Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on May 6, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental

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I must've been exhausted because all I remember was getting in Adrian's car to head out to the cabin, turning onto the interstate and then waking up to some pretty dark country roads.

"Glad you got some rest, don't you think you'll have any chance of sleeping this weekend" I looked over and could barely make out Adrians silhouette from the lights on the dashboard. There was something real dark and mysterious about him that sort of turned me on in that moment.

"We almost there?" The road ahead of us seemed to be so barren that the hopes of being close seemed close to futile.

"Yeah man, you ready" he reached over and grabbed onto my thigh giving a hard squeeze. If I wasn't awake before I was awake now. He turned down a few more roads and there was finally signs of civilization. Making our final turn onto what turned out to be a winding drive we pulled up to this huge cabin on the lake. "We're here"

I got the grand tour from Adrian. No one seemed to be home although I noticed two other cars in the drive, one of which I didn't recognize.

"I know what I said earlier but how about you hop in the shower. Couldn't let the guest see you're a complete cunt to early" Guest? Who was he talking about. I didn't much pay it too much attention. I felt sticky and disgusting and in need of a shower.

I turned the water on to heat up. My ass was still a little sore from earlier activities. The soap and water began to take not only the dirt away but also the sting. I soaked up my finger and reached around to my ass hole. Still tender to the touch I felt like I should pull back on my exploration. But for some reason I kept going as it started to feel good. I slipped another finger in and began to fuck my ass with my fingers. All I could feel was the water rushing over my head in this waterfall style shower and the fingers playing in my hole. I caught myself moaning and my cock had grown hard. And just like that precum began to flow out of my cock. With my other free hand I began to jack my dick. I picked the pace up on my ass. Really getting into it. I felt myself growing close.

"Well, well, well surprise mothafucka" Darius yelled out as he stormed into the bathroom catching me red handed pleasuring myself. I was too close to stop. The initial shock of being caught really turned me on. So much so that I shot my load right there in front of him onto the shower door. At this point I was out of breath just panting I was able to respond.

"Guess i got a little excited there huh" I tried to play innocent but in this case I was anything but.

"Well that will be your first of many you'll experience to bad I wasn't here to lend a helping hand with this dick."

And in one swift motion his shorts flew off and his huge horse of a cock was there in all it's glory. I was so sure that he'd be mad at me. But something was different about him. He seemed a lot more calm, his eyes were barely open. He finished undressing and then stepped into the shower with me. That's when I smelled it. He had been smoking weed. Some strong stuff as it was momentarily hard to breath when he stepped in.

"How bout you get my back. And make sure to get in there good" I grabbed the soap and started to lather up his strong back. I hadn't noticed before but he had Adrians named in ink on his shoulder. I just though how cute that was and that this man really does have a "soft" side. I continued to lather him up. He was still pretty out of it.

"Is that good" in all my time around Darius his silence was generally never a good thing. He always had something going on in his head. He let out a mild grunt. Like a caveman, I took it that he was pleased with what I was doing. He walked into the waterfall and rinsed the soap off of him. Stepping out and back towards me. He said nothing but I took it that he wanted me to now do his front. I complied without question. This was a good feeling. He rinsed himself, turned to turn off the shower and then turned back to look at me.

"On ya knees bitch" I immediately dropped down. What was I to do but to obey. As I stood there on my knees I looked up to Darius as to what the next move was. He still was super quiet and the whole vibe was throwing me for a loop without a know on how to respond. He started to laugh to himself. I thought to laugh to but I wasn't in on the joke. So instead I smiled.

"Thinks something funny ya cunt" with his huge hand grabbed a good chunk of my hair and yanked. The fact that is was still a little wet so his hand began to slide eased the pain a little but not enough. This was the Darius I knew the one that excited me. This temporary pain was nothing for the rush of enjoyment was exhilarating. "You deaf bitch? I said... did you... think something... was funny!"

"No, doc nothing is funny" he pulled at my hair again.

"So why you smilin..." he looked displeased now. I had done something wrong but didn't even have a clue it would be wrong.

