Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jul 31, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio {Flashback}

"How's the honeymoon?" Bobby said with a smirk on his face.

"It was not a honey moon. It was a date," Brian replied.

"No...I've been on dates. They never last longer than a couple of hours. Your date was 3 frickin Paris."

"I know isn't it sweet?"

"Sure...sweet. Hey come with me. I have a surprise for you."

"Is it the gang...asking me about me 'honeymoon'?"

"No. It's even better."

"What could be better than you guys humiliating me?"

"Just shut up and follow me."

"Ooh Mr. Drake I like it when you are rough."

"Dude, that is so gross."

Bobby led Brian up the flight of stairs. Then he took him down a familiar hallway. Bobby was taking Brian to...his room?!?!

"Bobby. What are we doing here? I know where my room is. You didn't have to walk me up here."

"Man. We can tell you are a blond. No matter what color you dye your hair."

"Shut up."

"I know this is your room. The surprise is inside."

Brian opened his door half expecting everyone to jump out and yell "Welcome back." When he did open the door however, it was no longer his room.

"Welcome to Chez Brian...and Bobby."

MEANWHILE IN SAN FRANCISCO "Dude...I think it's time for a Power of Three power surge. We haven't found dad and it's been past the two days already," Chris said calmly to his brother.

"No we can't give up just yet. We can do this on our own. Come on Chris, don't you think that our powers match up with the Power of Three?"

"At first I did...but now I am starting to doubt it because we can't even find out own dad."

"Ok. Just give me one more day. If we don't find dad, we can call Brian. I just don't wanna bother him about this, especially when he is so much happier being a mutant rather than a witch."

"Ok. One more day but that's all."

"That's all I need. Thanks bro."

BACK AT THE MANSION "I'm sorry what?" Brian exclaimed.

"Ok, well there is this new kid that just came to the school and there weren't any other rooms..."

"So you took mine?"

"No I bunked in with you. Think of it this way, would you rather share a room with him or with me?"

"How about I get my own room and you share with him."

"No we can't do that. I don't know the guy. He could be a klepto for all I know. Come on Brian, you know you want me here."

"Bobby. We can't. What if I want to like spend some time with Scott? Or you want to bring someone over?"

"We'll figure it out. When Cyclops is over, I can kick it with Ray and when I bring someone over, you can hang with Scott."

"OK fine."


"Yes," Brian sighed again.

"Oh my god this is going to be fun. And since you're gay, you could maybe teach me a thing or two about getting girls."

"Get out." The two roommates shared a laugh.

THE NEXT DAY IN SAN FRANCISCO "Ok Wyatt, your time is up. I'm going to call Brian."

"Wait I still have a couple of hours."

"Wyatt, give up already. You can't win. We need his help."

"Give me a couple hours."

With that, Chris sighed and orbed off.

BACK AT THE MANOR "Hey little bro. Wake up."

"Go away."

"Come on. Wake up. I need your help."

"Chris. What's wrong?"

"Dad's been gone the past week and no one knows where he is at."


"Can you two keep it down?" Bobby chimed in from his bed.

"Shut up Bobby! Chris. What happened?"

"Mom and the aunts think that he was kidnapped by a demon."

"Why didn't you guys tell me earlier?"

"Well...Wyatt thought he could do this without know, so you wouldn't have to start out your wicthly duties with a Power Of Three."

"Take me home. Now!"

Chris orbed his brother back to San Francisco, where a worried Piper is keeping busy in the kitchen.

"Hey mom. How are you doing?"

"Hey baby. I like the new look. Nice to see that you are still alive. I mean you don't even call. You don't come over to say hi..."

"I'm sorry mom. I've been busy with all the mutant stuff."

"Well picking up the phone every now and then could help. So how is school?"

"That can wait. What happened here?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"I'm not stupid. Chris told me everything. Why didn't you guys just call me?"

"Because...I don't think you are ready," Wyatt said from the doorway.

"You don't think I am ready? I'll prove to you 'I'm not ready'." With that said Brian lifted his brother up and started shaking him in midair with a telekinetic grasp.

Wyatt orbed out of the hold and reappeared right next to Brian. "Little bro, you haven't had any training with your Charmed powers. You've been spending a lot of time at the school."

"So. I was able to control my mutant powers pretty quickly. I'm sure I could do the same with my witch powers."

Just then a plate falls from the dish rack and with the flick of a wrist, Brian froze it midair just as it was about to hit the floor and shatter to pieces. "See!"

"That was impressive. See if you can stop this," a demon said as he hurled a purple static-looking ball towards Chris, Wyatt, Brian and Piper.

