Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 11, 2021


Charlie was doing something he rarely did: he was sitting and thinking. Usually, he was up and doing "something," whether it was cleaning, or cooking, or jerking off, watching tv, etc. But now, he was just thinking.

He was thinking about Silas, and his relationship to him. When he had agreed to go out with Silas, he hoped it was a date, but he'd have settled for hanging out. He got the date. He NEVER thought that Silas would be - as jamie called him - " a big ole' bottom." More than that, he never thought that Silas would be a SUB bottom, but that seemed to be the case. Their first date: "pin me down.. Make me your prisoner." Their last date: Charlie cuffed him to the bed, and Silas' cock grew an extra three inches. Working with this was new for Charlie. In his fantasies, he was always on the bottom, some big dark haired man pounding him until he begged for mercy. He never imagined that he'd be a top. Or a DOM. The "Council" though, had started calling him "Chuck," and referring to him as their "country boy STUD." It was a lot to take.

And where should he take things with Silas? He had spoken a little bit with Mark, because he thought he'd be the best person: Mark and jack had been together forever, and if you looked at them, with Mark's slight, wiry body and big glasses, and then jack's big solid body, you would not assume that jack bottomed and subbed. If you add it all the "Top Man" attributes of jack: the working with his hands, construction, etc, he could have been Silas' big brother. How did Mark handle it? How did he do this?"

Mark was very easy to talk to. He gave an answer that was the reason Charlie was sitting there, thinking. "Not sure I can answer that completely, Chuck. When I was younger, all I thought about was fucking guys, dominating them, all that stuff. And all my partners were slim, blond , young looking guys: I just laid eyes on jack one day, and... well, what can I say, I had to have him." He laughed. "I did some bad things I'm not proud of, and we were apart for more than a short while. I tracked him down, kinda forced the issue, and the rest is: well, six dogs , three houses, a wedding, and God knows what else ago." He paused again. "So Chuck, I think you have to decide: are you happy with being an exclusive top? If you're not , then you wanna talk to Silas about seeing whether you want to flip flop. If he doesn't, well... You're gonna have to move on, cause otherwise you're gonna be very unhappy." "I don't think he knows, Mark. He's even newer to this than I am." Mark laughed. "He knows Chuck. He knows. We ALL do. Just find some "quiet space," and think about it. You'll know your truth, and then, you just have to find it with Si." Charlie was silent a bit, and Mark continued. "Look , why don't you try this? I don't know how aggressive you've been with him. Maybe however much you've been, you've got to step it up: trust me kid, if you go too far, he'll let you know. I don't think he's THAT much of a lady." Charlie had laughed. "Thanks Mark. I'm gonna try this out. " "Report back to me Chuck. I wanna know how this works. Cause you know, you're awfully good looking together."

And that's why Charlie was sitting there, thinking about what he should do. He had a bit of a plan. Sundays, Silas went to church with his folks. So he knew where to find him. He usually spent the day at home, helping his father around the house. "I'm gonna give it a go." Charlie got up, washed his face, made sure his teeth were clean, and put on some decent clothes. Then he went to the car he shared with Billy, and drove off to the church parking lot.

Silas saw Charlie before the reverse: Charlie was standing up against the car, leaning slightly, arms folded. If he had a cigarette in his mouth, he would've been a bad boy right out of an old movie. "Mom, Dad, that's my friend Charlie. Ok if I go say hello?" "OH OF COURSE! " His mom smiled. "See if he wants to have lunch with us." Silas walked over: he was in "Church clothes:" a dark blue buttondown shirt, a black tie, and khaki pants. The pants were loose enough that they didn't show the erection he threw when he saw Charlie. "Hey," He took Charlie's hand and smiled. "I didn't expect to see you here. " "I'm a man full of surprises. As you're gonna find out. Get in the car." Silas gulped. "My mom told me to invite you to lunch. You wanna come? We can hang out after." "Yeah, I wanna cum. I wanna cum IN you. In your mouth, in your ass, all over you. " Silas blushed. He lowered his voice. "Charlie. People are gonna hear." Charlie just grinned. "You want them to see, instead? I got a piece of rope in my pocket. I could just tie you up and take you with me now." The bulge in Silas' pants was visible now. "Please Charlie. Please. Just come to family lunch. I'll do anything you want afterward." Charlie laughed. "You got that part right, bottom." Silas' parents came over , to meet him. "Silas Nusser here, Charlie. Heard about you. " He held out his hand to Charlie who shook it vigorously. "So nice to meet you Mr. Nusser. Silas says you can't do wrong." He turned to Silas' mother. "You must be Mrs. Nusser. I heard about your beautiful voice from jack." Mae blushed. "Oh, isn't that SWEET. My voice is NOTHING like his." She turned to Silas. "Have you ever heard Silas sing?" Charlie was about to say something about how he'd heard OTHER noises from Silas, but he smiled cagily. "NOOOOOOOO. Silas never sang for me. Maybe you and he can do a duet?" "OH, I would LOVE that. Does that mean you're coming to lunch, Charlie?" He smiled. "If I'm still invited, now that you've met me." She laughed. "Silas told me you're a good cook. I hope my meal is up to your standards." "I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it ma'am. I haven't been to a real Sunday lunch in a long, long time." "Well, you've got your car so I guess we'll take both of them. Silas, you wanna ride with Charlie?" Charlie smiled and Silas blushed. "Yes ma'am. If that's ok. And would you mind if we went out after lunch?" She sighed. "Young men. Just sing one song with your mom before you go, ok?"

