Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Jul 29, 2007


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book II Chapter 2 May

Dean looked up and gasped for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Wow," he said, "the White House."

Chet smiled at him. He didn't think he had ever seen Dean so excited.

"The fucking White House!"

Dean was jumping up and down as he stood in line waiting to be cleared by security.

The agent smiled broadly at Chet.

"Nice to see you again Mr. Pectoral." _____________ extended his hand and Chet took it and shook it firmly.

"It's very nice of the President to invite us to dinner," Chet said.

They were led for what seemed like hours, until they came to the kitchen. Inside was a table for four and one of the largest kitchens Dean had ever seen. Sitting at the table was Nick.

As Nick saw Chet his eyes widened and he smiled broadly. They hugged and, as usual, when they moved against each other Chet felt Nick's hard cock and knew what his "brother" was going through.

"Can we talk?" Nick whispered.

"Sure," Chet said, but looked back at Dean, "I just don't want to leave Dean alone here."

A voice came from behind them.

"I'm sure Dean and I can talk about football. I'm very interested to see how his team will do this coming season."

Chet thought he saw Dean actually jump up and down when he saw the President.

"Yes Sir," Dean said, "it's very cool to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine," the President said, " I'm a big fan."

Dean smiled broadly.

The President hugged Chet and again made no mention of his massive boner which the President had to feel when they hugged.

Next, Dean shook hands with the President and Chet and Nick left them to talk about football.

Nick led them upstairs and down a hallway and into what Chet assumed was his private bedroom. It was funny, the room didn't seem to fit what he knew about Nick. It was very over done. But, Chet supposed, when you live in the White House you take the room and like it.

Nick hugged Chet again and they nuzzled each other. He could feel Nick's hardon and before he knew it both of their clothes were off. Another side effect of the drugs Primbatu had given them seemed to be a constantly wet ass. It seemed always ready for a cock. In fact, if Chet didn't get a dick in his ass regularly he began to get sick and feel terrible.

Chet grabbed Nick's cock and guided it to his already wet ass. Chet gasped.

He couldn't believe it, Nick had changed. He hadn't noticed it when they had been downstairs but Nick had gotten substantially more muscular. His pecs were large now and his nipples larger, stretching across the pec. His arms were big, with well defined shoulders. He could see Nick's large lats and his six pack. And then he saw how large Nick's cock had become.

Nick was aggressive, slamming hard into Chet's ass. Chet moaned as he begun to feel fulfilled.

"What happened to you?" Chet moaned as the kid began to plow into him.

Above him Nick grunted.

"Oooohhhhh," he moaned, "you mean the body."

"And the cock," Chet said, grabbing Nick and pulling him deeper. "What the fuck? It was never that big before."

Nick laughed.

"Shut up," he said. "We need to get back ASAP."

"Yes . . . Sir," Chet said, smiling.

Nick continued to fuck him for just over 5 minutes. Their hands were all over each other. Chet was amazed at what a body Nick had now. It was fantastic and Chet couldn't stop touching it. It didn't take long before he came, exploding into Chet's ass.

Both men moaned.

Nick pulled out of Chet got on his back and raised his legs.

"Your turn," he said.

Chet mounted him slamming his own cock into the boy.




Nick moaned in pleasure closing his eyes. He wrapped his legs around Chet and grabbed the man's tits twisting hard. Using the nice nubs of flesh at the center to control Chet's fucking.

"Breed me now," Nick said and at that exact moment Chet obeyed and erupted inside him like a fountain.

Both of them lay together for a minute sweating before Nick said it was time for them to go.

They got up quickly dressing.

"Tell me," Chet asked, pulling his pants on.

For a minute Nick looked puzzled and then realized that Chet was talking about his body and cock.

"Oh, honestly Chet," Nick said, putting his shirt on, "I don't know. It's just happening to me. It's like someone is in control of my body."

Chet had not had similar changes to his body. Although is body was in the best shape it had ever been, he did not notice the drastic changes that Nick had. Maybe, Chet thought, it was the fact that Nick was younger or that he had not started working out as soon as Chet had. Whatever the reason, the boy looked amazing and, as always, there was still an intense connection between the two.

They kissed a final time before returning to the kitchen. There Chet saw his lover actually demonstrating to the President how to throw a football. They were laughing and having a good time.

They sat down to dinner which was amazing and Dean could not believe he was having such an intimate dinner with the President. At one point Chet had to laugh and say he was sorry to the President for bringing his lover who seemed to be acting like a fan.

