Charmed Again

By eric darlands

Published on Jul 31, 2008


" lets go to work"

they set up crystals around the perimeter and came back to the wa room

" okay I thin..."

I get a premonition about matt dying it's the source

"new plan



Piper: whats up and how are we dressed like this

"I summoned you it's the source he is going to kill matt the angel of death came to me and told me"

piper: paige wyatt chris go and make as many potions as possible

"no wont help hell come back"

phoebe: what do you mean

"the titans are bringing back all demons before the go poof so we have to cage them"

"so here is the plan I need phoebe wyatt and chris to make sleeping cover anything that will be helpful paige I need you and piper to stay here and stat to cover the grounds and ill be by matt"

they all left

"so this is how it is"

matt: what?

"everything life for witches "

matt: I guess so

" so do you need anything ?"

matt: I don't think so unless you wanna get me something to eat

I summon two cheese burger and fries with shakes

" good?"

matt; great

"so how about a joke lighten the demons tying to tack you"

matt: sure


there was this man who walked into a bar and says to the bartender 10 shots of whiskey.

The bartender asks, "What's the matter?"

The man says, "I found out my brother is gay and marrying my best friend."

The next day the same man comes in and orders 12 shots of whiskey.

The bartenders asks, "What's wrong this time?"

The man says, "I found out that my son is gay."

The next day the same man comes in the bar and orders 15 shots of whiskey.

Then the bartender asks, "Doesn't anyone in your family like women?"

The man looks up and says, "Apprently my wife does.""

Matt laughed

Matt:didn't know how funny you were

"neither did I"

we heard a loud crash

"matt come with me"

we run out of the sub basement and up stairs to see the botherhood fighting the x-men I run outside and pick up the brotherhood

"leave now magneto"

magneto: we did not come here to fight

" I want to know who started the fight"

jean: I think it was Cyclops

Cyclops: so what

" didn't I tell you no one can come in if they mean harm or did this not process"

Cyclops: its magneto

"go inside"

magneto: I kind of lied I did come here to fight alongside you

" jean find room for our guests "

"magneto ome with me plz"


matt comes in orbs

"hey matt magneto magneto matt"

they said their hellos

"I have a job for you magneto I need you to protect matt"

magneto: is he some sort of target

"yes an important one he could be the one to save us all"


"so will you"

magneto: it will be my pleasure

we leave I go to the brig and visit the professor

"hello professor"

Charlie; hello Eric "im sorry but I would like to visit your mind once more to make sure all links are gone"

Charlie: if you must

I go in and find nothing and get charlie out I then go to emma and go into her mind and I let her out she runs at me while im turned around and about to punch me in her diamond form and she hits me and I go flying out the room in to the med bay I put a shield around me and let it take the punches and I cant understand why she would be after me then it hit me I still have the tape

Emma: give me that tape

I pick her up and and send a pain bolt to knock her out it takes two more and she is finally out and the xmen brotherhood come down to the sub basement


I wave my hand and she orbs away

Jean: what happened

"stupid bitch hit me from behind"

Charlie: Eric im sorry to infom you but im going to ask you to leave


Charlie: perhaps I was wrong about you you have brought no control and have caused immense problems I can not allow this

" magneto was right about you your scared of things more powerful than you I knew I saw a complex"

Charlie: please leave the premises or I will have to use force

"charles you know that I can fell your emotions and I know you feel scared but lucky that my family will help you keep them at bay for the moment but I will leave as you wish I will be out as soon as I gather my things and say goodbye"

charles: much appreciated

I leave the room but still here the room

Jean: professor if he leaves I leave to

Professor: im sorry jean but he can not stay but I wish you would reconsider\

Jean: I have stated my offer

She leaves the room

I walk to the danger rooms lockers and getmy things out and walk to my room summon bags and put my things in I orb all things that couldn't fit in to my bags to the manor and make sure the rooms empty and orb my bags away I walk downstairs to see jean waiting with bags in her hands

Jean: some help here

" you're a real friend you know that!"

jean: fabulous me

I orb her bags to the manor

" im gonna go say bye"

I said my good byes to rougue, amara, kitty, and ray

"hey Jaime I just came to say bye"

Jaime: why would you bother faggot

"shut the fuck up you prick"

I turn to leave and see Jaime clones all around me they come at me I don't even see the point in fighting im gonna die anyway so why not die on his hands he comes punches me and I fall back he kicks and punches till I cant even feel it anymore then e is shot by an optic blast and another comes at him but I wave my hand and it comes at me and another is sent at him and I take the blow again I am now crying from the pain and he sends one more I wave my hand and can feel the pain but it keeps healing I look up to see scott and I pick him up and brings him over to me and over me


I take his visor off and make sure he is building force and then unleash it all on my body I faint

I awake in the medbay and im awake yet I can see my body on the table I must bee dead

"finally the pain and power over"

angel of death:not exactly

"why not why cant I just end it kill me plz"

angel; I am nuetral I cannot

angel:but your family needs you

then I awake in the medbay in my body and everyone rushes over to me

"why not!!!!!"