Brian put his hand up to stop the ball. Instead of freezing, the static ball went into slow motion and slowly made its way towards Brian. Piper put her hands up and with the flick of her right wrist, she completely froze the attack and with her left hand, she sent the demon flying after blowing up one of his arms. Concentrating on the ball, Brian hurled it back at the demon, vanquishing him in a circle of fire.

"Who the hell was that?"

"Book of Shadows," Chris and Wyatt said simultaneously.

"I still can't believe you guys don't think I'm ready. And what was up with the purple ball thingy? It didn't stop like all the other things I freeze."

"That's because you aren't 100% witch. You are half mutant as well. So your powers work slightly different than mines. Fire balls, plasma balls, and all the other different kinds of balls that these stupid demons have, are charges with a lot of energy so maybe it was able to overcome the freezing so it slowed down instead," Piper said.

"But that was cool how I sent the ball back though? I get credit for that right?"

"Yes you do baby," Piper said looking at her other sons.

"Brian that was pretty impressive. This is what I'm talking about though. You were able to use your telekinesis to pretty well but the freezing was...well not good," Wyatt said.

"Give me an hour with Mom. I'm sure I can learn a thing or two I didn't already know."

"That's not how it works. The more you use your powers, overtime, the more powerful it gets. The more you use it in a day however, the weaker your powers gets over the course of that day."

Paige and Phoebe orbed into the room. Phoebe ran quickly to give Brian a hug whereas Paige stood near the door of the attic.

As a smile crept on her face, she joyfully said, "You must be Brian. How could anyone not see that you look just like your dad?" She shot a look at Piper, who in turn, rolled her eyes. "It's finally nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Paige."

"Why so formal? Just call me Auntie." Then she whispered, "I'm the fun one."

With a giggle, Brian turned towards the rest of his family. "Ok let's get down to business. Tell me everything."

Before anyone could get started, more orbs filled the room. When all was clear again, two men and a woman stood in the middle of the room.

"And what could we owe this intrusion to?" Piper asked the three visitors.

"We are not here looking for trouble. We just want to Brian."

"Am I in trouble?" Brian asked, stupidly.

"No. We think we have a solution to your problems," the woman said.

As the family left the room, Wyatt shut his door on the way out. "Just shout my name if they give you any trouble."

"Thanks bro."

As the door clicked, the visitors put their hands up and the room began glowing white and blue. "Brian. We heard about your family situation with the disappearance of Leo. He is a dear friend of ours and we don't want to lose him."

"I'm sorry, who are you and what do you want? And what are you doing to the room?"

"We are only concealing this from the rest of them up there. We are the elders...counselors and guidance of witches. We are here because we have a proposition for you," one of the men said.

"We have a theory and want to actually test it out with you because you are the perfect candidate," the other man spoke.

"We think that you are the only person who can find your dad. Now that he is human and you are his only son from his human side, we think that you have a stronger bond that your brothers don't share with him. Since it is not your fault that you are not part white lighter, we feel like it would be...easier if you are endowed with their powers."

"Ok...I'm listening."

"White lighters have the powers to sense their charges...and each other. Since your father used to be a white lighter, it would seem easy for your brothers to find him. But now that he is human, it is a tad bit harder. This is where you come in. Since both you and he are humans, you would have an easier time locating him. We can give you white lighter powers to sense where Leo is, as well as the ability to orb and heal."

"And you are sure that I can find my dad?"

"Well we are not completely sure. It does make a lot of sense though. So how about it?"

"Anything to save my dad."

With that, the three elders pointed their hands at Brian, who is now scared. Blue and white lights shot from their hands and encircled Brian. The lights began dancing around him. And when they disappeared, so did the elders. When they were gone, Brian could still hear "Concentrate on him."

The family came back in the room. "What happened? What did they want?"

Brian didn't answer the question. He closed his eyes and pictured his dad, the love he felt for his dad and the completeness he felt when his family were together. When he opened his eyes, all he said was, "I know where he is."

SOMEWHERE IN THE UNDERWORLD "Turn left up ahead and you will see three guards standing at the door. They each have a different weapon so be careful," Brian said.

When they turned the corner, Chris and Wyatt immediately orbed the weapons that the guards were holding, into each of the guards. They were killed instantly.

Chris and Wyatt opened the door and saw their father tied up at what looks like, an alter. Right away, they orbed the ties away, but it didn't go anywhere. They ran to Leo and then more guards came. "Chris go untie him. I will fight them off with Brian."

Each guard threw the same purple static ball that the demon, vanquished earlier, threw. Brian used his telekinesis to send them back to the guards. Then a thought occurred to him. "Wyatt stand behind me. I can take them."

"Are you crazy?"

"Just do it. Trust me."

As Wyatt took his stance behind Brian, Brian placed his right hand on his forehead. One by one, daggers appeared in his hands and the solidified in blue and white orbs. With his telekinesis, he sent the daggers flying towards the approaching demons. One by one, the guards exploded before they could attack.

