Charmed Generations

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Dec 14, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. Charmed characters are sole property of Aaron Spelling. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback. or at

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications. text like this are personal thoughts or used when the Halliwell's are called by their family

Mom walked over to the front door to answer it, when she got there she was greeted by a man wearing red sun glasses. With him was a woman with white hair and a boy around my age with light brown hair and silver eyes. The man with the sun glasses on was the one who spoke to mom.

"Hello mam, my name is Scott Summers. This is Ororo Monroe and Drew Matthews, we're here because we would like to offer your children a full scholarship to The Xavier Institute for Gifted Youth."

He put an emphasis on the word gifted, catching that mom probed him with more questions before she would let them enter. They could be demons for all we know.

"You came at just the right time, but how did you know about my boys?"

Ororo stepped up to answer her.

"We're mutants and our headmaster has a device that alerts him when new mutants come into their abilities. He sensed your boys this morning and would like to offer them a place at his school to not only give them the full education as any other school would provide, but also a safe place for your children to learn to control their new abilities."

Mom put her hands up and froze them then turned to us and asked our opinion.

"What do you guys think? Demons or not?"

I got up from the couch and scanned them with my empathy.

"They're definitely not demons and they're telling the truth."

"Thanks Warren."

Mom unfroze them and asked them inside, she lead them into the living room with us. Upon entering Drew looked around then spoke.

"My god, my dream was right! Everything is just exactly as I dreamed of it."

Mom took that as a cue to introduce us to them.

"These are my boys, from oldest to youngest. Wyatt, Chris and Warren. Guy these people are Scott, Ororo and Drew. They've come to offer you a place in their school to learn to control your new powers and finish schooling. What do you think?"

Not wanting to leave Bianca behind Chris asked about her coming too.

"What about Bianca? She came into her powers when we did, will she be able to come too?"

"We'll have to talk with her parents first, Ororo would you and Drew take Bianca home to talk with her family?"

"Sure Scott, should I have Drew return here once he's dropped us off?"

"Yeah I want him to come back here. Just contact me on the comms. when you're ready to return."

With that said Ororo and Drew walked over to Bianca. He placed his hands on both of them and told Bianca to think of home. He scanned her mind and with some white flames and a burst of white particles they were gone. When he returned Scott was just explaining about his powers to us.

"Drew, you're back. I was just about to tell Mrs. Halliwell..."

"Did you say Halliwell?"

"Yes why?"

"Because when I had my dream Brett told me that that was the name I kept repeating over in my sleep."

"Oh, would you please explain your abilities to them. I think you would have an easier time then I would."

Curious I asked a question

"So you mean he can do more then teleport?"

"I can do so much more then just teleporting, I am a class 5 mutant which is extremely rare. I am a Psychokinetic, which gives me the abilities of telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, astral projection, matter transfiguration, teleportation and regeneration. I also am fused with another being. Alone I am one half of a very powerful mutant. The other half was a cosmic entity known as Phoenix, he fused with me to complete his destiny and now the limits of my power are infinite."

"Wow, that's a lot of power. Well we might as well tell you about our powers. I can....."

Before I could finish mom froze the room again.

"OK quick family meeting, no mentioning magic. They don't know about it and don't need to, and when you go to their school no using your powers either. OK?"

"OK mom."

"Wyatt, I'll keep them frozen and you go and orb to Bianca's. Freeze them before going in and let Bianca know not to say anything about her magic."

"All right, but I'm pretty sure she guessed that already."

Mom turned to me and Chris to ask what we thought so far.

"So do you guys have any interest in checking out this school?"

"Yeah, as long as Wyatt and Chris are cool with it. I mean if they can teach super-boy here to control his 'infinite' power than they could definitely teach us a thing or two."

Wyatt came back just then.

"Hey Bianca and her folks knew not to say anything and after hearing about what happened today they're gonna let her go. Also she said that the chick was just about to call for her friends when I froze them."

"OK everybody places and Warren you were about to say something about your powers."

Mom unfroze them just as Scott's comm. sounded.

[Ororo to Scott, come in.]

[Scott here.]

[Scott, Bianca's parents have agreed to allow her to come with us. We're ready for Drew to bring us to you.]

[Copy that Ororo, Scott out]

"Drew, do your stuff."

"OK, we'll finish this conversation on our way back to the school."

