Cherry Trees

By Attemptatinger

Published on May 20, 2000


Yes, I'm back with the next act. After you read this, if you want more there is a little more of this story to be found at my website at Also, feel free to critize etc. at - in fact, feel very free.

Cherry Trees:

Chapter 20:

Neil carried both his own and Jeremy's sports bag to the match even though Tommy didn't want him to. "If he wants his clothes he can come get them," he'd said uncharacteristically unforgiving. Neil said nothing but put Jeremy's stuff in his bag and brought it, just in case Jeremy was there at the match. Now things can't get worse, Neil thought - and regretted it immediately, because now they surely would! He was right. "Hey you! The women's locker is down the hall!" Craig Foley shouted when they came through the door. Craig's particular brand of wit was greeted by entirely too much laughter for Neil's taste. "You'd know," was the only reply Neil could come up with. "Hey! I'll grab this place in the corner," Brad Johnson yelled. "I don't want to turn my back to those two." Neil clenched his teeth while untying his shoes. "I guess the honeymoon is over," he mumbled to Tommy who shrugged. Neil caught Danny's eyes. Danny smiled a sick, apologetic smile. Neil had a feeling it would be a long day. Again he was right.

The two boys didn't speak a word while going home after the match. Neither had played well, and the open hostility from several of the team members hadn't helped. And there was still no sign of Jeremy. When they did finally get home they began cleaning the house. Most of the things had been done the evening before, but a bit of in-depth cleaning was needed. Still none of them spoke a word, and it was getting to Neil. "Hey Tommy?" "Mm." "I think I need a proper shower after this. Want to join me?" Tommy shrugged. Now Neil got really worried. Tommy had never turned down an offer like that before. Normally he couldn't get close enough to Neil. "Are you alright?" Neil asked. Tommy cleared his throat. "I don't know. I'm a bit tired after the match I guess. Maybe I need a nap." "Oh. Okay. We can do that." "Well.." Tommy fidgeted with his T-shirt. "I was kinda thinking.. alone." "A-alone?" Neil gasped. "You want me to leave?" Tommy nodded without looking at Neil. "But.. why?" Neil asked, hurt. Tommy didn't reply. Neil got up. "Okay, sure, if it's what you want," he said uncertain. "I'll call you." He put down his bucket of water, the cleaning job forgotten. Tommy still didn't reply, so Neil let himself out. He'd forgotten his shirt but he didn't want to go back after it, so he just ignored the rain. In fact it seemed appropriate that it should rain..

That afternoon was one of the longest in Neil's life. He didn't know exactly what was wrong except it probably had something to do with what Jeremy had said to Tommy. Neil wanted to call Tommy right after he got home, but he knew it wouldn't do any good so he didn't. Instead he tried to pass the time by doing some homework, but he soon put it aside. All he could think of was Tommy. He looked at the phone and then at his watch. It had only been half an hour. Too early to call, especially if Tommy was sleeping. Sighing he turned on his computer and aimlessly surfed the Internet. There was plenty to look at, but he couldn't get caught up in anything. The clock said an hour. Neil got up and put on some music. He sat back down in his chair and clicked away, hoping to find something interesting somewhere. One hour fifteen minutes. Still much too early. Neil absentmindedly messed up his hair. He couldn't believe Tommy had thrown him out. Even if he was hurt like he obviously was he should have let Neil stay. That's what they always did, wasn't it? What if Tommy decided he didn't want Neil at all anymore? 'Don't be silly,' Neil thought to himself, but the thought wouldn't leave him. He was suddenly cold and got up to put on a sweater. He thought about cleaning his room, but there was nothing appealing about that idea. One hour thirty minutes. I'm going to die! Neil thought. Two hours. He had the receiver in his hand and dialed half the number, then thought the better of it and put it down. Two hours fifteen minutes. "Fuck!" Neil yelled. Then he began cleaning his room - it was something to do. Just when he was sure he'd snap there was a knock on the door. A huge smile broke out on Neil's face. "Tommy!" he said. "Sorry, guess again," Jeremy said before tentatively entering. He looked guilty. "Can I come in?" "You already are," Neil answered with some reserve. "Oh! Right." Jeremy sat down. "Listen, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I don't think Tommy is a girl - you know that. I mean, I love him. He's really very strong though he seems weak. But who am I telling..?" He smiled a sick smile. "Next you'll be telling me he's the one you're in love with." "No!" Jeremy said. "No he isn't. But I'll tell you who it is if you really want to know." "What? Like some sort of peace offering?" Neil crossed his arms. Jeremy shut his eyes tightly, but a tear still trickled down his cheek. "I was just thinking," he began, "you're right. You are the family I have left. If you still mean it. Neil, I'm sorry! Can you forgive me?" Neil could easily tell Jeremy was serious. And Neil did have strong paternal instincts so the outcome was never in doubt. "Of course," he smiled. "We'll always be here. But you really need to apologize to Tommy - I think you hurt him bad." "I will, I promise," Jeremy said, hugging Neil. "I love you man!" "Uh-oh." Jeremy smiled, not letting go of Neil. "No, not like that. You're not the one either. You're not that stunning." "What a relief - I think," Neil said. "Now could you go with me to Tommy's? I'll go crazy if I don't see him soon." Neil disentangled himself from Jeremy's arms. "He threw me out." "Oh God, what a day. I'm just glad that's all the bad things that happened. I don't think I could take any more bad surprises." "Well.." Neil began. "What?!" "Someone took your place on the team, obviously, since you weren't there." "Yeees? Oh no! Who?" "Guess." "No tell me!" "Brad Johnson." "Aaarrrggh!" Jeremy clutched his heart like he'd been stabbed. "Right," Neil smiled. "But at least you'll have no trouble getting it back. No come on!" He dragged Jeremy down the stairs by the arm.

