Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 2, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Moving In Weekend (Part 1)

On the morning of Rob's moving day, I woke up in a cold house. The temperature had dropped to near freezing outside, but I knew things would improve as the sun came over the horizon. Bo was lightly snoring and did not wake until I moved to sit on the side of the bed.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"It's 5:45 am," I replied.

"Fucking hell!" Bo replied as he turned and pulled the covers over his head.

I chuckled and rubbed his side.

"Go back to sleep."

I stretched and walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. I had not slept very well at all. I am sure it was just because I was excited, but it left me exhausted, and I was hoping the caffeine would give me a boost. As the brew's aroma filled the air, I grabbed a cup and poured it near the top.

"How about you let me have that, and you can pour another one," came the voice of Todd.

I turned to see my master scratching his chest and yawning.

"Absolutely, Sir!" I replied as I put some sugar in it before handing the cup to him. "I hope I didn't wake you."

"You didn't, boy," Todd said as he sat at the counter. "I'm heading into work a little early today, so I can hopefully get back this afternoon to help Rob."

"Well, I will do my best to help get most of it done," I replied. "I already told the office that not only am I taking a vacation day, but I am not responding to emails."

"Good boy," Todd said as he closed his eyes and drank from his cup.

The big bear breathed in the vapors that had collected over it and then twisted his head back and forth before taking another sip. He then smiled and looked at me.

"I used to be an early riser, but I think I have gotten used to having you boys give me my wake-up orgasm."

"Do you need me to provide you with one this morning?" I asked with a grin.

"Nah," Todd replied as he stood and stretched. "Where is Bo?"

"Sleeping," I replied. "He wasn't thrilled getting up this early."

"I see!" Todd said as he pushed the cup away and reached down to grope his balls. "Well, I'll just wander in there and fuck a load into his ass. That will get him up and get me satisfied."

I chuckled.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Get breakfast started," Todd said as he turned to leave. "I'm about to work up an appetite."

I nodded as he left the room and turned to grab some pots and pans. It took me about twenty minutes to have a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon ready. I was just finishing when Todd returned, covered in sweat. Bo was waddling in behind him, looking like he had been ridden hard.

"Better, Sir?" I asked.

"Much better," Todd said as he turned and rubbed Bo's head. "Left you with an ass full. Didn't I, boy."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied. "I'm gonna be sore the rest of the day!"

I laughed as I saw Bo had a towel in his hand, which he placed on the chair before sitting down.

"Are you that full?" I asked as I brought the plates over to them.

"Yes," Bo said with a grin. "Sir sure can put out when he wants."

Todd stretched and took a sip of his coffee as he sat down.

"Just wait. With Papa around full-time, you might be injected a lot more."

Bo and I laughed as I sat down to eat with them.

After breakfast, Todd and Bo went to shower and get ready for work, and I cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. After seeing them both out the door, I moved my SUV out of the driveway and then began to clear more room in the garage. The previous week, I had made plenty of room for housing anything of Rob's before we went to the storage space he had rented, but there was still more to do. I still had several boxes of old clothes, electronics, and paperwork from when I moved in, and all of them needed to be thrown out or donated. Bo showed me what of his things I could toss, so it was a busy morning.

I had worked up a sweat and was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't even notice the moving van until it parked in front of the garage. I smiled and wiped my forehead as I put down some things and walked over to greet Rob as he stepped out of the cab.

"Hey, Papa!" I called out.

Rob smiled when he saw me. I had put on some shorts to work in, but the sweat had made them partially transparent, and my cage was easily visible.

"You aren't leaving anything to the imagination for the neighbors," Rob replied.

I looked down and laughed before hugging him.

"Eww," Rob replied with a laugh. "Wet cubby!"

"Sorry," I replied as I scratched my head.

"It is all good," Rob said. "I know you have been busy. It looks like you made excellent progress too!"

Rob walked into the garage and noticed I had cleared an entire corner for him, including two shelving units.

"I didn't realize there was this much room in here!"

"Having three men in a house leads to a lot of junk collection," I replied.

Rob laughed.

"And now there will be four!"

"I'm so happy to have you moving in, though!" I responded.

"Me too, boy," Rob replied. "Well, I packed what I need to unload in the back. So, let me grab some water and hit the bathroom, and then we can get to work."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. "Do you need me to service you or anything beforehand?"

Rob laughed.

"I'll be ok, boy. I jacked off twice before I left the city. I wanted to make sure I was focused on getting moved today. We have plenty of time for sex later."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I grabbed a towel and wiped down my face and chest while he went inside. When he returned, we moved some of the larger boxes out of the back of the van. Rob had packed most of his home office materials last, so those were the first out. I had divided the bedroom downstairs that I worked out of and moved my desk and computer to the far wall to leave most of the room for him. Getting the furniture down there was a struggle, but the rest of the move went pretty smoothly once that was done. Rob would be sharing Todd's bedroom, so the remaining boxes were clothes and personal items.

We stopped briefly so that I could prepare a quick lunch for us both. We then worked after that until nearly 3 pm, when Todd's car pulled up in front of the house. My master was still dressed in his business suit when he came into the garage and saw us putting the last box in the corner.

"Well, damn, you have made good progress!" Todd said.

Rob smiled and walked over and kissed Todd. He was pretty sweaty at this point, so he avoided hugging him until he changed. I turned and knelt on the concrete while they embraced.

