Cherry Trees

By Attemptatinger

Published on Nov 12, 1999


Well, I'm back with what I hope wont be too much of a disappointment. After the great feed-back I've had from part 1 all I can do is hope. Anyway, if you have any suggestions concerning the story let me know. Don't read this if you're too young or if it's just generally illegal to be you where you live. Oh, and one more thing: Many of you wondered about the title - and I can see why. It's a slip - I forgot to change it before I posted it! I had a poem by Edward Thomas in mind when I wrote the story, but it has nothing to do with what's in it. It was a 'working title' (sounds fancy, huh?). Anyway, I'll stick with it now and mystify the world.

The Cherry Trees

by Attemptatinger

Chapter 5:

"What's with you? You look like you won the lottery," Sarah said sourly, but not as sourly as she usually would have, because it was Saturday morning, and she'd had more sleep than usually. "Nothing. Listen, when are you going over to Susan's?" "Why?" She narrowed he eyes suspiciously. "You want me out of the house?" "No, no! I was just wondering, that's all." He grabbed his plate of cereal and brought it into the living room. "Hey mom! Is it okay if I have a friend over today? Maybe he'll spend the night." "Of course. Anyone I know?" Neil didn't answer that. In stead he went to his room and called Tommy. He'd already memorized the number - he didn't use speed dial because of the anticipatory thrill of dialling himself. "Yeah?" It was Tommy's voice, but it sounded dejected. "Hey baby it's me, what's wrong?" "Oh hi Neil." He sniffed. "Listen, I don't think I'll be able to meet you today." "Why? What is it?" "I don't know.. I have to think, okay?" "You're getting me worried! Are you all right? Is it your mother?" "Yeah." "Does she know?" "No, but.." He sighed. "I have to tell her. I tell her everything. She trusts me." "Won't she stop you from seeing me?" A chill went up Neil's spine. "She might. Oh, I don't know, maybe I'm being stupid, but I'm so confused. I have to think." "No! You can't do this!" The panic was evident in Neil's voice. "It's just.. I'm sorry, okay." Tommy began sobbing. "Besides, you know you can't hang out with me. Your friends would scream." Neil didn't listen. When he spoke his voice was calm and cold. "Are you dumping me? Was this your little revenge? You wanted to hurt me." "No! Please don't think that!" Tommy was crying openly now. "I do love you.." Neil clutched the phone hard. He was breathless. "I'm coming over." It wasn't so much a question, it was a statement. "You can't." "I'm coming. Two minutes. See you, baby." He slammed down the phone and ran down the stairs almost knocking his mother over. "Change of plans - be back soon," he shouted and jumped on his bike. A few minutes later he pressed the doorbell outside Tommy's house, panting and sweating. The door opened immediately. It was Tommy. "You look terrible, Neil," he mumbled. "You don't look too hot yourself. Can I come in?" "I guess so." They went to Tommy's room. It was strange to be there. Just the other day they'd had sex in there, and it'd been so good, and now they were here to break up, maybe. Neil shut his eyes to keep from crying. "Neil." Tommy's voice was soft. "Neil." Neil didn't turn around. He just couldn't. Tommy touched his shoulder. "Please look at me." Neil turned. He looked Tommy in the eye and said: "We could do so much together, you know. There's so much I want to do with you." When Tommy didn't react Neil opened his arms. Tommy melted into them. He broke down. "I don't know what I was thinking," he sobbed. "I need you so badly." Neil just held him close, a sense of relief flooding him. When Tommy finally stopped crying, Neil sat them down on the bed. "You want to tell me what this was about?" Tommy shook his head and buried it in Neil's neck. "Uh-uh." "Okay." "It's mom." He sat up. "I have to tell her. But it's also you." "Me?" "I was afraid 'cause I remember what happened to Ann Shelby." Neil choked. "Ann Shelby? What about her?" "All the school knows you dated her for a few weeks and had your way with her, and then you just dumped her." "'Had my way'? Come on," Neil said blushing, but also grinning. "It's