In just a few seconds Drew was back with Bianca and Ororo. We agreed to attend their school with Bianca and went to our rooms to pack our clothes. Mom said that it was gonna be tough if any demons attacked while we were gone but if they really needed us they would call. I think that with us out of the house the demon attacks would actually slow down as for Prue, she would just have to stay at the manor and come to us if we called or if she had any news. We packed our clothes and grabbed a couple of personal things like movies, music and of course our computer. Once we had everything packed we headed downstairs to say goodbye, mom was waiting for us at the top of the stairs.

"OK I know this isn't like a final goodbye so I'll try to limit the tears. I called Prue and she's bringing Leo with her so they can both say goodbye."

"OK mom, we'll visit home as often as we can and don't forget you can call me or Chris when ever you need to. Hey wait, Warren have you ever been able to sense when we needed you?"

"Um... I don't think so. I've always been there so no ones ever had to try to call for me. I always just assumed it was a whitelighter thing."

"Hm... we'll have to give it a try once we're at the mansion. Just in case one of us is busy when mom and dad call."

"Sounds like a good idea, I mean we're bonded now through magic as well as blood. Who knows it just might work."

Prue and dad orbed in just then and everyone proceeded to say their goodbyes. We did so upstairs because it'd be a bit awkward to have to try to explain where dad and Prue came from. We headed down and joined Scott and the others, they said goodbye to mom and we got ready to leave. Drew asked us all to join hands and placed his hand on Scott's shoulder, he teleported us away and we ended up in Golden Gate Park.

"Um, did I miss something or is your school in the middle of a park?"

Scott smiled as he turned to answer.

"The school's not here but this is."

He punched a button on his handheld and the Blackbird de-cloaked to our amazement, the rear hatch opened and we stepped into the plane. Inside was amazing, there were control panels and stations all over the place. There was seating for four at the front of the plane and more seats near the back. Bianca went upfront to sit with Drew and the others while Wyatt, Chris and I sat in the back. During the entire flight Chris kept his eyes glued to Bianca who was having quite a lengthy conversation with Drew. Not even needing to scan him I could feel the anger start to flow off of Chris, I whispered to him to keep his emotions in check cause Drew was empathic as well as telepathic. I assured Chris that they were just making conversation and that he was just over reacting.

"You think I'm over reacting?"

"Well yeah, you've been with her for how long? Do you think that some guy is gonna take her from you in one day?"

"I dunno, I just... I guess I am a bit angry for nothing. Still I'm gonna warn him to stay away from her when we get off this plane."

"You do what ever you think is wise but remember, he's got a lot more power than you do and he knows how to use it."

Eventually we started bull shitting about our friends we'd miss and how we were glad we would be getting away from demons for a while. A while later we passed over a huge mansion and proceeded to land in an underground hangar. When we went to get our things Chris said he was gonna talk to Drew as soon as we walked off the plane. The rear hatch opened and we were greeted by three people: a bald man in a wheelchair, a red-headed woman who Wyatt immediately started drooling over and a tall blond guy around Wyatt's age. Scott introduced us to them before Chris could pull Drew to the side to 'talk' with him. The bald man was Prof. Charles Xavier, a very powerful psychic and headmaster of our school. The second was Scott's girlfriend, to Wyatt's dismay, Jean Grey powerful like Drew except her only powers were telekinesis and telepathy. The last was Brett Andrews, he was new to the school as well. His abilities allowed him to phase, like Wyatt, and fly. No sooner had Scott stopped talking Drew rushed down and wrapped his arms around Brett who then proceeded to fly them both up and out of the hangar.

"Well Chris, I guess you don't have to have that talk with him after all."

Jean could see the look of shock on Chris' face and called him on it.

"Don't pay any attention to Drew, he and Brett are a new couple. I hope that doesn't bother you guys that we allow the kids freedom to express their feelings?"

Oh yeah! They didn't know about me. Chris didn't answer so I spoke up.

"Don't worry Ms. Grey, we don't have any issues with that. I'm gay too, Chris just thought that Drew was hitting on Bianca that's all."

"Please call me Jean and I take Chris and Bianca are an item?"

"Yeah they are, anyway where should we head with our stuff?"

"Follow me I'll show you guys to your room, on the way you can tell me about your abilities."

