
By Rachel

Published on Mar 10, 2000


Hey everyone! Sorry this took so long. I just have been a tad bit busy. One more day and I am done this semester. Granted I have to get through finals, but that's the least of my worries. If you really want to hear me bitch about how this week has been, email me. I have no problem sharing, but I don't think you really want to hear that now. So since I am kind of done school until the end of September, I might actually have time after work to write. Woohoo!! Now I'm not promising anything, but there should be more coming soon of both stories. And a secret project is in the works. Interested? I know I am! Enough of this. Move on to the story.

Disclaimer: This I promise you....I have no clue....I drive myself crazy thinking about you....who is or who isn't's tearin' up my heart just read on and don't think about it 'kay! Bye Bye Bye


Chapter 20

"Daniel, can I talk to you?" Shivanti looked up and down the hall before pulling Daniel into the room. He looked at the tall, willowy woman in front of him. His eyes immediately fell to the carefully concealed bruise on her dark cheek. Her eyes fell to the almost matching carefully concealed bruise on his pale cheek.

"I'm leaving Daniel. I can't stay anymore." Daniel put his hand on Shivanti's arm, making her jump slightly. Darren's legacy was already taking hold over her.

"I wish I could go with you." Shivanti squeezed his hand. "You can leave too. You have to get away from him."

Daniel shook his head. "It's too late for me. Get yourself out of here while you still can before he controls you completely." Kind of like how he controlled Daniel.

"Promise me you will get away from him someday." Her voice pleaded with him. She did care about Daniel. They were bound together by the dark secret that they shared.

"Someday." He trailed off, wondering if it was possible after all these years together. "Where are you going?"

"Back to my parents house in India. I need to get away from everything for a while. I can't go back to Australia right now. Maybe sommeday I can go home. Just..."Her voice trailed off.

"When are you leaving? Do you need me to distract Darren for a while?"

She shook her head. "I'm leaving during the concert tonight. Jean-Michel is helping me get out without Darren noticing."

Daniel's eyes filled with fear. "You told him!"

Shivanti shook her head. "He already knew. I didn't have to tell him anything."

"Does he know about me?" Shivanti averted her eyes, wishing she could say no. Daniel didn't need to hear her answer.

"Okay. At least he won't tell anyone. Jean promised me a long time ago that he wouldn't ask any questions."

Daniel hugged Shivanti gently. There was no telling how many bruises were being hidden under both of their clothes.

"I'm going to miss you. I'm so sorry you got dragged into all of this."

"It's not your fault Daniel. I made my own choices. They were just very wrong."

"Can you give me a hand with this Josh?" Lance asked as he struggled with his laptop, a number of folders, and a pile of loose papers.

JC grinned and began to clap. Lance scowled at him from behind the pile.

"Just imagine that I have my hands on my hips Josh 'cause I obviously can't put them there!"

JC got up and grabbed a bunch of the stuff in Lance's arms. "So where are we moving this crap to?"

"It's not crap Josh. It's work. You should try it sometimes."

"Nah that's why we keep you around Scoop."

"Ah ha! I knew there was some other reason besides my devastating good looks."

"Well it sure isn't your dancing skills."

"Hey I've gotten a lot better over the years." Lance motioned for JC to put the stuff on the table in the dressing room.

"I guess I'll give you that much." JC grinned, putting the stuff down.

"Hey you guys got me for my singing, not for my dancing remember. So just be glad that I don't have two left feet."

"We are. Really we are." Lance sat down and began organizing his papers again.

"So when is our little meeting?"

"In about an hour. Chris said he had something important to discuss. I think Jean needed to talk too. You need me to add you to the schedule?"

"Nope. I'm just here for the ride." He paused for a moment. "Is it just an 'us' thing or is it a 'everybody' thing?"

"Darren and Daniel will not be joining us if that is what you're getting at."

"Thanks Lance." Lance looked up at JC. "Why do you hate them so much?"

JC shrugged. "I just don't trust them. Obviously Darren is an asshole for what he does to Daniel but there's something about Daniel as well. I just get a weird feeling around him."

"You do know that's where Joey and Jean-Michel are now right?"

JC nodded. "And I don't really like the idea of it, but I know that Daniel needs help."

