Chris Dominated

By moc.loa@neprehtonatsuj

Published on Jan 14, 2010


Chris Dominated: Chapter 2 By: just another PEN

"Oh, your queer ass is going to school...yeah, hehe haha...I want to see everyone look at my new cock sucker...I want to see if they you think they will see what a queer you've become...Mmh...oh, but they will smell the cum on your breath...that is for sure..."

The left side of my face was red. Immediately I came up with the idea to tell everyone I took a soccer ball to the face last night. That way, no one would know the truth.

"I can't wait to see what the team is going to say once they find out we have a fluffer to use every day in the locker room."

When I closed the door to the bathroom, I pressed my back to it, trying to figure out how it was I made it back. I remember walking. My legs moving non-stop to the painful beat throbbing through my body. The whole time I walked, I held my sides, digging my fingers into my rib cage. The pain combined with the ones already coursing through my body, but I continue on despite the added pain.

Normally I would have taken the bus, but for some reason I could not stop my feet. I kept walking, head down, hunched over, fingers digging; I walked. I noticed people all around me; I know they looked at me with a wonder of what happened. I could not bring myself to look anywhere but at my ever moving feet. Then I was here.

Part of me feared to look anywhere but at my feet. I don't know if I want to see what has happened to me, written all over my face, and in my eyes. I decided it was time to turn the shower on. It wasn't until I took my hoodie sweater off, that I saw my profile in the bureau mirror.

My eyes past right over my face to my tank top covered chest. I could see the marks on my neck above the collar, which by the way was stretched out and ripped just under the seam. The swimming gave me a defined `V' shape from the shoulders down and the soccer strengthened my legs and tightened up to my waist. With my hands shaking, I removed my unbuttoned, short sleeve woven, reached for the bottom of the tank and pulled it over my head. I kept my eyes closed the whole time.

Once I opened my eyes again, I was forced to see my chest for the first time since...

I can see his results everywhere because the red marks were everywhere. I was shocked to see it all. I did fear it would have been much worse. I was again thankful that I was not an easy bruiser. The red marks would not turn to black and blues or else I would have to hide out for a couple of weeks.

Without noticing, I had removed my pants and briefs, still not looking directly at my face to see the revealing reflection staring back at me. I was however, staring at my pubic hair, wet and sticky, with confusion in my mind when there was a knocked at the door.

"Chris you almost done? Mom said to tell you dinner is in a half hour. So hurry it up, kay?" I didn't say anything. I don't think I would have been able to even if I wanted to speck. "Dude, did you hear me? Are you alright, I noticed you...when you came you need anything...I'll be downstairs, if you do." he said when I didn't answer.

Robert was named after our father. He was the oldest son of the family, with my sister Clair being the eldest and in college. Me and Bobby, that's what I called him, use to get along much better when we were younger, but he always seemed to be there for me when I really needed him the most.

When I turned and looked back at myself I made the mistake of looking at my face. I was speechless to say the least. There was no mistaking the havoc done. My jet black hair was sticking up at every angle. The wet look it had was un-noticeable in its disarray. I always had that look to my hair. It was cut in a close to the head cut with the longer front brushing past my eye brows, but that was impossible to see at this time. My face had red blotches all over, darker in some areas than others.

My nose was a deeper shade of red than my face, with the evidence of what happened smeared and dried in caked streaks down and over my lips. My lips were the only part I would have to explain. I was not imagining the ripped open feeling. Even if the cut was from the beating I received.

My girlfriend always told me how soft and suck-able my lips are. I always liked my lips, my nose and eyes, always proud of the way I looked when I looked in the mirror. They were the first features I ever noticed, especially my eyes. My eyes were a beautiful hazel color. The outer ring was a light forest green that blended into a honey brown, the two colors blended by a golden yellow. They were framed by thick, dark eye lashes.

The rest of my face was, well, boyish in a way. I liked it more because with my nose and lips both dominating my features, I knew I would have this same sex appeal when I got older only it would just become stronger over time, unlike those I knew who would only get older. I was not conceded in any way. I just thought I was attractive, that's not wrong is it, to believe in yourself?

Now I could not bring myself to look into my eyes. I hesitated for a long moment, but then I looked up...who was this person I saw looking back at me? I just turned away from the stranger and got in the shower.

