Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on May 3, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Part Nine

Chet breathed deeply and savored his first taste of fresh air in recent memory. How long had it been since he was outside? The air was cool and wet, the ground still damp from a recent rain.

They were at an airport hangar heading to a large plane. Chet was taken to a room and stripped of his clothes. His dick was locked in a small cage that made Chet crazy because he still had not been allowed to cum. No, crazy was not the word. He was rapidly becoming an animal. It must be the pills he had been taking. He was crazy for sex and ready to put all his training into good use. If the opportunity presented itself he would fuck anything.

He was instructed to put a jock strap on. The cage and jock created quite a bulge. His hands were cuffed behind his back and he had been led to an elevator that seemed and then to a van.

The van was not empty and as he entered, he smiled. Austin smiled at him. Apparently they had been sold to the same owner. It surprised Chet as he thought Austin would never be sold. But he was happy too and comforted by his presence. Their eyes locked but they knew better than to speak. There were two others in the van besides the driver. One sat next to Austin he was a black man in his twenties, with a smooth body. All pecs and shoulders and barely any waist. The fourth sat across from Austin and Chet took the seat next to him.

He was young, probably nineteen, with long, dark hair and a small body. He looked to be about 5 feet 5 inches and unlike the other three, very scared. Chet wondered about that because by now they were all so horny and happy to be outside it was strange to see someone still scared. But the boy refused to even make eye contact. Chet started at him.

From the car they were loaded onto a plane. Chet still had his collar on, but the large cockring that he had feared for so long had been removed. A new one had been replaced, hopefully without the high tech device which could have cost Chet his cock and balls had he tried to escape. He sat in one of the seats of the plane for the short flight and was again loaded into a van. He must have dozed off at one point because he snapped to attention when Austin nudged him.

Eventually they arrived, although Chet would not know where for some time, and they were again put in a car and driven for some time until they passed the gates of a large estate. Next to him Austin gasped. The car passed the house and went several miles behind the house. There Chet saw a large barn, and it instantly brought back memories of how this all began, the barn in his own back yard.

The four of them were herded out of the car and into the barn. Chet noticed stalls, like horse stalls and each of them was led into one by a man dressed in white pants and shirt. All the white outfits were clean, not a bit of dirt or soil on them. Chet's stall was about ten feet long by ten feet high; it had no ceiling but was open to the rafters overhead.

The man who led Chet to his stall was skinny but very tall. He was a hairy man with a full beard, which was graying at the chin, and coarse hair poking over the top of the shirt collar. Chet was sure that if he ever saw the man naked he would have hair on his back.

"Strip," the man said.

Chet did as he was told, taking the jock strap off, and saw the man check him out as he took of the last of his clothes. In reality, it felt good to be naked again. After so long without clothes, putting them on again felt unnatural. The man then grabbed two leather cuffs and put them on each of his ankles, fastening them closed with large pad locks like the ones around his wrists. He took two long lengths of chain and attached each ankle cuff to the chain and pulled the chains tight forcing Chet to spread his legs wide.

"Even without the chains on," the man said, "this will be the position. Always hands behind your head and your head down, submissive."

Chet did it, putting his hands behind his head and his head down.


The man left then and Chet stayed in that position. He did not know how long it was till he heard someone come in. His head was down and he could not see who it was. He felt hands on his body rubbing him.

"Look at me." The man said and Chet raised his head to see the older the two who had bought him.

The man removed the collar from around Chet's neck and replaced it with a new one. The new one was black and thick and had a large o-ring at the front.

"My brother is going to come in and play with you," the man said. "If you do anything other than let him do what he wants I will put you somewhere you do not want to be."

Chet nodded. The younger one was cute and Chet liked him. The man left and moments later he heard the younger brother enter the room. Chet stood where he was but tightened the muscles on his body.

"You can call me 'Sir'." Chet heard him say. Chet nodded.

"Look at me."