"stay away everyone in the mansion now and stay there"

I orb to the front yard and make everyone out there run into the mansionhen put together a forcefield just in time for a missle to come crashing into it I see maybe twelve sentinels coming towards the mansion most likely because the congregation of the students these look different then the ones two years ago they look... Upgraded They shoot a missle at me and I throw it back at themi pick them all up and they were HEAVY but I could still do it and I threw to into each other which made them fall to the gound for a moment I make a cater and throw two in and close it and drop the others there ar still ten so I summon my trident and blast two more with powerful lightning bolts to make storm proud and they blow up that's eight get shot from behind and start to fall but pick myself back up and pick up four and and throw them into the air and throw electricity at them they blow up there are now four left I put up three mounds of earth and cover them n it and start to crush them but it fails and I end up shooting them the last oe comes at me I cover myself in a forceshield and concentrate and shut him down and slowly lowe him to the ground and close the force field maybe im not class 3

I go inside the mansion greeted by Jaime with his fiends bragging about how he kicked my ass

Jaime: oh look hee comes the fag lets get em

He comes at me I still don't want to fight and he punches me till I cant feel it anymoe but get ired of it so I pick up him and his friends and orb us to the brig and put them in it and lock them up

"just so you know you didn't kick my ass "

I smirk and leave the main entrance and call jean to come up there She shows up ten minutes later


jean: yea

" okay hold on I forgot something"

I orb to the common room to see matt and bobby kissing I didn't want to ruin there moment so I said good bye telpathicly and orbed back to jean

And orbed us to the manor

"it seems smaller"

we go to my room and set down her things I make the room bigger and set my things up and make an anjoining room and make it big to and that is jeans room

"im tired beating up sentinels"

jean:kay im gonna go eat

I lay down




and close the connection

I sit there thinking why did he kick me out and I ant come up with an answer wyatt hen orbed in

Wyatt: what happened

"I got kicked out "

wyatt: fine im coming home

"no they need you there"

wyatt but...


he orbs out I fall asleep


Professor: so what is the sentinel made of? Beast: adamantium

Professor: then the restated the program we must stop them


I wake up its aound 500 so I go downstairs and watch some crossing Jordan and go to the kitchen and think for a while and I go out and I have twenty bucks I go to the gas station and go to the lottery ticket I changed my self to piper so no one would suspect anything I used a power that I thought of xray vision and looked fo a winning ticket it was a 5 dollars so I bought that and a losing ticket to make it look reasonable

The ticket won me 10 bucks now I have 24 dollars and I go bye a ten dollar ticket and it won me a two million after taxes and stuff so I cash it in and next stop is a bank

"excuse me I would like to open an account fo my son "

mam: yes okay we need at least a hunded down


I filled out all the information and deposited all the money

"okay is there anyway if anything happens it will go to the family right"

mam: I will set it like that have a nice day


I change back to my self and im already off back to the manor

I sit in the foyer and meditate it feels like the day is tomorrow I orb to the mansion

I enter everyones mind and erase all memories of me and ob to the manor and summon the titans there was one and I unleashed a bolt of lightning he explodes another appears behind me and we both shot balls of fire and throwed them and we got knocked back and he shot another I saw wyatt orb in behind him and knock him backwards I throw a bolt at him he blows up but I get hit and when I look im some where else


I couldn't believe my eyes erics dead I fell to the floor


they appear

paige:what the hell happened

wyatt: eri..cs dead


wyatt: you know Eric

paige:what are you talking about

wyatt orbed to phoebes loft

wyatt coop phoebe

phoebe comes in

phoebe: whats up

"erics dead"


"titans are dead"

wyatt orbs to the elders

wyatt: why did you do it

elder: what are you talking about

"erics dead why"

elder: it is destiny

"angel of destiny I summon thee to me"

she appears "is there any way to bring him back"

angel: there nothing to bring back

"what do you mean"

angel:he isn't dead he is in another plane we helped him the moment he got hit we healed him but he got hit into another plane

wyatt hugged her

"thank you"

he orbed away

he brought everyone to the mansion

"okay erics not dead he got help from the elders"

phoebe where is he

"astral plane I think"