In the shower the pain came back. I turned the hot water up, steam filling in around me and blocking my vision. After the soap washed away everything not permanently attached to my body, I just hunched over. My shoulder made contact with the wall. All my strength failed me at once. Falling to the floor of the tub I lost myself, convulsing uncontrollably as the haze I was under shattered. When the water started to cool slightly, I tried to regain my compulsions from the haze I was under.

Could I have been that wrong?

I was rubbing my neck as I went to the dinner table, so it would look as if I was causing the red marks. Only, about half way through the meal, everyone new something was wrong. I had to say something because responding with shrugs or a head nod was very unlike my talkative personality and they noticed.

"Honey, are you okay?" my mom asked. Why are you not eating?"

"Mh..." I tried to say `my throat hurts' but it came out raspy, dry and well, painful. So I just grabbed my throat and shrugged.

"Honey why don't I make you some tea and get you some Vicks for your throat?" I shook my head walking back upstairs to the room I shared with my brother though now, I really didn't want any company. I was asleep before he even got there.

He was still asleep when I woke suddenly. My blanket and pillows were on the floor by my bed. Bobby had his back to me. I just hope he didn't hear me. I never had a nightmare before. I collected my things and laid there staring at the clock...

2:45am...3:16am...4:59am...5:01am...6:30am; the time just kept going. The alarm by Bobby's bed went off waking him up. I closed my eyes not wanting him to see that I was awake. When he left from the room, I finally sat up reluctantly to get ready for school

I dressed as I sat on the end of the bed, trying to give myself the strength to go to school and not hide, wishing for the quiet of the room to be everywhere I go. Would people see what happened like I did when I looked at myself? Would my eyes betray me? I was finding it hard to keep myself in control. I have always kept myself in check, but never had I had to deal with anything like what happened.

When I made it out my front door, I was once again unable to look up. Hiding was something I was not use to doing, but I couldn't trust my eyes to keep quiet. As I walked on I didn't notice anything or...

"Hey cock sucker..." I was half way into the playground by my house. When I finally realizes it was Nick. I seized-up and quickly spun around to see him. He had this smug grin on his face as he walked from behind the out house. Why was he here? Nick lived in the other direction from the school, which was still another mile or so away. "How is my personal fag doing this morning?"


"Aw...are you so excited to see me that you're speechless?"

"I just...I mean, what are you doing here?" I asked. I was trying to build my confidence. That was one thing I was hoping I would be able to do before I saw him, since we didn't have any classes together. I wouldn't see him till soccer practice after school. "I have to go...I'll be late...I can't be late..."

"I came for my first blow of the day. You don't think I should have to go all day with a full load in my pants when I have someone to take care of it for me, do you?" he said with a hint of a laugh in his voice. "Besides, don't worry about that I can drive you. You won't be late. Actually you'll be early if we leave now, which gives us some time. Maybe we can..." he reached out to me. When I flinched away, he continued talking, " I thought you were going to be happy..."

"Why would I be happy?" I wish my voice didn't show my fear. "I'm not gay...why are you doing this...What did I ever do to you?"

"You gave me the best head I ever had, that's what you did, and wouldn't you like a chance to ask me to keep your talent a secret...that is before school...I mean, its not like we have class together...who knows what I might have said to some of the guys before you got a chance to ask."

He was slowly getting closer as he talked. I didn't realize how close until he reached out and grabbed the side of my face. "Don't touch me...get the fuck off!" I shouted. By this point his smile was more of a leer. This time when he reached out for me, I didn't have a choice, he wasn't reaching out to touch, this time he was reaching to grab, and he did.

"Didn't you learn anything yesterday?" he said right before the smile left his mouth. "Do I need to remind you of your place?, or are you going to get down on your cock sucking faggot ass knees and blow me like the cheep bitch you are, huh Chris, what'll it be?" letting go of my neck he placing his arms across his broad chest and raising his eye brows.

It was the first time I had to size Nick up. When I tried out for the soccer team this year, I didn't give the guys much thought. I was more focused on my game than looking at them as competition. Hell we were going to be teammates. Nick had me by at least 3 inches in height, which isn't much really, at just 6'1. Only, where I swam as a second sport, Nick was on the football team, so his upper body was much more define. He wasn't huge by any means, but he was very tightly muscular.