"As long as he doesn't stalk me," the President said laughing.

As dinner progressed they laughed and joked and had fun. It was as if they were just friends having fun. It seemed to go fine until he saw Nick's body stiffen. It was funny, he felt connected to Nick and it seemed as if Nick's entire being changed in an instant.

Chet looked behind him in the direction Nick was looking. A man in a dark suit approached them. He was big, like a football player with jet black dark hair. He was latin, with dark skin and deep brown eyes. Beneath his suit Chet knew he had a formidable body.

"Mr. Vice President," the President said, "would you like to meet my friends?"

The Vice President shook hands with Dean who smiled broadly and then shook hands with Chet. Something happened and Chet could sense something was wrong, The hairs stood up on his neck, his nipples hardened and he started to sweat. The man continued to shake his hand. You know how it is when a man holds your hand for that extra time, as if to make a point, or to say he is interested.

The feeling passed over Chet in an instant and before he knew it, the feeling was gone.

"I have this file for you, Mr. President," the Vice President said.

The President took the file, opened it, glanced at the contents and put the file on the table next to him.

Chet glanced at the file and saw the name PROJECT RAMROD.

The President saw Chet glance at the file and, without hesitating, turned the file over.

"I'm almost done, Paul," the President said, "I'll join you in ten."

The Vice President left and they continued their dinner.

As they were talking over coffee the President addressed Chet.

"Chet," he said, "have you given any thought to my offer?"

Dean looked at Chet.

"What offer?"

Chet hesitated and the President attempted to cover himself.

"I'm sorry," he said, "did I speak out of turn?"

"No," Chet said, " I really haven't"

"You should. I think it's the right move for you."

With that the President excused himself and left. Nick stayed for a few minutes and then said he was tired and had to go. He shook Dean's hand and then kissed Chet on the lips and whispered in his ear."

"If you take the job," he whispered, "I can see you more often."

With that Nick left. It took about one nanosecond for the Secret Service to come in and begin to usher Chet and Dean to the door.

They got into Chet's new car and, of course, Dean asked about the offer.

"The President wants me to be a secret sex agent."

Dean laughed louder than he had ever heard the man laugh.

"No," Chet said, "I'm serious."

Dean laughed harder.

"What? You don't think I can be a Secret Agent?"

Dean was laughing so hard he started to cry.

Chet smiled too. It was funny. In fact, that's why he hadn't seriously considered it.

Chet decided to use other methods.

As Dean drove Chet leaned over, unzipped him, and took Dean's cock out. It was hard and leaking and Chet leaned over and began to suck.

Dean moaned trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"Maybe," Chet said, raising his head for a minute, "I can show you how skilled I am."

By the time they got home Dean had cum twice and admitted that Chet would be a very good sex agent.

Later, after more sex, Dean told Chet he should do it.

Chet wondered why that would be Dean's opinion.

"I'll be gone a lot. I don't know if it's the right thing."

They were naked, in bed and Dean pulled Chet to him wrapping his arms around Chet's hard body.

"Listen," Dean said, "I keep trying to satisfy you sexually but I can't."

Chet turned to face him.

"You do satisfy me."

Dean grabbed Chet's cock in one hand, his nipple in the other, and pulled Chet's cock about ten time before Chet shot a load again. It was his third load of the night.

"See what I mean honey."

Chet frowned. He hated to admit it but it was true. He was getting worse and worse. Like an animal. The drugs continued to make him more and more horny.

"Do this," Dean said, "do this and maybe you'll find a way to control or reverse what Primbatu did to you."

That was how Dean told Chet to accept the President's offer.

Chet called and told the President his decision. The President referred Chet to a man called Mr. J. Joner and gave Chet a number to call.

Dean had gone to football practice by time Chet finally decided to call the number.

He dialed and the phone on the other side was picked up after the third ring.

"This is Control," the voice said.

Chet remembered calling this number before, asking control to come and save both himself and Nick from Primbatu. Austin had given him the phone number. Now, Austin was missing and Chet remember his promise to find Austin and save him

When Chet did not answer, he heard the voice of Control again.

"Hello Mr. Pectoral," the woman's voice said, "welcome to Control."

The next day Chet walked into a drab brick building in the middle of Washington, DC. The building was only about 5 blocks from the White House. There was no markings or names on the outside of the building but as he got to the front entrance he looked to the right and saw a numerical keypad.