"How are things between you and Joey anyway? It seemed like you two were a little rocky for a bit. Is everything okay?"

JC shrugged. "I guess so."

"That's all you're going to say isn't it?" Lance sighed.


"Daniel, can we talk to you?"

Daniel looked up, surprised that anyone had found him. Joey and Jean-Michel were standing around him, waiting for an answer.

"Uh...actually I'm really busy. Can we talk later?" He tried to edge towards the door to escape. Joey shut it, locking it from the inside.

"I really think we need to talk now Daniel." Jean said forcefully. "Please sit down."

"What's this about guys?" Daniel asked uncomfortably. He shifted in his chair, scared and trapped.

Joey and Jean exchanged glances. They had discussed how to talk about this with Daniel, but now that they were actually doing it, neither of them were that sure of what to say.

"Have you talked to Shivanti today?" Jean asked, starting off somewhere not directly involving Daniel.

Daniel nodded. "She's leaving tonight."

"Yes she is. Did she tell you that I am helping her leave?"

"Yes she did. What does this have to do with me?" Daniel was getting his defenses up quickly and Joey wanted to jump in.

"Daniel please don't get mad at us. We're just here to help you." Joey said, trying to keep him from getting upset.

"Thank you but I don't need anyone's help. I'm fine. Really."

Joey opened his mouth to speak, but Jean held his hand up.

"That is fine. Can we continue our conversation about Shivanti?"

"If you choose to, go right ahead."

"Shivanti approached me asking whether it was possible for Lance to get her a car. I assured her it could be done and asked if I could help in anyway."

Jean sat down, crossing his legs. "I told Shivanti I knew why she was leaving. I know that Darren beat her. And I know that Darren beats you as well Daniel."

Joey wrung his hands, thinking about Josh as Jean spoke to Daniel. He had been trying his best to keep his mind off Josh's past, but this was making it all too real.

"He doesn't beat me Jean."

"Then why do you have a bruise on your cheek? And why were you limping a few weeks ago?" Joey asked him, hoping to make him see the light.

"I tripped last night when I got up to go to the bathroom and I hit the doorknob. And I twisted my ankle chasing after Kira."

"Interesting how Shivanti had a bruise on her cheek in almost the same spot from when she hit a doorknob last night." Joey speculated.

"What are you trying to prove to me Joey? I know what's going on okay. I just don't think you do."

"Daniel we care about you. All six of us are worried about your health, your safety, and your sanity. We're your friends. Please trust us."

Daniel tried to get up but Jean-Michel sat him back down.

"We are going to leave you to think about something. When Darren finds out Shivanti is gone, what do you think he is going to do to you?"

Daniel was silent. He didn't even look at them as they walked out. He hadn't thought about the consequences of Shivanti leaving. Darren was going to be livid. And he was going to end up hurt.

Justin lay sprawled out on the floor, exhausted from his run. He had decided to drag a couple of the bodyguards out so he could get some of his nervous energy out.

Lance stood over Justin, shaking his head and laughing.

"So you're so tired right now I could start tickling you and you wouldn't be able to fight back?"

"Don't try it Scoop." Justin warned him weakly. Lance just laughed at him.

"Hey Josh want to give me a hand with this?" Lance flashed an evil grin at JC who stood up and walked over to the prone Justin.

"I think I would kick myself if I didn't help you out with this. How many mornings have I been woken up by someone pouring water over my head?"

Lance nodded. "And how many times have you stuck your smelly feet in my face in the past few weeks alone?"

Justin looked up at them in mock terror. "You guys wouldn't. Come on. They were jokes. I'm in pain here."

"What wouldn't we do?" Chris asked as he stuck his head over Lance's shoulder to look down at Justin as well.

"We're going to tickle Justin. Remember a few weeks ago when he gave you shaving cream instead of whipped cream for your sundae Chris?"

Chris nodded slowly, stroking his chin as he thought. "Yeah I do. That was really disgusting Curly."

Chris sat down on Justin's chest. He leaned over so his face was about an inch from Justin's.

"You ever tasted shaving cream Justin?"

Justin lifted his head and licked Chris' nose.

"Ewww!!! I've got Justin germs!! Get him!"

