Cherry Cop

Published on Nov 6, 2023


Every Saturday night – after football – I would fuck Andy and coach. The rest of my junior year I fucked Coach Angie twice a week at school during study halls. I spent many a night at the cop’s house fucking Andy Murphy as well. My third cop happened quite by accident. When the opportunity presented itself I was now more than able to take advantage. The cop and the coach had taught me how I can manipulate men for sex on my terms. I was working a summer job at a sports manufacturer on the second shift. I got off at midnight and stopped off at a place quite near to my apartment block to get some coffee and doughnuts. I went into the back alley to go up the stairs to the fifth floor. There was a police car parked mostly hidden near our furnace building. He was sitting there on a warm night with his windows down. He was not much older than me. He was 25 and I was 18 but I looked much older as I had the 5 o’clock stubble. I could have shaved 3 times a day but of course I did not. He asked me what I was doing and I told him. I went over to his cruiser and put my coffee on the top and began to chat. He was a big man with broad shoulders and looked hot in his uniform. I volunteered to go get him some coffee but he had some in a thermos so I offered to share my doughnuts. He agrees and asked me to get in and sit and talk. I was wearing a dirty t-shirt and cut off jeans – just off work. My dick got hard as I talked to him standing near his window. He could not help but notice. When he asked me into the cop car I knew that I had him. I sat next to him and my bulge grew in my cut offs. He tried not to let me see him but he was staring. I moved to give him a better view and my cock head was almost peaking out. His lips must have been getting dry as he had to keep licking them. He had a full set of lips and I knew they would be great with my big cock between them. I reached over and grabbed his right hand and pulled it to my cock. Nothing was said but his breathing was hard and short. I gave him help by moving his hand up and down my prick. He soon got the idea and was rubbing harder and faster. I unbuckled my belt and button and my jeans flew apart and my throbbing meat reached for the sky. He was actually moaning. I finally broke the silence by saying: well Sully (his name tag was Sullivan) get down on that and kiss my dick head. It was already leaking pre-cum. He did not say anything but obeyed and leaned over and kissed and licked my pre-cum off my dick head. I had moved so that my back was to the door giving him complete freedom to take care of my cock. I put my hands on his head and slowly pushed my cock deeper and deeper. He came up for air and said that he had never done this before. I told him not to worry as I knew what I was doing and that I would guide him. I taught him to breathe with his nose and to lick and suck as I slid deeper and deeper into his mouth. I had to warn him a couple of times to keep his teeth off my large dick. He began to

get the hang of it. He did gag a couple of times but I kept him on my hard on. I was fucking his face – not with too much force – but I was stroking in and out. He kept taking it inch by inch until his face was in my dick hairs and up against my balls. You got it Sully, I am fully dick deep and you are doing just fine. I warned him that the first cum would be long and would fill his mouth and that he had better swallow all of it unless he wanted the evidence of his blow job all over his uniform. I also told him that when I came he was to stay on my dick. It will soften, cop, but just keep sucking as it won’t take long for my second load to be ready and firing. As I had predicted I did not last long. Billy (he was William Sullivan) first load was a whopper. He worked hard like a good copper and tried hard to take it all. Some was coming out of his mouth I used my finger to scoop it back in to the cocksuckers mouth. I exploded into his mouth and the cop’s first blow job filled him with my white juice. As he was instructed (don’t you just love these cops – they take order so well!) he stayed on my dick and kept sucking. It did soften but at 18 it does not take long and I was soon hard again. This time Sully, I said, I am going to sit back and you are going to use all your newly learned skills to get my second nut. This man was born to suck cock. He went to work. He sucked up and down my big prick and licked too. He was enjoying it and with a mouth full of hard cock he did not talk but he was moaning in pleasure. I had a lot more cum control with my second shoot and wanted it to last. I tweaked his tits through his uniform and he liked that a lot. He moaned even harder and began to suck faster and faster. I wished I could have gotten his uniform off but it was not possible where we were. My dander was rising and I told the cop that my sweet cock juice was about to invade him again. He kept sucking and I went off. This time 3 distinct shots of cum flooded into the cop’s mouth. He ate it all and loved it. Another cop turned and the night was not done. When he finally came up for air he smiled and asked my name. I told him Mac and he said that we would have to do that again some time. I told him that the next time would be soon as I expected to fuck his face at least a couple of times more. He smiled but I knew he was getting nervous. No one is going to bother us Sully. It was 2am and not a light or sound was heard except from his police phone which he had turned down low. It was a Sunday night; all the drunks had gone home. This cop had more cock sucking to do. He was so compliant. I know now quite a few years later that many cops needed to give up control and one of the best ways was to take care of a man’s needs. They could not become subs to a woman but easily did to a strong masculine man. They are ripe for picking and I was becoming an expert at taking them. Sully sucked me twice more that night and every Sunday evening over the summer. By the time school was about to start he was a cock sucker supreme. I finally got him naked and fucked at Andy’s house just before football practice started.