Back at the Nusser house, Silas went upstairs with Charlie to show him his room. He took off his necktie, and he was about to change to jeans, when Chuck wrapped his arms around his middle. He put his mouth over silas' ear. "You are gonna be so sore when I get through with you today, it isn't gonna be funny." Silas leaned back into Chuck's hard on. "Is that a promise or a threat?" "It's both."

At lunch, Chuck drove silas crazy by playing footsie with him under the table. At one point, he reached underneath and grabbed Silas' crotch very quickly, and a yelp came out of Silas. "Sorry dad. I was just thinking of something funny from work the other day. It's really not suitable for the table. " "Well, ha ha, ok Silas. You'll have to tell me later." "Mrs. Nusser, I hope I'm not being rude, but you promised me a duet with Silas." "OH, YES. OF COURSE. Silas, come on. Let's sing that one, the one your grandmuti liked so much. "Blessed Assurance, mom?" "YES! That's the one." Mae took a seat at the piano and accompanied them. Mr. Nusser and Chuck listened, and at the refrain, Chuck joined in, and Mr. Nusser followed. Mae turned to Charlie and called him over. She motioned for him to stand next to Silas and sing with him. "OH MY, that was fun! Charlie YOU have a beautiful voice too." "Thank you ma'am. I don't sing much, I mostly grunt." Silas turned away for a minute. He thought he was going to die. "Maybe I can talk to jack. You, he, Silas and I: we could form our own band. You sing lead, the three boys as background." She began to laugh. "Oh, that's funny Charlie. I wanted to be a big band singer when I was a young girl but..." She went and took Silas' senior's arm. "This handsome man came along and swept me off my feet, and..." Charlie tried something. "Does Silas look like you did when you were young Mr. Nusser." "Well, I was a little better looking, but it was close. Here, let me pull out an album. " Charlie was sitting in between the two Nusser men when Dad pulled out the album. Mae was in the kitchen . He heard the water, and jumped up. "I'm sorry Mr. Nusser. Mrs. Nusser, you want to wash or dry? We're doing this together?" "No Charlie, it's gonna be the three of us." Silas was in there too, more to make sure Charlie didn't get him in trouble than anything else. "OH MY! Charlie you are SUCH a good influence on Silas. He hasn't helped with the dishes since I told him he didn't have to." "Well, you know the old saying Mrs. Nusser. Many hands make light work." She smiled. "Indeed, Charlie , you're right. You work for jack?" "Well, I started there but now I work for jamie." "SUCH nice people," she clasped her hands in front of her. "Every time we need to do something around the farm and we just don't have enough people to help, they've come over. " "Eeeeeyup" said Mr. Nusser. "See that field in the distance out the window? jack plowed that field himself." "He's talented Mr. Nusser. jack really doesn't know anything about plowing, but he IS strong as an ox." "I'm gonna die," Silas was thinking. "I have never seen this side of him. I think I like it."

After Charlie had said his goodbyes and thank yous, and promised to come back, he and Silas headed out to jamie's car. "If you had any idea how much I wanna put my hand on your sweet ass, silas..." "If you had any idea how much I wish it were there." Charlie had plans for their afternoon, but he was getting so excited, he was gonna have a hard time keeping them. He wanted Silas... NOW"