true, isn't it?" "No! Well, yes. Well, sort of! I did date her, but it was just.. I dont know, my go at being straight." "You broke her heart, you know. Did you sleep with her?" Again Neil blushed. "Yes." He looked up. "But it was nothing. Not like with you. With you it was just.. wow!" "I know." "And I'm not going to dump you, because I'm in love with you. Ann - that was just because she was so persistent, I suppose. She wouldn't give up, but I just felt like such a phoney, you know? With you it's different." "Yeah?" "Come on, feel this." He grabbed Tommy's hand and placed it on his heart. "You're the only one who makes it beat like that." Tommy giggled. "You old phoney. Barbara Cartland would be ashamed of that one." He kissed Neil. "But you do make me laugh." "Okay, how about this: You're the only one who can make me sweat all over just by looking at me. And that's the truth." "Must be love then," Tommy laughed. "It is. As for my friends.." He smiled. "The girls will want to take you from me, no doubt, and the boys will want to kill you for that! No, you're cool. You'll be all right once they get to know you." Tommy frowned. "I'm not sure." "I am. Where's your mother?" "At a friend's." "Good. Now get undressed." Tommy smirked. "Whatever for?" "Ermmm.." "You're blushing!" "Am not! It just.. warm in here." Neil could feel his face heat up even more. Laughing, Tommy took off his T-shirt and his socks. "You too." "Do you want to do it?" "You're such a pervert, you know that?" "Sure! So do you?" "Of course!" Tommy almost ripped off Neil's shoes and socks, followed by his jeans. The boy couldn't help caressing the calves. Neil chuckled. "I don't think that's in your contract." "Shut up," Tommy smiled. "You're so warm." "That's 'cause you make me sooo hot with your luuurve, baby!" Tommy leapt at Neil and pushed him down on the bed. He then ferociously kissed Neil. "That shut you up!" He giggled. "Do it again or I'll say more." "Okay." It wasn't easy, but it didn't take long for the boys to get undressed even though they were still kissing. The feeling of Tommy's smooth, warm skin turned Neil on no end. His hands roamed Tommy's back. "It tickles," Tommy smiled squirming. "You're beautiful." Neil smiled and caught Tommy's head in his hands so he could look into those haunting eyes. "You like my eyes, don't you?" "Mmmm." "They like you too." "I'm glad. Now stop squirming - I'm close." "No, not yet. I want to try something!" "What?" Neil asked, perplexed. Tommy's answer took his breath away. "OHHH! Oh, God!" Tommy stopped licking Neil's dick but held it with both hands. "Should I stop?" "No! Don't you dare!" Neil closed his eyes. He was shaking all over, and it was rapidly becoming too much for him. "But turn around, I want to do you too." Tommy didn't protest, and Neil wasted no time. He grabbed the base of Tommy's very hard dick and cautiously put it in his mouth. He didn't know what he'd expected, but he was surprised anyway. It was far from unpleasant, actually it was very erotic. He found he liked the taste and the texture. And that was just about his last coherent thought before he climaxed. It didn't take long for Tommy to follow. Before Neil had completely regained his senses Tommy erupted into his mouth, but Neil didn't mind. It seemed appropriate somehow, and.. he liked it. Slightly shocked he had to admit that to himself. Spent, Tommy turned around and snuggled close. Neil held him, completely overwhelmed by tenderness. He was acutely aware that Tommy had given him something precious, and he was determined not to let the younger boy down. No matter what - Neil would always be there. "Tommy." "Mmm." "I think.. Are you smelling me again?!" Tommy snickered. "I like it, okay?" "Pervert. Auw! Stop that! Listen, I think we should tell your mother." "I know." Tommy sighed. "I think so too. Have you ever talked to my mother?" "No, not really." "Well, she's quite something. It's rumoured she's stopped a rutting rhino by yelling at it once. I believe it." "Wow. Would you.. do you want me to be here?" "Yes please. But you might regret it." "Aw, come on, can't be that bad. I'll live." That, of course, was the question. Neil obviously hadn't met Tommy's mother. But he would.

