Chem Partner Bully

By moc.loa@drayBB

Published on Jul 10, 2023


CHEM. PARTNER BULLY (Auth/ t-t/ hs)

by Chris Andy

"Now. The atomic weight of each element is directly proportional to....." Mr. Beeler droned on and on. The chick I was seeing-- Monica--and I were passing notes, writing about how excited we were about the upcoming "Saliva" Concert. She was 'hot'--a blonde cheerleader built like the proverbial 'brick shithouse!'

Mostly I was wondering if I could get her 'high' enough so I could fuck her. We were smiling and gesturing to each other when my tablemate (and Lab Partner) leaned over and whispered, " I wonder how she'd like this?"

I looked at him, puzzled. He glanced down at his crotch where his hard cock was pushing against the thin denim of his worn jeans. He was measuring it against his seven inch pencil---and the dick was winning!

"I said-- I wonder how she'd like this?" My eyes were riveted to the sight of his fat peter snaking its way across his thigh. Twitching it, invitingly, Alan followed my gaze to his cuntstretcher (as he called it!), and smirked.

"I wonder how YOU'D like this?" he said, rubbing it.

Alan laughed as I pulled my eyes away, breaking my hypnotic trance I was in.

' Fuck', I thought. 'I ain't fuckin' gay!' But the swelling in his jeans caused me to lick my lips unconsciously.

He laughed at my discomfort. "I bet you WOULD like this!" he said, rubbing it and causing a damp spot in the denim.

"Come to my house at lunch with me, fag. I'll fed ya a hot sperm buffet," he said.

"But I gotta go......" I said.

"Yeh, you gotta go give me a blow job, homo!" Alan said.

I wasn't sure exactly what 'giving him a 'blow job'' entailed. I knew none of my girlfriends had ever performed fellatio on me, but lots of guys said that some chicks had. (on them!)

Maybe a little background on my relationship with Alan would be helpful. We go way back!! I've known the dude since 7th grade when he moved here from Clarksburg East--a veritable asshole of a guy! He moved to town and immediately began his own version of 'beat up the weak kid!'

I was not an athlete, but I was a great runner! I ran track and won numerous medals for my speed! I think it came from having bullies like Alan chasing me!

Even in 7th grade, Alan was a definite pain in my ass! Literally. Every day after Phys. Ed., he would follow me to my locker and kick my ass! Really! He booted me, hard, knocking me into the locker and everyday, I vowed I'd get even with him. But I never did. Shortly thereafter he started messing with girls (and I heard he kicked their asses, too) and I was just happy he was leaving me alone.

And now, here he was, telling me to go home with him for lunch to give him a blow job. I thought about beating him up after class--but then I got more realistic--I thought about running home after lunch, but then, I decided I'd just have to keep running.

My eyes drifted back to the pouch in his levis and, again, I was hooked. I may not be gay--but this is an experience I wanted to have. Alan really was a stud. He had dark, curly hair, cut short on the sides, a strong, masculine face and a body chiselled by Michaelangelo! He was so fuckin' hot.

Me? I'm kinda ordinary looking. But some chicks say I'm hot! I am 5'10 at 170 pounds, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes. Not much to write home about. But I worked out some. I wasn't weak.

"Look at this hunk a meat I got for ya, Joey." Alan said, grabbing his peter through his jeans and pulling it up off his leg. "All ya can eat! For free, dude!"

I stammered something, which Alan must have assumed my acceptance of his 'lunch date invitation' as he smiled evilly at me and went back to his measuring.

The bell rang and I hopped up, trying to decide whether or not I should make a run for it. Alan was standing beside me, stretching, and thrusting his pecker forward. His worn levis clung to his hips and his too-tight tee stuck to his pecs and abs. His inflated biceps swelled his upper arms. He smacked my head.

"Hey, what's that f......," I said.

