Cheerleading High

Published on Sep 8, 2001


Cheerleading High 5 Cheerleading High:

Hi again, all. It's been quite a while since I last posted. Sorry I haven't posted sooner, but so many problems and things have occupied my time that I haven't had a chance. Anyway, it's here now and I hope you all like it. Above all, I hope it was worth the wait. I would love to thank everyone who has emailed me since the story started; your words of encouragement are what is making me want to post the rest of this story. Thank you, all. I would also love to thank my proofreaders who are doing an excellent job. Thank you, guys.

My top 5 favorite stories (something to read while I am writing the next chapter):

1. Tales of a Real Dark Knight - Boy Bands section
2. Strength Because of You - High School section
3. Powers That Be - Boy Bands section
4. TimeWeave - Boy Bands section
5. A Song for Guy - High School section

Disclaimer: Ok, this part again (anyone else bored with this 'cause I sure am). This story is: Not True! Not meant for people under the legal age in your country (if it is legal). Full of homosexuality. So if it offends you, instead of reading and complaining, why don't you do something else with your time instead?

Chapter 5: The start of something wonderful.

Leo's face remained emotionless for a few minutes. I was starting to get worried. My feelings must have shown on my face as a moment later I noticed he moved. "Where and when?" he asked, the unreadable look replaced with one of happiness. His face lit up and his mouth curled into a big smile.

"What if I go home now, get into some other clothes and we head out to the cinema in an hour or so?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement.

Leo thought for a few seconds, then grinned and nodded. "Sure, I'll give you a lift home and then pick you up about 7:30," he stated confidently as he started walking out of the kitchen and to the door.

Thirty minutes later:

My mind was spinning as I rushed around my room throwing all of the rejected outfits to the other side of the room. I couldn't believe it, I was about to go out on a date with the most gorgeous cheerleader I had ever seen. I had only met him today and I already felt a great deal for him. I couldn't wait to see him, but I was so nervous about it. So many feelings were running round in my head I didn't know which one to focus on. If I focused on the nervousness, I wouldn't want to go. If I focused on the excitement, I probably would be running round the house screaming. At the moment, I was trying to keep calm and select the right outfit. I wanted to make a good impression, no, I had to make a good impression. After looking through my clothes, I settled on a tight-fitting pair of jeans and a long- sleeved black top. I slipped them on and looked at myself in the mirror. The outfit showed off my body excellently and my hair was perfect.

After I checked myself again in the mirror, I headed downstairs and received a smile and hug from my sister. "Who's the lucky guy?" she asked, her face lighting up.

She pulled out of the hug and stared at my face awaiting my answer. I looked at the clock and then back at my sister. "You'll meet him in about 20 minutes. His name is Leo."

"You got enough money?" she asked, reaching for her pocket.

As she was about to pull out some money, I shook my head. "I have enough, sis, don't worry."

As soon as I had finished speaking, I headed into the front room and sat down to watch a bit of TV. Not even an episode of "The Simpsons" could stop my mind wandering to thoughts of tonight. I was so excited I was finally going on a date. The best part of it was the guy was hot and not just hot, he was totally hot.

As I sat lost in my thoughts, the doorbell sounded and Samantha opened the door. "Hello."

"Hi, I'm Leo." He extended his arm and shook Sam's hand. "I'm here to pick up Justin."

Sam's face lit up as he spoke. "So you're his date then," she grinned. "I'll go get him."

Someone shaking my body snapped me out of my dream world. I looked up at my sister's beaming face. "He's here, isn't he?" I asked, already knowing the answer and getting more nervous with every second.

She nodded and hugged me. "Have a great night."

I broke the hug. "Thanks, sis. See you tomorrow."

I was walking to the door as I spoke. As my eyes first caught sight of Leo, I paused and just stared. He looked so fine. He was wearing a very tight pair of blue jeans and a slightly tight black top. I walked up to him and smiled broadly.

"You ready?" he asked, a wide grin on his face.

I nodded my reply and started walking down to his car, preparing for what was going to be one of the best nights of my life.

"What movie shall we go and see?" Leo asked as he started the car up and pulled out of my driveway.

I grinned at his question and thought for a second. "What about the horror day at the multiplex? Apparently they're showing some of the classics and not so classics." I didn't really care what movie it was as long as I got to be close to him. That's all that mattered.

He looked at me for a second, a large smile on his face, then nodded. "Sure thing."

The rest of the journey was made in silence. Neither of us knew what to say to each other. As the car came to a stop, I glanced over at Leo. He looked so cute fiddling nervously with the car keys. I slowly moved my hand and took hold of his. I grinned a little, then gave him a quick peck on the cheek making sure no one saw. I got out of the car and headed into the multiplex leaving him sitting in the car shocked. After a few moments he joined me inside and we got our tickets to see "The Blair Witch Project." It's been ages since it was released, but I have never seen it and have heard some good things about it. We entered the cinema at the same time and took our seats, waiting patiently for the movie to start. We made sure we got seats in the back row away from most of the other people in the room. As the movie started, we settled down into our seats getting comfy. I slowly moved my hand over to his and took hold of it, turning and smiling at him.