Chapter 6:

If you don't want to be found, don't forget to close the door. And if you do forget, then at least don't fall asleep. But the boys did both, and Tommy's mother like most mothers had an uncanny ability to discover the truth. "Tommy!" Neil stirred. Tommy opened his eyes. "Mom. OH! MOM!" He tried to untangle himself from Neil's arms, but it was difficult. "This.. this isn't.." "What it looks like? Good, 'cause it looks PRETTY bad from where I'm standing!" She entered the room and loomed over the bed. Neil was now completely awake, but not quite ready to speak. "Mom.. meet Neil. Neil, my mom," Tommy mumbled. "H-hello mrs. McGann." "Well, hello there mr. Richardson. Would you like to explain what you're doing in my son's bed?" She held up her hands. "No, come to think of it I don't want to know. At least not in detail." "Mom!" "Not at the moment, no. I'm too angry to be 'mom'. But we're all adults here except you two, so let's discuss this sensibly. Get dressed - and into the kitchen, where you will find me waiting for the mother of all explanations. You have two seconds." She turned around and left. "She took it well," Tommy whispered while looking frantically for his shorts. "She took it WELL?" Neil giggled nervously. "If that means she can get worse I'm not relieved." They threw on their clothes and went into the hallway. Neil peeked round the corner. "She's chopping something. Leags, I think." "Oh no! Vegetable chopping is not a good sign! Shit!" Tommy looked worried and caught Neil's hand. Neil's heart leapt. "I know this is not the time, baby, but I love you. And I don't think I've seen you any sexier than right now." Tommy smiled a bit, but the loud sound of a knife digging into a carving board told him there was no more time. Reluctantly he dragged Neil round the corner. His mother looked ominously at them. "If you think switching T-shirts is cute, think again." "Oh shit!" Tommy mumbled. They'd been in such a hurry they'd put on each other's shirt. It he hadn't been so nervous, it might have been funny, but Neil could feel Tommy's hand trembling. "Let go of that boy's hand and sit down, Tommy. You too, mr. Richardson. You're staying for dinner. We're having.. some vegetables I'm preparing." "I.. I have to check with my mom, mrs. McGann." "No. I did that. What I want to know is what you think you're doing?" "Huh?" "Getting off with my son." "Mom! It's not like that.." "Tommy, sit down. Don't say anything. I'll get back to you. But you-" she pointed her finger at Neil, "you I could just kill. Don't you think you've done quite enough?" "Yes. I'm sorry mrs. McGann, I really am." "Maybe you can fool Tommy. After all he's in love with you. But you can't fool me. You're still the same, mr. Richardson." By now Neil had had enough. He could feel the anger burning inside. He wasn't meek by nature and he never tried to be, even when it might have been a good idea. "I'm not a little kid anymore, mrs. McGann. What I did was horrible, but it was a long time ago." "No! Not for Tommy. Every day he comes home crying I'm reminded. Every day someone beats him up I'm reminded that it's real. It's still there. And all just because he fell in love with an older boy when he was 9." "Mom!" "You didn't tell him? Well, that's how it began." "You fell in love with me already back then?" Neil gasped. Tommy blushed and nodded. Neil was just beginning to realise exactly what he'd done. He began shaking. "Uhuh. So you understand why I think this is a step back for Tommy?" But Tommy left his chair with determination painted all over his face. "Mom! Mom, listen to me! No, listen to me! I have to make this choice. I know you're doing this 'cause you love me, but some things aren't up to you." "Tommy honey, I-" "No, mom. I'm serious. I know the risk - and I'm sure." Mrs. McGann began chopping up a carrot. She was clearly frustrated. "I don't like it." Tommy got up and pulled Neil up too. They embraced. "I like it very much." Tommy kissed Neil, who felt a new assertiveness in the blond boy and liked it. "Neil will be staying the night." Mrs. McGann looked positively perplexed. This was not the Tommy she knew. "We'll see about that. I don't know how you got so bossy all of a sudden. Set the plates, will you? This'll be a pasta sauce I think." Neil smiled. He thought he knew where Tommy got his bossiness from. He got up and helped Tommy, and all the while he caressed Tommy in different ways, almost as if to say 'this is mine'. Mrs. McGann smiled sardonically. "You know, I'm a surgeon. It's amazing what a small knife can do - let alone a knife this size." She held up her vegetable knife till it caught the light. "Just amazing." Neil let go of Tommy, but the young boy smiled. "That's a joke. It means she's coming around." Mrs. McGann gave Tommy the evil eye, but he knew her well enough not to care. The crisis was over. Or so he thought till he saw and tasted the result of his mother's chopping.

They were watching TV later that night. Neil sat in a chair with Tommy on his lap. "Baby," Neil whispered. "I have to know. In the kitchen - you suddenly seemed so sure? What.. I mean, on the phone you sounded like you'd almost given up." "I don't know. I guess seeing you made me realise I can't live without you anymore." He looked Neil in the eyes, well aware of its effect. "Besides, I know my mom. I could tell she wasn't as angry as she seemed." "Huh?" Neil made a mental note not to give mrs. McGann reason to get really angry. "No, no, she wasn't, but I don't know why. Anyway, I wasn't afraid of telling her how I feel." "Well, I'm glad." "Keep it down, you two! I'm trying to watch this," mrs. McGann interjected. That put an end to the boys' conversation, but it didn't matter, because they were happy just sitting in the chair with each other. "You know," Neil finally whispered, breathing through Tommy's hair, "I'm beginning to understand what you mean." "What's that?" "I don't know about me, but you certainly smell wonderful." Tommy blushed happily and closed his eyes.