We followed Jean though a few hallways and into an elevator, we went up and came out on the ground floor. Jean explained to us that including the level we just left the school had four levels. The ground floor had all the classrooms and some dorm rooms and the two upper levels were completely full of more dorms. Guys and girls were obviously put in different rooms but each floor was mixed. Some rooms had girls and the one next to it had guys. We headed for the stairs and filled Jean in on each of our powers. Wyatt started first.

"Well, I'm Wyatt Halliwell and I can phase. So you and Scott really are going out?"

"Yes, but don't worry I'm sure you'll find someone to take your mind off of me soon enough."

"I'm Chris Halliwell and I can turn invisible, it a bitch to learn to control but I like the challenge."

"Well last but not least I'm Warren Halliwell and I can manipulate sound. My power actually just showed up today so I'm eager to get it in check fast."

"Don't worry you will. What about you Bianca, what is it you can do?"

"Oh well, like Drew my power just came today too. I can generate force shields."

We reached the second floor and we stopped at the third door from the stair case. Jean knocked and a girl with blond hair and blue eyes answered.

"Oh my god! You must be the new girl Jean was telling me about. My names Amara and I'm gonna be your new roommie!"

"Hi I'm Bianca nice to meet you."

"Oh my god! I love your name, I always wished my parents had named me Bianca..."

We left Bianca behind as Amara dragged her inside and shut the door. I kinda felt sorry for Bianca, here she is a girl who loves the color black but not in a Goth sort of way, stuck with the queen pf pink and girly-girlness. I'm just glad I didn't have to be there. We continued walking and cam to the end of the hallway. Jean pointed out that in this wing of the school she and Scott were like 'camp counselors' and should we need anything just knock on their door. She showed us her room was located across the hall from a guy named Ian who recently requested to transfer to a new room on the first floor, so it would belong to Wyatt and Chris now. The door to the left of Wyatt and Chris' room belonged to Brett and Drew. Jean explained that the way the mansion was made gave Jean and Drew the two biggest rooms on this side of the school. Originally it was Scott's room but then they got together and it was given to a student named John, who recently left the school. Now it belonged to Drew and Brett, being the only other room that available that could hold three people besides Jean's room, Warren would be rooming with them.

"I hope you don't mind Warren, It's temporary. We usually don't have more that two to a room but until the senior students graduate at the end of the school year you'll have to make do."

"It's cool, at home we had a pretty small room to share between the three of us. I'm sure we'll appreciate the space we'll have here."

"Good, just let me check and see if Brett and Drew are inside."

Immediately the door swung open and Drew greeted us.

"Hey roommie, come in let me shoe you around your new room."

I went in while Wyatt and Chris went into the room next to us. Everything in the room was nice, the room its self was about as big as our living room and sun room back home. There was a bed right next to the door which I presumed was Drew's and another bed in the corner near the door to the bathroom. It was bare so I went over and laid down my stuff, then I noticed the third bed on the other side of the bedroom door across from Drew's. Assuming it was Brett's I asked his where-abouts.

"So where's our other roomie?"

"Oh he's in the shower. Listen I have to say you being our room mate came as a complete surprise to me. I was sent to bring you and your brother here while Jean worked out the living situation, you should thank Brett for offering us to room with you otherwise you probably would have ended up on the other floor with some stranger for a roommie. Anyway welcome to the room and make yourself at home. Each bed has a dresser next to it and thankfully every room in this mansion has its own bathroom, I don't think I could handle a bathroom having to be shared by all the guys in this wing of the school."

"Man try having to share a bathroom with two brothers, your parents and one of your aunts. That's scary! Well I guess I'm gonna go see how my bro's are doing, be back in a few."

I walked out of the room and knocked on Wyatt's door, Chris answered and I went in. It looked like they weren't wasting any time setting up the room how they wanted it.

"Dude we have our own bathroom! How sick is that? How're your room mates Warren?"

"There cool, our room is way bigger than this but they told me each room has it's own bathroom which is really cool."

"Yeah well I hope Bianca is having a good time getting to know her new friend."

"Hey Chris where's Wyatt?"

"He's already taking advantage of the shower. What do you think of your room mates?"

"Well I haven't met Brett yet but Drew's actually pretty cool. It'll be nice getting to know them and having other gay guys to talk with."

"Yeah well, I'm gonna go and rescue Bianca from the princess. Catch ya later bro."

"See ya. I guess I'll head out to walk around and explore our new home a bit."

We both walked out of the room at the same time Jean was walking out of her room.