Chris, Lance, and JC all began to tickle the helpless Justin at once. Their laughter filled the room as Justin begged for his life. Or at least for his pants to stay dry.

The door slammed shut and the guys paused in their tickling to see who it was. Joey and Jean-Michel had walked into the room, their faces serious.

Chris, Lance, and JC exchanged glances, and climbed off of Justin, who was gasping for air.

Lance walked over to Jean-Michel, leaning in to give him a kiss. Jean kissed him back half-heartedly, letting himself fall back to slump on the couch.

"I guess it didn't go well did it?"

Joey shook his head, reaching for JC's hand. JC sat down and let Joey rest his head on his chest, holding him tightly.

"He's denying that Darren is hitting him, but refuses to deny that Shivanti is leaving for that reason. It's a paradox that he's trying to convince himself of."

JC stroked Joey's head softly. He had tried to tell Joey that Darren wasn't going to be receptive. He was going to deny it. Joey wouldn't listen, convinced that he and Jean could get through to him.

"Well we will all be here for him tomorrow when wakes up. That is all we can do." Jean said softly.

No one said anything, Lance and JC comforting Jean and Joey as best they could. Chris and Justin sat on the ground quietly, waiting for someone to break the silence.

"We should move on. Do you want to go first Christopher or should I?" Jean broke the silence, sitting up, resting his elbows on his knees.

"You can go first Jean. I need to prepare myself."

Jean nodded, sighing heavily. His heart just wasn't in this at all.

"Well first off, they changed the schedule a little bit. Your last concert will be Orlando. This is just my suggestion here not from any managers or anything, but I think you should see if the Boys will join you onstage. It is a goodwill gesture and it will help Kevin out."

"I think that's a great idea Jean! I can't wait to see Nick again. Everyone else too of course." Justin blushed.

"I think it's a good idea too. What song were you thinking of?" Lance asked him.

"That is up to the five of you. If I had a choice, I would suggest The River. I think it is perfect for a collaboration."

JC frowned for a moment. "That's my song. I don't know if I want to do that."

"It was just a suggestion on my part. I happen to adore that song. It is up to you to decide."

"We don't have to decide now. We have a few weeks until Orlando." Lance said, trying to keep the peace. JC was very protective of his songs.

"Okay. On to issue two. A certain 'friend' of ours has been released from prison and is currently serving her probation in Florida. We need to be careful."

Justin cleared his throat. "Umm...Jean. She's not an issue. Trust me on this."

Chris looked at him warily. "How can you be so sure Justin? She's never really been not an issue even from prison."

"Please just trust me on this one. We've straightened some things out over the phone recently. Brit and I have made our peace with each other."

"Yeah but has she made her peace with the rest of the world is the question?" JC asked Justin with concern.

Justin nodded. "Brit's changed. It's cool now."

Jean shrugged. "We just have to take your word for it Justin. That is all I have to talk about today. Your turn Chris."

Chris nodded. "Yeah it is isn't it. Super." He rocked back and forth for a moment, trying to figure out how to start this. He knew he should have made note cards.

"Obviously you all know that Danielle is pregnant again. Well this makes three kids all under the age of 2 in our household. Danielle can't do that alone."

Immediately, realization passed over the five friends when Chris said that. Realization that Chris was about to quit the group.

Joey raised his head and looked at Chris. "Please don't say it Chris. Please don't do this."

Chris lowered his eyes. "I'm not as young as I used to be. It takes me longer and longer to recover from the performances, from the workouts, from the touring in general."

"You're only 30 Chris." Justin said desperately.

"I know Justin but age isn't the issue really. I need to do this." Chris looked around the room at his five best friends.

"I know you all know what I'm going to say but I have to say it anyway. For me really." Chris paused, taking a deep breath.

"After this tour, I am leaving 'Nsync." Chris felt a mixture of relief and guilt wash over him.

"Oh Jesus no. Jesus no." Lance mumbled holding his head in his hands.

Now Chris felt lower then dirt upon hearing that. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt them.

"If we could get what the Boys got maybe I would stay but our contracts aren't even up for re-negotiation until after the next tour. I am just unwilling to do this anymore."

"What did the Boys get that we can't get?" Lance asked, not knowing what Chris was talking about.