"No reason Doc, no reason at all" I blurted our as quickly as I could. With the hope that maybe it would ease up his grip on my head. But boy was I wrong. He practically kicked open the glass door to the shower and still with one hand on my hair he began to pull as he walked both of us out of the shower and into the bedroom. I was crawling at this point, like an infant. There was no room to stand up. I tried and Darius looked at me and pushed me back to the ground. I don't know why I even questioned it.

"So riddle me this. You thought you'd be able to just get away with pleasuring yourself by bussing a nut all over my shower, huh?" It was at this point I knew I had fucked up. He was talking pretty slowly, but toward the end his voice began to raise and the infamous Darius rage was starting to poke out. "You think we allowed you on this trip for what." I felt like I knew the answer but out of fear I remained quiet.

"I'm speaking to you ya little shit. You are hear for what?" I guess I was now given permission to speak.

To uhhh, for my cunt to be used and abused until I was dizzy and confused and barely able to walk. Was what ran through my head and what I wanted to say. But for some reason all I could get out was "as a guest"

"And as a guest you should do your best to make sure that you please the host" I nodded my head. He took his other hand and quickly wrapped it around my neck. He only squeezed in a little not enough to completely choke me but enough to find a good position to find my airways and major vessels to grab onto for easier access. "I told you to speak"

"Yes doctor D you're right. I should be here to please the host to do as you want and command" I could barely breath let alone speak. So I was proud to get out the few words I was able to get out. He looked at me and smiled again. This time however I didn't smile back. Before I knew what was happening he had lifted me up onto my feet with his hands still around my neck and hair and flung me backwards. Being unfamiliar with the home I thought I would crash into a wall or something. Luckily there was a bed I fell onto it. I took a brief moment to catch my breath. The bed was extremely comfortable. I practically sunk into the down comforter. I thought to myself that maybe the wife and I should invest in one of these when I get back.

"Alright then bitch where's your gear for the weekend." He walked over to where my bag laid on the corner of the chest. He unzipped my bag and emptied the contents onto the ground. He kicked around some things until he found the harness and the dog collar. "Eureka, you like our little gift. Ever been a proper bitch and sported these before?" In truth I hadn't.

"No doc, I've never been made a proper bitch" hearing that come out of my mouth was a different feel. I raised up until I was now sitting atop the bed looking at Dr. Darius in all his power and stature.

"Well you've come to the right place. And since you want to be so disobident I figure you need one more piece to keep you in line. He grabbed walked into the bathroom and walked out with his boxers in his hands. What happened next astounded me. He somehow managed to rip them in half. Looking down at them he murmured "this should work." But for what as I was so confused.

"Come `ere boy". I scooted my way toward him. He took my underwear tore it and then fixed it upon my face until it covered my eyes. I was blind. This is a new experience for me. He snapped the dog collar onto my neck. And then moved me around to get me into the leather harness.

"Look at my pretty bitch" I was so confused and disoriented. I was there on my hands and knees being admired by doctor D. I felt amazing.

"Your hole looks so fucking nice. And I am horny as fuck." This was going to be a power session I just knew it.

"You'd like my cock up your hole, wanting to feel my cum deep inside you"

"Alright but be gentle" my hole had taken a lot of abuse and was still sore from all the playing in it.

"Don't tell me what to do ya little cunt... I will do as I pleased I know you like getting used." I don't have a response. I just wait for further instruction.

"Cocksuckers like you were made for black cocks and I love it that we found each other."

Before I knew it he shoved his big fat dick right up to my ass. I wasn't ready. At all. I cry out in pain.

"Fuck man, that hurts like hell" I moan out loudly. I try to resist but there wasn't much I could do. His hand grabbed onto my waist as he guided himself in and out of my ass. I was really getting into it.

"Ohhh my gosh doc you gotta slow down or something this is too much" He began to almost hiss in my ear as he was fucking me. He seemed to not care about me crying out as he relentlessly entered into my man cave with his spear of a cock.

"Should've thought about that shit before you went around and played with yourself without permission. Don't worry now. It will hurt at first but you'll get used to it." I was having the hardest time.