"Hey guys where ya headed?"

"Well I'm going to check on Bianca and Warren was gonna walk around for a while."

"I think I'll join you Warren, that way you can have the grand tour."

Jean and I headed downstairs and walked around while she showed me some of the different classes and game rooms they had around the school. We stopped in the rec-room and Jean introduced me to a bunch of really cool kids, the ones I got along really great with were Kitty and Jubilee. We had a lot in common in the type of movies, music and guys we liked. After that Jean and I headed outside, it was a bit cooler now that the sun was setting. We chatted for a while until she told me that I should go upstairs and bring Bianca and my brothers down for some dinner. I headed back upstairs and stopped at Bianca and Amara's room and knocked on the door. Amara answered and was looking a bit worried.

"Hi, you're looking for Bianca? She went off with Chris, I think I was a bit too much for her to handle. I think we're like total opposites."

"Listen it's not as bad as you might think, she's really cool once you get to know her. Personally I've only known her a few days and we're already cool with each other, just give her some space and I swear she'll come around."

"I'll give it a try, I guess I could tone it down a bit. Thanks a lot... um I actually don't even know your name."

"It's Warren and it was great actually getting to talk with you this time."

"Yeah sorry about earlier, it's really great talking to you too. See ya at dinner."

Amara closed the door behind her and went down while I continued down the hall. When I got to the room the door was open. Seeing Wyatt, Chris and Bianca I went in.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Nothing, Chris and I were just thinking about orbing home to have one last meal with mom and dad. You game?"

"Yeah I would be except Jean sent me up to bring you guys down for dinner and how are we gonna explain not being around if someone comes looking?"

"Well I'm pretty sure we can come up with something."

"Look Wyatt I wanna go just as much as you do but, haven't you noticed how much technology is built into this school? It's got to have some kind surveillance system, not to mention there are plenty of psychics around here to notice that we're not on school grounds."

"I guess you're right... wait! What if we cast a spell? A spell to make it look like we're a sleep here and send our astral forms home."

"Well I guess it could work if we work it just right, but if someone tries to wake one of us up will we return and wake?"

Chris chose to chime in.

"Look mom and the aunts used to say a spell to astral but their spirit would only return when they chose to. Trying to wake them never would work."

"How do you know all this? You were younger than Wyatt when they had to do that."

"Aunt Paige told me about it, anyway if we could word the spell right it will work."

"OK then get working on the spell while I go down and tell Jean we're not really hunger and are just gonna hang out here."

Somehow I knew ,as I walked down to tell Jean we weren't hungry, that this plan was gonna fall apart on us. After doing what I went down to do I returned to the room and closed then locked the door. We sat on the floor in a circle and, even though the spell wasn't all that specific Chris said it should work as long as we think of what we want to happen while we cast it, recited the spell.

All: "Let our bodies sleep while spirits soar, returning us to our home once more. Obey the words of the Charmed Ones plea, and send us now so mote it be."

Almost immediately our bodies went limp and we appeared in the kitchen where mom and dad were making dinner.

"Guess who came home for dinner!"

Startled mom and dad turned around and mom nearly dropped the bowl of veggies she was holding.

"Jesus, Wyatt! Just give me a heart attack why don't you!"

"Sorry mom, I just thought we'd surprise you that's all."

"It's OK sweetie, just try not to make a habit of it all right?"

"Yes mom. So what are you making for dinner?"

"I was making some roasted chicken breast with green beans, carrots and asparagus stir fried in EVOO. I guess I'll have to add a few things to make enough. Go on and set the table, Bianca and Chris can help you. Warren would you go and call Prue for dinner she's with the BOS."

I warped up to the attic and sure enough she was hunched over the Book Of Shadows.

"Aunt Prue mom said dinner will be ready soon." Not getting any reaction I tried again. "Aunt Prue!"

"Huh? Oh sorry Drew I was just doing a bit of research."

"About what?"

"Nothing really, just that thing about the big threat. Trying to figure out who or what it could be. From what the elders have been able to find, this threat has many different powers that it's stolen from various low and upper level demons. I was just trying to eliminate some of the demons in the book that have already been vanquished."

"What good will that do?"

"Well once I do that then we can track down the rest and see who been taken out by the threat and who hasn't. Then we could set up a trap and try to catch who ever it is."

"Wow, you must have been the brains when you were Charmed."