He was nervous as the three of us drove up to Murphy’s house. He could not believe that he was going to be fucked in a three some that included another cop. Murphy would prove to be very use full in taking Sullivan’s cherry. We got him in the middle and naked and I leaned over to kiss Murphy. Billy and I had never kissed yet and he let out the air in his throat. When we released or tongues Andy kissed Billy deep and soon the two cops were going at it deep and it was clear this was something that Sully liked as well. Andy broke off the kiss and I put my tongue deep into his throat. While I was doing that, Andy did as I had told him to do and licked, kissed and lightly bit on Billy’s tits. Bill came alive with a mouth on his tit. He could hardly keep his body on the bed as he was in such pleasure. I stopped kissing him and brought my big cock up to his mouth. He deep throated it immediately. He had learned well. While Sullivan took my cock Andy got between his legs and got a sight of his beautiful and cherry cunt. Murphy began to lightly lick the outside of his pussy and Sully thought he had died and gone to heaven. He had never been rimmed before and I thought he might cum from just that. Then Andy moved his tongue to his asshole and pressed it in. I wanted to shoot a load in his mouth before I fucked him because I wanted it to last but I did not want to cum the first time too soon. As Murphy got his tongue deeper and deeper and he licked and lapped at that pussy Sullivan was in overdrive. His screaming was muffled by my big cock being in his mouth. I could not hold off longer and soon my cock was pumping off shoot after shoot of cum snot. Sully could not believe what he was feeling. A big cock cumming in his throat and another cop was making his asshole feel like it had never felt before. I pulled out of Billy and lay back and looked at Murphy who was getting as much pleasure in his rim job as the young cop he was rimming. I finally asked Murphy if it was a sweet ass and was it ready. He came up and took a look at my already hard prick and laughed and said. Sweet as hell, tight as a drum, and wet just waiting for his maiden fuck; take him Mac. We exchanged positions and I took my place between the young cherry cop’s legs. Sullivan looked dazed and excited. Murph was now taking his tits into his mouth and then talking Sullivan through it. Every time he took a tit in his mouth Billy moaned and cried out for more, more. His tits were a full time horny button. I greased my hard rod and put my big head right at the entrance to his promised land. Billy knew what was going to happen. He was anxious but we had assured him that by the end of the evening he would be feeling empty without my big cock up his beautiful ass. I pushed past his sphincter muscle. He knew he had to relax his ring but like most cherries at the last moment he tried hard to keep it closed. Murphy was helping a lot as the attention he was paying to Billy’s tits took part of his mind off what was happening to his pussy. I was taking my time but kept the pressure on his ass opening and he relaxed and two or three inches of cock and my big dick head were in. Billy