"what the fuck"

I summon my trident and it comes to me but I tried to orb and It didn't work A noxon demon comes aound the corner and laughs

Wyatt and everyone joins hands

"we summon thee we summon thee to us we summon the power of three to bring the one we wish to see "

Eric appears knocked out tident in hand on the floor wyatt runs over and started to heal his cuts and buises but is still asleep

Piper:who is he

Phoebe: I will find aspell bring back there memories


I wake up and find myself crowded by the family

Piper: hi im piper


piper:fo what

"I erased your memory"

piper:its fine

"I will bring it back"

"bing the memories for the people that have lost them to the surface and rexperience"


piper: your grounded you could have gotten your self killed

"yea yea im not though"

"im gonna go lay down"

fools thougt I was actually him eic orbs to the mansion

professor:I thought I asked you to leave

"you did "

"ishall take over this realm"

professor: what is wrong

"this human feels hate towads you why yet he doesn't kill you he loves all its sickening"

professor:what are you doing

-------- manor

phoebe: something is wrong I felt pure hate from Eric wait we banished all those noxon demons to the astral maybe he is possessed everyone:"bring the demon that is in the loved one we all care for and make it he goes unharmed"

a noxon demon appears



a dark mist leaves Eric he finds himself choking the professor

"im so sorry professor it wasn't me"

professor :its alright but I still would like you to leave you pose a danger

Eric orbs into the manor

And see the noxon demon fighting piper phoebe and the others taking cover he sends a fireball she tries to blow it up but I pull it to a dead stop

Piper: woa how did i

"umm humm"

she looks and smiles

I throw it back at him and we stand togegether and we read the spell

"demon of fire your time has passed you cannot be vanquished we still know we vanquish with love we vanquish with might halliwells stand strong and fight"

he starts in flames and vnquishes


"yea "

phoebe: whats wrong

"who do you kno iput up my strongest fields and phoebe always knows whats wrong"

phoebe: it's a gift

"I have no pur porpose I think im going to teach at magic school"

piper ill talk to leo

paige and we will still be teaching at the mansion


I ob to magic school

And go to leos office

"heyleo any way I can get a teaching job"

leo; are you going to go back to school

"no im not ready and after everything it will be to much'

leo:surecan you start psionics class and a couple others


he gives me the things I will need

I go to my class room and all the kids are about twenty

Kid: look we got a kid in the class and the damn teacher has to be here already

"get off my desk plz"

kid: that's the teachers desk

" my desk"

girl: your like twelve

"fifteent actually in two days"

girl: how exatly are you qualified

" I took on the power of three the titans and vanquished noxon demon while being the son of all gods shall I go on"

kid: sure

"I am not lying now on two the lesson plan"

they took there seat there was only five

"okay I need names powers"

Jason-telekinesis Mary-conjurer Ken-shapeshifter Dean-telekinesis Derek-conjurer


Derek:why should I listen to you

" because if you don't I will banish you to the wasteland"

Derek summons an apple and gives it to me

"aw thank you"

dean smashes it

dean: faggot

"no type of language like that in my classroom"

I summon a cage around him

"okay now everyone I want jason to pickup my desk"

he tries but only gets a few inches

"now ken I want you to shape too my hair jasons eyes and maries mouth"

he does


"not at the moment"

"okay mary conjure me a a chair thank you"

I get rid of the cage

"dean I want you two get into mary mind"

dean: I cant

" I blocked it from you try to break down the wall"

dean: I cnat

"okay what do you know"

dean: I know how to make barriers and destroy them


"okay I want to do demon hunting"

I summon a hollow gram

And I am in my toga

"oh look ive changed again" "now I want you to work as a team"

the demon attacks them they throw the fireball back and dean goes into his mind and trys to fight him

"pain bolts dean"

he throws some

the demon kneels to the floor

mary conjures an athama and throws it he explodes

" nice work you will never go up against a demon until we sort some issues first

dean-unprotected while going into the demons mind maryand the others did not potect him so

lets spar me against all of you "

they throw an athamay I blow it up I throw a low energy ball at mary she gets knocked back

"mary out"

they start throwing items around the roomi block them and throw them at dean and Derek and jason now only ken remains he morphs into piper and starts blowing at me and I just sit there for the moment and take the blows and then I blow him back and he morphs back

"okay class dimissed we will meet again later this week"

I go to leos office

" I think we need a team for school safety I would prepare and manage as such and it will only be to protect the students"

leo:its your responsibility


im soy lack of inspiration and my computer is getiing all wigged out even my keyboud ill get it solved and I think nvm ill post it later

Next: Chapter 6

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