Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 19, 2021


Chuck and billy were sitting at their shared table. Their lives had become so busy and so crowded, that they had rare opportunities to sit and talk, twin to twin, brother to brother. Chuck had something important to tell billy, and to make sure he'd stay, he baked up a bunch of sweet rolls, and he waited until Silas had left for work. "This is nice, Chuck. Such a long time. " billy smiled. He had told Karl that his brother needed him that morning so he'd be back to the farm later (it was Saturday). Chuck was heading to town with Stan a little later, so they'd fit in the talk now.

Chuck got directly to the point. "Billy, I did something on a whim. I applied for a job in town at a restaurant. Line cook. Nothing fancy, and no dinner trade, just breakfast and lunch." He paused. "Billy, I got the job." He smiled weakly. Billy looked at him and smiled. "NO SHIT? CONGRATULATIONS! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU." Billy got up to embrace his brother. "Does that mean...." "Yeah, it does. It means I'll be moving. Not too far away. maybe 30 minutes by car, but I can't stay here and still take that job." "Well... now I see. What about Silas?" "I thought about that. I'll be making enough money to cover both of us if we're frugal, and Silas..." He laughed. "Silas is more like Jack then we thought. He hasn't spent any money for the last six months. Or not a lot of it. And before me? " He shook his head "Living rent free, having his parents as a buffer... He's got money in about six different bank accounts. " Billy looked at him "For real? He needs to talk to someone and do something." "I know. One step at a time. My first task..." He paused. "You know, we should have SOMEONE in the family with an education. I want him to go back to school. Maybe community college at first, then some more rigorous stuff later." "You've got a plan Chuck. A real plan." Then Billy began to tear up. "It'll be the first time in about 20 years that we'll be apart. I guess it would happen sooner or later." Chuck got up and put his arms around his twin. "You know, Billy? We've been through so much shit. SO. MUCH. SHIT. We're both happy now. There were times we didn't know if we were gonna be ALIVE the next day. It'll be a phone call away - even local. " They laughed. Mae and Silas Senior still hadn't gotten used to the fact that their phone service didn't make a distinction between local and long distance. "Seriously. I'll be around a lot. The early day means I have afternoons free. I'm gonna help Jamie as the busy season starts up and he begins looking for more help." "Does he know yet?" Chuck paused. "you're the first. I've got to start saying my goodbyes." Billy looked at him. "YOU JUST TOLD ME THEY'RE NOT GOODBYES. DON'T SAY THAT. PLEASE." He began to cry more. "Bill, what's wrong? Something's bothering you." "No, I was just thinking. Karl told me something. He's keeping one of the pups. He wants him around for Cornelia so she can teach him what she does on the farm." "Well, that's not sad." "No, but.... I guess because he's a farmer and he's used to it. He said 'that girl isn't gonna be with us much longer, and that's the way it is." "How old is she?" "Karl says she's 10. But her breed doesn't live long." Chuck sighed. "Know what? Why don't you ask Jack over? See if he connects with her on that? He's so good with the dogs." "HEY CHUCKSTER. YOU READY?" There was a bang at the door, and Stan's very distinct voice. "Hey Stan. Want a quick coffee before we leave?" "Nah. I'm caffeined up and nervous as all hell. " "How about a sweet roll?" Stan looked at them. Everyone knew that Stan always had room for food. "Can we take some with us? I may get cold feet if we wait too long." "Cold feet?" Chuck thought, and then he smiled. He figured out what this trip was about. "Bill, we'll talk later. " Off Stan and Chuck went.

The night before, after they had made love, rick was lying on his back, smiling up at Stan. Stan was tracing little patterns on rick's torso. "How many years Daddy man? " "Oh wow. I guess we could figure that out. Our first time, our anniversary, time together." He leaned down and kissed rick. "Does it really matter? How many people do we know who didn't make it this far?" "Tell me about it Daddy man." rick smiled. "I don't know why you put up with me this long." Stan smiled. "It's probably your cute ass." Then he laughed. "NAH. It's you ricky. It's you." He climbed up on top and he felt rick put his arms around him and sort of squirm underneath. It felt so good. "I don't tell you this enough ricky. I love you." "And I love you too Daddy man. Now come on. You ain't young anymore and I ain't either, so let's get some sleep." That morning, before Stan pulled himself together to get to Chuck's he asked rick "Hey. How about going out tonight. Dinner? My treat?" "Not Red Lobster. Please." Stan laughed. "Nah. I wanted to go fancy. What's that place down the road "Maison dela Casa " or some shit like that?" "You mean Andrade's?" "YEAH. That's the place. Someone told me it's real good. " rick smiled. "I've been wanting to go there for a while." "Well, let me make a reservation, and... how could they deny us?" It was too early in the morning to make one - these places didn't belong to any of the computer reservation sites - so Stan programmed the number into his phone and went off to get Chuck.