"Oh there you are. Come in!" Mrs. McGann pulled the two boys inside. "I'm worried. He won't talk to me and he won't let me call you. I think you should go talk to him right away." Neil thought briefly about the ironic situation. Not so long ago mrs. McGann would have killed him for coming near the house. Now that she wanted him there Tommy didn't want him anymore. He didn't waste much time thinking though. Instead he hurried up the stairs to Tommy's room. Just when he was about to knock on the door Jeremy stopped him. "I think I should go in first and.. apologize. Don't you?" Neil hesitated. He didn't really want to wait, but on the other hand Jeremy was right. He sighed. "Okay." Jeremy smiled. "Thanks. Wish me luck." He waited till Neil had gone down the stairs and then knocked.

Neil waited for half an hour. Finally Jeremy came down. "How is he?" Neil asked. "He's pretty upset," Jeremy replied. His eyes were red. "I think you should go talk to him." Neil ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. There was no reply, so he opened the door a little. "Tommy? Baby, can I come in?" "I guess," Tommy replied. He was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. Neil stepped inside at sat down at the edge of the bed. He didn't know what to say, and Tommy wasn't making it easier. "Tommy, what's wrong? Please talk to me." There was no reply, but Neil noticed Tommy shut his eyes tightly. "Is it what Jeremy said? But baby, you know he didn't mean it." Neil took Tommy's hand. "Please Tommy. Is it me? Are you tired of me?" Tommy let out a quiet sob. "Oh Neil.. he's right." "What?" "You are like a father to me." "What do you mean?" Neil frowned. Tommy opened his eyes. "I mean you're older than me, bigger than me. You always protect me, like I'm your son." "But.. I thought you liked it that way?" "I do!" Tommy sniffed. "But it's sick. Don't you see? I don't know what's wrong with me.." Neil held Tommy's hand gently caressed the fingers. "Why is it sick baby?" "Wh-why?" Tommy frowned. "Yeah, why? I mean - if you love me, what's wrong with letting me take care of you?" "I don't know. Oh, you confuse me. I knew I shouldn't have let you in here, I can never resist you." He sat up. "If I WAS you're father you'd have no problem resisting me," Neil said, but Tommy didn't smile. "Yeah, but I don't really want to be the child. I want to take care of you, too," Tommy said - still evading Neil's eyes. "But you do! You make me do my homework, you make me go for my runs.. you spend my money. Coming to think of it you're even worse than Sarah. You even tell me what to wear!" "Only because you have no fashion sense," Tommy mumbled, still not smiling. Neil sighed. This wasn't as easy as he'd hoped. "My point is, we take care of each other, just not in the same way because we need different things. You give me all I need and more and I try to give you what you need. That's what love is about." Neil tried to sound like he'd thought it over carefully, but in reality he'd never thought about it till now. "You think?" Tommy whispered. He looked Neil in the eyes for the first time since Neil had entered the room. The effect was instant. Neil shivered, a thrilling shock running up and down his spine and sending his head spinning. He could never look Tommy in the eyes without experiencing that, but it was rarely as strong as now. "I love you," Neil whispered, awestruck. "I love you too," Tommy whispered back. "No matter how hard I try I can't help it. I tried for so many years.." "Shh." Neil lay down next Tommy, who melted into him. "Don't try any longer."

