arms crossed. "Seriously? I give you my blessing and you bang it out on my Persian rug?"

"We weren't -,"

"Shut it, whore. I'll see you in the morning."

She ascended the stairs and disappeared into her room, leaving Channing and I alone. He looked at me sheepishly. "She's... quite the charmer, huh?"

"And, about a subtle as a brick." I kissed him again before climbing off of his lap. "Come on, babe. Let's get to bed." He held onto my hands as we left the living room and headed upstairs, wrapping his big arms around me as we reached the landing. His lips were on my neck, my shoulders, my ears, anywhere they could reach.

And, me?

I was in heaven. --------------------------------------------------

Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think, what you would like to see or even if you just want to say thanks or anything!

Next: Chapter 11

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