Bill took a trip over to Mark and jack's. The more he thought about what Karl said about Cornelia, the more sad he felt. "HEY. IT'S THE GUY FROM THE FIFTH DIMENSION SONG. HOW ARE YA BILL I LOVE YA SO" jack was his usual exuberant self. "Hey jack. Sorry to barge in." "BARGE? Hey, you don't look like a boat BIll Boat. Wasn't he the name of a hobbit, " Billy began rolling his eyes. "Jack I think I really need to talk to you and I may need your help." "OH , WOW. You get some chick preggers or soemthing?" "JACK PLEASE!" jack stopped and he looked concerned. "I'm sorry Bill. I just find that most things get better with a little humor. Sit. Can I get ya something? " "Nah, I'm good. Chuck baked sweet rolls this morning..." "AND YOU DIDN'T BRING ANY? YOU'RE RIGHT, SOMETHING IS WRONG TWINBOI." Bill started to talk and he couldn't. Except he started crying. "Oh. My. Chuck's ok, isn't he?" Billy nodded his head. "Ok, then there's nothing here we can't fix. Talk to jack the fixer." He got up and got Billy some water, and he moved his chair next to him. "Hey boy, ok. Now, let's take this one at a time , cause there's really only two things. Cornelia? I think you're worrying too much but we'll go over. I'll see if I can 'meet' with her. Now on your brother. Yeah, separating is tough." He looked down. "You know Jamie and I were lovers once, don't ya?" Billy looked up. "YOU TWO? Wait. That means one of you..." "Yeah, yeah, was a top. It was me. Don't bring up the bad part, Billy boy. I'm the one who left. I wanted to be in NY. He wanted to stay and, well, did we do the wrong thing? Who knows? How long were we apart? YEARS. How far away were we? Too far to see each other every day. You'll see each other." Jack laughed. "I bet you're gonna see each other more than you do now. Now let's go see Cornelia."

"So, ya have any idea why we're going jewelry shopping Chuck?" Stan was talking with a mouthful of sweet roll. "DAMN these are good. " "Uh, are you getting a wedding ring for Rick?" "YEAH. Was it that obvious?" "To all of us. I think the only one who doesn't know is Rick. When you gonna ask him?" "Tonight. Romantic dinner, down on one knee, the whole nine yards." "STAN. That's great. But why are you taking me with you?" "Because Chuckster, we need to take you to another jewelry store. Cause there's gonna be time when you and Silas are gonna be apart, especially after you move, and we gotta make sure you can keep your man in line." Chuck looked at him. "How did you know? I only told Billy this morning. I didn't even tell Silas." "I was at the door when you two were talking. When I showed up, you were hugging each other, and I didn't want to interrupt. But I heard." When Chuck didn't answer, Stan patted him on his leg. "It's the right call, man. You got a job, you'll make some money. You'll be back here eventually." "You think so?" Stan began to laugh. "You know, I don't remember much from my folks, but I do remember them speaking of someone and saying 'that one is rooted to the earth. He ain't going anywhere. ' Well, that's your man. He's gonna need to be here frequently to get his energy up. "I haven't told him yet." "And that's ok, Chuck. Listen, he's not gonna say no. And we're gonna make sure of that today. We're gonna go and get you some more toys. Things every Dom should have." Chuck blushed. "You think I'm a Dom?" "Ha ha. You're as much a Dom as Silas is a sub. And I gotta tell you: you guys surprised the shit out of all of us. When Silas asked you out, we thought you were coming home the next day with a sore ass. BOY did you fool us. Goes to show you never can tell."

