Charmed Once Again

By moc.loa@cniaradamo

Published on May 16, 2008


All Rights To Charmed And Other Related Content Are Property Of Warner Brothers & Aaron Spelling Productions. All Rights Reserved.

The Following Story Contains Content Not Appropriate For Ages Under 18. It Is Also Noted That This Story Is A Work Of Fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the Cast's true sexuality or any Other personal knowledge of their private lives. Thank-You & Enjoy.

Season 1 Episode 3 - Family Secrets

[ Scene - Golden Gate Park - Evening Time ]

We see a younger Wyatt & Michael sit on a bench fairly close to each other as they watch the sun set in the far horizon. Michael looks over at Wyatt and intertwines his hand with his. He strokes Wyatt's Hand with his thumb.

Michael : "You know I love You right ?" Wyatt nods without looking over.

Michael : "I accepted the offer" He looked away from Wyatt, guilt rising in expression.

Wyatt's eyes were glazed over. He chokes up. A Single tear glides across his cheek.

Michael : "I leave tomorrow morning" He pulls his hand away from Wyatt's and rubs his own face, full of frustration "I'm sorry Wyatt, but this is something I have to do, and I need you to understand why I'm doing It" He looks at Wyatt needing some type of reaction.

Wyatt : "I lost my dad" Tears swelling in his eyes "I loved him so much" He looks at Michael "Just the same as I love you... and now your leaving" he closes his eyes tightly releasing the tears that had built up "what is it that I'm suppose to understand ?" He looks away into the horizon "I somehow lose everything important to me"

Michael looks into the colorful sky. The Sun was close to fully disappearing.

Michael : "I'm sorry Wyatt" He leans over into Wyatt and kisses his cheek softly. He pulls away and pauses for a moment admiring Wyatt's innocence "I will come back, I promise" his own eyes beginning to glaze with tears. He gets up and walks away leaving Wyatt alone to watch the sun fully set down.

( Opening Credits - Show Theme Song - "All About Us" - TaTu )

[ Scene - Halliwell Manor - Front Door - Present Night ]

Aiden comes into the house carrying his coat. The Lights are turned off.

Aiden : "Hello, Any fellow witches home ?" He hangs his coat on the rack and continues further into the living room "Any Demons Around ?" He smirks to himself as he flips the switch and turns the lights on. Wyatt is on the couch making out with Michael. Wyatt pulls away and jumps up.

Wyatt : "Are you mentally insane ?" Aiden looks from Michael to Wyatt.

Aiden : "Michael... What were you two doing ?"

Michael : "Hi" He waves at Aiden. Aiden can't help but smile.

Aiden : "Hello Michael... it's good to see you around again..." He looks over at Wyatt.

Wyatt rolls his eyes and freezes Michael and walks up to the Aiden.

Wyatt : "I so hate you right now"

Aiden : "Well hi to you too grumpy"

Wyatt : "Fellow Witches? Demons ! ? I can't believe you said that. What's the matter with you ? You should know better"

Aiden : "How was I supposed to know that you were gonna be here with anybody ? Last I heard, you were to busy to play with the boys" He looks over at Michael "Specially ones from the past" Aiden smirks evilly.

Wyatt : "Last I heard, you were a telepath" He blushes brightly red "And It's not what you think... we were just... just..."

Aiden : "Sucking each others face's off ?" He laughed "You don't have to justify it. You're single. You're responsible. You're way overdue in the sex department. I say go for it"

Wyatt : "I'm not way overdue" He Stopped and paused "All right, maybe a little, but that's besides the point... you shouldn't even be here tonight"

Aiden : "The concert was canceled Thumbelina"

Chris walks through the front door looking exhausted.

Wyatt looks at Chris.

Wyatt : "Dammit... out out out, go go - hurry"

Chris looks at them confused and goes back outside. Wyatt goes back to standing next to Michael and unfreezes him.

Michael : "It's good to see you too Aiden" He gets off the couch and fixes his shirt.

Chris comes back inside and looks at Aiden for the "ok". Aiden nods and motions him over. Michael smiles as he sees Chris and waves "Hey Chris" Chris shoots Wyatt a look and then smiles at Michael "Michael... Hi... What a surprise..." Aiden nudges Chris "A Nice surprise... of course..." Chris looks at Aiden annoyed - Aiden smiles.

Wyatt : "Michael can we take a rain check on the rest of the evening ? It's getting kind of crowded in here" Shooting a look at his brothers. Michael grabs his coat off the floor.

Michael : "Yeah sure... no problem" He walks past Aiden and Chris moving to the door "It was good seeing you guys again" Both Chris & Aiden smile and wave good by as he makes his way out. Wyatt closes the door behind him and turns to his brothers, who are grinning.

Chris : "So I'm guessing you two put everything aside ?"