"Do any of you know what I'm talking about?" Judging by the blank looks he was receiving Chris figured that AJ had only told him.

"When Nick and Kevin negotiated their contracts last week, they managed to gain control of all their touring and public performances. They never have to do extended touring again unless they want to."

The guys sat in silence, amazed that it could be done. "Wow. That's fantastic." Justin said softly.

The room lapsed into silence again. Chris desperately wanted to make them understand what was happening.

"I never wanted to hurt any of you. I love all five of you with all my heart." Jean-Michel looked up, surprised that Chris had included him. "I just have to do what is right for me and for my family. And that is leaving."

Chris looked around the room, taking in each of their expressions to try and gauge the reaction. No one was saying anything.

Lance looked like someone had just killed his pet dog. His face was struggling with itself not to break down and cry. Jean on the other hand was expressionless. His eyes were saying nothing and his face was speaking the same lack of words to Chris.

Chris' eyes strayed to Joey next. Despite everything they had gone through the past year, despite how little time they spent with each other, Chris still looked to Joey for the most approval. He needed him to understand.

Joey's eyes were brimming with tears and he was biting his lip, trying to hold them back. JC was squeezing Joey's hands tightly, his face an odd mix of grief and understanding.

And Justin. God Justin's face lifted Chris' heart out of the depths of despair it had plummeted to. Justin's face was filled with love and understanding. Justin's eyes were telling him that everything he wanted to do was right.

Justin slid over to Chris, hugging him tightly. "I love you Chris."

"I love you too Curly."

Justin rested his head on Chris' shoulder his arms still wrapped around Chris, looking up at the rest of the guys. "Why all the long faces?"

Lance looked at him in disbelief. "Chris just quit. We're through. There is no more 'Nsync."

Justin shook his head.

"We're not through Lance. We all knew it wasn't going to be this way forever. It's been a fun time, but now the five of us have to move on without Chris. We're just going to have to embark on a new part of our careers. I think we should look at it as a challenge not as a crisis."

JC raised his hand slowly, a strange grin on his face. "What Josh?"

"When did you get so smart Curly?"

The tension in the room broke and the guys laughed. "You didn't expect me to stay 15 forever did you Josh? I am 21 you know."

Justin grinned at the five other guys in the room. "Come on stop sulking. Chris is doing the right thing. Don't tell me any of you would make a different decision if you were in his shoes?"

Joey wiped his eyes and smiled at Chris. "Justin's right. If I was the one with a child on the way, I would make the same choice. We'll miss you Chris."

"I'm not leaving now or anything. We still got a tour to finish guys. So no more tears."

Lance smiled wanly. He wasn't convinced that they were going to be okay, but he understood Chris' decision.

"Christopher can I ask one thing?" Jean-Michel asked softly. "Anything you want Jean."

"We are still going to get to see you right? I do not want to lose one of the best friends I have ever had."

Chris stood up and held his hand out to Jean, who took it. Chris pulled him up into a hug.

"I couldn't live without seeing my family. Besides what would the kids do without all their extra uncles?"

The rest of the guys wrapped their arms around Chris and Jean creating a huge group hug. They stood there for a few minutes, just holding each other, letting their love flow between them all.

Lance broke away, the rest of the guys falling out of the hug soon afterwards. He ran his hands through his short hair, trying to make sense of the situation. This wasn't going to work as far as he was concerned, but they were going to have to try it.

"It'll work Lance. Our next album will feature the four of us and then when we go out on tour, we'll just re-work the old stuff. It can be done." Justin put his arm around Lance's shoulder.

"Have I ever let you down before Scoopy?" Justin grinned at him, trying to pull Lance out of his funk.

Lance shook his head, smiling at Justin. "I guess I'm just going to have to accept this. Damn what am I going to do without you Chris?"

"Not clean up after Busta anymore." JC grinned, trying his best to lighten the mood.

"Not worry about where Chris wandered off to and if he is doing something that could get himself killed." Joey said.

"Not shove him in the shower when he's gone too many days without one." Justin wrinkled his nose at the thought of a smelly Chris.

"And not have to break his heart when we cannot get him home to see his family." Jean smiled at Lance.