They didn't speak for half an hour. They just lay there healing. But eventually Neil stirred. "We should get up. Your mom is really worried about you." "Okay," Tommy replied. "But you'll stay the night?" "Try to stop me! Are you all right now?" Tommy sighed. "Honestly, I don't know. But I haven't felt as good all day as I did now with you.. I'll have to think about all this, but I know I love you. I really do." "That's good enough for now, I guess," Neil said. "Knowing you won't leave me." Tommy took his hand, and they went downstairs. There was the sound of someone forcefully chopping something. "She's chopping vegetables!" Tommy gasped. "I told you she was worried," Neil whispered. "You think it's safe..?" "No." Tommy shook his head. He carefully peeked round the corner. "Uhm.. hi mom," he said sheepishly. The knife hit the board so hard it made Neil wince. "Oh there you are. I'm preparing dinner. Your boyfriend can come out too." Neil felt a wave of panic sweep over him. Tommy giggled nervously. "You're not upset mom?" "Upset?" She broke a carrot in two. "Why would I be upset? My son locks himself in his room all day and won't come out, his boyfriend is nowhere to be found and his live-in friend has been missing all day. I have been working half the afternoon and I have to go in again tonight. AND THE LIVING ROOM STILL HASN'T BEEN CLEANED! Why would I be upset?" Tommy looked at Neil, sighed and went into the kitchen. "I'm sorry mom. I'm better now." She looked at him, suddenly so close to tears it was scaring Tommy. "My baby boy," she whispered, fondling his blond hair. "I love you so much. I just want you to be happy but it's so difficult.." "I know mom. I love you too." Tommy hugged her. "I'm sorry I'm so difficult." She held him close, moving him slightly back and forth. "Don't say that, Thomas. You're everything a mother could want in a son." She cleared her throat. "And now go get Neil round the corner and Jeremy and order a pizza. I don't think my ratatouille.. whatever.. will work out. I have to leave for work soon." "Okay mom, thanks." "And Tommy." "Yeah?" "When I get back.. THAT LIVING ROOM HAD BETTER BE CLEANED!!!"

Neil was completely drained emotionally. They were watching TV and eating the last of the pizza. It was eight, but they hadn't dared order the pizza until they had cleaned up from the party the day before, because if they didn't get it done before mrs. McGann came home things were sure to get ugly. Tommy was wrapped in a blanket on the couch next to Neil. He only wore a T-shirt and his briefs. "Hey Neil?" he said playfully. "Mmh?" "Want to get under the blanket?" "Sure!" The thought had Neil drooling. "Then take of your clothes." "Hmm.." Neil looked hesitantly at Jeremy. He was in a chair on the other side of the table. "Oh come on," Jeremy said without looking away from the TV. "It's not like I haven't seen it all before." Neil blushed, feeling stupid. "I guess not," he said and took off his clothes except his boxers. Tommy quickly moved over and leaned back into Neil, and Neil wrapped his arms around him. Tommy sighed. "Don't moan, okay? This is my favorite part," Jeremy said, leaning forward against the screen. "You saw this movie ten times already," Neil laughed. "Shhhh!" Jeremy waved his hand dismissively. "I'm allowed to enjoy it," Tommy giggled. "I just got my boyfriend back." "Oh, like you ever intended to let him go. He's much too handsome for that," Jeremy said, making Neil blush. That in turn made Jeremy laugh. "And well endowed," he added, winking at Neil. Neil blushed even more. "Don't make fun of my man," Tommy said, trying to suppress his laughter. "What?" Jeremy said innocently. "It's true. You think so too I bet." "Of course," Tommy snickered. "I feel the well endowed thing very clearly right now." "Tommy!!" Neil gasped, horrified. Jeremy and Tommy couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry Neil. I'll be good, okay?" Tommy said, kissing Neil. "Okay." "It's true, though," Tommy mumbled. "Right! That's it!" Neil shouted. "You're going to bed, young man!" "Oh no, please," Tommy wailed, failing completely to sound upset. "Oh for God's sake!" Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Just go up there and have sex, okay? Preferably while I'm down here so I won't have to listen." The last part was added in a low tone, but Neil and Tommy both heard it. "We should charge him," Tommy mumbled, clinging to Neil who carried him up the stairs.

