Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jan 3, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

<>Telepathic Conversation

SATURDAY MORNING Why were there students running out and about on a Saturday morning? Was there school here on Saturdays? Well I hope not. I wonder: what kinds of classes will the Professor give me?

<Whoa! What the hell was that?>

<It's ok Brian. It's only me, the Professor. Enter through the first door on the left.>

I did as I was told and sure enough, the Professor is sitting behind his desk. He has this look to him. As if he is confused and worried about something all together. It looked like he was keeping something hidden.

"Yes Professor?"

"Good morning Brian. I have compiled a list of classes that you might be interested in. The first 3 are the normal core classes that you would see at any high school and the last 4 are your electives.

As he hands me the piece of paper, I am afraid to look down. Finally I gather the courage to look at what's on the paper and to my surprise, most of them were fun classes.

Mondays and Wednesdays: English 101, Calculus 180, Chemistry 101 Tuesdays and Thursday: Telekinesis, Psionics, Other Fridays and Saturdays: Training

Other? "Professor, what is Others?"

"Well Brian, I tried to put classes that I think you would like. I'm not sure as to where else I would put you so I left that up to you."

"Does Ororo teach any classes?"

"Yes fortunately she does. She teaches gardening."

"Gardening? I guess that would be my Others." "And Professor?"

"Yes Brian?"

"What is training that I have on Fridays and Saturdays?"

"Yes Brian I have been meaning to talk to you about that. I think that you are very talented in your abilities and from what I saw yesterday, I have a great deal of faith that you are going to be able to control your powers pretty quickly. Therefore, I would like to see if you are interested in training to become an X- Man."

"Is that the team that trains in that Danger Room I was in yesterday?"


"Do you think that I can see what is it they do before I give an answer to your request?"

"Sure." Starring blankly into space. "They are practicing as we speak so if you want to catch a glimpse of training, it's best we hurry."

We came out of his office and headed through the long hallway. We get near the cafeteria and I knew exactly where we were going. The elevator opened up and we both got in. When we arrive at the basement, I was in such a hurry to see them that I ran towards the Danger Room, leaving the Professor behind.

As I peeked in through the window on the door, I saw nothing. It was dark. "Come, Brian. We must enter through here."

I turned back and caught up with the professor. We went through another hallway and entered through another door. There was a flight of stairs but the Professor found an elevator to use. I went with him of course. It opened up into some kind of control room. It was kind of dark in there but I know that there was at least one other person in this room besides the Professor and Myself.

I stared into the darkness and I saw a hint of red amongst the brightly color buttons. We entered the room and the professor wheeled himself all the way to the back wall where there was a window. I walked up to the window right after him but when I looked out, I couldn't see anything except smoke and fog. I wonder what was going on in there.

"Storm sure knows how to work up some smoke huh?"

Once again, that soothing, familiar voice comes from behind me. I turn around and I realize that the red that I saw belonged to the goggles that Scott was wearing. I can hear something through the window: thunder. How is it that I hear thunder in a concealed basement?

Again, I hear the crackling sound of thunder. What is that? Looking out the window, the smokes and fog starts to clear up. When things become a little clearer, I see 7 people. Right away I recognize Rogue, Kitty and Ororo. She must be Storm. Who were the other four? Wow they are pretty hot.

One looks like he is covered in ice. The second guy is covered in some kind of a metal layer. The third guy has wings and the last guy has claws. Watching those guys fight and sweat is such a turn on. Luckily to get my mind off of them, the Professor spoke.

"This is part of the X-Men team. This is the training that takes place every Friday and Saturday and they basically...train for battle. They are put in different battle scenes, courtesy of the Danger Room and they strategize on how to beat the level that they are fighting at."

I was getting turned on at the sight of four, well-built men fighting mostly in really tight clothes. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking. Am I doing that?

<Professor? How are you talking to me?>


<Wait if you're talking with me, doesn't that mean you were...>

<Projecting them?>

<Yeah it seems as if you were a little bit of a telepath. I don't know why that surprises me I mean after all, you are a pretty strong telekinetic.>

<I don't understand. What does being a telepath have to do with being a telekinetic?>

<Well Brian. You see being a telekinetic means that you are able to control things with your mind. The materials you can control ranges from how powerful you are. The more powerful you are, the grander the scale you have to work from. The most important thing is that you are channeling energy from your mind through the telekinetic wave. It is possible that you are unconsciously channeling energy through the telepathic wave. But since you haven't learned how to control it, therefore you don't know how to properly shield yourself from letting your mind and thoughts wander. Me being a telepath, am able to pick up stray thoughts, whether or not I like.>

<So, I could possibly be a telepath as well?>

<You of course Brian. There are many people who are both telepathic as well as telekinetic. The most powerful I have see, though I do miss her dearly is Miss Grey.>

<Miss Grey?>

All of a sudden, one of the X-Men comes crashing in through the window. Of course, being who I am, I was startled and panicked a little. I lied. I panicked a lot. I flinch and closed my eyes while all being knocked on my butt. I have the courage to open my eyes, I am surrounded by this light blue bubble.

I am completely encased in this bubble. I was getting stares. The guy who crashed through the window (the one covered in ice) changed to his human form. Then everyone came through the door that the Professor and I came through. Everyone was staring at me, including the Professor.

"Brian where did you learn to do that?" a shocked Professor said.

"I don't know. I panicked and I closed my eyes and this thing came up."

"Do you know what that is?"

"No...should I know what that is?"

"That's a telekinetic shield. Only powerful telekinetics are able to produce one. And it takes them years. How is it that you are only able to do that in a couple of days?"

"What? I don't even know what it is. Let alone know that I am able to do that. You said it was a shield. How do I get rid of it?"

"Well...when a telekinetic feels threatened or scared, their shield goes up. To get rid of that, you need to feel safe. Convince yourself that there aren't any threats around."

"Well I guess I should introduce myself. Hi everyone I'm Brian. Apparently I am a telekinetic and a telepath. I just got here a couple of days ago."

"Hey bub. I'm Logan but you can call me Wolverine."

"Hi. I'm Angel but I can soar like an eagle."

"Hi. I'm Iceman, but you can call me Bobby."

"Hello. My name is Colossus. Call me Peter."

Suddenly, the shield dissipates into nothingness. I guess the Professor was right. This guy knows his stuff.

"Well I was just watching you guys battle down there and I am very impress. I mean you guys know how to handle yourself pretty well."

"That's why they call us the X-Men," a very cocky Bobby said.


"What is that?"

"That means that we are going on a mission," the Professor said.

How exciting my first mission and I'm not even an X-Men yet.


Author's note: I know there hasn't been anything remotely close to a sexual encounter but I swear it is coming up. Well there is a huge surprise in store for Brian when he goes on this mission. He old life and his new life with cross. As always feedback is appreciated. Let me know at

Next: Chapter 5

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