Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on May 20, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental

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"To all of Deez nutz luck readers: I am Deez bitch. I am unworthy really to be called that Sir deez has taken pity on me and is slowly training me to be a competent slave/bitch. But I am too stooopid to follow his directions. My stpupidity caused Sir delays in writing because he had to spend time disciplining me.

The reason his wonderful stories were delayed was because I couldn't keep my hands off my Pathetic white dick

I am so sorry.

Sir Deez' Bitch (JOHN)


The small crowd was still cheering at the thought of devouring me this weekend. I didn't know whether to be excited or panic. Especially as I couldn't see anyone's face.

Darius bolstered out "so hubby and I have had our fill for the evening. Who has next on this little cunt".

There seemed to be somewhat of a pause. As though everyone was silently deliberating who would be the first to stuff me. I didn't quite care as to The Who but more so the what and how big. I didn't know if my hole was prepared for such torment.

"I think we will give him a spin"

In my head when I heard the word WE my heart sunk. Two guys at the same time. Long had I wanted two guys to fill my holes at the same time. But I thought it wouldn't be until I was ready. And at this moment I wasn't entirely sure that I was ready. But I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"And so it is, Reggie and CJ you're up on Fuck That Ass" he said it in a Wheel of Fortune type stanza. Everyone in the room just started to laugh. I didn't know whether to crack a smile or remain stone face. So I played it safe and bent over to touch my toes.

"Dammnnnnn that's a beautiful pink pussè on that bitch. Y'all better hurry up cuz I got next". Another voice I didn't recognize. But laughter followed again.

"He's all yours boys"

"I do thank you for providing this weekends devour" the voice of Reggie or CJ was getting closer and then I felt a hand reach up and grab onto my waist. One set of hands began to rub up and down my legs. Feeling out my thighs and ass cheeks. Another set of hands began to run across my chest.

"Nigga is this ya fuckin nut running down the slut DiDi. You always were a little nasty bitch"

"What can i say, I wanted to frost the cake before you eat it"

"Here slut clean this shit up" I felt a hand press onto my lips. I held my tongue out and began to taste the cum that was left on my face. I heard what sounded to be someone liking their own fingers. "Ya know this shit ain't to bad DiDi. This nut is grade A quality"

Darius cackled "and you said that i was the filthy bitch. Ya fucking nasty whore. If you want some more I got some in this pipe right here. Gon head have you a taste." I heard what sounded to be skin slapping as though Darius was slapping his dick around to taunt the guy.

"Nah, right now I'm bout to get into this little hottie here see what the bitch is made of. You ready CJ"

"Aww yeah Reg let's take this faggot to the game room". I remember from my tour of the house that the game room was probably the one right next to the theater room. It had a pool table, a few arcades and other stuff in it. All and all it was pretty neat of a man cave type room.

"Where's the faggots leash" piped Reggie. Seconds later I heard a metal clip right underneath my ear.

"On all fours bitch. Don't want you stumbling over anything. A broken bitch ain't no good to us" a roar of laughter broke out again. I dropped to my knees and waited.

I felt a tug and I started to crawl. As I crawled I must've bumped into about every surface and object in that house. "He sure is a clumsy fag ain't he" the two men now laughed at me.

"Alright this way, you've almost made it." I had somehow managed to crawl down the steps.

"On ya knees" I got off my hands and settled onto my knees. I felt a hand reach down and wipe my face.

"I'm tell you CJ, Didi has some of the best cum you'll taste. Here have you some." I could hear the two men delighting themselves over my face mask. It was sort of funny to me. But I remained as expressionless as I could.

"You ever have poppers before bitch"

"No, sir"

"Looks like they've got this bitch trained well".

"I likes the sound of that"

"Well for the fun we are about to have you are going to get real acquainted, real fast".

I was about to enter down a rabbit hole that I again wasn't prepared for. But I had no other choice. It was sink or swim at this point.

"Here first hit" I felt something hit my lip. And then it hit me. The strong smell of the popper sent an instant rush to my senses. My system felt like it was launched into shock. How did anyone get off using these. They had to be the most toxic thing on the planet. I felt myself take a strong sniff. Probably stronger than I should have. I leaned back as to try to get some fresh air.

"There you go whore. Just like that. Have you nice and open in no time".

"Open ya mouth. I'm getting restless." I did just that and instantly felt my mouth rushed by a cock. It wasn't as big a cock as the docs but it was still enough to fill all the way to my throat.

"He's got a pretty good mouth on him you should try it".

"Bet" one cock left my mouth. I just left my mouth hanging open and not before long it was in my mouth. This beer can wife cock filled my mouth to the brim. It felt as though my whole mouth expanded. I reached my hand up to feel on it and to also slow down his invasion of my mouth.

