Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 18, 2021


Charlie and Billy were driving back from the main part of town. It was grocery shopping day, and the car was loaded with stuff for their apartment, groceries for Jamie, "just a few things" jack had requested (included 3 cases of dog food), and they were just teasing each other the way brothers - especially twins - would do. "Hey, know what Billy? Si told me that there's a boy who likes you a LOT. He's just too shy to do anything?" Billy laughed "ME? That's news. I never heard anything." "Hmmmmmmmm. Well, I think it's about time you did. I think we're gonna go and pay a visit because, my boy is working with him today." silas had told Charlie that he was going to spend the day helping a neighbor bring in his feed corn crop. Karl Mueller lived about a mile down the road from where silas lived with his family. He lived alone: his father had died when he was about 15, and then, a few years after he had finished school, his mom called him in to her bedroom one day and told him "It's my time Karl. Think kindly of me" and then passed on that night. He had been taking care of the farm since his father died, so there was no change with his working life. In a way, things eased up a bit: his mom had been sick for a long time, and now, he didn't have to take care of her: it was just him and his dog, Cornelia - his very preganant dog Cornelia. He got all kinds of kidding about how a corn farmer named his dog Cornelia, but she was named after his great great aunt, whom he had known when he was a very young boy. She always made his favorite fried donuts, filled with berry jam, and laughed as she wiped his face afterward. Having Cornelia around reminded him of her. Karl had been around animals long enough to know that it wouldn't be long before the house was filled with puppies. He'd have no trouble finding them homes: Cornelia had a reputation for finding any kind of vole or other pest that tried to get into his house. Those traits would pass to her pups. The father - he knew who the father was, because he walked in on "the deed" as he called it - Jupiter, from another farm, was a big strong black dog who formed immediate likes or dislikes for you. Jupiter loved jack, but then again, what dog didn't?

Karl favored men. If anyone found his collection of magazines, well hidden under his bed, they'd be amazed. He had started collecting just after his father died, and he kept his favorites, burning the ones he didn't care for. He never told his mother, and she never found out: Karl did all the cleaning around the house, since his mom wasn't all that strong. Between the farm work, and tending to his mom, the magazines were nearly his only source of sexual pleasure. He was a good looking man: very solid from the farm labor, short haircut which would almost make you think he was in the Marines, the blue eyes that just about all the young men in the area had (suggesting a small group of settlers many years ago), and an open, honest personality. If you stepped back, and thought about the guys, like silas, karl, and some of their other friends, you'd understand why jack loved the area so much: it was as if there were a bunch of "jit's" as Mark would tease, or "Jacks in training." And they all found him, and he welcomed them all.

"There he is. I'd recognize those nipples a mile away." The twins were driving past Karl's farm, and Charlie spotted his boyfriend out in the filed, cutting the sheaves down, working not far away from Karl . They worked in a steady rhythm, taking one row at a time. There was supposed to be rain coming soon, and they needed to get the cutting done before it got there. Charlie stopped the car. "Let's visit. I LOVE watching him blush."

