
By Luka Serdukovph

Published on Feb 4, 2017


The following is a work of fiction: Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. It depicts sexual situations between consenting males and if reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Lukavich Serdukovph and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission.

The author welcomes feedback and responds to all. Send all emails to:

Everything was at such a good point in my life! I had been in a relationship that was really moving forward for about 4 years. We were happy and healthy, and lived together. It had been a blur of a week - work, school, and having an old friend of mine down for a couple of days during the week. I guess I should start off by introducing myself, I'm Luka. My boyfriend's name is Jack. Sometimes I really have a fun time calling him 'Jackie', which he hates. I'm about six feet tall, brown hair and eyes, and have always had a pretty trim athletic build. Jack, on the other hand, couldn't get enough muscle. He was huge, a couple of inches taller than me, and a monster. His biceps had biceps! He worked out religiously, his body was covered in thick, dark, hair (that I wouldn't let him shave) and he's got a full head of hair like a Disney prince. Jack is only a couple of years older than I am, I'm 26 and he's 28.

Wednesday night my friend Lee had come to stay with us for a couple of days. He was looking to relocate to our area and had some interviews he needed to be in town for. A former fling of mine turned long-time friend, naturally I offered up our spare bedroom. He was a perfect guest. Nothing really out of the ordinary happened until Friday night, the night before Lee drove back home on Saturday. We decided to celebrate Lee's good fortune in getting a callback for a job he'd really set his hopes on. We piled into my boyfriend's massive truck, laughing and talking, and set off to dinner. We picked a pretty cozy place, a little off the beaten path, dim, and quiet. The food, we'd heard, is to die for - one of those places that seems like a really well-kept secret. Despite the need for more staff, they had us seated and drinks in front of us pretty quickly, they put us in a round booth in the back corner that probably sat about 6. I picked which side I wanted to sit on, Lee sat across from me, leaving Jack to negotiate his way around the back of the booth to the middle. The food lived up to it's reputation and soon we were having a great time, despite our mostly-inattentive waiter.

After my third or fourth drink, I excused myself from the table with a grin and made a crude joke about needing to piss. What a piss it was! I gratefully hauled out my eight inch uncut cock and let the piss flow freely into the urinal. I'll admit that I shook it more than twice, and gave my hoodskin a couple of slow pulls back so I could oggle my own pink dick head. I was thinking about how lucky I was, across the board. I was lucky to have such a hunky hung boyfriend, with that fat ten inch cock that just...I needed to stop. I was getting hard. I'd wait till we got home and Lee was in bed, then I could shamelessly beg my boyfriend to split me in half. I was a pretty eager bottom, and my boyfriend was a great top. Whether it was drinking, drugs, even being sober, everything made me horny as hell. I reluctantly put my dick away with a whispered promise to make it up to him later and headed out of the bathroom back to our table.

I almost stopped in the middle of my tracks on the way back. My friend was leaning into my boyfriend, his hand in his lap, whispering something into his ear. I saw Lee's arm move, he was trying to stroke Jack. I could tell, shit, I'd used that move on guys before. I took a deep breath and my heart started racing but I kept walking to the table. My friend pulled back, noticed me, and quickly pulled his hand out of Jack's lap. They were both smiling at me, but I suspected I knew what had been going on. I moved a little more than I had to into the booth to get back to my seat and that's when I got my confirmation: Ten inches of veiny fat cock trying to rip it's way out of my boyfriend's skin-tight jeans. It's not the easiest thing for my boyfriend to hide his erections, and this one was not any different.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked, playing it cool for now. I even threw in a little chuckle after, to make sure I wasn't acting odd.

"No." Jack answered, pulling me in for a sidehug and a kiss. "Lee was just telling me how much he'll be looking forward to a change of scenery." Lee verified this with a sad smile and a nod.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired of the gay scene in my town." Lee whined, "I've either slept with everyone worth sleeping with, or know all of them too well to date them. It's rough! And then the guys that come through town all get picked off faster than hell, buncha thirsty bitches...and of course all the good ones are taken."

We all laughed, it seemed like an all-too-common complaint. I knew, though, why they snuck each other a sidelong glance. There was arousal in that brief look, they were both itching to get each others pants down. I took another deep breath, trying to steady myself. This wasn't a dream and I wasn't going to wake up from it, my friend was actually trying to pick up my boyfriend. Thanks, Lee. There was, however, a very dark corner of my mind that admired the situation, knowing what a great bottom Lee was. Even I had enjoyed topping him on more than one occassion. The two of them would look so fucking hot together, sweat pouring down them as my boyfriend forced his thick juicy cock into Lee's....fuck, I was getting hard again. Reign it back in, Luka! Control yourself!