"Yeah but y'all are not going to get to make fun of me to my face anymore. Y'all are going to miss that a lot." Chris made a goofy face as he imitated Lance as best as possible, getting the Mississippi accent down perfectly.

Lance couldn't help it anymore. He burst out laughing and grabbed Chris into a hug.

"You better not be a stranger dammit."

"I couldn't even if I tried."

Chapter 21

"Where is she?" Darren pushed open Daniel's door, grabbing the surprised man by the arm.

"I don't know! Please let me go." Daniel tried to twist away from Darren's tight grasp.

Darren backhanded Daniel across the face. Daniel stopped twisting and let himself go limp in Darren's grip. His face stung from the blow.

"Now tell me where she is." Darren's voice shook with anger. Daniel shut his eyes, trying to block out what was happening.

Darren pushed him down to the ground and sat on his chest. He punched Daniel in the jaw. Daniel's eyes welled up with tears as he began to struggle again.

"Tell me what you did with her."

"I didn't do anything. I don't know where she went." Daniel couldn't help it. The tears began to stream down his face, enraging Darren further.

"How many time have I told you not to cry in front of me? You're making me feel bad for keeping you in line."

Darren climbed off of him, reaching out his hand to Daniel. "Just take it. I won't hurt you." Daniel took Darren's hand, letting him help him up.

Once Darren had Daniel standing, he tossed him against the wall. Daniel hit the wall hard, rapping his head firmly against it then sliding down to the floor. Darren began to kick him in the stomach.

"You." Kick.

"Will." Kick.

"Pay." Kick.

"For." Kick.

"This." Kick.

Darren looked down at his bloodied band mate. He stood over top of him as Daniel curled into a little ball, trying to prevent more damage.

"If I find out who helped Shivanti leave I will kill them." Darren kicked him one more time before walking away. Daniel heard the door slam and he began to cry again.

Daniel stayed on the ground, trying to get his breath back. Slowly he moved his legs, stretching them out slightly. Pain shot through his body.

Daniel caught his breath and sat up. He rubbed his jaw, feeling the swelling beginning already. He licked his lips and tasted blood.

He crawled across the floor to the bathroom, stopping every few feet to rest. The pain in his chest was intense, forcing him to gasp for breath.

Daniel hauled himself up slowly, steadying himself against the sink. A wave of nausea passed over him, forcing him to grip the sink tightly.

He needed help but he didn't know who to go to. Joey or Jean would just say I told you so. Justin. Justin would help him.

Daniel walked slowly, leaning against the wall. He reached the door and turned the handle, peeking out to see if anyone was around.

He shuffled across the hall to Justin's room. He knocked as hard as he could. Daniel leaned heavily against the wall as he waited.

"Just a minute." Justin grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it over his head. He grabbed his boxers and stepped into them.

"I'll be right back." He leaned over and kissed the woman in his bed.

Justin opened the door and his jaw fell.

"Oh God! Daniel get in here." He put his arm around Daniel's waist and helped him inside.

Justin helped him over to the couch and sat him down. He grabbed a tissue and blotted Daniel's lips, trying to get the blood off.

"Did he do this to you?" Justin's voice shook with barely controlled anger.

Daniel shook his head, but couldn't come up with a convincing lie. His eyes welled with tears.

"Oh Daniel." Justin hugged him carefully, resting his head on Daniel's shoulder.

"Justin? What's going on?" A soft voice called from the bedroom. Justin lifted his head. "I'll be right back Daniel." He kissed Daniel's cheek and got up.

Justin walked into the bedroom and looked at the woman lying in his bed. The covers were pulled around her, leaving her shoulders bare. Her blond hair spilled down her shoulders and she looked at him with concern.

"I need you to leave. I have to take care of my friend. Please understand."

Her face twisted into a grimace for a moment. Justin was scared, but it was quickly replaced with a soft smile.

"Okay. I'll call you tomorrow." She stepped out of the bed and began to pull her clothes on.

Justin watched her carefully. She pulled her sweatshirt on and put a baseball cap on. "Bye Just-bear."

Justin blushed and followed her out. She put her head down not looking at Daniel. She peeked her head out and looked up and down the hallway. Flashing another smile at Justin, she quickly scampered down the hall to the elevator.