"An ass like your was made for this. Don't see why it is much of a challenge" even if he was right that I loved and craved for the stuffing of a black cock in my ass it didn't negate the fact that he was truly hurting me.

"God damn doc. Look I'm sorry okay. It won't happen again. So can you just get some lube or something to make it go in easier.

He remanuvered his body over me. Somehow his stroke and angle changed enough to now he was hitting my prostate and I shuddered in the pure joy and ecstasy of the feeling. Somehow the feeling was stronger than ever before strong enough to have my own cock stand hard at attention under me.

"There you go, get into it bitch ride that wave. Trust me everyone loves this dick." He wasn't wrong about that one. I was dickmitized.

As he continue to plow into me all I could do was grunt out and moan.

"Your ass was meant for this baby boy, faggots like you are always the best at taking dick."

It was like his cock had reached into my stomach. I felt the strong urge to just exhale and fill my belly with air to relief some of the pressure.

"Thats it take all of it baby boy. You fucking cockwhore better enjoy all of this" I can do nothing else at this point but to submit. I allow my head to fall down and crash onto the bed. I lower my chest as to perk my ass up even higher in the air. It was as though he had begun to take a victory lap. He showed his pace to make sure I felt every inch of his thick cock. I groaned every tome he pulled out and moaned every time he went back in deeply. My whole body would shudder each time.

"Aww that's just beautiful. Pucker that hole for me." I push out with my hole for his enjoyment.

"Got you out here in the forrest like a lumberjack stuffed wit this Lincoln log of a dick." That was probably the corniest thing that I heard him say before. I couldn't help my chuckle. And he also began to laugh, but his tone changed and I could tell he was getting upset. He grabbed onto my shoulders and really began to pick up the pace slamming into me.

"Yes fuck my ass I've been a bad boy" that got him excited I could tell. His grunts got louder and his pumps into me got harder. The sounds of our skin slapping together probably woke up the neighborhood. My abused hole then began to clinch down onto his cock to try to milk out every drop of his man butter.

Darius moaned loudly "awww fuck yes bitch. Wrap yourself around my cock. Take that shit. Your pussy is perfect." I continued to push back onto him. He then stops leans down into my ear "you want me to breed this right ass pussy don't you"

"Yes please doc, breed me. I am all yours" I groan out to him. He resumes his pace slamming into me. At this point my own cock is leaking precum as he pounds into me hitting my spot. He then takes my hair and pulls it back I cry out and my body tenses. It seemed like he was furiously fucking my hole now grunting at each slam.

"Yes... you.... better take... all this damn...PIPE" I'm blindfolded without able to see much. But I could smell the primal smell of sex in the air and it was invigorating.

"Change of plans" he pushed me down onto the bed flips me over and somehow manages to straddle over my face. I can feel him jacking his dick over me. "I'm bout to cum close your lips".

I lay there waiting to be covered by his load. And then I feel it warm sperm covering my face. His load today was heavy. I could feel it covering my lips, my nose even got some in it. This is a true facial that covered a good 60 percent of my visible face.

"Thank you doc". He hovered over me panting.

"You has so much fun with one dick up your ass maybe you deserve two" he was still breathing heavily. I was shocked. Double penetration had always been beautiful to admire but not something I'd be able to do.

He quickly hopped off. "Sit up boy". As soon as I did I felt his hand grab onto the back of my neck. "Let's take a walk bitch" I couldn't see anything so I just had to trust that Darius would guide me. It was a strange feeling being so vulnerable in this moment. I stood up and felt the fresh cum begin to drip from my face and chin.

We walked out into the hallway. From what I could remember it felt like I was being led to the den area or back toward the main living quarters of the home. Loud enough to startle me Darius shouted out.

"I present to you this weekends feast" I then heard cheering but not from just one person but rather several people. I couldn't tell exactly how many but it was more than just Adrian and Tre in the background. I knew then that things were going to get a lot more wild than I had imagined.


Be sure to also check out my other series NIFTY\adult-youth\ SUMMER AT THE HARDWARE STORE NIFTY\authoritarian\ BREAKING AND ENTERING DONNIE

Next: Chapter 8

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