Chet raised his head. Chet was much taller than the kid and looked at him. He was dressed in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt both of which clung to his tightly muscled body. He was very attractive, Chet thought.

He felt the kid grip his cock cage.

"This has got to go."

He reached into his pocket removed a key and unlocked and removed the cock cage around Chet's cock, freeing it. Nothing had ever felt so good and Chet's cock quickly rose to full attention.

The boy leaned in and took one of Chet's nipples in his mouth. He worked it gently, licking and sucking on it, making it harden in his mouth. Chet moaned and his hands dropped from behind his head moving to grab for the kid.

Without talking, the kid stopped his sucking on Chet's left tit and went behind him. Chet felt each of his cuffed hands pulled behind his back and then felt them being cuffed together. Then the kid went back to his left tit, took it in his mouth and resumed sucking.

Chet had no idea how long this went on for but the kid wouldn't stop. He never moved to his right tit simply kept sucking and licking on the left, trying to get milk. Chet started to sweat and squirm. At one point he tried to pull away but the boy grabbed his cock, holding it firmly, and used it to keep him in place.

"Fuuuuuuck," Chet moaned. It was the first word he had spoken to the kid and it came out of his mouth without him even realizing it.

The kid stopped his sucking and looked up at Chet smiling. He gripped Chet's right tit twisting.

"You like that?"

Chet nodded. He had never felt anything like it. The kid was an expert but it was his stamina that had Chet almost crazy. That and the fact that he had a huge load of cum built up.

"Your not supposed to talk," he said to Chet.

"Sorry, Sir."

"It's fine. I'm not like my brother and father." He smiled at Chet, using his hand to flick at Chet's right tit. "Want more?"

Chet nodded.

The kid leaned in taking Chet's right tit in his mouth and started working.

Almost three hours later the kid left Chet's stall. He never touched Chet anywhere else. They never spoke. For the most part, the only sounds were the kid sucking Chet's nipples and Chet moaning. The kid went back and forth tit to tit spending time on each one sucking and licking. Occasionally, near the end, he began to gently chew each tit and rub the stubble of his day old facial hair against the tit. The second to last thing the kid did was to reach into his pocket and take out a small plastic container. He opened the top. In the container was a white cream that he put on each of Chet's tits.

Chet gasped at the feeling. His tits began to warm up and harden. Then, seconds later they began to burn. Chet wanted to rub his already sore nipples but he couldn't. He moaned loud, looking at his owner, his eyes wide.

"It's used for sore muscles," he says, "we've found it really makes a slave think about his tits."

The kid did not wait for a response.

He left the room for a minute and came back with two suctions cups and a pump. He then cupped each of Chet's tits and used the pump to suction the air from the cups, pulling his nipples and making them expand to fill the cups. The sensation began to drive Chet crazy. His nipples were warm and throbbing and now swollen and trapped in the suction tubes.

Chet squirmed and shifted as he tried to stay in place. His cock was rock hard, leaking. Sweat covered his body.

It was then that the kid left.

Chet was left alone in the stall for quite some time. How long exactly he didn't know. All Chet could think about was his nipples. They were throbbing now and the two plastic cups on his nipples combined with the white cream were driving Chet crazy. His cock jumped and leaked.

Later, after it was dark, the hairy man Chet first met entered his stall. He unchained each of Chet's ankles and, as he attempted to bring his legs together, Chet felt them shake. Chet recognized the item in the man's hand. It was a bit and bridle like used on a horse. Chet recognized them from living on a farm.

The man pushed the bit at him and Chet took it into his mouth. The man then pulled his head forward and strapped the bridle around his head buckling each of the straps tight. It felt strange on, humiliating, dehumanizing. But Chet accepted it. The man picked up the reigns and pulled. Chet followed as he was led out of his stall.