Karl and Silas looked up when they heard the car door slam. "It's the twins," Karl turned to Silas. He smiled. "Your boyfriend." Silas blushed. Karl was the only person he had told: actually , he hadn't "told" him, but they had run into each other in the adult book store a few years ago, and realized they knew each other. They didn't much talk about their sex lives - not that Karl had anything to say - but occasionally, Silas would tell him a little bit about Charlie. The twins walked over. Silas was already reddening. It added to the color he had picked up from the sun. "Hey Silas. " Charlie smiled. "Trying to make yourself even more muscles?" More blushing. "Hey Chuck. Nice surprise. " He turned to Karl. "We got time for a break? " "Yeah, sure. 15 minutes?" "Wanna go for a walk, Chuck?" Charlie smiled. "Sure." They headed off into the field in a direction away from Karl and Billy. Now it was Billy's turn to blush. "So... gee Charlie, I haven't had a chance to talk to you face to face I think, ever. How's it going? You like working for jack?" "Yeah, I do. He's GREAT. Cracks me up with his nicknames for people but its part of him." Karl smiled. "He have a nickname for you?" "Oh geez. I have a different nickname every week. Now he's calling me IN-voice." "Invoice? I don't get it?" "Yeah, you gotta get used to what he calls 'jackspeak. ' An invoice is a bill, and I'm Billy, so...." Karl started to laugh. "That IS kinda funny." They both stared at their shoes for a minute, then Karl screwed up his courage. "So... Billy... you know, I know you and Charlie are twins, but... I have no trouble telling the two of you apart." He smiled. "Really? How do you do it?" Karl began to blush. "You've got longer eyelashes. And your lips are softer." Now it was time for Billy to blush. "Sounds like you've made a pretty thorough study." "I have , Billy. I have. I think you're really cute." Billy blushed more. "I.. I don't know what to say." "Well, how about saying yes." "Yes to what?" "OOOPS. Sorry. I just got nervous and forgot to ask my question: you feel like hanging out this weekend sometime? We can figure out the details, but... Silas and I should have the corn in, and I won't feel like doing much working for a couple days after that and..." He looked up and Billy saw a mix of fear, lust, and pain in his eyes. "I'd just really like to spend some together time with you." "I'd like that too Karl. Let's exchange numbers and we'll figure this out." They put their numbers in each other's phones and then they were silent. "Can I kiss you Billy?" "I was wondering when you were gonna do that. You didn't have to ask." They say that one twin is always dominant, and the other passive. There was no question that Billy was the passive one. He just sort of melted in Karl's arms as he kissed him. Then he kissed him again. " "If you don't do that when we get together, I'll never talk to you again." Karl smiled. "I'll do that and a lot more. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chuck and silas had walked about half a mile into the cornfield. As they walked, Chuck had slipped his right hand into silas' left jean pocket. It gave him a sense of ownership: this sweaty sexy, wiry giant of a man was HIS. "I can feel your underwear through your jeans silas." Silas laughed. "You're embarrassing me Chuck." "WHY? Because I like your ass. I like doing more than touching it." "I know. I like what you do too. " "Want me to do things to it this weekend?" silas smiled. "Lots of things. Maybe we can go out too?" "Hee hee. If I let you outta bed. Watching you work today, seeing those muscles strain." "Oh . You mean like this?" Silas stopped and began doing exaggerated flexing. Chuck laughed. "Not quite like that. Although... when you let me see your nipples like that, I just can't help myself..." He reached in and took silas' nips. "Put your hands behind you bitch" "Yes sir. Sorry I forgot sir." "DON'T let it happen again." He squeezed silas' nipples hard enough for silas to wince. "That feels so good Sir." "Gonna feel even better this weekend. When you come over: no underwear under your pants. And pack up some athletic shorts. REALLY short ones." silas smiled. "What're you gonna do?" "That's for me to know, and you to find out. Now how do you say see you later to your TOP man?" "I don't know, Sir.. With a kiss?" No one saw them but the field mice and the birds.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jamie heard a knock on the door of the house. He had locked the Inn today: just didn't feel like going in to do anything. He was at home, doing the weekly baking for he and Cooper, and trying to discourage Mulligan from eating the sofa. "Just a second..." He washed and dried his hands, whipped off his apron, smiled because he had decided NOT to be "The Naked Chef" that day, "Mrs. Nusser! This is a surprise. Come on in." Mae smiled. "Thank you Jamie. I'm sorry for dropping in like this without notice." "NO! Don't be silly. You're always welcome here. Please, please. Sit. I have to go to the kitchen just now, but I'll be out in a minute. Excuse the mess." She looked around the house and smiled. Mess? It was immaculate. But she would have said exactly the same thing. The house was very traditional: almost old fashioned. Not at all what she expected. Jamie came out to the living room. He was carrying a plate with a loaf of something that had clearly been freshly baked. "I'm afraid the banana bread is too hot to cut Mrs. Nusser, but... I hope date nut bread suits you." "OH MY. Yes it does. Thank you . Jamie, you have a lovely home." "Oh, thank you. It's sort of a mish mash. jack and Mark had too much stuff and we shopped the street sales in NY, and then of course out here... " He paused. "Let me see if I remember; no coffee for you, but lemon mint tea." "YES! How did you remember? " "Ha ha. All these years of hospitality. You remember those things.