The voice on the phone told him what to do. He pressed the number into the keypad. Oddly enough, it was the phone number he had used to call for help when Primbatu had held him captive.

A voice came from a speaker overhead.


The twin glass front doors to the building opened with a hiss and Chet entered a round room. There were no halls or doors or windows, other than the entrance. On the wall opposite from the doors Chet saw a full size picture of a desk and hallways. It was fake, but from the outside people looking in would think it was real. They would see a reception area and hallways.

In the center of the floor was a circle and Chet moved into the center of the circle. Lights from above came down and flooded him.

"Stay in place," the voice said.

Suddenly, Chet saw a doorway open in one of the walls.


Chet walked through the doorway and saw that it was an elevator. There were no buttons or numbers to press. He felt the elevator move down and it continued to descend for what seemed like a long time. How deep into the Earth was he going?

The elevator stopped.

"Strip," the woman's voice said.

Chet hesitated.


Chet removed his clothes, exposing his hairy, muscled body. He felt his nipples harden into points in the cold air. His dick jumped in front of him. A small drawer opened and Chet knew that his clothes belonged in it. After he put his clothes in the secret drawer it closed. He waited in the elevator.

A red light came down from the top of the elevator scanning him. It went up and down several times. A lit pad on one of the walls came on. The outline of two hands appeared on the pad and he put his hands where indicated. His hands were scanned.

As Chet looked forward a small panel opened where his eyes were and again the scanner worked.

When it was done the elevator door opened and he stopped out. He gasped because he was standing in the exact same lobby that he had been in before. Again, he walked to the center of the room and stood in the circle, this time naked and hard. The floor rose a circle rising up into the air. It rose about 3 stories until a ramp appeared in front of it.

Chet walked forward and two men stood before him. They were both dressed in military clothes and as Chet approached, they turned to face him. One of the men was young and, in his uniform, very attractive. He turned and stared at Chet, looking him up and down. The other man, older, bearded but muscled, under his clothes, ignored Chet and continued to talk to the younger man.

"And the United States has agreed that it will not kick you out of the military onto your gay ass. You will continue to receive benefits and we will take care of your family as you requested."

The young officer blushed, his head down.

"Fine," he said. As he said it Chet thought he detected a southern accent.

"Go see Doctor Rattner then, boy."

The young officer walked past Chet and his clothes brushed against Chet. He felt the electricity of attraction. The officer stood on the circle and Chet saw it lower.

"Mr. Pectoral," the older officer said to Chet.

"Yes, Sir."

He saw the man study his body now, evaluating him.

"Follow me."

Chet followed the man down several twisting hallways. He heard not a sound and saw nothing. It was white walls and metal and cold. There was no life in these halls.

They came to a stop at a closed door which the officer opened. In the room there was just a chair. The officer sat in the chair.

"Have you signed all the paperwork Mr. Pectoral?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good," he said as he unzipped his fly and took his cock out. Chet looked at it, it was as thick as a beer can and longer.


Chet hesitated.

"What you waiting for, boy. It's time to try you out."

"Sir, is there some lube around or something?"

The man laughed, it was a huge belly laugh. It was as if Chet had just told him the funniest joke in the world.

"Oh, that's right," the man said to Chet, "you should be comfortable. Would you like a cookie too? Maybe your blanket and your fucking mommy?"

Chet was shocked by the man but the slave in him took over and he walked over to the man, spit on his hand and began to use his spit as lube for the cock.

"You gotta love fucking American ingenuity," the man said.

Chet straddled this man and decided that although he was about to provide the man pleasure, he didn't like him very much.

He lowered his body and as he felt the man's cock at his hole pushed himself down hard, beginning to impale himself on the thick cock.

Chet moaned but the man did not.

He began to ride.

"No," the man said, "don't ride, just sit."

Chet felt the man put his hands on Chet's legs.

"Tell me about yourself," the officer said.

Chet looked puzzled. Inside him he felt the man's cock jump and twitch. He was moving it inside him, using it to stimulate his prostate.

"We are not here to have sex," he told Chet, "we're here to teach you how to take control of your body and to train you how to serve this great country of ours. Do you understand?"


And Chet began to tell the man about his life. It went on for awhile, the man asking questions and Chet answering. All the while that thick cock inside his ass, throbbing, moving and bouncing.

"Chet, make me cum without riding my cock."