"Why do you say that?"

"Cause you're up here doing all this and your a whitelighter now, if you get killed.... again, it's permanent this time."

"You sound so much like Piper right now, it's cute."

"I'm being serious."

"I know but being your whitelighter means having a plan and keeping you guys safe. If that means I might die... again, then that's a risk I'll willing to take."

"OK, but for right now just come down stairs and have dinner. Saving the world can wait for family, if the world comes crashing down while we eat at least we'll be together."

"Sure, I'll race ya!"

Prue orbed out before I could even say "you're on!" and had the cheesiest grin when I warped into the dining room. We had an amazing dinner and spent the time telling mom, dad and aunt Prue all about the mansion. Eventually we had to say goodbye for the second time that day, but this time didn't feel the same. There was something off but I just couldn't figure out what.

"Listen guys aunts Paige and Phoebe and their families are gonna be here on Friday night to have a party for Henry Jr.'s birthday on Saturday. I'll call the school tomorrow and let them know that they'll need to bring you home that afternoon. OK?"

"Yeah mom, about what time should we be here?"

"Well everyone is gonna be here early in the morning to help set up and since it's just family this year I'd say be here at around 3pm. By that time the food will be done and the kids will all be ready for presents."

"OK we'll be here around 3pm on Saturday see you then."

Little did we know we weren't the only people at dinner. Once the demon had the info he needed he shimmered to report to his master.


"My lady, I have some quite interesting news to report."

"I hope it's more than what you gave me last week."

"Yes, much more. It seems that the new Charmed Ones now attend a school on the east coast and will no longer be at the manor on a daily basis."

"Very interesting, continue."

"This Friday night every member of the Halliwell family, except the Charmed Ones, will be at the manor preparing for a party the following afternoon for one of the children of the sisters."

"That will be the most vulnerable moment the sisters will ever be at, all of their family under one roof without the protection of the Charmed Ones. Tell me how many demons and such remain since the Charmed Ones ascension?"

"We are few but strong, the demonic world is on the brink of extinction. We have four upper level Tribal demons, fifteen mid-level Soldier demons and six Darklighters. The Charmed Ones are expected to arrive at the manor by 3pm on Saturday."

"Good, gather and prepare them by Friday afternoon. We have a party to crash."


We woke up from the spell then Bianca and I headed out and into our new rooms. When I walked in Brett was laying on his bed reading and, from the sound of the shower, Drew was in the bathroom.

"Hi, I'm Brett. We didn't really get a chance to talk earlier. I left with Drew and when you came up I was in the shower. Your name is?"

"Oh, I'm Warren. Warren Halliwell."

"Well I'll be damned, his dream was right. Anyways I hope your not too modest or anything, I like to walk around in my briefs and Drew is usually naked since he doesn't really like underwear."

For the first time I noticed his lack of clothing, I had to admit he had a hot body but really wasn't my type.

"I'm cool with it, back home my brothers and I walk around either in our underwear or just some pajama pants."

"Yeah I'm gonna have to meet your bros tomorrow. Is that girl you were with your girlfriend or sister?"

"Bianca! Oh no, she's my brother Chris' girlfriend. I actually have only known her for a few days, Chris and Wyatt have known her longer besides I'm gay and it's just me and my two brother at home."

"Cool listen as soon as Drew's out of the bathroom it's all yours, and just so you know this place never seems to run out of hot water. Anyway I'm guessing you'll have a big day tomorrow, the Prof. will want to test your powers and level of control. I'm gonna head to bed as soon as Drew comes out I suggest you do the same after you shower. Tomorrow is really gonna tire you guys out."

"Yeah I'll do that."

Just as we finished talking out walked Drew naked as the day he was born. Again great body but not my type. I like more of the 'bad boy' type, tattoos and piercings have always held a fascination in my mind. If I could find that type of guy here I'd be in heaven. I went into the bathroom and had a nice long and hot shower. Brett was right the hot water never went out and lasted until I turned off the shower. I got out and dried off and walked back into the room and climbed into bed eager to start the new day.

I hope y'all didn't think I forgot about our mysterious female threat. Coming up is the new guy I mentioned at the end of the last chapter, I couldn't put him in this one cause the timing had to be just right. Anyway something big is about to happen, some might not like it but hey it makes for good story and life's never perfect. Enjoy!!

Next: Chapter 6

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