Now..." He went back into the kitchen. "I don't use bags for tea, but when the season's over, I dry the plants." He pulled out a handful of leaves and began steeping them. "OH MY! I don't think I've EVER had tea like this Jamie." "How they did it before teabags Mrs. Nusser. If I drink coffee with you, would the smell bother you?" "OH NO. Not at all. " She turned away, and then smiled. "I'm not at home.. Do you mind if I use my fingers to eat this cake? It just seems like it needs that." "IT DOES doesn't it? Eat it anyway you like. Just enjoy it." They tucked in to the cake and their drinks for a few minutes, then Mae wiped her hands on a napkin. "Jamie, I'm sorry to trouble you, but I came by to ask for some advice." "WOW. I'm not sure I have anything to offer Mrs. Nusser, but I'll try." "Please call me Mae, Jamie. No formalities here." "Ok Mae. What's on your mind?" "Well, Jamie... it's my son. Silas." "I know what's coming," Jamie thought. "Silas is a real sweet, good boy Mae. I see him and I kinda think of jack." "Oh, you DO! I do too. " Jamie got up again and he returned with a couple of very old books. "Let me show you some pictures. " He opened the oldest one. "This is jack and I, right after we met." "MY STARS! You two couldn't have been older than Silas is NOW!" "I think we were younger. This is after we met on the bus." "You met on a bus?" Jamie told her the story of how they met, their beginnings... "That's quite a story Jamie. But you both wound up with different men." He told her about the time that jack left for NY, and he stayed behind. "For a while, I thought it was the biggest mistake I'd ever make in my life." "Do you still think that way?" Jamie winced. "No, not really. I wish we had had more time together, but you know the old line "everything happens for a reason? " Well, I like that one, but I like 'God doesn't make mistakes' more. " "No..." Mae was pensive. "No, He doesn't." "Had I gone with jack, would he and Mark ever had gotten back together? I don't know." "Back together?" Jamie told her a little about that story too. "And jack took him back?" "Mae, jack never stopped loving him. He was just afraid of him. Mark, I think , thought he'd just finish what he started, but when he realized what a pure, sweet man he had, he did a turnaround." He paused. "We all kinda think of Silas as a young jack." Mae teared up a bit. "That"s so kind of you Jamie. If he turned out like jack, I could be a happy mother." "You should be a happy mother now, Mae. You have a loving husband, and a son who's as sweet as Silver Queen corn." She laughed. She and her husband grew Silver Queen. They saved two ears every year to plant it, because you just couldn't find the seeds anymore. "I worry about him Jamie. I mean, the boys around her, at Silas' age, they're usually married, have one kid, maybe two... Silas.. He just never seemed interested in anything like that... until Charlie came around." She looked up. "Jamie, is my son gay?" He was right, and he was ready. "Mae, I'm not the one to ask that question. You have to speak to Silas directly. He'll tell you. " "I mean... Charlie is a wonderful man, and he makes Silas glow. This is just something new for me. "I guess it could be, in a way. You like all of us don't you? " He laughed. "We sort of came in here and took over things." "AND I THANK GOD EVERYDAY YOU DID." She looked at a doily on the arm chair. "Your mom?" "No, me." He smiled. "Mae, I understand why you're worried. But really, every day Silas uses heavy duty equipment, and he drives on those roads every day. And there are crazy people out there. Don't you think there's something more important to worry about than who he's sleeping with? Just ask him." Mae smiled and took Jamie's hand. "I will, but I think you told me everything I wanted to know. Jamie, if Charlie's the one, or the one for now, I could not be happier. Now, show me the rest of those pictures."

