Cherry Pickers

By moc.oohay@namyrotsyag

Published on Mar 26, 2023


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  3. This is all fiction, but I wish it was true.

Chapter 5

Frank: John was an amazing friend for all nine of us, reminding us to stay calm, and assuring us that this was strictly a voluntary initiation, and that if any of us wanted not to participate, it was ok. John took us into the shower area located below the auditorium. After "taking a dump" each of us showered and were instructed how to use the nozzle to really clean ourselves out. The enema part of the afternoon was a revelation for most of us, and the group atmosphere made it almost comical as we got used to the sensation and lost our inhibitions. As Matt stated "it's kinda hard to be modest after your friends have watched you shoot water up your ass hold it and then hop over to the toilet to clean out."

After we had cleaned out thoroughly, each of us was given a black robe to wear. Fifteen minutes before 7 we were led by John into the auditorium. Expecting to see stage exactly as it had been during the deflowering, I was surprised where the exam table had been, was covered by a tent like affair that was suspended by a chain from the ceiling, I presumed the tent would removed sometime during the evening, and the table revealed. We were seated on the stage and the spotlights came on so that we could no longer see who entered the auditorium.

Snatches of conversations from the audience could be heard, such as " if the red head looks as good naked as he does robed, we are in for a treat" and "he I'd love to fuck a lawyer, since I got fucked over by one in my divorce", and "49 and a virgin ass...and built...damn I want that". Comments could be heard at various times about each of us, all positive. I knew I was nervous, and from the body language of the other eight, I knew, that they were just as afraid of making a fool of themselves and be denied admission into the Cherry Pickers.

The lights in the auditorium dimmed revealing the large screens hung on the walls of the auditorium. So there we were life size and bigger than life literally on display as the emcee asked the group, to "step forward towards the audience and form a straight line, where indicated by John in the following order, "Crosby, David, Matt, Brian, Sam, Jeff, Frank, Tom and Greg". Following John's signal we faced the audience about twenty feet from the edge of the stage still robed, as the emcee continued "as I call your name, unzip your robe, hand it to John and walk across the front of the stage, following my directions which may include turning around, bending over or other moves that will help raise funds for the Cherry Picker's.

My name was the second to last name called and I was able to observe my friends. Sam went first. The emcee commented on his linebacker build. Sam was instructed to go to the far left of the stage first, and turn in quarter turns so that the audience could see him from all angles. When his ass was to the audience, the emcee told him to "bend over grab those cheeks and let the Cherry Pickers see that virgin hole." Sam turned beet red, but followed orders. He repeated the performance at center stage and a third time at the far right. By the time he got to the center stage, the clown in him took over and he mooned the audience for all he was worth, grinning ear to ear at the rest of us. We could see his face as he mouthed, "you see who they called first, the hottest stud up here, with the ass they all want to fuck." Sam did look hot, and it was clear to see that one day he would in fact be a leader of men, capable of following orders, clearly a man willing to place himself in the same situation as the men he would command.

One by one each of us was called, with me being the last one. The lights played well on my pale skin, clearly that of a red head, covered with freckles. The red fur picked up the light, and I was happy that my cock went to full mast and stood out at a 45 degree angle as I shed the robe. Being the last one, I decided from the time I reached stage right to spread them and give the guys in the audience a show. As I turned sideways, I pinched one of my large pink nipples so that it stood out even more, rubbing the red hair on my chest, as I then put my index finger in my mouth and seductively massaged the other nipple. By the time I bent over, I flexed my ass so my hot pink hole winked at the men. I knew from the deflowering that the cameras were focused in on my dripping uncut cock, pinched nipples and winking ass. Scared, hell yes, but ready...

And now gentlemen, the time you have been waiting for...the newbies do not know the corresponding numbers in your program so they will not know who the winner is, or who has raised the largest amount until after the bidding concludes. The scholarship program is a worthy effort so dig deep and let the bidding begin.

Bidding began at $5000.00 with the bidding continuing until 9 men remained. Each of those nine would pluck a cherry or be given the opportunity of taking seconds. Of the nine, the first man to drop out did so at $50,000.00 and others were forced to leave by the $250,000.00 amount, but for two men, the amount rose to unheard of amounts (at least to me), when finally at 545,000.00 one man dropped out and the winner had the newbie he wanted for $500,000.00 the "highest amount ever raised by a single bid" the emcee announced.

With the bidding over, the emcee asked the winner which number he wanted and he called out number 8. He then asked the bidder of the $545,000.00 which number he wanted and a gasp went up around the room when he called out "I will gladly take seconds on number 8. The bidding had to reopen twice, as several of the winners opted for seconds. "And now gentlemen now that the bidding has concluded we will have a busy evening, as each of our newbies, will not only have his Cherry Popped but will each have a second. Let the festivities begin."

All of the lights in the auditorium were turned off, and spotlights from several angles focused on the tent, which began to rise, revealing not the examination table, but a first a base of black marble, and then as the tent rose we could see that the slab of marble where our cherries would be popped was cream colored marble, sculptured in the shape of a cock and large pair of balls. But not just any cock, hell I had seen that cock many times. How had they gotten a sculpture of MY COCK AND BALLS?

I gazed in amazement at the cock which was at least eight feet tall and three feet wide. The cock had been carved from pink white marble with flecks of brown. The cock was positioned as if the man was lying down and his erect member stretched towards and imaginary belly button. The balls were like mine when I spread my legs wide and held them out, two orbs with a flat space in between. John came over and told us that when our name was called we were to climb up on the cock with our legs spread each over one of the balls. The way the cock had been sculpted, the ergonomic cock would place our ass up in the air, so that our hole would invite the dick of man who would pop the Cherry. The more I looked I was amazed, that was my cock and my balls, hell even the color of the marble matched my skin. How did that happen? My cock is very unique, torpedo shaped but it was the balls, I had never realized that two flexible dolls could be positioned in the perfect fucking was position on my cock and balls.

Now it was now or never...who would be first. How much would it hurt, could we stand the pain? The look on my fellow newbies faces, probably confirmed the look on mine, "Just what the fuck had I gotten myself into this time."

End of Chapter 5.

Next: Chapter 6

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