"It's half past eleven, don't you think you'd better go to bed? I don't suppose I have to find the spare mattress for you?" mrs. McGann said - well, frowned. "No, mom," Tommy answered, yawning. He got up from the chair, and Neil followed him, freezing. Tommy took his hand and dragged him to his room. "I'm dead tired." "Me too, Neil." Tommy took off his clothes, except his underwear. "How do you sleep?" "Naked, mostly, why?" "Me too." He hesitated, obviously embarassed. Neil laughed. "You're not shy about that, are you? Come on baby - it's not like I haven't seen everything!" Not that seeing it would ever get boring. Tommy laughed too. "I suppose so. I'm just shy about a lot of things." "I'm never. There's no reason." "Easy for you to say," Tommy mumbled, but he took off his shorts and got in bed. He obviously didn't mind watching Neil undress, though, and Neil didn't mind putting on a show. By the time he got under the covers, they'd forgotten all about sleep. "This is a dream," Tommy whispered. "Well, don't lie so close to me then, 'cause this kind of dream always ends with me being all sticky." "You're so stupid!" Tommy snickered. "Yeah, I am. But I'm beginning to see the light, I think."

Chapter 7:

"Neil! Neil, are you there?" It was Sarah, she was knocking on his door. "I'm on the phone!" "You always are! I want to talk to you afterwards, then." Neil grimaced. He loved his sister, but he had a feeling he knew what she wanted, and he didn't like it. "Should I hang up?" Tommy asked through the phone. "No, no! You just called!" "Half an hour ago." "Really?" Neil laughed surprised. "I can't believe it. Anyway, you were saying?" "Well, you know I said mom wasn't as angry as she seemed?" "Yeah?" "I was right. Turns out she'd been watching us for a long time before she woke us up!" "Creepy!" "I know! But it seems she thought we were cute." He giggled. As always the sound made Neil's stomach swirl. "Cute?" Neil frowned. Obviously he didn't expect Tommy's mother to know the word. "Weird, huh? I think you may be winning her over. She said she thought you'd matured." "I'd love to think so, but I'm not sure. After all, she's resented me for ages." "Oh, I'm not saying she's forgiven you, but she'll get there. But whether or not she has, I'm sure she'll make you suffer much longer." "Yeah." Neil sighed. "Oh, but don't worry, I've forgiven you." Neil could feel the tears welling up. "But that's because you're the most amazing creature on Earth." "I know." Tommy giggled. "Anyway, I'd better hang up. Mom'll have a fit when she sees the phone bill." "Okay. I'll call you tonight." "Okay. I love you." "Love you too." "Really?" "Oh, yeah." Neil reluctantly hung up and went to Sarah's room. "You wanted to talk to me?" "Yeah, come in. Dear brother. Can I get you anything?" "Oh, this is worse than I thought. What is it you want?" "Want?" She looked mortally wounded. "Why do you think.." "Sarah!" "Oh, okay. Mom says you're all buddy buddy with Tommy McGann now, so I just wondered.." "He's spoken for." "He has a girlfriend? Who?" she asked surprised. "I can't tell you." Neil bit his lip. He hated lying to her, but there was no way he'd let her near Tommy. Not that he didn't trust his friend, but Sarah could be both persuasive and persistent. Besides, Neil simply didn't want to share. "He made me promise." She sat up. "You're lying! I know you are! Why would he even tell you? Why are you friends with him all of a sudden?" "Look, Sarah, I know you like him a lot, but I'm telling you he's not interested, and that's no lie. I'm sorry." "Go away." She threw a pillow at him. "I hate you." Good thing I don't like girls, Neil thought. I'd have to put up with this sort of thing all the time. "Neil, are you sure your friend has a girlfriend?" his mother asked at the dinner table. Here we go! "Uhm, no, well sort of." "Well, couldn't you ask him what he thinks of Sarah then?" "No, mom, I can't just ask someone that!" "Why, what's the problem? Can't hurt to ask. I think you could do that for your sister. She really likes him, you know." Oh yeah, and what about me? "Mom...!" "Come on, Neil," his father said. "It's not like you're dating the guy yourself, haha." "N-no." "Good. You'll do it tomorrow." So, Sarah glowed and Neil seethed.