Chapter 21:

What hit Neil maybe the hardest was the fact that he and Tommy were becoming the odd ones out on the soccer team. They both enjoyed the game very much and found it exhilarating, but the fun went out of it when they were ignored or verbally abused all the time. Playing soccer had been a big part of Neil's identity, and he didn't know how to deal with being denied his status as a soccer hero. What made Neil angry was not the fact that there were idiots who couldn't keep quiet. That kind of people is always about. What made him angry was that none of the reliable, independent guys he thought of as his friends spoke up in his defense. For Tommy the experience wasn't new. But this was the first time he'd actually paid a major price for his relationship with Neil. So far Neil had been the one who had lost a lot, but now it was Tommy's turn too, and it frustrated him. Neil could feel it, but Tommy didn't say it out loud. Instead he listened to Neil complaining. "It's not that easy, Neil," Tommy said. "We know Danny accepts us." "But he should say it, then!" "He's scared. Not everyone is as strong as you." Neil sighed. "You're far too forgiving. It's one of the things I love about you." "The other is my infinite wisdom." "Yes," Neil said rolling his eyes, which earned him a punch in the shoulder. "Look at Jeremy," Tommy continued. "He speaks up, and now everybody assumes he's gay. Danny and the others don't want that." "Hello. He IS gay." "Yeah, but still.." "If they ALL said something no one would think they were gay," Neil said stubbornly. Tommy stroked his dark hair. "Maybe not." He kissed Neil on the cheek. "But it comes down to this: If you still want to play soccer this is the way it'll be and you'll have to accept it. Maybe it will die down eventually, I don't know. Until then we just have to accept it." "I suppose you're right, but I hate it." "I know, but you're not alone. There's me, and there's Jeremy. There are three of us. Think about what it would be like to just be yourself." "You're right." Neil held Tommy's hand tightly. "That must be awful, and it must happen all the time to other people." "So now do you admit I'm wise?" "Okay," Neil smiled. "I'll admit you're right if you'll allow me to bitch about it." "Alright then." Tommy smiled. They both knew that there was more to it than that, but for the time being it made things tolerable, and that was better than before.

Although it was a slow and gradual process most of the people close to the two boys eventually accepted their relationship. After all they knew them - or at least Neil - very well. For others who only knew Neil as the good- looking sportsman the transition was not so easy. What did all this make him? Some thought about it, decided he was still cool and forgot about it. Others ignored it. Some did neither. But they didn't all disapprove - some of them just didn't believe. And all those doubting Thomases who needed to see for themselves didn't always make the wrong choice.