"One more. Just one more. OH YEAH. FUCK ME DADDY FUCK ME." jamie was lying underneath Cooper, begging for more of his cock. Cooper had been making love to jamie since about 7:30, and showed no signs of stopping. "What the hell did you eat, lover boy?" jamie moaned as Cooper went back for jamie's neck, adding more scratches to the hickey he had already given him. "Or did you get a fucking cock transplant from one of the twins" "Both of them, you handsome little fucker," Cooper whispered. All the talk as of late between all the other guys reminded him how much he loved Jamie, and how little he showed it. He was showing it this morning. "OH COOPS. OH GOD. YES. FILL ME. FILL ME ALL THE WAY UP. " He saw Cooper's smile as he finally released, shooting into his husband, before he started sucking jamie the way he liked it. "OH DAMN THAT WAS GOOD COOPS." jamie grabbed Cooper and wouldn't let him move, not that Cooper was moving. "Hey, handsome, I was wondering. " Cooper gently rubbed jamie's earlobe. "We haven't had a vacation in years." "Ever." jamie added and smiled. "Where you wanna go, cutie?" jamie sighed. "How can we go? Busy season is about to start." "DOPEY BOI. I didn't mean tomorrow. We can go when busy season is over." He paused. "But just us. No group vacations, ok?" jamie smiled. "Someplace romantic, where we can do this every day, have breakfast made for us, dinner, lunch.." Cooper kissed him. "Someplace warm. We'll make it hot in the bedroom." "Grrrrrrrrrrr. I'm all for it. Let's do it."

Karl was in the field when billy came back to the farm. He caught a quick glance of billy, with jack, and smiled. He fast walked back and hugged billy. "GOD I MISSED YOU BOI." "How's it going without your girl out there, coleslaw?" jack asked. "Yeah, that's it too. I miss her too. She wants to come. She really does. I look at her when I walk out and she's got this face that just says "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He looked at jack. "HEY. You haven't seen the pups yet. You of all people." "YEAH. I don't know why I let that happen. Let's see." Karl brought him into the house, which smelled distinctly of puppy and adult dog. Cornelia began beating her tail when she saw her friend jack. She was nursing, and couldn't get up. "HEY OLD LADY." jack got down on his knees and began stroking her ears. She whinnied like a horse, in appreciation. "So, tell me. When you going back to work? You gonna take a vacation? Time off?" He formed a tube on her nose with his hand and "farted". Cornelia's tail beat faster. She began licking jack's face. "OH, that's sweet. Now, Cornie gal, I gotta ask you something, but it's a secret, so if ya don't mind..." He lifted up her ear, and began to make noises that neither Karl nor billy could make out. They saw Cornelia's face change though, and then when jack was finished, she put her head onto his hand. "You need your rest, girl. Your pups... they sure look big and strong. " He turned to Karl. "How many little girls?" "Five of them. You go after Donna, jack, so there won't be any problem. That one at the end.. The runt?" jack saw the smallest of the puppies eating vigorously. "That's gonna be Cornelia's replacement. His name is Blue." "BLUE. Another corn name. Gonna go with her mom. Maizie." Karl smiled. "Yeah. I gotta go and visit Maizie's grave. Haven't been there awhile. "I hear ya guy, hear ya big time. Sometimes I think Magnolia walks around the place, makes ghost poop." "GHOST POOP?" billy asked. jack and Karl looked at each other. "Ghost poop is when there's shit on your shoes and you could SWEAR that you didn't step in anything. Means you didn't see it because it's..." he looked at jack and they shouted together. "GHOST POOP!" "This town is filled with crazy people" billy thought. "And one of them is fucking me. And he better plan on fucking me tonight." "Ok, I'm gonna head outta here. I wanted to leave old man invoice with ya. But I'll see ya soon. Still gotta have the no straight people pool party." Karl smiled. He was a bit of a nudist, and billy had to remind him to get dressed sometimes before he headed to the field. "You boys take care. Invoice, come on over here and gimme a hug." When they embraced, jack whispered in his ear. "She was insulted by the question. She's not planning to leave us anytime soon." billy hugged jack harder. "HEY. Let's remember who's boy is who's." Karl said, teasing.