Justin turned back to Daniel, who was staring down at his hands.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Daniel shook his head.

Justin sat back down next to him. "What did he do?"

"Punched me in the face. Kicked me in the stomach. Threw me against the wall." He shrugged.

"Stand up for a moment." Justin helped him stand, supporting him with one hand.

"Lift your arms as high as you can." Daniel gingerly lifted his arms, wincing at the pain. Justin carefully pulled his shirt off, taking a good look at Daniel's body for the first time.

"Oh my god!" Justin gasped softly, averting his eyes from Daniel's body.

"Can you put my shirt back on? Please Justin." Daniel said softly, embarrassed at his appearance.

"How long has this been going on Daniel?"

"About five years."

Justin helped Daniel sit back down. "I'm going to get a wet washcloth to try and get the blood off your face. I can't see how bad your lip is split."

Daniel nodded, returning his gaze to his hands. He stared intently at them, trying to block out the blood on them. His blood.

Justin wet the washcloth, trying not to let his fear suddenly explode. It was tempered by the anger he felt. His hands shook as he squeezed the washcloth out. He couldn't believe the condition Daniel's body was in.

"Come here." Daniel slid a little closer to the light so Justin could see better. Justin dabbed at his lip carefully, trying not to hurt him.

Justin looked carefully at his lip. The blood had stopped flowing and he could see it pretty well. It was split pretty bad.

"You should probably get stitches Daniel. I think we need to go to the hospital. Let me get Lance up." Justin started to get up, but Daniel grabbed him.

"Please don't get Lance up. I'm fine." Daniel pleaded with him. Justin sighed.

"I'll make a deal with you. I won't wake Lance, but you and I will go to the hospital. You may have gotten a concussion from this."

Daniel looked up at Justin. "Promise you won't tell."

"It's going to be tough to hide this Daniel."

"I know." Daniel's voice was soft. Justin sat back down.

"I'm your friend Daniel. I care a lot about you. I'll do what you need me to do."

"Thank you."

"I'm going to put some clothes on and get you a clean shirt. That one has blood on it."

Daniel looked down at the yellow shirt he was wearing. He hadn't seen the bloodstains before now. He had no idea he had been bleeding that much.

Justin returned a moment later and carefully took the shirt off Daniel. Steeling himself, he reached out and touched one of the dark bruises on Daniel's chest.

Daniel hissed softly. Justin jumped back. "I'm sorry." He apologized, putting the clean shirt over Daniel's bruised body.

Justin helped him stand, supporting Daniel's weight as they walked. Daniel was moving slowly, breathing heavily with each step. The pain was intense.

Justin shut the hotel room door and they slowly walked down the hall past Darren's room. The door flew open and Darren burst into the hallway. Seeing Justin and Daniel there, he opened his eyes wide.

"What happened to you Daniel?" He asked innocently. Justin gritted his teeth, fighting with himself not to turn around and punch Darren in his smug little face.

"Keep walking." Justin muttered under his breath. They got to the elevator as fast as possible. Darren was still in the hallway.

"Okay. Have fun you two. I'll see you at rehearsal. Don't be late Daniel."

Darren shut the door, leaving the two men waiting at the elevator. Daniel let his breath out, not even realizing he had been holding it.

"Once this tour is over I am going to personally rip his dick off and shove it up his ass." Justin helped Daniel onto the elevator.

"I'm not letting you stay with him Daniel. You're too good for this. He's going to kill you one of these times."

"I have to stay. We're in a band together. We need each other."

Justin put his hands on Daniel's face and looked him in the eye. "You don't need this Daniel."

Joey snuggled up under the covers, luxuriating in the warmth of the blankets. JC had gone out shopping with Lance, Jean-Michel, and Chris. He had opted to stay in bed and catch some more sleep. Justin was sleeping too. Daniel was with him. No one questioned it, knowing that it was better for Daniel to be in Justin's room then to be in a room with Darren.

Joey couldn't wait until the tour was over. He was having a lot of fun, but he was tired of trying to deal with these stresses in his relationship with Josh while on tour. He wanted to get to spend some time with him so they could work things out. Plus he wanted to try to convince Josh to go see a therapist to work out his abuse issues.