"Aht aht. Nobody told you to use hands. Put them shits down before I get upset". I did as I was told. But I was still having a hard time getting his cock down to my throat.

"You better watch them teeth bitch. One scrap of this dick and I'll have your teeth flying across the room. And I don't do dentures for free" he laughed. Was he implying that he was a dentist of sorts. Another doctor. How in the world had I been so lucky.

"Oh look, they've got some Dusse cognac you want some Reg"

"Bring that shit over here. Here ya little whore you need to relax that jaw of yours. Open ya mouth, head back". No sooner then I had thrown my head back I felt the slight sting of alcohol fall onto my lips and mouth. The smell was strong less intense then those poppers but still enough to practically give you a buzz on contact. My mouth was full of the stuff. I tried to swallow as fast as I could. But he just kept pouring.

"Alright now, he ain't a fish. Let me catch a swig". He pushed his cock back against my lips again.

"Take it bitch". He continued to force his cock down my throat. My jaw was more loose now. The combination of the liquor and poppers really had me begin to feel dizzy and relaxed.

"I want some of that too". I felt a hands on my harness. They lifted me from my knees. Then came a few snacks across my ass. Their hands felt huge and strong. It was as though they could grab each cheek in the palm of their hand. And that they did. With a hard squeeze it felt amazing. As he grabbed on harder I was practically lifted up to my tip toes. I was then manipulated to what felt like the pool table.

I could feel the hard, cold wood as I was bent over and it struck my stomach. I could feel a set of hands exploring my legs and ass cheeks. They moved up and down giving me gentle smacks. This blind fold was really hard for me to navigate. I heard one guy moving and situating himself in front of me. And then I felt two hands wrap around the back of my head and push me down. It took me a few seconds and then I realized his cock was right there in my face. I took it into my mouth. And began to suck on it. No sooner than me taking the large cock into my mouth I felt a tongue begin to assault my ass hole. It felt amazing.

"Aww yeah bitch, there you go spread them legs and open up for papa" I felt a finger begin to explore the outside of my hole. He played in my hole for what seemed to be forever. I could feel drool dripping down my leg. His tongue game was amazing. He was sucking and spitting get it super wet. I felt myself weak in the knees. One finger was inserted into my ass. He explored my insides. A second finger slipped in.

"How's ir feeling down there nigga. He ready yet"

"This shit sweet, but he still a little tight. I got this though trust me he will be ready here soon". A third finger slipped into my ass. I felt the pressure in me. It was getting uncomfortable. I had to pause from sucking dick to try to catch my breath.

"He need another hit"

The guy playing in my ass stopped. He soon returned and the poppers were stuffed into my face and nose. The smell was strong.

"Guys this is a little much"

"Oh da bitch doesn't think he can handle it... that's to damn bad little bitch"

"Ha he said `it's a little much'" they were mocking me and I didn't appreciate it.

"Shut up stupid bitch" someone slapped me in the face. I reacted by putting my hand up to my cheek. I felt the burn of the smack.

"Ya know what how bout you open ya mouth back up time for another shot" the bottle of cognac was put up to my lips and I was forced to drink. My mouth quickly became full of liquor it began to run down my cheeks.

"Bitch are you wasting good liquor"

"I think he is."

"Well lets go ahead and stuff this whore with something he better not spill" I felt something pressing against my hole. Next thing I knew a large black cock had rammed into my ass. I let large yelp. It was to much to soon.

"Shidddd, bruh this shit feels like warm velvet. I know you gonna enjoy this shit" the guy at my ass began to pick up speed. The dangling of the tags on my dog chain began to clap together and jingle with each pump.

"Yes... sir... fuck me... sir. You feel so good sir"

I knew this would turn him on even more. And it did. He slapped my ass and began to hump away even harder. I had almost forgotten about my second pleasure of the evening. I heard both of them standing behind me now making out.

"Alright that's enough let's prop him up on the table. My dick is getting lonely"

"Whatever you say big papa" I felt huge hands grab me under my arms and lift me to my feet. I was then flung back and manipulated to the pool table. The felt surface lightly scratched my back as I moved across it. I laid there on my back.

"Hold your legs up cunt. Let me get that perfect shot at your hole" my legs lifted and my hole was exposed to the world. Another surprise awaited me. The blind fold came off. I could now have my bearings about me. As the light was quite bright I felt dizzy probably from the combination of liquor and poppers. But what I saw before me were two gorgeous black men.