Chuck was back from shopping with Stan. He saw how happy Stan was with the ring he had picked: silver, with a small ruby - very very tiny - in the center. rick wasn't much for flashy jewelry, so it was perfect. Chuck brought back a chastity cage, and a slave collar. Stan had explained it all to him and he was excited. He was gonna use it that night. He had called Silas to get him excited. "Hey you handsome smelly stud. " When silas heard Chuck's voice, he felt his cock go rigid and he smiled. He LOVED the sound of Chuck's voice, and he loved when he called him a "smelly stud." That's what they called him on the basketball team. "HEY. You back home?" silas was at his folks, helping his mom reorganize the kitchen. "I am. And I'm sitting here waiting for you. Know what I'm wearing?" "Uh, no. " "Nothing but your basketball jacket." And I'm stroking." "OH SHIT." silas murmured in a low voice. "I'll be over as fast as I can." "Good. I got plans for you handsome, and something I wanna talk to you about." "Keep that jacket on, Sir. See you soon." He turned to his mom. "I gotta go. Aren't you expecting that PFLAG lady in a bit. " "Why, YES. And you know, I got a call from Jamie. What a nice boy. He's gonna go on vacation. Not soon, but.. he asked if I'd watch the B&B while he's gone. "MOM! Can you handle that? I mean..." "You mean WHAT Silas? That I'm old? Listen up, young man. I took care of you , your father, this house, and God knows what else for all these years. Working at a B&B where people actually pick up after themselves.... Momma Mae can handle it." "Momma Mae?" She laughed. "It's cute isn't it? That's what jamie told me he's gonna write about who's in charge. "Great ma, but I gotta go."

When he got to the apartment, and opened the door, there was Chuck, sitting at the table wearing only silas' jacket, which came down on him like a full length coat. "HOLY FUCK. Look at... Look at that cock." "DON'T LOOK AT IT TALL BOI. DO SOMETHING WITH IT." "Yes sir. Yes sir." silas got down on his knees and began to tongue Chuck's cock. Chuck tossed his head back and enjoyed it. He pushed silas' mouth down further, and pulled his hair so that he went back and forth. Then he pulled back silas' head completely. "GET NAKED BOTTOM BOI. GET ON THE BED AND GRAB YOUR ANKLES. PRETEND YOU'RE A FUCKING GYMNAST. YOU GOT TWO MINUTES." "Yes sir. " silas was a bit conflicted. He liked Chuck's punishments: spanking, tickling all kinds of things. He wished that he were gonna be cuffed down, but the Boss said what he said. Chuck walked in and saw his lover just the way he wanted him. He smiled as he came over and pushed his thumb on silas' asshole. "YES SIR. YES SIR. SATURDAY NIGHT'S ALRIGHT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH."

Chuck's thumb went in. It was shorter but fatter than the fingers he used most of the time, in order to get silas ready for what he called "the main event." "Lick that thumb, jockboi." Chuck pushed the thumb to silas mouth, and he sucked on it like a little boi. When he had gotten it fully wet, Chuck barked. "SIT UP FOR A MINUTE JOCKBITCH " silas did so, and Chuck slipped one of the new purchases over his neck: the slave collar, with the lock on it. "THAT NEVER COMES OFF YOU BOI. THIS MEANS YOU ARE OWNED!!!! ANYONE WHO SEES IT IS GONNA KNOW:HANDS OFF THAT MAN." Hearing that, and realizing that he belonged to Chuck, got silas even more excited. "Yes sir. Yes Master. I'm your boy. I'm just your cockslave." "And you're a good one. Now take your Master's cock Spread those cheeks." "YESSIR!" It may have been the season, it may have been the water, but everyone in town was horny including, well... silas' dad felt a rush that afternoon and.... But let's get back to his son, who was now impaled on Chuck's cock. Chuck was smiling. "You like that cock? You like how I use it stud?" "OH GOD YESSIR. USE IT MORE USE ME. USE YOUR BITCHBOI." Chuck smiled. This was gonna be easy. He put his finger under silas' balls and teased them. "Who's are these?" "YOURS SIR. YOURS. OH GOD TAKE THEM." Chuck was squeezing them, twisting them, and silas was wincing and moaning. GOD HE LOVED what Chuck did to him, especially while he was pushing his cock, back and forth. Chuck was inspired too. He was gonna take charge, no ifs ands or buts. He SLAMMED his cock into silas who yelped. "OH GOD SIR THAT FELT SO GOOD. OH FUCK OH.... " Chuck began sliding faster and faster, and finally... he slammed his jizz deep into silas, screaming as he did 'I LOVE MY FUCKING BITCH SLAVE'. silas heard the words, and wondered what was going on. Chuck was usually not that demonstrative. He couldn't complain about the sex, but... this was different. "STRETCH OUT YOUR LEGS BOI. MASTER'S GONNA MAKE SURE YOU GET TAKEN CARE OF." "YESSIR" silas answered, as Chuck positioned himself to pin silas' arms, and begin edging him. He began whispering into silas' ear. "Know what's gonna happen after you jizz, jockmuffin?" "No Sir." "You're gonna get locked up. Like a fucking nun. I control that cock. I'll decide when you jerk." silas whimpered, and pushed against Chuck. In response, he got a tigthened grip on his cock. He was making odd sounds, but his cock got harder, and harder and harder. And then... "FUCKING OLD FAITHFUL!" Chuck yelled as silas shot into the air. When he caught his breath, silas looked at Chuck. "You're really gonna lock me up Sir?" "Yup. For a lotta reasons. Get yourself cleaned up, and then, we're gonna talk. Dinner tonight. Red Lobster. Donna's working."