As Chet walked through the barn he looked into the stalls on either side. Only two stalls held men in them. One of the stalls held Austin. He was on all fours in his stall, behind him one of the guards was fucking him. Chet could see Austin sweating, he could see Austin's huge cock bounding, hard, under him and for a moment their eyes met. Austin's eyes rolled back in his head and it looked like he was enjoying himself. When Chet passed the second stall he stopped and the man leading him felt the reigns jerk in his hand.

Chet looked in at the kid who had traveled with he and Austin. Like Austin, he too was on all fours but he was chained at both his ankles and wrists. The chains attached to hooks bolted in the floor. But, instead of the man fucking him there was a machine. It looked like a big box with a pole sticking out of it. The pole was in the kid's ass and Chet could see a piston on the machine rotate, moving the pole in and out of his trembling hole. The kid's head was up and he stared right through Chet, his face determined. Sweat dripped off him as the machine fucked him without mercy.

Chet felt the man pull on the reigns and Chet allowed himself to be led down the center of the barn and into an office at the end. It was a doctor's office. But, instead of being taken to the examination table Chet was led to a chair.

"Sit," the man said.

As soon as he was given the command Chet intended to obey but when he want to sit in the chair he hesitated, realizing that it was more than just a chair. At the base of the chair, welded into it actually, was a metal butt plug. The plug looked to be about 6 inches long and four inches around and very wet. Liquid dripped off the plug and ran down the sides of the chair.

The man, obviously sensing Chet's hesitation guided him so he was straddling the chair. With his legs spread Chet still did not sit on the chair.

"Sit," the man said again.

The man sighed as if he could not believe that this would even be a problem. He released Chet's reigns and gripped him by the balls. He pulled hard and Chet lowered himself. He could feel the man's hand at his hole, lining him up and then felt the pressure of the metal plug. It was not the first plug he had taken but he previous plug was softer, this plug was hard, cold. He felt the tip of the plug enter him and he gasped. The man got behind him and he felt the man's hands on his shoulders pushing him down.

Chet took most of the plug easily. It was the last but, at the widest part, that was the problem. Chet groaned as it stretched his ass ring. But finally, he felt it lock into his ass. Chet was able to sit on the chair now and he gasped at the full feeling in his butt. He could not sit back since his hands were cuffed behind him. He sweated a bit and still his nipples throbbed and burned in their clear tubes. Chet's cock was hard, throbbing.

The man then went to a wall and turned a switch. He could hear a noise above him and Chet could see a hook lower to just above his head. The man went to Chet and uncuffed his hands raising them and attaching them to the hook. Then, slowly, he raised the winch, bringing Chet's hands above his head as far as they would go without pulling him up off the butt plug. He then attached the cuffs from each of Chet's ankles to the legs of the chair.

Chet tried to sit back but felt a pole at his back. It was large, pressed against him and the pole pushed his chest out and forward uncomfortably.

The man dropped the reigns and let, leaving Chet alone in the room. It was only then that Chet noticed the video camera mounted in each corner of the ceiling above him. He also noticed the large glass mirror in front of him. He'd seen enough cop shows to know it was a two-way mirror and that someone was behind the mirror, looking at him.

Chet tried to relax but it was difficult the way he was tied and his nipples were driving him crazy they felt warm and sore. He wanted to touch them so bad. Inside him the plug reminded him of his new place.

The door to the room opened and a man in surgical scrubs came in. He was handsome, bearded with large blue eyes. Chest hair stuck out of the top of his scrubs. He was not fat but neither was he overly muscular.

The man took a stool, placed it in front of Chet and sat down to look him in the eye.

"I'm doctor Foster," he said, "what's your name."


The man touched Chet, first moving the hair off of his forehead and then feeling his body.

"Your in good shape Chet. But we will improve upon that."

He went behind Chet and spent time doing something. Chet did not know what but soon the man returned with a needle. He bent and swabbed alcohol on the upper part of Chet's ass and Chet then felt the needle go in. The needle was large and the shot a bit painful.

"Steroids." Foster said.