Aiden : "Including your clothes" Aiden smirks. Wyatt walks past them buttoning up his shirt. Chris follows him. They both head up the stairs "Wait, you guys. Where are you going ?"

Wyatt : "I have a deadline to meet on a column"

Aiden : "Don't you guys even know what Tomorrow is?" Chris looks down at the floor.

Wyatt looks at Aiden uncomfortably.

Wyatt : "Ten years since dad passed away" Wyatt looks at a photo of their father hanging on the wall next to a photo of their Mother

Chris : "We been fighting demons so much these last 2 weeks that I almost forgot"

Aiden : "This means mom is going to be coming by tomorrow" Chris and Wyatt look at each other "And we haven't told her about all this yet" He looks at Wyatt feeling a bit anxious.

Wyatt : "When tomorrow comes, we will deal with then" He continues to walk up the stairs "Until then I have things to do" he disappears into the second floor. Chris looks over at Aiden giving him a look of sympathy and soon follows up the stairs as well.

Aiden looks over at the side table where there is a picture of his parents and his brothers huddled up together outside the house. Each smiling big. Aiden picks the picture up and runs his fingers over it as a teardrop falls to it - creating a clean streak in the dusty glass.

[ Scene - Underworld - Dark Chamber ]

Three hooded figures stand in a circle. Each with their hands held in front of them.

Hooded Man (1) : "Their powers have awaken"

Hooded Man (2) : "Are you certain Asmaris ?"

Hooded Man (3) : "It is true Balawl, I can feel it as welll"

Asmaris (1) : "We can not allow them to gain more power"

Conmir (3) : "They are the Charmed One's, they have all the power they need"

Balawl (2) : "They have defeated the ones before us"

Conmir (3) : "We will not make the same foolish mistakes they made"

Asmaris (1) : "How will we defeat them ?"

Conmir (3) : "By gaining control over the underworld, The Triad will prevail once again"

Asmaris & Balawl nod in agreement.

[ Scene - Manor - Following Morning - Kitchen ]

Chris places a large serving plate of Toast and Scrambled Eggs on top of the table. Aiden who was sitting at the table is occupied with staring into his coffee. Chris pauses and looks down at Aiden.

Chris : "Are you still thinking about mom finding out ?" Aiden Nods "Look you even said yourself that mom was a witch... so it's not like she's going to disown us or anything" Chris moves over to the counter and picks up a pile of plates and utensils, placing them on the table "I mean... for all we know, she might even know already" Aiden looks up from his coffee.

Aiden : "How would she know? I don't remember us being able to do these things as kids" He runs his finger around the rim of the coffee cup <"And I certainly don't remember hearing voices in my head"> He looks up at Chris.

Chris : "Yeah but I mean if mom was a witch... her children should be too" He paused for a moment as a thought came up "Wait we are only half witches right ?" He pulls a chair out and takes a seat "I mean as far as we know dad was human" Aiden nods.

Aiden : "That's what I mean... for all we know she wanted to have normal kids... without powers" he takes a sip of his coffee "I mean she took it well to all three of us being gay... but three gay witches... how do expect someone to react to that?" Wyatt comes into the kitchen.

Wyatt : "React to what ?" he takes a seat at the table as well.

Chris : "We were just talking about mom and how we plan on telling her we're witches"

Wyatt : "She probably already knows" he grabs an empty plate and fills it with scrambled eggs. He grabs the pepper and shakes some on it as well "We are her kids after all"

Aiden : "Wyatt... do you ever remember if mom and her sisters were attacked by demons ?" Aiden takes a gulp of his coffee to finish it off "I mean it's most likely they were attacked just like we are... I mean the underworld fears us" Chris looks at Wyatt.

Wyatt : "I honestly don't remember much" he takes a bite of his eggs and swallows "If they were that means they were in danger all the time... I guess the good thing is, they are still alive" he continues to eat his eggs "and so are we"

Chris : "Why do you think no one told us ?" Aiden throws a gaze at Chris.

Aiden : "Oh my god..." Wyatt and Chris look at Aiden "If they were attacked by demons that means mom must have been concerned for our safety" he looks at Wyatt "she must of binded our powers... so that demons couldn't hunt us down" Chris looks confused.

Chris : "Binded ?"

Aiden : "It's a spell a witch casts on another witch to... in a sense "tie" their powers from being used" He looks into his empty cup "they stay dormant until the bind is broken.

Wyatt : "Like the spell you read" Aiden Nods.

Chris : "So you really think mom binded our powers ?"

Aiden : "If it meant keeping us safe... and to live normal lives... yeah" After a while of talking about the situation a bit more, Chris and Aiden made their plates and joined Wyatt in eating breakfast. The DoorBell Rings. The three of them look at each other and place their forks down.

Wyatt : "Mom"

Chris : "I'm suddenly nervous" that's because Aiden was nervous.