gave out a little yell but Murphy was talking to him and kissing him and he relaxed again and a couple more inches went in. I, on the other hand, was now horny as hell and lost all my resolve and shoved my entire engorged fuck stick right up his anus. He yelled in pain and when I got all the way in – balls to balls deed – I stopped the pressure and let him relax again. Well, William Sullivan, another Irish cop has lost his cherry. I am going to start fucking you now and you will soon be feeling great. I took about 4” inches out and slowly put them back in. Coming out was a revelation for Sully, the transformation from pain to incredible pleasure was beginning. On the second or third stroke I hit his prostrate and Sullivan groaned in pleasure and said Oh God, fuck me! Me, being me, took him at his word and did exactly that. I took more and more of it out and shoved it back in harder and harder. With each down stroke the young cop was feeling better and better. He was now helping me by thrusting back at my cock, helping to fuck himself. Holy Shit, yelled Murphy, look how he is getting into it. Did I do that the first time Mac? You sure as hell did Andy and sometimes now you do most of the work. At that moment Sullivan’s cock threw up into the air a great load of sticky cum. It splashed down on his chest and Andy face. Andy kissed Billy deeply sharing his own cum and then took some of his cum on his finger and ate it. Sweet cop cum exclaimed the older cop. I was now humping Billy hard and fast. A couple of times my dick popped all the way out but I just punch fucked it back in his now accommodating ass. There is something so special about taking a cherry pussy from a masculine man. That he was a cop as well just added to the pleasure. I finally let loose with cum and rewarded the cop with a great load in his freshly fucked cunt. He was bucking and excited and yelled that he could feel my cum pouring into his ass. I pulled out and Andy knew what to do. He took my place and ate out what used to be the cops virgin hole. He was taking my cum second hand and loved it. Andy was an accomplished cum slut in the 9 months since I first blew a load in his mouth and fucked his ass in the football locker room. Billy would later say that he could not believe how could it felt to be rimmed but that having another cop eat my cum out of his ass was so hot. I watched as Andy pulled his tongue out of the younger cop’s ass and replaced it with his thick 5”. Sullivan just said: fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, almost in falsetto as Murphy creamed his ass. When Murph shot his load into Sully’s pussy he might have thought his day was over but he had some lesson to learn. We were lying entwined kissing and hugging and touching when I told Sullivan the rest of the curriculum. I told him he was going to rim Murphy and get him ready to be fucked. I was going to let him fuck the older cop first and then I was going to do sloppy seconds. Billy was going to then go in and suck his and my cum out of Andy Murphy big ass. Like most first timers, Sullivan got between the bigger cops legs and was a little hesitant. Both Andy and I were talking dirty to him and encouraging him to get his dick up the cop’s ass. Come on Billy fuck him with your tongue then you will be able to fuck him with your

dick. Encouraged by that thought he was soon delving deeper and deeper into Andy’s ass. Murphy keep telling how great that felt and that he could not wait until he was being fucked by him. It took him some time; but he had Murphy horny as hell when I indicated he could pull out his tongue and insert his cop’s dick up another cops ass. Sullivan was a husky man – just like I like them – and his dick was not. It was actually slim but long about 8” of cop cock. You could tell how horny he was because he shoved the entire dick into Murphy’s ass in one stroke. Murphy yelped in surprise but later told me that whatever he lacked in width he made up in inches and he enjoyed being fucked by the young cop. Murphy despite having shot into Billy’s ass a short time ago was the first to cum and he shot so powerfully into the air that Sullivan was able to taste some of it before it fell back to earth basically to act a more lubricant as the fucking continued. Sully was really getting into fucking Murphy. He had learned from my fucking of him and pulled it all the way out a few times and punch fucked it back it. This drove Murphy mad with joy as he used his ass muscles to pull the cream out of Sully’s prick. I got horny again too and put my big dick in Murphy face and the happy cop eagerly took it deep. He loved being fucked in both his holes. He was such a bottom cop. He just loved cum and never got enough. Meanwhile, Sullivan was fucking him as if it were the last piece of ass he would ever see. Fucking another cop turned him on big time and he was pounding his ass with a power fuck. His long thin dick was going places that a big fat cock like mine could not reach and Murphy responded with another cum shot high again into the air. You fucking slut, Murphy, you can’t get enough can you, I yelled? Murphy answered by putting pressure on my dick with his mouth and used his ass muscles to tighten his hole around the cop who was fucking him like there was no tomorrow. Sullivan vented first and shot and shot into Murphy pussy. So much cum gushed into the cop’s ass that it was coming out the side. I then added to Murphy’s cum count by sending another big load down his throat. Both my sperm and Sully’s sperm were making a home in the hunky cops body. We were almost done. Sullivan did not need to be told and when he pulled his prick out with a loud noise he immediately went in with his tongue and licked his own cum out of Andy. I was kissing Murphy passionately as the young cop reamed cum out of his ass. Sullivan later became Murphy’s partner and one can hardly wonder how much work they got done. They were good guys and good cops but they could not keep their hands and mouths off each other’s cock. They later became gay partners – not fully out but a lot of cops know. I was fixing up the apartments over my business. The first two became Sarge’s and my home and the next two became Billy and Andy’s. They don’t play around on each other but do play together with Sarge and I. We often take summer holidays and winter breaks together.

One day I will tell you about sex orgies involving the four of us. The best occurred in Palm Springs one Feb. at a gathering of larger men which had a large sub section of cops. Murphy was in hog heaven. We got the Sarge and Murphy in side by side slings with 10 other horny cops around the pool. However, that is a story for another day. Note: the stories will continue in cherrycop 5 taking place after I had Muscles (cherrycop 1) virgin pussy.

Next: Chapter 5

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