There was another dinner going on that night: Stan and rick were at Andrade's. When they were getting ready, rick had put on a shirt that Stan had never seen: he was saving it for a special occasion. It was red silk, and form fitting. rick had had it tailored three times before it fit the way he wanted it. He thought of it as his "seduction shirt": if he didn't know he could get Stan's cock any time he wanted it, this would do it. He wore it with two buttons opened, and the slave collar Stan had gotten for him. He added a very snug pair of black pants that made his ass look like two cantaloupes. "SHIT RICKY. We may not make it out of the bedroom." rick just smiled. "I'm gonna need my strength for the fucking I expect from Daddy man tonight. And tomorrow. I ain't playing big man. "OH, I can tell. WOOF." Stan kept on looking over at rick as they drove to the restaurant. He also kept shifting to make sure that he could feel the ring box. "You got roids or something Daddy man? A cock up your ass will help." "Ha ha. Nah, just a little itchy. Think I brushed something in jack's garden today. The restaurant didn't seem to have any trouble with a same sex couple. A mixed race couple was apparently something new for them. No one was hostile, it just seemed no one really knew how to act. rick finally spoke up to the manager. "Hey guy, listen. My husband here is taking me out for a special dinner, and you are making me feel very uncomfortable. How do I put this. Can you just pretend I'm white?" The manager blushed "Oh, Sir. I didn't mean anything offensive, I just" "I KNOW you weren't offensive Sir. If you had been, we'd be gone. I'm just saying, everything works on me the same way it does on a white person. Keep that in mind." "Yes sir. Again, my apologies." After the manager left, the couple at the table next to them applauded gently. "BRAVO. We wanted to say something but you really needed to say it," the husband said. "And that is a beautiful shirt," the wife added. She looked at Stan. "You are a lucky man." He smiled and squeezed rick's hand. "You don't need to tell me that. I'm the luckiest man in the world." He looked at rick. "And rick, I want you to make me the happiest man in the world." That's when he got down on his knee (rick later said it was the one time in their lives that Stan knelt in front of him." He pulled out the box. "Marry me ricky. Make us honest men." rick's mouth dropped. He expected something , just not this. He covered his face with his hands. "OH. Oh, Stan man. Stan man. If you knew how much.... If you knew how.. YES YES YES FOREVER YES." He pushed his finger forward to get the ring on, then he said to Stan. "Stand up. Kiss me in front of all these people." That's when the applause started. Stan whispered into rick's ear "If you knew how much I wanna start feeling you up right now." "I do know. I can feel that rod in front of you." rick felt that rod inside of him all that night. And the next day too.

And let's run back to silas and Chuck, where Chuck had locked the cage on silas' cock. silas looked at it awkwardly for a while before they headed to Red Lobster. "So I can't jizz, or even get a hard on unless you say I can?" "Yup." He smiled. "That's fucking cool. I like it. Discipline. I need it." "You do, silas. And you're gonna get it when you start school." silas looked at him. "How can I go to school, Sir? I'm working" "You won't be soon, boy. I got a new job today. Line cook. " silas looked at him. "For real? Where?" "For real and in town. We'll be moving." silas gulped. He knew that now, he didn't have any choice in it, but ..." "It's half hour away. You'll get to see your mom and dad every day. But it's time silas. We gotta learn what it's like without all these folks." silas paused. "You're right Sir. You're absolutely right." He smiled. "Now I understand the cage. By the way, I love it."


And gentle readers, with that we're leaving our little band of friends. Yes, there are loose ends, but isn't that true of life? Everyone finished off happily, didn't they though? Any of you who have ideas for continuing with these characters, feel free. This writer hopes you enjoyed the tale. Ciao for now. There are other stories, and there'll be more. Be well and stay safe.

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