"Reg, but call me sir or papa" waved the larger man. He was huge of a football players build. He had a deep chocolate skin tone. His face was beautiful, from his bald head covered in sweat now from all this play to his long black beard that came down practically to his chest. His chest was full almost as though he had been a bodybuilder at one point but gained a few pounds in his older age. He had a lions head on the left side of his pec that sort of blended into his skin but faintly seen by the raised skin. His stomach was full. He was a bear of a man. My eyes then fixed its way onto his dick. This had to be the dick that was wide as a beer can. I could see the veins pop as they ran the length of his cock. It was wet still and it just sort of glistened off the light. My that dick was beautiful.

CJ climbed up and stood over me "and you guessed it I'm CJ, and you can call me sir or lil papa as well ya filthy animal" CJ was beautiful as well he was a lot lighter than Reggie. His skin was of a soft tan. He was still of an athletic frame with a tribal tattoo that covered his chest and left arm and right arm filled with roses. He was also bald with sweat visibly dripping down his face. He had a few day old beard.

"Eat my cunt bastard. Thought you needed to see the ass hole in order to eat it properly."

"Plus I want to see the pain and tears in your eyes as we stretched your hole with these here meat sticks" he waved around his rock hard dick as to tease me with it.

Lil papa lowered himself onto my face. Big papa pushed his cock to the entrance of my hole. I braved myself for impact. I let my tongue out and rested in his crack. I was startled as big papa Reg shoved his full cock into me. I screamed out in pain.

"Ya ass ain't down far enough CJ I can still here the bitches mouth"

I was now suffocated by the huge ass cheeks that CJ had. He began to hump my face sliding it up and down on my tongue and face.

"Sir you gotta take it easy"

"Ha, do you hear this bitch. Take it easy. Such a weakling better toughen up cuz this dick ain't going no where but deeper into this sweet ass of yours. You were right this feels like magic."

It was truly a little painful. I tried my best to buck back to have him slow down so I could get use to the girth.

"Hold his legs back" CJ grabbed my legs and pulled them back to what seem to be behind my head. Never before had I realized I was this flexible. The alcohol was starting to get to me though. I noticed I was having a hard time for using on tonguing down the ass hole that was right over my face. All I could feel was the continuous ramming of big papas huge cock into my tight man pussy.

"Aww yeah bitch you feel that"

"Yes big papa. Thank you" I muffled between breaths of lil papa grinding his ass in my face. My face was covered in saliva and ass juice.

"Babe I think he's ready. He got my dick on brick with his tongue game"

"Bet, alright little slut. Let's see how deep your love truly is"

CJ stood up and walked around to the other side of the pool table and laid down. Reggie gave me a few more hard thrust.

"I wanted you to stand up walk over there and sit on my mans dick and ride that shit get that ass nice and wet for me" I looked over and CJ was applying a generous amount of lube to his cock. I got up and noticed my balance was off. I was drunk at this point and couldn't walk. So I crawled over to where he was laying with his legs draped over the table. His beautiful brown dick with a was a tad darker than he was. It was long and thin with a huge mushroom head that nicely capped his cock. The head was a pink hue. There was a vein that truly popped with the lube it looked like he had a snake running under his skin. I didn't notice before but it curved.

I situated myself on top of lil papa. I stood on my knees and faced him as I slowly lowered myself onto his cock.

"That's it bitch. Sit right on down on this dick. Just like that" he reached up and grabbed my nipples and squeezed

"Oh fuck... papa it hurts but it feels so good"

I began to ride on his dick up and down. It felt so good. As his cock not only stretched my ass but began to hit my prostrate I felt my own cock still hard. Reggie walked up behind me. Pulled my head back and began to pour more cognac down my throat.

"Last shot for the little cunt. I don't want no resistance from the little slut" I did my best to swallow as much as I could but it was so much so fast. He flung my head forward and threw a fist onto my back as to get me to lay down almost.

"Time for me to join in" I felt big papa begin to press his dick against my hole.

"Wait I'm not ready. Please papa I don't know about this."

"Well to damn bad. My dick had a taste of that hole of yours and he wants some more. So shut up and take it." He was pushing in slowly. I was trying to relax but it was just so big.

"Ahhhhh oh my gosh" even in his slow approach it was just to much dick. I tended up and began to lift myself up off the cocks.

"Bitch you better stop running from this dick. Stop being such a pussy and open that cunt for us."

"You better listen to him. He gets angry real fast and you won't like that. So just relax baby boy. Ya papas are here to take real good care of you" I took a few deep breaths. I put my hands down on the table and moved my body closer to lil papa.

"Here we go again" Reggies began to push his dick inside me. The pain was so intense. I was trying my best not to squirm. There was pain in my face. I could almost feel tears welling in my eyes. My lips were quivering in shock of all the intensity. I threw my hand back to signal for him to stop.