Aiden : "Let's go" They all get up and make their way to the door. Aiden takes a deep breath and puts a smile on. He opens the door. Piper was standing there. She looked fairly older now... a few grays in her hair... tied up in a bun. She had gained a bit more weight but much of the features that made Piper...Piper... were still visible "Mom" Aiden said calmly and let her walk in as he hugged her.

Piper : "Hi sweetie" she hugged him back tightly. Wyatt and Chris joined in the hug as she kissed their forwards back, happy to see them "God you guys are growing so fast" She pulls away stepping back and admires her three children in which she loved dearly.

Aiden : "Where handsome men now" Aiden closes the door smiling.

Wyatt : "Well I'm a man. Your still a little boy" He crosses his arms.

Piper leans into Chris.

Piper : "Some things never Change" Chris nodded and smirked.

Chris : "Ahh the perks of being the middle brother" Piper laughed, understanding.

Wyatt : "So mom, how are you enjoying living in the city now ?"

Piper rolled her eyes and walked further into the foyer looking around.

Piper : "It's nothing like living here that's for sure" she stops and pauses looking at a picture of her and Leo. The brothers look at each other and bow their heads in sadness. Piper turns to look at them "Hey hey hey, no time for getting all sad and pouty" saying this with an unknown enthusiasm to the boys. They nodded.

Piper made her way into the Sunroom where she takes a seat and motions them over to join her. They each oblige and take their respected seats around her.

Piper : "So how are my three favorite boys doing" They each go on to tell her about SOME of the recent events. Aiden moving back in, Chris working at the Roots (restaurant), And Wyatt being back with Michael - which was abruptly shared by Aiden... which made Wyatt look not so happy. Piper smiled and sighed "How you three have grown so fast"

A demon shimmers in. Aiden : "Oh shit..." Piper looks at the demon surprised and in shock.

Chris runs up to piper and grabs her arm.

Chris : "Mom come on, we have to hide" The demon forms an energy ball and throws in Chris's Direction. He's Quick to send it back hitting the Demon in the chest - sending him flying across the floor. He pulls on his mother's arm dragging her behind the sofa. She stares at him in amazement.

Wyatt : "Aiden you know what to do" Aiden nods. The demon gets up. Wyatt freezes him. Aiden then runs towards the demon and jumps - kicking him right in the face. This sent the demon flying once more, but this time into the grandfather clock. Pipers face is struck with anger. "Go go go" Wyatt and Aiden make a break for the stairs, Chris follows behind pulling Piper along as well.

[ Scene - Manor - Attic ]

All four of them come rushing into the attic. Chris and Piper come in last, Piper is out of breath. Chris waves his hand shutting the door and locking it shut. Aiden in the mean time rushes over to the chest and opens it taking the book of shadows out. Piper watches this, and her eyes fill with emotion and resentment.

Wyatt : "Hurry Aiden" Aiden rushing through the pages.

Aiden : "I'm going as fast as I can!" The door suddenly explodes sending Chris across the floor.

They all look up and see the demon enter the room. He grunts Angrily.

Aiden : "Found it! But it's a power of three spell, we need Chris!"

Chris lifts himself slowly off the floor and gets up, the demon gets in the way of Chris reaching his brothers. He try's to send the demon flying but holds his arm in pain. Wyatt try's to freeze him but he only fades out of the freeze. The Demon forms an energy ball ready to be thrown at Chris. A Whistle is heard from behind. The demon turns around to see Piper standing there.

Piper : "You picked on the wrong kids buddy" She waves her hands and blows his arm off. He falls to the ground in pain. The three brothers just stare in amazement of their mother's performance. She looks at Chris "Well don't just stand their, go help your brothers vanquish this nasty" Chris rushes over to Aiden and Wyatt. Aiden points at the page and they all nodded.

Charmed Ones : "In the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam" The demon looks up at the Charmed Ones and screams "Rid all beings from these walls, save brothers three now heed our call" It Begins to get windy "When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam..." The demon starts to catch on fire.

Demon : "I was only a warning... The Triad will kill you all"

Charmed Ones : "Rid all beings from these walls, save brothers three now heed our call"

The Demon then explodes in a million pieces of light, and disappears.

The four of them stand there staring at each other. Piper with tears falling from her eyes.

Aiden : "Mom ?"

A ball of sparkly golden light comes rushing into the attic flying around uncontrollably, behind it a group of blue orbs follow. It stops and then begins to twirl in circles as a figure begins to materialize from the golden lights. The angel of Destiny revealed. The blue orbs of light then begin to materialize revealing another person -A man with a raincoat and dirty blond hair. They all look in disbelief.

Piper : "Leo..."

[End Of Part 3] [ By Joey ]

I Hope You All Enjoyed This Chapter! Be Sure To Send In Your Comments! - Subject : Charmed

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