"Welcome home, Sir!" I replied when he turned back to look at me.

"Thanks, boy," Todd said. "Let me go get these work clothes off, and I will come help. Where is Bo?"

"He will be home soon," I replied as I stood. "He just called and said he was running late due to a meeting at work."

"Very well," Todd said as he went inside.

"What is left, Papa?" I asked as I grabbed some water.

"Other than setting up my office, which I can do later, we are done with unpacking the van," Rob replied. "That went quicker than I expected!"

"I'm a good beast of burden, Sir," I replied with a smile.

Rob chuckled and came over and hugged me.

"You are a good boy. Thank you."

Rob went inside while I swept up and straightened the garage. Bo arrived home shortly after that, and when he had changed, Bo and I drove in one car, and Todd followed in his as Rob drove the van over to the storage building, where we finished unloading it. Rob had collected a lot of furniture and personal items over the years, and we filled up the small space he had rented. The sun was setting when we had finished, and all of us were exhausted, me most of all.

"Well, the rental place does not close till seven, so I still have time to drop this van off," Rob said. "Todd, if you can follow me over there, I'll ride back home with you."

"Perfect," Todd replied. "That will give time for the boys to go home and fix dinner."

"Absolutely!" I replied.

As the men ate their dinner, I struggled to stay awake. I was physically exhausted, sweaty, and stinky. I sent Bo to get cleaned up while I cooked, and Todd and Rob had time to shower before I plated the steaks, potatoes, green beans, and homemade bread I had made in our little machine. Still, I was happy to see everyone cleaning their plates and satisfied with how it all came out. As they relaxed and talked, I washed and put away the dishes and then brought out a small cake I had baked before.

"I hope you made room for dessert, guys," I said as I brought it over.

"Oh my!" Rob exclaimed as I sat down the chocolate and vanilla cake with icing. "Did you make this for me?"

"Of course!" I replied. "I'm happy to have you finally at home, Papa!"

"Thanks, boy," Rob said with a smile as I sliced a portion for him.

Next, I gave Todd his section, followed by Bo, before sitting down to see their reaction.

"It is delicious!" Todd replied. "But are you not having any?"

"I'm full, Sir," I replied. "And tired, if I am to be honest."

"You put in a lot of effort today," Rob said. "You should sleep well tonight."

"For sure," I replied.

Rob smiled and put his fork down before continuing.

"Which you are going to need, I think."

"What do you mean, Sir?" I asked.

"Do you remember Jacob and Kevin?" Rob asked.

"The ones that run the porn company?" I asked.

"Those are the ones," Todd replied with a laugh.

I had met the two men on our vacation to Tidal Wave the previous year. They were larger men and liked to film and produce media for the bear crowd. Both of them were very attractive, with furry chests and thick beards. Jacob had darker brown hair, and Kevin was more ginger, with red and blond hair. Todd had introduced me to them one afternoon at a pool party. He had known them for a few years. They were looking for a bottom to be gangbanged by twelve men, and Todd had encouraged me to consider it, which I ultimately did. It was a good thing, too, as one of the men I met for the first time and fucked me on camera was Rob.

"They will be in town filming this weekend, and they asked me to shoot a scene for them," Rob said.

"Oh, nice!" I replied.

"And they wanted to know if you would be interested in filming with them again," Rob continued.

"Sure," I replied. "It was a lot of fun last time."

"It will be slightly different this time, boy," Todd said. "Jacob has a separate side company that films bareback porn. That is what they are filming for this time."

"Oh," I replied. "Well, I mean, I am still good as long as you two are ok with it."

"I know everyone they are filming with or are considering," Rob said. "There are two married men who are both positive that they have in mind. They are both on meds and undetectable."

"Well, undetectable means untransmissible, and I am on Prep, myself," I replied.

"Exactly," Rob said. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok with it. I mentioned your birthday was this weekend, and they considered making a special scene just for you called 'Banging the Birthday Sub'."

Bo and I laughed.

"Now that is creative," Bo said.

"When are they filming?" I asked.

"All day tomorrow," Rob replied. "I have a scene in the morning with a local friend, and then the group scene with you will be in the afternoon at a local house."

"Will you be in it?" I asked.

"No," Rob replied. "I don't think I will have the stamina, but I can stick around if you want. Todd is coming to watch me and can observe you."

"I'd like you there too, Papa," I said.

"Then, I will tell Jacob and Kevin it is a deal," Rob said.

"Can I watch?" Bo asked.

"I've got a better question," Todd replied. "Do you want to be one of the men that fucks him?"

Bo's eyes widened, and he grinned.


"Sure," Todd replied. "They remembered you from Tidal Wave and thought you were hot."

"I'd love to, Sir!" Bo replied. "As long as Matt gives his blessing."

"Absolutely," I replied.

"It's a good thing I haven't cum today yet," Bo replied. "I'm gonna need to save up my loads."

Rob laughed.

"I've got a Viagra you can take."

"Perfect!" Bo said as he wiggled in his chair in delight.

"Then it is settled," Todd said. "Matt, you can be excused from the table if you are done eating. Bo here can clean up the dishes after we are done with dessert. You earned a nice hot shower for all your work today. When you are done, I'll come in to remove your cage and trim your groin so you are presentable for the filming tomorrow."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

Next: Chapter 28

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