"That's for thinkin' of runnin' away. I'm so fuckin' horny, cunt, you're gonna get me off or I'm gonna fuckin' use you for a punchin' bag!" Alan said.

I followed Alan through the halls to his girl, Julie's, locker. He kissed her passionately causing more pre-cum to drip into his pants. I , again, licked my lips.

"See ya later, babe. Gotta get home ta let the dog out!" Alan said.

I ran along side him to his house. No one was home--which I figured--cause most of our folks worked days.

"C'mon in, homo," Alan said, opening the front door with his key and yanking me inside. He pulled me upstairs to his bedroom and shoved me to my knees. "Hurry up. Get me off." he commanded, jerking his peter out.

I wasn't sure how to proceed. I grasped the fat snake in my right hand and started licking the head. "Alan, I don't think I know how.....," I said.

Answering with a smirk, the football jock replied, "You'll figure it out, Joeyboy. Just use your tongue and lick the head."

I did, running my tongue around the plum-like dickhead. Actually, it didn't taste bad. Kinda musky, but good! I I liked it and, munching on the first couple inches, I was stunned when he slapped my face several times.

"Watch the teeth, Joey," Alan warned. "Watch the teeth!"

"O.K.," I tried to mutter through the 'stuffing' in my mouth. He'd shoved another couple inches in.

I started sucking--much as I would a popsicle and swirled my tongue around the head, teasing his piss slit. He moaned, "That fuckin' feels great, cocksucker!"

I had never thought of myself as gay, let alone a 'cocksucker' and I started to protest.

"That's what you are, queerboy!" Alan laughed. "You're chowin' down on my pecker like it was cherry candy! Eat my big ol' peter, faggot!"

"That's incredible, cunt!" Alan moaned. "I'm gonna fuckin' cum! Eat my jism, cocksucker! OOOOahhhhhaaHH!"

Alan shot his load down my throat, then ordered, "Clean off my cock, homo. Lick it clean--then, go sit on the porch while I eat. I don't wanna hafta look at ya!"

"But, Alan, I wanna eat....." I whined.

"I fed ya, faggot! Now get outta here before I kick your ass good," Alan hissed, kicking me in the ass.

I stumbled outside to his porch. Sitting there on the steps, dejectedly, I thought, "How the hell did this happen? What the fuck am I doing here?"

I waited till Alan came outside. Then I ran behind him back to school.

"I might need ta get off after school, fag. Meet me outside the gym at 3:30." Alan said, sauntering up to Julie and holding her hand. "Be there!"

I headed back into the school building, my head hanging down. 'What am I gonna do?' I thought. "I can't be his cum rag! I gotta get outta this!'

I worried and stewed all afternoon. The clock moved closer and closer to the appointed time. My last class was journalism and I decided (while writing a sports story) that I would just take off running as soon as the bell rang. Alan was fast, but I was faster!

Standing at the door waiting for the dismissal bell, I readied myself for the speedy run home. But, stepping outside the classroom door, I was met by a stern-looking Alan who grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me down the hall.

"Thought you was gonna run out on me, huh, fagboy?" Alan said, smacking my head. "Hey, dude, I got your after -school snack here," he laughed, groping his swollen pouch.

A couple freshman girls saw us and giggled.

"You think this is funny, bitch?" he said to them, rubbing his bulging Levis. "You want some of this, too?"

The girls just giggled again and moved down the hall away from us. "Dumbass kids," Alan said. (Alan had no sense of humor--but he was hot!--worn, bulging, jeans, a skin-tight tee, showing off his flat abs and swollen biceps!--I didn't even mind the taste of his cum!)

"Where ya goin', Al?" asked Corey Carney, a football dude who palled around with Alan.

"Takin' this faggot home with me for an afternoon blow job," Alan answered, matter-of-factly.

"Huh?" Corey said. "Is Joey gay?"

"He sure as fuck is, man." Alan answered. "He sucked me off at lunch and even swallowed my sperm!"