"Hey Neil, are you on your way to the mall?" "Uhm, yes. Hi Emma, how are you?" Neil sighed inwardly at the sight of the waving girl. She was nice and moderately attractive, but he didn't know her very well. What he did know - from experience - was that she would either try to 'save' him or simply didn't believe what she'd heard about him. The only question was which was it? Well, he'd know soon enough. Sooner than he thought, certainly. "Hey, I heard this stupid thing about you and that geeky kid Tommy McGann. That's soo funny. Did you hear it too? I'm sure you did!" "It's not stupid." "What do you mean? Oh my God!" She held a hand over her mouth. "Do you mean.. oh clumsy me. Is it really true?" Neil clenched his teeth. Already his patience was worn thin, and now this..! "If you don't mind I'd rather not discuss my personal life with a stranger on the street," he said and turned around, leaving her dumbstruck on the pavement. When did I become so cold? he asked himself, walking away. But it's none of her business. On the other hand there's no reason to alienate more people, and there's such a thing as common courtesy. Still who does she think she is? He paused, wondering what to do. Then he turned round and walked up to the girl. "Listen, I'm sorry about that. It just becomes very tiring after a while." Emma smiled. "It's okay. I can understand that. I just thought.. I guess I shouldn't listen to Anne Shelby, should I?" Neil flinched. Anne Shelby was the girl he slept with and then dumped shortly before he fell in love with Tommy. The truth be told it was his go at heterosexuality, and it didn't work out at all. Anne hadn't been pleased. In fact, she'd been stalking him for weeks after, and now, apparently, she didn't believe he was gay. "No, guess not." "Stupid of me in the first place, huh? I mean, she's not all that - erm, she's not, uh.." "She's a few sandwiches short of.." "A picnic, yes, thank you." Emma grinned. "It just struck me, you did date her, so.." "Well have no fear. I complained about her to my sister, and she said 'that's what you get when you choose a goose'". Emma grinned. "Thank God you have better taste in men. So you and Tommy are.." "Yes." "Okay. Gum?" She gave him a piece. "Can I be frank with you?" "Sure." Neil smiled. He was beginning to like this girl. "I never met a gay guy before. It's kind of fun." Neil lifted his eyebrows. "I mean," she hurriedly continued, "you'd always be interesting of course. This is just another thing about you." Neil laughed. "You've stumbled on the truth there without knowing." "I never stumble." She smiled. "Which way are you going?" "I'm getting a CD for the geeky kid, as you call him." "Oh." She looked suitably remorseful. "Sorry about that. Actually I'd think he was cute if he wasn't so young." "He's 16!" "Well I'm 18. It's impossible!" She laughed. "Oh no, a lady should never reveal her age." "A LADY? I guess you have no worries then." "Hey! I heard you were such a sweet talker?" Neil shrugged. "I WAS a lot of things. What are you doing?" "I'll go with you to the music shop. Maybe something new is out." "I'm sure it is," Neil mumbled. "Something new is always out."

"What is this?" Tommy asked after unwrapping the CD. "I mean, thank you." Neil laughed. "Just try it, okay?" "Yeah, but.. Mozart?" "So?" "Well, I appreciate it of course." "But?" "I never listen to classical." Neil smiled. "I know! That's why." "Huh?" "You need to broaden your horizon." Tommy smiled. "By listening to your music? Are you sure this isn't just so you won't have to listen to my music when you're here?" "What?! I'm insulted!" Neil said, trying not to laugh. "U-huh." Tommy kissed him. "Thanks. I'll give it a try." "No, give it five tries. Then you'll like it." Tommy looked doubtful, but he obligingly put the CD on. They lay down on the bed, Tommy on Neil. For a while they lay there doing or saying nothing, just unwinding. Suddenly Neil snickered. "What?" Tommy asked, lifting his head. "Oh, nothing." Neil smiled at the ceiling. "No, tell me!" "Tommy.. baby.. you were conducting the music. With your hand." Tommy sat up. "You take that back!" "But it's true." Neil laughed. "You liked it! Just admit it." "Of course I didn't!" Tommy crossed his arms, but slowly a smile spread on his face. "Well, it could be worse I guess." "Ha!" "It's not as bad as I thought. But that's it!" Neil just smiled. "I have you hooked." "Yeah. But not on music." Tommy looked Neil in the eyes. "Aww-hahaha! That's so corny." "Yeah." Tommy laughed too. "It must be contagious." "Are you saying you got your corniness from me?" Neil looked aghast. "No, how could I possibly," Tommy said, rolling his eyes.