Joey yawned and let himself drift off. He was in the stage where he wasn't awake but he wasn't completely asleep when there was a knock on the door. Opening his eyes slightly, he blinked and yawned again.

"Can you get that Josh?" Getting no response he opened his eyes all the way and pulled himself out of sleep. JC wasn't here. He was going to have to get it.

Joey shuffled over to the door, rubbing his eyes. He opened the door to find Daniel standing there, his face all bruised and stitches in his lip.

"Oh my God! Daniel what happened?"

"Can I come in Joey?" Daniel said softly, not able to open his mouth all the way.

Joey moved aside, his jaw wide open and watched as Daniel shuffled slowly over to the couch. Daniel sat down and looked up at him.

"I lied yesterday. I'm sorry."

Joey sat down next to him. "It's okay."

"Darren did this to me when he found out Shivanti was missing. You and Jean were right. Happy now?" Daniel asked him without a trace of sarcasm or anger in his voice.

"Of course I'm not happy. Why would I want to be right about this?"

Daniel shrugged.

"Did you go to the hospital?"

"Justin took me last night after it happened."

"Are you okay?"

"I had to get stitches in my lip where he split it, but thankfully I don't have a concussion from when he threw me against the wall or any bruised ribs this time."

"Why did you come to me?"

Daniel shrugged. "You knew already. Plus you've always been so nice to me. I needed to talk to someone other then Justin about this. He's very angry at Darren right now and can't see his side of this."

"I'm pretty angry at Darren right now too Daniel."

"Please Joey. Just be objective for me. I need someone to talk to." Daniel pleaded with him, his eyes trying to convince Joey.

"All right." Joey sighed. "I'll listen and be objective."

"This didn't start right away. Darren and I were really close for a long time. Then slowly, his controlling began to take a different form. At first it was just emotional stuff. He would call me stupid and tell me I was worthless. By the time he did start hitting me, I already felt like I deserved it. So I never did anything to stop him. I just learned to adapt to it."

Daniel stared at his hands. "It's not all Darren's fault. I do make stupid mistakes and I do egg him on sometimes. He had a really hard childhood. I understand why he does it."

"Shivanti wasn't the first person he cheated on his wife with. But she was the first person he hit besides me. I don't know why. Shivanti was the perfect mistress. She would hide all day long from the public, waiting until he returned to her, never complaining or pushing him for more. All she wanted was a little attention every so often."

"She was a very sweet girl." Joey said softly. Daniel nodded.

"I don't know if I can get away like she could. I think it's been too long."

"Do you want to get away from him?"

Daniel shrugged. "Sometimes Darren is the way he used to be. Funny, happy. We laugh and joke together like the old days. Those days make the bad ones worthwhile. Unfortunately the bad days are becoming much more prevalent then the good ones."

"You didn't answer my question though." Joey pushed him gently towards the truth.

"Yeah I do want to get away from him. I don't think my career is worth this anymore. He'll be fine. I'm the one who's going to lose their career."

"Why would you lose your career by breaking up the band?"

Daniel shrugged. "I'm nothing special without him. Darren's the reason we're successful."

Joey got up and walked over to the little mini fridge.

"Want a drink?" He asked, leaning over to look inside. "I got a couple bottles of water."

"Sounds good to me. I could do for a whiskey but I'm not allowed to drink while on these pills."

"How long were you and Justin at the hospital last night?"

"We got back around 6:30. We basically snuck out last night. I didn't want to tell Lance what had happened."

Joey sat back down, handing the cold water to Daniel. "I don't blame you. Lance's is a great friend, but sometimes he buries his emotions too much. He can be too cold sometimes."

"Lance isn't cold. He's realistic. You can't operate on emotions alone. You have to be businesslike sometimes. He can deal with stressful situations because he can separate himself from his emotions."

"He didn't separate himself when Chris quit yesterday. He's the only one who can't seem to grasp it."

"Chris quit?" Daniel asked his voice showing his surprise.

"Oh shit. That was a secret. Chris is leaving 'Nsync after this tour to be a family man. It's the right thing."

Daniel nodded, yawning.

"Did you get any sleep when you got back from the hospital?"

Daniel shook his head. "Me and Justin talked for a bit then he drifted off. I've been kind of staring out the window for about four hours now."