The movie lasted quite a while and really wasn't that good. I didn't mind though. Leo was the real reason I was at the cinema, not the film. I held his hand through the entire film looking at him every so often, wishing I could kiss him right there. When the film was over, it was time for us to leave the multiplex and head somewhere else. "Where now?" I asked Leo, hoping the date wasn't over.

"Well, we can either go back to my house or go for a ride, which would you prefer?" He answered my question with another question.

"Yours sounds great, babes," I replied, causing him to stare at me for a moment. I didn't even realize I had called him "babes" till a few seconds later. I couldn't help laughing at the expression on his face. I took his hand again and looked at him.

"Well, are we going or do you want to stay here?" I was trying not to laugh as he turned the key in the ignition and the car pulled away.

Leo turned to me for a brief second then looked back at the road. "Justin, I hope you've had a good time up till now," he stated in a caring voice.

My heart jumped as I heard the tone in his voice. I think that was the exact moment I realized I wanted us to be an item, the first time I realized I was falling for him and fast. When I didn't speak for a few minutes, he looked at me again, a worried expression on his face. "Justin, you ok? Hello!"

I stared at him and grinned. "It's been great, Leo. I've really enjoyed myself."

Before he could reply, we were at his house. We got out and went into his house, heading straight to his bedroom. I walked into the room and stood in shock. Instead of how it was earlier this afternoon, it was now dark except for the candles lining the wall casting a soft glow over the room. There was a table in the center of the room with a candle on it. Leo turned to look at me. "I'll go and bring dinner up. It should be ready," he stated as he left the room, leaving me in shock.

"He planned all this for me?" I thought to myself as I sat at the table. "He is so perfect," my mind kept repeating as the door opened and Leo walked in with two plates on a tray.

"I hope you're hungry. It isn't a really great meal, but I hope you like it."

I looked down at the plate and my face lit up. It was spaghetti. "You've been talking to Amanda, haven't you?" I asked, the grin visible on my face.

He smiled widely and nodded. "She said this was your favorite meal," he replied, picking up a fork and starting to eat.

I followed his example. The meal was wonderful. It was cooked to perfection and the company was even better. He put on one of his CDs whilst we ate. As I finished the last forkful, I looked up at him and he had the cutest look on his face. I couldn't help it. I leaned over the table and kissed him on the lips lightly. He looked at me for a second and then stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me to my feet. He wrapped his arm around me and led me to the center of the room where we started dancing to a song by a British band called A1. The song was "Like a Rose."

And as I look into your eyes
I see an angel in disguise
Sent from God above
For me to love
To hold and idolize

And as I hold your body near
I'll see this month through to a year
And then forever on
'Til life is gone
I'll keep your loving near

And now I've finally found my way
To lead me down this lonely road
All I have to do
Is follow you
To lighten off my load

You treat me like a rose
You give me room to grow
You shone the light of love on me
And gave me air so I can breathe
You open doors that close
In a world where anything goes
You give me strength so I stand tall
Within this bed of earth
Just like a rose

As the music played, Leo and I danced around his bedroom, our eyes staring into each other's. I didn't want this moment to end. I didn't want to go home. At that moment I knew I had fallen for him. I felt my love for him getting stronger. I had only known him for about 12 hours, but I knew this was the guy I wanted to be with.

And when I feel like hope is gone
You give me strength to carry on
Each time I look at you
There's something new
To keep our loving strong

I hear you whisper in my ear
All of the words I long to hear
Of how you'll always be
Here next to me
To wipe away my tears

And now I've finally found my way
To lead me down this lonely road
All I have to do is follow you
To lighten off my load

You treat me like a rose
You give me room to grow
You shone the light of love on me
And gave me air so I can breathe
You open doors that close
In a world where anything goes
You give me strength so I stand tall
Within this bed of earth
Just like a rose

And though the seasons change
Our love remains the same
You face the thunder
When the sunshine turns to rain
Just like a rose

You treat me like a rose
You give me room to grow
You shone the light of love on me
And gave me air so I can breathe
You open doors that close
In a world where anything goes
You give me strength so I stand tall
Within this bed of earth
Just like a rose

You give me strength so I stand tall
Within this bed of earth
Just like a rose..

As the song ended, our eyes were still locked together. Our hearts were beating excitingly with the love we shared with each other. Leo continued to lead me dancing round the room. A few moments later, we stopped and he stared at me and leaned into me. Our lips connected in a kiss of pure love. We didn't move. We just stood there, our mouths linking us together. I felt his tongue pressing slightly against my lips which parted quickly. His tongue entered and slowly started probing the inside of my mouth. Our tongues danced together as our hands moved lovingly over each other's body. We finally pulled apart, our love for each other obvious by the look in our eyes. I smiled at him and kissed him gently on the lips. "Leo, I have to go soon," I stated, the sadness audible in my voice.

He just smiled at me, put his arms around me and spoke. "Justin, will you go out with me?"

As he asked his question, I looked stunned at him for a few seconds that seemed like years. My face lit up as my mouth opened. "I would love to be your boyfriend, Leo."

Well there it is: Chapter 5 done J. Hope you liked it. Remember, if you have any comments good or bad please email me at I love hearing from you guys.

Next: Chapter 6

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