"Cool," Corey said, stroking his peter, "Mind if I come along? I could use a good suck job!"

"Sure, man," Alan said, punching me in the gut, "Joey don't mind. He fuckin' loves cocks! Don't ya, fag?"

"But, Alan," I said, hoping to reason with him. "You don't really want...."

Alan ignored my protestations and chatted with Corey. I tagged along behind the two football studs. ' I guess I am gay!' I thought. Corey looks fuckin' hot, too!"

I was staring at Corey. He had obviously been working out, too and, as he took off his tee, tying it around his waist, I thought I really wouldn't mind 'getting him off,' too!

"Fuckin' hot day," Alan commented, pulling his tee over his head and tying it around him, too.

"Ya got A/C, Al?" Corey asked.

"Yeh, man," Alan replied. "Just gonna strip and lay on my bed while the faggot eats my peter!"

"Fuckin' A," Corey said, slapping Alan a high 5!

The guys chatted about football and the game this week against arch-rival South Chattam. We arrived at Alan's house and he shoved me inside. "Upstairs, bitch!" he directed.

Racing up the stairs, Alan beckoned Corey and me to follow him. I plodded along behind them, still unsure of what I wanted or should do. I thought, 'Before this goes any further, I need to get outta here. I gotta fight 'em both if I have to, but, before it's too late to save my reputation, I gotta do something! This is a small town--can't let a rumor like being 'gay' continue!

'But Alan and Corey are both so fuckin' wicked tough! They'll pulverize me! I'm scared. Either way, I'm dead. Maybe I could move downstate and live with my dad....'

"Move your fuckin' ass, gayboy!" Alan shouted. I hurried up the stairs, more afraid of the beating than of what these small-town 'assholes' would think.

"Get to work on Corey, sissyboy!" Alan commanded.

Both studs were naked, Alan sprawled on his bed, Corey in the LazyBoy chair. The TV was on, tuned to the Classic Football Channel.

I went over to Corey, slunk to my knees and looked up at him. Man! He sure is fuckin' handsome---stunning, deep-blue eyes; a masculine face with high cheekbones and a powerful jaw; capped with blonde-streaked spiked hair--a sculptured body, buffed and tan.

"Lick my balls, Joey," Corey said. I nuzzled my face between his spread-- wide, muscular thighs and tongued his wrinkled, hairy sac.

"That feels fuckin' great. cocksucker!" Corey said. "Hey Al--you tried him lickin' your nuts yet? I never can get Sonnie to lick 'em. She says I smell bad down there."

"Shit, dude," Alan said. "All Julie'll do is give me a hand job--then--only if she's in the mood!"

"MMMM, Man," Corey said. This sure does beat jackin' off!"

"Sure as hell does," alan said. "Shit! You see that?"

I jumped back, startled. What'd I do now?

"What a catch!" Corey said, motioning with one hand toward the game on TV and grabbing my head by the hair with the other. "Now--suck my peter, fag!"

They continued watching the game, as if I were an appliance--an appliance that sucked cock and licked balls!

"AAAHHHH, MAN," Corey moaned. "I'm fuckin' gonna cum! Swallow my cocksnot, faggot! AAAHHHH---FFUUCCKK!"

I felt Corey's dick swell, tense and shoot a massive quantity of sperm in my mouth and down my throat. It ran outta the corners of my mouth and down my cheeks.

Alan burst out laughing, "Hey bro--you fuckin' covered the dude in jism!"

Corey smirked. "Clean up my cock, queerboy. Then get over there and get your mouth on Big Al's twatbanger!"

"Yessir," I said, causing them to guffaw and snicker again.

"Touchdown!" Alan yelled, his mind back on the ACC game.

They celebrated, slapping high fives and each getting two more blow jobs that afternoon. Then I went home, hoping they would forget my 'talent.' But the next morning, Alan told me he'd see me at lunch.

Next: Chapter 2

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