Foster went to refrigerator in the corner, got out a liquid and had Chet drink.

"It's my own creation," he said. "Something to keep you horny and something to keep you hard."

Chet felt his cock throb.

Foster sat back down and put his hands on Chet's thighs.

"In here you can feel free to talk. My job is to make you ready for the work ahead of you. It's important that we speak freely."

Chet nodded.

For the next several hours Foster interviewed Chet asking him questions about everything. Chet was honest and answered. He told Foster he was a virgin, that the plug in his ass bothered him and that he needed to cum so bad it hurt. Foster asked him questions about his body and when he got to Chet's nipples Chet told him that they were very sensitive and that the cups on his tits were driving him crazy.

"Perfect," Foster said. "Let's take a look at them."

Foster grasped the tube that covered Chet's left nipple and opened the valve at the top. Carefully, and slowly, he slid the tube off of Chet's tit. Chet looked down at his swollen nipple moaning at the feeling. Foster rubbed Chet's nipple slowly and then repeated the process on Chet's right nipple.

"Feel good?" He asked.

Chet nodded.

"I can tell it's your first time with the suction tubes." He said. "You'll get used to them. Great for the nipple as a whole but unfortunately it does nothing for the center of the nipple. There are only a few ways to make that bigger."

The doctor grabbled the nubs of flesh at the center of Chet's chest and began to twist. Chet moaned the whole time his cock jumping, his ass clenching on the butt plug locked in his ass. Chet heard the door open but did not look to see who it was, he was too involved in what the doctor was doing to his nipples.

A second man approached. Chet looked at him, young, about 22 or 23 and black. Great body totally naked, except for a collar and wrist and ankle cuffs. His long cock was hard and bounced as he walked.

"Luke," the doctor said, "get me the brush."

Luke left, the doctor's hands still pulling and twisting at Chet's nipples and returned with a small toothbrush. It has a round head at the center with several large different shaped bristles. The doctor pressed a button and the brush began to hum and rotate. The doctor touched it to Chet's nipple and he groaned as he felt it move and work at his nipple.

"Easy . . . try to relax."

It was impossible to relax as the brush did its work making the already large nipple even more sensitive. He moved the brush back and forth between his nipples until Chet was moaning and gasping.

Just when Chet was going to start to beg him to stop, Foster abruptly handed the brush back to Luke. He nodded to Luke and each of them bent down and took a nipple in his mouth. They sucked hard working at each nipple and paying particular attention to the nub of flesh at the center, sucking and pulling at it.

Chet bucked his hips, fucking an imaginary person. He could take it no longer.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh damn," he yelled.

They kept working and at one point switched tits. The black guy was rougher than the doctor but each of them worked without stopping. Chet couldn't believe it. In his fantasies he dreamed of having a guy play with his nipples now it seemed to be all they did.

"Please," Chet begged, "let me cum."

The doctor stopped sucking and pulled Luke off of his other tit. Foster went behind Chet and grabbed him by the tits. His hands were expert twisting and pulling turning his nipples in his hands. Chet was very responsive moaning and gasping at the feeling on his swollen and heated tits.

"If you want to cum," Foster said, "cum. Make it happen."

He began to talk to Chet then, encouraging him while he played with his tits. The cameras recorded this and behind the mirror unknown people watched. The black guy rubbed his stomach and told him how beautiful he was.

Then, after what seemed like a lifetime of nipple use, Chet gasped. Cum flew out of his cock. His cock didn't just shoot cum, it rocketed from his cock and struck the mirror in front of him. As he came, Chet's ass clenched onto the butt plug in his ass driving more and more cum out of him. Chet's body bucked as five huge spurts of cum flew. His body jerked and twitched as smaller spurts followed. It was amazing. Without being touched, and just from the work on his swollen tits, he had the most intense orgasm of his life.

Foster turned to his assistant.

"He'll be perfect for the experiments."

End Part Nine

Next: Chapter 9

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