"Who's that waving at you, Neil?" Tommy asked the next day, Tuesday. "She's coming this way." "You jealous?" Neil smiled. "Don't tease him," Sarah said, completely forgetting that she did it herself whenever the possibility arose. "She's hot," Archie observed. They were at their table at lunch break. "She's just a girl I met," Neil said. "She said you were cute, Tommy." "Well at least she has eyes," Sarah remarked, making Tommy blush. "Emma, isn't it?" "Yeah." Neil signaled for Emma to come closer. "Hi!" "Hi." She smiled. "This is.. everybody. Don't bother about them," Neil said, earning him a balled up piece of paper in the face. "That's okay, I know most of you already - at least by name," Emma laughed. "Do you mind if I sit with you guys?" "Of course not. Another girl is ALWAYS welcome, sister," Sarah said. "You're Sarah, the one who said Anne Shelby's a goose, aren't you?" Emma replied dryly, making Neil laugh loudly. Sarah eyed him evilly. "I would never say something like that." This made Neil laugh even more. Sarah decided to ignore him and turned completely towards Emma. "I'm just glad he has better taste in men than in women." "If I had better taste in women, you wouldn't see me round you much, sis," Neil gasped. "Ignore him," Sarah said. Emma did. In stead she engrossed herself in the conversation. "How did you like your CD?" she asked Tommy. "What?" "Oh no. Was it a secret?" She eyed Neil guiltily. Neil shook his head. "He already got it." "Oh that CD!" Tommy said. "Well, it's really Neil's kind of music but I liked it OK." "Oh. That kind of boyfriend, huh? Buying you stuff for himself. Yeah, I had one of those. Returned him quickly." She shook her head. Neil looked insulted. "Hey! My mother always taught me to give people things I'd like to get myself." "Your mom also taught you not to kiss boys," Danny said. Then stopped, realizing what he'd said. "Oh! Sorry! I wasn't thinking." "It's okay," Neil said, but his good mood was gone. He grabbed his bag and headed for class because the break was almost over anyway. "Smooth!" Hannah hissed at Danny, who blushed angrily. "Well he shouldn't be so sensitive," he said stubbornly. "I said I'm sorry!" "You're allowed to THINK," Hannah said. "See you guys later."

"She's nice, don't you think?" Neil asked Tommy later that day when they were strolling down a small road. They had begun walking round the countryside, because it allowed them to be alone in the fresh air. Tommy kicked a small rock and it flew into a bush, shaking it. "I don't know." Neil took his hand. "You're not jealous, are you?" Tommy shook his head, unconvincingly. "You have no reason to." "She seems awfully interested in you." "I don't get that feeling. To tell you the truth I think she's fascinated by you and me and maybe bored with her friends. We're a hot group now that you've joined us." Neil squeezed Tommy's hand. "Yeah right," Tommy said, but he smiled. "Hey, you know what mom says?" Neil allowed Tommy to change the subject. "I never know what your mother says." "She says there may be money for a small vacation somewhere this summer. Isn't that great?" "Yeah," Neil said. In his family there was always money for things like that. He sometimes forgot that things were tighter at Tommy's house. "I thought it was expensive to have Jeremy staying." "Mm. That's why I have to chip in myself. I should get a job, you know." "You don't have to. I'll pay for you." Tommy smiled. "You can't. You'll be paying for yourself. You don't think I'll go anywhere without you, do you?" Neil hugged him. "I love you." Tommy giggled. "It's a long time away, you know." "I know. I'll still pay for you, though, I can afford it." "Hm." Tommy sighed. "But I want to pay for myself." "But there's no reason. I have plenty. I mean, I'll share of course." "It's nice of you and I appreciate it, but I really think I should get a job. I'd like to have some money of my own." "But.. where?" "I don't know. Anywhere." "But won't it mean I can't see you as much?" The prospect didn't please Neil at all. "It'll take some time at least. But I'll make time for you. I really want to do this." "But.." "Please, don't you understand?" "No!" Neil spread his arms. "You have no reason to get a job. Why would you?" "I thought you'd understand!" He looked at the ground. "I've been thinking about it for a while. I want to be able to buy you things the way you buy me things. I just want some money I can spend like I want." "But I'll GIVE you money!" "But I don't WANT your money! I want my own." He sniffed. Neil crossed his arms. "If you say so." "Don't you understand?" "Not really, but I'm not you of course." "Are you mad at me?" "No, I'll live with it." "Thanks. Anyway, I haven't even looked for a job yet. It might take forever to find one." "Hm," Neil said. He didn't believe that, but it allowed them to make up so he accepted it. Neil didn't know why this meant so much to Tommy. It was almost as if Tommy didn't cherish their time together as much as Neil did. Surely that wasn't it? Anyway, if Tommy wanted it that was the way it was going to be. One thing was clear to Neil: No matter what, Tommy was a keeper. This wouldn't get between them. "It's a small stupid thing," he mumbled. Tommy seemed to be able to follow his thoughts and slipped his hand into Neil. They smiled at each other.

Yes, that's it for now. However, if you want more you can go to and get it. Also, you can e-mail me and let me know what you think at

Next: Chapter 10

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