"Wow, Brian that was incredible. How did you do that? I'm so sorry I ever doubted you."

"No time for this mushy family stuff. Save dad first and I will explain later."


"You guys should have seen it. I killed only like two of them, but Brian, wow he killed every one after that. I don't know how but he did."

"How did you do that back there?"

"Well I thought about it. Demon, witches and humans all have minds right?"

The family stared with anticipation.

"Well if they all have minds, I could send telepathic stuns. I don't know how the stuns actually became knives though. I've never seen that happen. Maybe it was because of these new powers I have."

"What new powers?" the family all asked in unison.

Brian looked at the Book of Shadows and called its name. Instantly, it orbed over to his hands.

The family looked shocked. "Is that what the elders came to do? They gave you more powers?" Piper asked, angered.

"Yeah they said that since I am the only son that dad created when he was human, I have a stronger bond with him and that I would be able to sense him."

"They got that right. Now let's have them take it back."


"Because if you have these powers that means that you are a white lighter. I don't want you to have to worry about charges and school and your mutant powers. Please Brian do this for the sake of your own health and family. Do it for us," Piper said.

"Ok fine. Can I at least keep the orbing thing? Other than it is such a huge convenience, it also increased my powers I think. And now I have no excuse not to visit you anymore."

Brian got Piper on that one. She decided to give in. "Ok you can keep the orbing, but the healing and sensing has to go back."

BACK AT THE MANSION Bobby was giving himself some solo action in his and Brian's room. He's not expecting Brian anytime soon and he was crazy horny. He was getting into the porn he put on when Brian appeared on the other side of the room.

"Finally I got the right room," Brian said as he turned around catching a naked Bobby under the sheet, trying to cover himself up.

"Dude...ever heard of knocking?"

"Hey this is what you get for wanting to be my roommate so bad."

"Bobby. Don't you know that porn is actually bad for your eyes? Why don't you go out and get the real thing?"

"Because no one wants what I can give..." Bobby said sarcastically.

"Well I wouldn't mind having your cock in my ass."

"Whoa, whoa. That is not roommate etiquette. And that is gross."

"Hey, it's one of the many perks having a gay roommate."

"So how was your day?"

"Um...well as you can tell by all this dirt and grime that's on my clothes and face, I had a very productive day. Well my dad has been missing for a week now and my stupid brothers didn't want to tell me. I gained some new powers, found my dad and vanquished a bunch of demon, all while still looking hot as ever. Just a little sweaty."

"Dude you got new powers? What kind?"

"Let me show you." With that said, Brian shouted "Bobby's blanket" and the shield covering Bobby's naked body was folded neatly on Brian's bed.

"Dude what the hell. Give that back," Bobby said stumbling to cover up his naked body.

"Ha! This puts me in the mood to go see Scott."

"Yeah go see your boyfriend and leave me and my porn alone." Bobby said with a smirk on his face. "Just ring me up when you come back."

"Will do," Brian said as he shut the door.

Before Brian went to see Scott, he made a detour to Bobby's old room. He wanted to see the new kid.

When he turned the last corner before Bobby's old room, he had another run-in with the White Queen.

"Darling. It's nice to see you made it from your trip in one piece. I can see Cyclops didn't burn a hole through you. Well I'm sure he did make your hole burn though."

"No he made love to me and it felt like the best pleasure in the world. Maybe the burn you were feeling was from the Gonorrhea you got from sleeping around."

After laughing in Emma's face, he continued his way towards Bobby's old room. When he got there, the door was closed so he tried his luck at knocking. To his surprise, the door did open.

"Hi! My name is Brian. I live on the other side of the school."

"Hi. My name is James and I just moved here from California."

"Really? I'm technically from there too. What part?"

"Southern California. Ever heard of Santa Ana?"

"Yeah that is Southern California. Never heard of it before. I live way more up north in San Francisco."

"That's cool."

"Well I just wanted to say welcome to Xavier's. I was the new kid before you came. It can be a little bit scary at first but I'm sure you will do fine."

"Well thanks."

After the little meet and greet, Brian decided to skip a trip or two and decided to orb to Scott's room. When he knocked on the door, a voice inside told him to enter and he did. When he got in, the room was dark, but candles were lit and Scott was lying completely naked on his bed, with the blanket only covering his crotch area.

"I've been waiting," Scott said in a seductive voice.

-Ly and Johnny

Author's Notes: I am totally getting into writing again. Now that I am on summer vacation, I have all the time in the world to write. This was a fun chapter. In the past I know I don't really include any Charmed action going on but here it is. I'll try to include more Charmed action rather than just focusing predominantly on X-Men. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know how you like it at Feedback is always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 15

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