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A few days later, Karl came by jack's house. He was supposed to meet Billy there for their "hang out. " jack saw him first. "KARLSLAW" How are ya?" He held out his hand. Jack was shirtless, in a pair of old baggy shorts, trying to put together what looked like a carburetor. "Can I give you a hand jack?" "OH, THANKS Cabbage patch but you should keep your hands clean. Aren't you and Billy going out? " "We are. Just for a..." jack held up his hand. "Momma jack don't need no details. Invoice is out in the backyard putting together a compressor for the Mueller barn. They need it to keep the milk cool. Go see him. Tell him to get cleaned up. "Thank you jack. Let me know if you need help on a carburetor or anything like that. I think I took apart and put together my combine at least six times. " "Good to know stud. OH, just a tip: Invoice hates fish." Kurt went out to the backyard where Billy was working. "Hey invoice. I never saw you without a shirt." Billy looked up and smiled. "You like?" "I like. Very much." "Invoice. So you heard him use it. I'm not making it up." "Nope. And then he called me Karlslaw and Cabbage patch." Billy began to laugh. "Oh, I think I know why. This is how jackspeak works. "Karl" reminded him of "Cole," like in coleslaw. And he said a few nights ago when I told him we had a date that you must be creaming over me. Creamy coleslaw. And of course, if you're cole like in coleslaw, cabbage patch makes sense since you're in the field so much." Karl looked at him. "You really DO understand his little internal language." "It's adorable. He calls Charlie 'chuckie cheese' cause he likes fast food. Silas..." He began to laugh "he calls him Silo, Hilo, High and low." He laughed again. You get used to it. "I wanna get used to kissing you, Billy." He leaned in and pressed up against Billy's sweaty body. He felt Billy begin to get rigid in his pants. "Let's get a move on. I don't want to smell bad when we go out. Can I get cleaned up first?" "Only if I get to mess you up again." "I'm counting on it." "Ha ha. Hey, jack told me you don't like fish, so I guess Red Lobster is out?" Billy smiled. "Is that fish?"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Billy had taken his shower and before he could get dressed, Kurt was on him. He kicked the door closed and pressed on top of Billy on the bed. Billy responded by moaning, and moving along with Kurt's caresses. That was just about the time that silas showed up for Chuck, who was sitting in the living room, waiting. He had some new things planned for silas this weekend. silas walked in with a big smile. "Hey Sir Chuck. I've been waiting for this..." "GET ON YOUR KNEES MANCUNT. I NEED SUCKING. NOW." silas gulped, and felt his hard on grow. "YES SIR." Chuck helped him by pulling down his zipper, and displaying his cock in front of him. "Get it wet. Get it even HARDER for the new game we're gonna play tonight." "Yes sir.." silas opened his mouth and Chuck shoved his cock in so fast, silas was almost not ready. He gagged once, and Chuck grabbed a bunch of his hair. "NONE OF THAT PUSSY BOI. YOU BEHAVE LIKE A TRUE COCKSUCKER, OR I'LL HAVE SOMETHING IN YOUR MOUTH THE WHOLE WEEKEND." "UNNHHHHHH" was all that came out of silas. Chuck had a plan, and he was NOT going to shoot from the blow job, no matter how much he enjoyed it. And he did. He enjoyed it mightily. But then he pulled his cock out. "We're gonna play tip and tail tonight, bottom boi. You're the tail, and I'm the tip. " "I don't know that game Sir." "You're gonna learn pussy boi. You're gonna learn. Chuck came up to silas and slipped his hands under his sweatshirt. He began teasing silas' ribs. "STOP SIR. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I had to pee when I got in the car." "Not my problem pussy boi. It's all about what I want. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yes sir. Absolutely Sir." "Get your pants off. Let me see that you did what you were told." silas dropped his jeans. No underwear. "GOOD. Glad you can follow instructions. Now strip completely. Then get on the bed. Face DOWN." Once silas was positioned, jamie restrained his wrists, and spread his ankles really, really far. "DAMN pussy boi, if I played with your feet now.... I could drive you crazy." silas knew that, and he whispered "please don't Sir," while Chuck drank in the aroma of silas' body, an aroma that seemed to get stronger when he was aroused. "Tip and tail. Here's our tail." He fingered silas' ass, and silas moaned and whimpered. "And here's the tip pussy boi. " silas felt Chuck's cock head at his ass, but Chuck just kept it there. "You want more? You're gonna have to try to back up for it . And you have to say "I'm your pussy boi Sir," each time, or I'll move it away." silas couldn't see Chuck smile, as he ran the cockhead around the perimeter of silas' hole. silas slid back just a bit and almost whispered "I'm your pussy boi, Sir. " Chuck pulled back. "Wrong sequence stud. Gotta say it before you go for it. " "Sorry Sir. I'm your pussy boi Sir." "GOOD. You got the hang of it. " After he repeated "I'm your pussy boi Sir. " three times, Chuck changed things. "Now, you gotta say "I'm your BITCH sir." THAT got silas even hotter, and he moaned. SIR. I'm your BITCH sir." and he slid back. And he did this three times as more of Chuck went into his ass. Then Chuck stood still, saying nothing. He just held the first 2/3 of his cock in silas. "Please Sir. Can I have it all? " "What do you want me to do?" "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME. PLEASE FUCK YOUR PUSSY BOI BITCH." silas got what he wanted. Chuck RAMMED the remaining bit of his cock into him and began to move around inside silas the way silas liked it. He leaned down and kissed silas' ear. The tang of silas' body aroma was strong, and getting stronger from his pits. "You taste so good, manbitch. SO FUCKING GOOD." Chuck twisted his head to get his tongue into silas' pit, and silas let out a moan that made Chuck wish he had gagged him. On the other hand, it got him even harder. "OH SHIT YES. MY MAN'S TAKING MY MANPUSSY. MY MANCUNT. MY ASS THAT BELONGS TO HIM. " "DON'T. YOU. FUCKING. FORGET IT." Chuck's voice dropped, and his thrusts got faster, as he plunged in and filled silas with his cum. He had been imagining doing this for three days, and the jizz just kept on coming. "SIR. I can't help it. I'll clean it. I promise. AANGGNGGNGNGNGNNNGNGNGGNGNG" silas arched his hips, which only sucked in the cock more, and he shot all over the bed. "OH DAMN. OH DAMN SIR THAT WAS SO HOT. SO HOT. " He was catching his breath as Chuck pushed sweaty hair out of his face. "I don't know if I can handle more of that this weekend." "I do. And you can. Now, before I let you up..." Chuck smiled. silas saw him pick up what looked like a lipstick and he felt it being applied to his ass. Chuck pulled out his phone and took a picture. "See what it says?" He had written "This man pussy belongs to Chuck." silas blushed. There was no one around, but... "It'll wash off during the weekend, but we'll replace it every time. It's gonna be on your ass the whole time you're here. "Yes sir." Chuck took off the restraints. He hugged silas. "You're such a good sport, babe. I love you." "MMMM. I love you too, Sir. But I'm hungry now. Hungry for something other than cock." "Pizza? " "I think so. I think Karl wants to take Billy to Red Lobster. " "Really? Billy hates fish." silas laughed. "How much choice do I have when I'm with you?" "Not really much." "Well, let me just say, you and Karl are very much alike that way. Billy will deal with Red Lobster."

Next: Chapter 6

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