"Do you want to go take a nap? That was my plan for the afternoon."

"I can sleep in Justin's room. He's got a couch."

Joey shook his head. "No way. JC and I have a huge bed. There's plenty of room."

Daniel looked warily at Joey. "What time is JC coming back?"

Joey shrugged. "I have no clue. Don't worry about it Daniel."

Daniel looked at him again. If Joey was so sure then all he could do was agree with him.


"Hmm?" Daniel said as he sat on the bed.

"Can I see what he's done to you?" Joey asked quietly. He didn't really know what someone looked like when they were beaten. He wanted to know a little of what JC had gone through.

Daniel was quiet. "I suppose so." Daniel slowly took his shirt off, revealing the multitude of bruises. He took off his pants showing Joey his legs.

"I'm so sorry Daniel." Joey hugged him gently, not wanting to hurt him.

"You didn't do anything Joey." Joey rested his head on Daniel's shoulder, still holding him gently.

"I know. I just feel bad that you had to go through this."

"Can we just go to sleep?" Daniel felt very uncomfortable in Joey's arms. Joey let him go.

"Sure." He slipped under the covers, turning to face the wall.

Daniel slid under the covers, moving as far away from Joey as possible. He shut his eyes, drifting off to sleep quickly.

At some point Joey rolled over, his arm thrown across Daniel's chest. Daniel was laying on his back, gently holding onto Joey's arm. Neither of them noticed the other person.

"I had a ball today guys. We gotta' do this more often." JC said laughing as he walked backwards down the hall, facing Chris, Jean-Michel and Lance.

"Next time get your man to drag his ass out of bed. He's fun to shop with."

JC grinned, stopping in front of him and Joey's hotel room.

"Well I'm planning on waking him up now if you know what I mean." JC grinned evilly at them.

"Too much info JC." Chris said, walking past him to his hotel room.

"See you guys at dinner." Lance opened their door and went inside.

JC walked in dropping his stuff on the couch for the time being. He saw two bottles of water sitting on the table. He shrugged and walked over to the fridge to get a bottle for himself. JC drank the cold water quickly, wandering around the living room for a few minutes while he drank. Tossing the empty bottle in the trash, he grabbed his bags and headed for the bedroom to wake Joey up.

JC flipped the light on and froze. He dropped the bags on the ground as he stared straight ahead. All he could hear was his heart beating and all he could see was Joey and Daniel.

This couldn't be happening. Joey and Daniel were asleep in bed together, Joey's arm across his chest. JC stared at the sight in front of him, trying to rationalize the situation. That's when he saw Daniel's clothes on the ground. Joey snuggled closer to Daniel, pulling him tighter in his sleep.

This was too much for JC to handle. He felt like his heart was being ripped into two. JC turned around, slamming the door behind him.

Joey sat straight up when he heard the door slam. He looked around, seeing the bags on the ground. He then looked down at Daniel who was still sleeping.

"Oh fuck."

Joey slipped out of bed and chased after JC. He opened the hotel room door and looked out. JC was pounding on Lance's door.

"Josh wait!"

JC spun around, his eyes blazing.

"No! You wait! You fucked him you asshole! I don't ever want to see you again!"

Lance's door opened. JC pushed past Joey and slammed the door in his face.

"I didn't sleep with him Josh! I swear I didn't! Open the fucking door Josh! Open the door!"

Joey pounded on the door, tears streaming down his face. He slid to the ground, resting against the wall.

"I didn't do anything Josh! I love you!" Joey shouted again.

Chris opened his door and looked out in the hall. All he saw was Joey slumped in front of Lance's door wearing only his boxers, crying and mumbling something about not doing anything.

He slid his arm around Joey's shoulder, letting Joey cry on him. Lance stepped out of his room and sat down as well.

"I think we all need to talk."

---I'm a bitch. I know. And the worst part is that this has been in the works for some's tough to have two of your favorite characters heading towards disaster....what will JC do? And how will Joey make him understand that he didn't cheat on him? Will Justin be able to straighten this all out? Will Darren be convientintly dropped off a bridge somewhere? Will Chris ever be able to get past Justin licking his nose? Only time will tell.

Next: Chapter 11: Choices 22 24

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