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In the car , Charlie put silas' hand on his crotch. "Who's gonna get this when we get to my place?" "Uh, me ?" "Yup. Not right away though." "Why not ?" "Because I'm in charge... And I'll decide these things... BOTTOM" He saw silas color, but then smile. "Can I ask what you're gonna do first?" "You can ask, but I'm not telling." He saw Silas smile, and then he quieted down. "You know, from now on, when I'm driving, I think you're gonna have to have your wrists tied, silas. You gotta keep your place in mind." "OOOH. I'd like that. " When they got to the house, Charlie pointed to a chair in the middle of the living room. "SIT. NOW" "Do you want my hands behind my back?" "DAMN RIGHT COUNTRY BOI." silas smiled at that. He did what he was told, and he felt the rope go around his wrists, and Chuck unbutton his shirt buttons from behind him. He felt what little chin hair Chuck had, against his ear and neck. "LOOK at that beautiful chest on that big, big boy. MMMMM." He began licking silas' ear while he played with each nipple. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Charlie. That... That feels so good." "Call me CHUCK from now on, muffin. SIR CHUCK would be even better." "Yes SIR!" Charlie took a look at the lump in silas' pants, and he knew, this was working. It was working for him, too. "OOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Sir Chuck. I probably sinned about two hundred times today, thinking of you in church. I'm so glad you.. MMMMMMMMPH." "SHUT UP. You're talking too much. That mouth needs to be used for one thing: SUCKING COCK." "MMMMMMMPH." silas moaned through the gag Chuck had just put on him. He walked around to the front. "Remember what I did to you the other night, silas? With my tongue?" silas nodded eagerly, as if he wanted it again. "That's called eating pussy. So I guess you're a pussy boy. You a pussy boy, silas?" silas looked puzzled and didn't answer, so Chuck rested his bony elbow on his crotch. "I ASKED YOU IF YOU WERE A PUSSY BOI." silas' eyes rolled to the back of his head and then he shook it yes. "So when I put you in bed, you're gonna beg me to fuck your pussy. Just like the manbitch you are, right?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Charlie noticed that silas was getting close to the point of no return. He stopped the chair torture, and moved him over to the bed. He pulled out the gag. "BEG ME. BEG ME TO FUCK YOUR PUSSY." silas moaned even louder as Chuck pulled down his jeans. The moans were more pronounced as Chuck separated his ass cheeks. He was lying on his side, and he couldn't see Chuck, but he could feel him. "Please . Please Sir Chuck. Please fuck my manpussy. Please...." After I get it wet, you MANCUNT." Chuck pushed his tongue in like he did the first time. silas tried to roll a bit to get friction for his cock. Charlie rolled him on his back. "You'll get to cum when I say you can. NOT BEFORE." "Yes Sir Chuck. Sorry Sir Chuck. OHHHHHHH. OH MY GOD." Charlie was back to "lubricating" him and it was feeling more and more intense. Then without warning, Chuck pulled off his own pants, and his big cock stuck out in front of him. "TAKE IT YOU MANPUSSY. TAKE IT." He began thrusting into silas, HARD." "OH GOD. YES SIR. YES. THIS IS HOW I LIKE IT. HARD. ROUGH. FUCK ME. FUCK MY MAN PUSSY. FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Chuck was pretty far along, so it was fairly quick before he began speeding up the thrusts, and then, the jizz started pouring into silas: hot, and thick, and lots of it. Chuck had done his best not to jerk off before he got together with silas, and now it was all coming out. He smiled when he saw how hard silas was. "Here's a new word for you studmuffin. It's called edging." Chuck began to move his fingers delicately, up and down over silas' shaft. "OOHHHHHHHHHHH. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Feels like a feather Sir. OH SHIT...." silas forgot himself. It was Sunday and he had just cursed, but Chuck had just began kneading his cock head. "SIR CHUCK. OH CAN I. CAN I PLEASE... OH SHIT.............." He cursed again and then waves of his own jizz flew out. Chuck smiled, and hugged him from behind. "You ok, Silo Junior?" He nuzzled silas' ear. "Hell yeah Sir. DAMN. See what you're doing to me? I'm cursing on the Sabbath." Chuck laughed. "You just had gay sex on the Sabbath. I think if you're gonna start counting sins..." He began untying silas' wrists. "MMMMM. You're right Sir. So right." Chuck rolled him around. "You take the traditional Sunday nap, boy?" "Yes sir. Just a short one." "Let's. Let's get some energy for a second round before I gotta drive you home."

Back at the Nusser house, Silas' dad was snoring in his recliner. He took a Sunday nap too. Mae was sitting, smiling and looking at the pictures from the album that here husband had pulled out. She smiled, even as she teared up a little. "Charlie's such a nice boy. They're all nice boys. " She frowned. "Women around here are MEAN. And UGLY. Silas Junior is so gentle." Then she sighed. "I wish he were like jack and Mark and all those boys. Then maybe he could find a good man. I wouldn't mind." She added a note to add it to her prayer list for evening devotion.

Next: Chapter 5

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