We had a couple of more drinks, and I was mostly at peace with the situation. Maybe I had been reading too much into it? It could have just been some fun flirting. Even I would admit to standing back a little too far at urinals in public because I loved when men would look at my cock. This wasn't so different, right? Right!

"We should go dancing!" Jack suddenly exclaimed, lighting up with his brilliant idea.

"Oh, that would be awesome!" Lee immediately agreed. "I love dancing, it would really be a great way to celebrate!"

They both turned to look for my agreement and my stomach sank. I had swallowed a lead balloon. Dancing? After I knew that Lee had gotten Jack hard and had been whispering God-only-knows-what into his ear like they were on a date? This couldn't be a good idea. I winced, a little, frowning as I started to protest. I opened my mouth.

"Let's do it!" I heard myself say. Fuck, Luka, you should've come up with an excuse. I couldn't. I didn't want to ruin a good night and honestly the thought of Lee and Jack fucking each other's brains out was getting more and more appealing. I was half- hard again, it seemed like I was going to be betrayed by all of our cocks tonight.

We payed and piled into Jack's truck again, I put on some thumpy music that I had hoped would get me in the club spirit. As we neared the door, my heart was racing, I was feeling a hot rage creep up the back of my neck, and I felt like I wanted to throw up. When we made it in, things were in full swing.

"Hmmm...a nice view! Lots of meat, here." Lee purred from behind Jack. Lee was significantly shorter than both of us and I knew that he couldn't see over or through Jack. What a ballsy comment.

"I'm sure you'll find more than what you're looking for." Jack replied with a hearty chuckle. These assholes! If I hadn't seen Lee rubbing on my boyfriend's cock, I would have no idea of the inferred conversation that they were really having with each other. My dick throbbed in my jeans. Fuck, why did I think this was so hot?

Once again, however, my fears were quelled. The two of them behaved pretty well, and seemed to have settled into a routine of finding Lee someone to hook up with. That works for me! My cock gave me a twinge of disappointment, though. I ignored it. There was no way I could actually want to see Jack pumping Lee full of all ten of his angry inches. Pretty soon we were all taking turns going on and off the dancefloor, the three of us together, me and Jack, me and Lee, and then my stomach turned again. Lee lit up as soon as a Britney Spears song came on. He knocked back his drink in one swig and grabbed Jack's arm.

"Let's go!!!" he hollered enthusiastically over the music.

Jack gave me a helpless look and a shrug, then trotted along behind my excited friend. Lee took Jack right into the thick of things in the middle of the dancefloor. I took a long slow drink of my cocktail, trying to breathe deep. They weren't doing anything! It was just dancing, they're fine. Soon, Lee turned. He bit his lower lip and backed that vuluptuous ass right up against my boyfriend. Don't panic, Luka, it's just dancing. Jack had other ideas. His big burly hands moved down Lee's sides seductively, grabbing him by his hips and yanking him back against him hard. My jaw fell. My pulse started racing again, like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I felt another lurch from my cock. Apparently he really liked that my boyfriend was out there dry humping a good friend of mine. The two of them stayed out there for three songs in a row, getting more intimate and sexual with each tune. By the time they dragged their sweaty bodies off the dancefloor, I'd put down three more shots. Just to steady my nerves. I glanced over as they walked up, they were both hard. My boyfriend had a wet spot in his dark jeans. I would imagine no one else noticed but I was looking for one and spotted it instantly. This was the same crotch I'd been staring at for four years. I knew he was hard and ready to fuck, but this time it was Lee's ass that his cock was thinking about wrecking instead of mine.

"Are you alright, Luka?" Lee asked me, noting the withered expression on my face.

"Yeah, babe, you look a little pale." Jack followed up, the two of them crowding around me to get a better look in the low lighting.

"Uhm." I could feel their cocks pressed so casually against my legs, and it made me feel even more miserable and turned on. I was hard, myself, but I was a little more discrete about it. "Yeah, no, fine. I think I just..." the only excuse I could think of, "...had a little too much to drink."

Well, Jack lept into boyfriend mode and put an arm around me to lift me up out of my seat and start ushering me to the door. This was a little odd, considering he'd never actually seen me drink enough to need to be led anywhere. I realized how excited he was to get me home, so he could put me to bed. So he could have a night of fuck time with Lee. At this point I was actually drunk enough to walk on my own, but not enough to stop my mouth from watering at the prospect of Lee planting those pouty lips right over the top of Jack's bulbous dick head. Lee was in for a really good fucking, and I just couldn't wait for it to happen either. Without prompting, Jack layed me out in the back seat of the truck.