But it wasn't till the next day he thought things were getting out of hand for the first time. Neil was sitting with his friends eating lunch and thinking how he'd rather be with Tommy, but Tommy wasn't there. "Dude! You're zoned out again." "Huh? Oh, I'm sorry." "Hey, what's with you?" Archie asked. "Is it that girl again? Dude, either forget her or get her, okay?" "You've been acting kind of funny all week, Neil, are you all right?" Jeremy asked. Neil pulled himself together. The last person he wanted to get suspicious was Jeremy. He was much too smart for that. "No, I'm okay, really. Just a bit tired." "Yeah, well, you've been tired all week," Danny remarked. "Are you coming with us to play soccer after school?" "Well, actually I have plans.." "Are you seeing anyone behind our back?!" Archie hollowed, clutching his hands to his chest. "We would die from the humiliation if you are!" "Shut up, funny boy," Neil hissed. He wasn't in the mood for this. "I saw you with Tommy McGann in the mall the other day," Danny said. "What's with that?" "What's with that?" Neil was getting angry. "I believe I can go to the mall with whoever I want. Doesn't always have to be with a bunch of idiots!" "Hey!" Archie yelled, but Neil had already left. But all this wasn't what made him think things were getting out of hand. It was the look Jeremy gave him when he left. It was quizzical, mystified and.. pensive. Jeremy had always been a bit of a mystery. Neil had known him for more than ten years, and still he often found he didn't know him at all. Neil had always told the others what to do when they were little, but not Jeremy. He'd always done whatever he wanted, but he was great fun and a good friend, so no one had cared. But he was a bit of a loner. Neil could count the times he'd been at Jeremy's house on one hand - well, maybe not, but it wasn't often. It was as if Jeremy'd changed over the last few years. He's become detached, and you never knew what he was thinking. But he was still friendly and forthcoming, everything just ended up being about everyone else than Jeremy, quite by design, Neil sometimes thought. But it was - and had always been difficult to fool Jeremy. He saw through everything as if he was so familiar with deceit he could smell it whenever he met it. Neil smiled. What a grotesque thought!

Tommy was choking with laughter. "They did what?" "Hey! It's not funny! They forced me to ask you!" Neil said with indignation. "Oh, come on, it is funny, your parents making you ask your boyfriend if he wants to date your sister!" he gasped. "Boyfriend?" "Well, aren't we?" Tommy suddenly seemed nervous. He was never far away from his insecurities. "Yeah, we are. I just loved hearing you say it," Neil said. "Well, admit it's funny and I'll say it again!" "Okay, you're right. It's funny now." He smiled and grabbed Tommy's slender body. Tommy immediately snuggled close like that was were he belonged, and it was, Neil thought. "Tell me something," Tommy's muffled voice came from somewhere beneith Neil's chin. "What?" "Anything. I love it when you hold me and talk to me." "Okay then." Neil told the boy everything he'd done that day, even his lunch break encounter, and Tommy's breathing became deep and regular. Just when Neil thought Tommy was asleep Tommy moved. "Do you think Jeremy's gay?" he asked. "Gay? I don't know. I honestly never thought about it." "Hmm. Typical." Neil couldn't see it, but he could hear Tommy smile. "I think he is." "And how would you know?" "Sometimes I can just feel it." "You didn't 'feel' me, did you? And you told me yourself you thought Scott Welsh was gay till he got so obviously 'married' to Sheila Mayor." "Oh. Yeah." He tightened his grip round Neil's warm body. "Shouldn't have told you that." "I guess not," Neil laughed. "Listen.. don't you think you'd be more comfortable without that shirt?"

It's no good getting dressed in a hurry when Tommy's mother is coming home. Mix-ups happen so often, especially if all the clothes have been thrown into one big pile from the beginning, and if no one notices the mix-up it can get ugly. This age-old truth hit Neil hard the next morning while he was eating breakfast. "Neil?" "Yeah, mom?" Neil turned around. Why did his mother sound so strange? "Neil, sweatheart. Why does it say 'Thomas McGann' inside your dirty shorts?" Part of Neil thought 'his mother writes his name in his shorts?'. Another part wondered if you could be laughing and almost shitting your pants all at once.

So, could you hear Fate laughing? I've never been completely comfortable with the fact that Fate is a woman. Anyway, tell me what's wrong and what's right with the story - and generally just encourage me, 'cause I love talking to you guys. You can reach me at I'll be back soon with more. You have been warned, Attemptatinger

Next: Chapter 3

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