Chet began to tighten his cock and loosen it, over and over again. The officer did not come. Chet thought about hot to make this man cum without riding. Then he reached out and began to open the man's shirt. The officer smiled and then finally moaned as Chet twisted his nipples.

He dug his fingernails into the man's tit flesh.

"Bitch," the officer said.

Chet smiles and dug his fingernails in harder.

"Give it to me," Chet moaned.

And then he felt the body under him stiffen and he felt the man cum inside him. He pushed Chet off him and then stood, tucking his already softening dick back into his pants.

"And my wife wonders why I never get to fuck her," he said.

Chet stood catching his breath. The man now looked nicer to Chet, softer. He walked to Chet and grabbed him by the shoulders. Chet could feel the cum drip down his leg.

"You're a good bitch," he said, "but I'm going to teach you to be a warrior."

He didn't know why, but tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Thank you, Sir," Chet said and with that he was led to a locker room to clean up.

He was then given a complete physical, took several tests all designed to check his IQ and intelligence and he jerked off, giving his cum to a very nice looking man in a white smock. When he was done he was again allowed to shower and, although he saw no one, when he got out of the shower his clothes were waiting for him.

He dressed in the locker room and as he walked down the hall the uniformed officer was there to see him off.

"You did fine today. I'll see you next week."

"Thank you, Sir."

As he left another man was getting off the circle that had again risen behind Chet. He was a large bodybuilder, amazingly huge for his short size. He passed Chet and headed toward the officer.

"Hello, Mr. Jacker," he heard the officer say to the man.

And that was Chet Pectorals first day in Control. A month later he would be calling it Hell.

He is in the room.

The man with no name.

He had one. . . he had name. At least he thought he did at one time.

But now, he had nothing,

There was no sight for his eyes were blindfolded.

There was no hearing for the hood covered his ears.

There was no taste for his mouth had a gag in it. He had been gagged so long.


There was only one thing.

The pain.

The never ending pain.

How long had it gone on?

That, he did not know.

He knew only that the pain ended only one way.

Electric current flowed over his body. He did not know how because he could not see. But the pain filled him.

In his ass a large plug vibrated and shocked him.

Twin shocks jumped on his chest from nipple to nipple

His dick twitched and jumped from the electric sound shoved down his piss slit.

But he did not yell.

Pain was all he had.

Pain and the joy of release.

He know only that release came one way.

He no longer fought as he did in the beginning. The beginning, when he was new and fresh and knew who he had been.

He felt a touch and he was happy.

There was a human in the room with him.

His saviour?

His tormentor?

Were they the same?

The blindfold that was snapped into his hood was pulled away. He could not turn his head because of the chains which were affixed to the hood, keeping it in place.


He heard it then. An earpiece had been put in each ear before the hood went on. Normally, they prevented him from hearing sound. But, when turned on, they carried sound that filled his brain.

"I am your life," the voice said.

Love filled him.

"I am all there is."

And he knew it was true.

"Are you ready?"

And he knew he was.

"It is time."

He saw two other men approach but he remained focused on the man who was his life. Slowly, the pain was stripped away and he was on the ground, naked and free. There was nothing on him.

No hood.

No chains.

No pain.

And he was happy.

His life picked him up off the ground and he could feel his body shaking.

"It is time for you to earn money for me," the voice said.

He nodded.

"I am your Master."

He nodded.

"You are my Master," he said.


He followed his Master, his legs shaking.

He passed a window and for the first time in as long as he could remember he saw outside. He looked at the large metal structure outside his window.


"Yes," his master said, "the Eifel Tower is an amazing site."

"Who are you?" the slave said, "who am I?"

His Master grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed his forehead.

"I am your Master. You are nothing."

He fell to his knees.

The Master petted his head. It had taken months to finally break the slave but he had done it. The purchase had been worth the money he had paid Primbatu. Now the slave was his and would serve his needs.

Funny, he thought, the slave will eventually take Primbatu down, if he had his way.

"Your slave name will be Tam."

"Yes, Master," Tam said.


He walked the slave to the end of the hall. At the end of the hall there was a door. He opened the door and motioned the slave inside.

He smiled.

He had named the slave by reversing the letters of his real first name.

But now, this slave was his. He would train Tam in the ways of combat and soon this slave would fight for the honor of his house. He would know only fighting and either joy of victory or the pain of defeat. He would sex fight all comers.

Matt Pectoral was gone and only Tam remained.

And oh Tam would be a slave like no other.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 24: Chet Pectoral II 3

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