"Lee, just sit in the front with me, so Luka can stretch out." he said casually, hopping into the driver's seat.

"My pleasure!" Lee practically purred at Jack, sitting shotgun before Jack could even turn the key in the ignition.

I closed my eyes and laid my forearm over my face, the other hand trying to tuck my boner out of sight. I took a deep breath. The truck hadn't even made it out of the parking lot before Lee was whipped around staring down at me from the front seat.

"Luka, are you asleep?" he asked sweetly, I could hear the grin in his tone.

I mumbled gibberish at a completely inaudible level and shifted a little, deciding this was as good a time as any to keep hamming it up.

"Is he out?" Jack asked. I might have been listening too hard and drunk, but he sounded hopeful.

"Yeah." Lee chuckled, "Poor guy! I guess he doesn't get a chance to get out, much."

"I keep him pretty uhhh...tied up at home." Jack joked suggestively. I could've groaned.

"Mmmmmm, sounds like you know how to have a pretty good time." Lee flirted shamelessly.

"Not as good a time as you, I thought you were trying to make me cum on the dancefloor." Jack replied. I heard him shift in his seat, I bet he was spreading his legs to show off that massive hard on he had again.

"Oh, come on..." Lee crooned, also shifting in his seat. I heard a zipper getting dragged down. "I wouldn't make you waste your cum like that..." there was a pause, I heard the fumble of fabric. "Oh, holy shit..." Lee gasped, obviously having finally gotten Jack's monster cock out of his pants.

"I told you that you were going to find more than you were looking for!" Jack laughed, probably flexing it and making it bounce. I bet there was even the start of a trickle of precum rolling slowly out of his piss slit and down his veiny shaft. Jack loved guys going gaga over his huge rod, it's why he wore such thin shorts to the gym.

Lee didn't reply, I just heard him moan. He was tasting Jack's cock already. I was pretending to be asleep in the back seat of my boyfriend's truck so I could listen to my good friend suck the dick of the man I loved...and I couldn't have been harder. I was quickly working on my own wet spot, one that spread through my jeans from the hardon I coudn't bother to hide anymore.

Even after we pulled into the drive at home, Lee continued to rather noisily slurp down Jack's cock. I'd sucked Jack in this truck, I knew how he liked it. I bet he had a big hand on the back of Lee's head and was pushing him farther and deeper down his throbbing fuck-muscle. I thought about touching myself but I couldn't be found out just yet. Finally they stopped. All I heard was the sloppy pop of a mouth slipping off a slobbery dick, so it must've been Jack that stopped him. Jack practically carried me inside, never bothering to put away his slicked cock.

"Awwww, look, he's having good dreams!" Lee crooned down at me on the couch. Surprsingly enough, and I almost jumped, he gave my dick a squeeze through my pants, then a few strokes. I felt more precum ooze out me and into my jeans. I couldn't quite hold back a moan, and it came out as a strained breath.

"Well don't wake him up." Jack chukled, it sounded like he was on the other side of the room. I heard him kick off his boots and drop his pants to the ground.

"Well we can't have -all- the fun!" Lee joked, continuing to tease my swollen manhood.

"Sure we can." Jack scoffed, I guess pulling Lee off me to sit between us. Naked, of course. I could feel his bare skin against me. "I'll give him about 10 more inches than he can handle later, he's in for plenty of his own fun."

"Later, huh?" Lee asked coyly, I could hear him undressing as well. "So then...I guess you're not doing anything with that ten inches right now?" I could feel weight on the couch, I didn't know where he sat, but I was sure the two of them were drunk and ballsy enough to get naked with each other right in front of me.

"I mean...." Jack started, but his words gave way to heavy breathing as the sound of a deep inahle made me crack an eye open. Just like me, Lee had his face planted deep between those powerful hairy thighs of Jack's, smelling deeply of my boyfriend's manly scent. After a moment, the smell of balls even hit my face, they must've been dancing pretty hard. Lee plunged back down in no time, swallowing Jack's swollen dick head before pushing his back into his stretched throat.

I was so hard, and so horny. I had to do something about this, I desperately wanted to cum. I fell short of ways to not give myself away, so I started squirming, I tried to stretch out.

"Shit!" Jack hissed, snatching up a blanket from under the coffee table. He quickly covered their laps, even though they were still shirtless.

"Uhmmm...I'mma...go..." I faked expertly, rubbing my eyes that seemingly never opened. I stood, proudly displaying my tent and the massive soak of precum I'd managed to produce. " bed. Night, babe. Lee." And with that and a quick kiss, I began to trudge out of the room, shuffling without picking up my feet.