"Move ya damn hand faggot. This my dick is gonna fit even if I have to force it." And forcing it he was. CJ looked up at me. I stared into his blue green eyes and just got lost in them. His big plump pink lips were lined with a bead of sweat formed on his upper lip.

"Kiss me cracker" said CJ "Don't think about it to much just kiss me". I started to make out with lil papa. He was right putting my focus on his tongue rolling around in my mouth took my mind off the pain. Reggie was now in far enough and he just rested there for a moment.

"Look at these two making out like some teenagers. Y'all look sexy as fuck" I could feel his dick starting to slide out of me. The pressure was beginning to subside. But that temporary moment of relief didn't last long as he pummeled his dick right back into me. I screamed out in pain.

Instinctively I threw my hand back again as to try to slow him or stop him. I quickly learned that was the wrong move.

"I said move ya god damn hand. What kind of faggot don't know how to take dick. A real mans dick. You gon learn today bitch" he slapped my hand away. With both fist he slammed them down onto my back like donkey Kong. I yelled out in pain.

"Yeah bitch. Let me hear you scream, let out your cries it's like music to my ears"

He wrapped a hand around the back of my neck and began to power fuck me. His pace had gone quite steady and fast. I continued to moan out loud just a constant noise coming out of my mouth. My voice would influx as he pushed it and mellow out as he pulled back. This went on for what seemed to be forever.

I was in love with the amount of control he had over me. The both of them. Lil papa reached up and grabbed onto my leaking cock. He played with the head. Fumbling it around in his fingers. With his other hand he grabbed onto my nipple.

"That's it cunt cry out for papa. You got me good and worked up"

My moaning got louder. There was so much going on. I felt dazed and confused. The pain in my ass was high but there were also ripples of pleasure with each stroke. With lil papa playing with me I felt myself beginning to climax.

"Permission to shoot my load" at this point the build up in my cock was imminent. I felt my balls starting to tighten. Before my permission was even granted I shot my load all over lil papas stomach.

"Faggot think he can just do what he wants huh". Reggie continued to pound into me. "You ready for this load up your ass. Bitch"

Pump after pump I was on cloud nine.

"Aww ...fuck bitch... take daddies dick. You ready for this nut"

"Yes daddy put your load inside me"

"You resdy my cum to spray all over your insides. Shoot it so far up into ya you'll be able to taste it."

"Yes daddy I want your hot baby batter in me."

"Oh you ready because I'm about to make a bitch pregnant"

"I'm ready feed me that seed. Breed me papa"

"Oh fuck, oh shit" his thrust became short pumps. He grabbed onto my shoulders to leverage himself. He was pumping a hot load right into my oven.

"God damn this pussy feels amazing" he began to collapse on top of me. His sweaty body just felt like dead weight. He was breathing heavily into my ear. He pulled his cock all the way out and I finally felt the pressure.

"Aw fuck that felt good"

CJ looked me in my eyes. "Stand up and clean this shit off of me with your tongue and maybe illl reward you with my nut"

I got off his dick and off the table. I was barely able to stand but I began to lick up the jizz that I shot on his stomach. He pumped his dick fast and in my face.

"Alright now out your tongue right on the tip. I'm about to feed you this cum"

"I'm ready papa let me taste your man milk"

"Aww fuck. I'm about to bust. Get ready ya cum pig you better eat up every last drop."

He started to cum. I took it upon myself to just place his whole dick into my mouth. As much as I could reach that is. His cock flooded my mouth with his cum. I swallowed as much as I could as fast as I could but it began to run down my cheeks.

"Aww yea clean my fucking dick off. Bet it taste real good"

Reggie walked up behind me and gave my ass another slap. "You've got quite a tight ass ok you bitch. Too bad it won't be like that for long".

He motioned at CJ ti hand him the shirt that laid on the floor. He patted himself, wiped his dick and ass then proceeded to pat dry lil papa's dick and ass as well. "Gotta get the cunt's blindfold good and seasoned with some real man juice so he won't forget the scent"

Reggie walked me to the top of the steps out of the basement and then wrapped the shirt around my face. Only my mouth remained uncovered. As I breathed in and out I could smell the strong scents of musk and what smelt like the forest full of trees. These men had a real earthy scent that was much of a turn on. My dick was getting turned on. But at this point it was painful to keep it hard.

"Alright bastards who got next. He wore us out"


Be sure to also check out my other series NIFTY\adult-youth\ SUMMER AT THE HARDWARE STORE NIFTY\authoritarian\ BREAKING AND ENTERING DONNIE

Next: Chapter 9

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