"...did he just..." Lee whispered, frozen on the couch, I assumed.

"...he sure did..." came Jack's equally baffled response.

I made it to bed and immediately stripped down. My cock was sliding in and out of my hand furiously before I even realized the last thing I felt was the white-hot sear of orgasm spasming across my chin and torso.

I passed out.

I woke up, though.

Nothing had changed, except my cum on me was dry. I remembered everything at once and it turned into the hateful realization that...I had to piss. Furiously. Right now. I don't really know when I started hearing the moans coming from the living room; but I think it was about the time that I spotted my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Great hair from the night before, naked, spattered in my own dried cum, pissing in the sink...are they still fucking? Is that Lee moaning? I was instantly hard again.

My hand found my cock, I couldn't help it. I crept silently down the hallway, hoping I could cum before my cockhood filled with too much pre and started making noises. I used long slow firm tugs, trying to get a good stretch in my foreskin each time.

"...Oh, Fuuuuu....Ja-...." Lee was completely out of breath, and sounded like a pile of jello at this point.

"Just one more!" Jack urged hoarsely, taking ragged breaths. I heard a harsh smack, did he spank Lee?

I only had to look around the corner into the living room once to see, and I know I would cum. I was so close. I would get to see my boyfriend fucking my former fuck-buddy obviously for one of several loads he'd already taken in the evening.

"I'm close!" Jack practically gurgled, openly panting. I could hear sweaty stick sex, they fluid-covered bodied smacking lewdly against each other. I had to look.

I'll never forget what I saw when I looked around that corner. My boyfriend was on his back, open legs splayed out, hanging off the couch. I could see his furry balls bouncing away, and the cum...there was cum on his balls, for sure. It looked like there was cum coming out of his ass? I couldn't tell. The shaft that buried him deep into Lee who lay helplessly back against his furry muscular body; came cruelly close to hilting in Lee's poor ass. There was cum almost all over both of them.

"...Ja-...!" Lee chirped, slapping his hands against my boyfriend's legs for stability.

"Here it is...!" Jack bellowed, digging deep for his last few pumps.

"....But....!" Lee arched his back, cumming yet again almost exclusively for the relentless beating that his prostate was obviously taking by my boyfriend's behemoth. I couldn't believe it, I almost doubled over. My neck was hot, I was jealous, I was mad, I was...horny. I was cumming! I felt my whole body tense as I did as best as I could to cum into my other hand as silently as I could. I made it back into the hallway! My hand flooded with my second load of the night, spurred on by the yells of their orgasm only feet away.

"Ahhhh! Yes! Here! HA!" Jack yipped triumphantly, adding to the unknown number of intern climaxs the two had shared that night. I had too much cum in my hand. I was going to spill it. I raised my hand to my face and just slathered it across my mouth, eating as much of it as I could while still enjoying my own mess. Lee was a mess and already beginning the healing process of figuring out a way to dismount Jack, complete with unintelligible moans and protests.

I remember washing my face and brushing my teeth and seeing myself in the mirror again, all cleaned up. My eyes were red, but I looked really happy. It was nice to have a night off, I joked to myself. They were going to need a few minutes before they recovered from what allegedly may have been their last orgasm in the wee hours of the morning.

I woke up...a time later to a sunlightfilled room and someone coughing in my ear. My head hurt. There were two massive arms around me, pinning me back against mounds of muscle and hair. Okay, that's supposed to be there. Boyfriend. I refused to open my eyes. I squirmed, and I felt was my tailbone? The divet under my tailbone. I could process that it hurt, and then my boyfriend squirmed. His morning wood relodged itself a little conveniently lower this time. Wow, he was hard again? After.. Oh! I remember!

The night flashed back to me, briefly disarranged as I walked myself back through it. Wow! He was hard again!? I rolled my hips some, spurring the friction on with a little whimper. He cleared his throat in my ear and said, "I missed you last night."

"You..." I was still processing all this. "...did, huh?" I was amused by the thought, considering I knew what I knew.

Jack's face and scruff burried into my neck, nipping and licking at me and he continued to slide his relentless cock through my quickly-slicking ass cheeks.

"I thought about you all night." He said, muffled into my neck as I yielded. His advances were too welcome to put off any actual protest to the matter. It was really sweet. I got a passionate Lee-free morning love-fuck and then made breakfast for the threeof us - where everyone was fully clothed and once again on their best behavior.

Who knows, though? I might like this enough to hope that it happens again.

Next: Chapter 2

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