His dark eyes, almost black, gave nothing but fear to those who looked in them, which worked against his opponents perfectly. His eyes and face structure had the same look as Channing Tatum, except more boy next door college student look, yet he was only a year older then me. Where I had that pretty boy look in my shape and form, Nick had look of a man.

"Fuck it then! You don't wanna ask me? That's not going to change MY plans," he said as he grabbed my hair and pulled me further into the playground. "I thought we would be past this. I knew you needed help the last time, but...I guess you still do."

"Aw...let go!" I am scared now, what if someone is watching this. I had to try and stop him-NOT AGAIN!

He was heading to the outhouse. I knew it was not open at this hour, but if we were behind it, no one would see us. It was mostly used as a drinking, smoking and pissing spot. I clenched my fist and swung for his head. I have fought before. I was not Jean Claude Van-Dame by any means, but I held my own. I was an athlete for fuck sake.

When his head absorbed the shock of the punch I was ready for a rumble. I just wished I was prepared for his skill. WE traded punches, me receiving more than I gave. In fact, the only one I landed on him happened before he was ready for it. I was in a choke hold after he got a shot to my face, two upper cuts and one kick to the groin. I was once afraid someone might see; now I wished there were people there to stop it.

He was speaking through clenched teeth in a low seductive voice. As he spoke he leaned closer to my face. "You're my bitch, whether you lick it or not...So why don't you just stop acting like a tease and do what you do best..."

With his choke hold and the grip on my hair he dragged me behind the out house. I lost one of my shoes since my feet were kicking and flailing trying to relieve some of the weight off my neck and hair. "Get the fuck off me!" I shouted.

Behind the building, the smell of beer scented piss assaulted my nose, shit not again...I can't do this...not here...God please. The tears blocked my sight from me, so I didn't see where Nick was throwing me to protect myself. Twirling me out of his chock hold-being dragged, I was not on my feet. So, I knew I was going to land on this pissed on floor. I however, was unprepared for the wall making contact with the right side of my face.

When the wall and my face made contact I saw a bright white light, before I felt the twenty painted layers of cinder block rubbing my face as I slid down. Thankfully the paint was not rough. By this point my hands reached out, touching the floor to soften my fall, but Nick wanted me to feel his anger.

He kicked my ribs before I was even fully on the floor. The first, then the second caused my stomach to cave in making me to hunch up on to the tips of my toes and my hands. After the second kick I moved my hands to my stomach to block the next one I was sure was coming. After my head hit the floor, I was still folded in half. Nick's kicks got more strength behind then, and with the wall now pressed against my side, I took the full brunt of them.

I was unable to hold my pride as I cried out loud. Tears streamed out my eyes and I wailed like a baby. "Pleashhh...huhhh....Please!"

"Please what? Huh, cock sucker? You think you're a man, is that it...(kick) think you can take me on...(kick)...All you had to do was do what you know you wanna..(kick)...but, no...(kick) tried to step up and be a man...(kick)...yet when you had my cock in your mouth...(kick)...after your beating yesterday...(kick) didn't put up even a small fight...(kick) you wanna act like you're a man...(kick)...well after this I will prove your nothing but a pussy ass faggot cock sucker...(kick)...(kick)...MY FUCKING PUSSY ASS COCK SUCKER!"

"Please stop!" I practically screamed within my wails. I felt as if the volume of my screams would rip the tissue from the inside of my throat. I didn't even think I had the air to speak. It was by shear will I was able to get that out.

"Oh, you want me to stop?" He asked. Reaching down he grabbed my hair and with a tighter grip than I thought possible without pulling it out of my scalp, he yanked me up. I was not on my knees. The only thing holding my body up was his fist and my hair. With that, he bent down inches from my face and started to scream.

"Why the fuck should I, huh? You're a bitch. You'll never be more than that, faggot!" He slapped me across the face after he was done speaking. He didn't stop slapping me after that.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Please give me another chance, PLEASE!" I shouted with tears in my eyes.

"Fuck your chance. This could've gone differently, but then you opened your fucking blowjob lips to try and tell me you weren't going to use them for what they grew on your fucking queer ass face for..." he stopped slapping me to open his fly. His dick was almost fully hard when I saw it. God it looked scary. The girth caused the veins out. It looked as if I could see the blood pumping through them.

"Get on your fucking knees BITCH!" He slapped me to make his point come across.

"Please..." I tried to beg him to stop, but was stopped short with the back of his hand coming across my face, knocking me to the ground. I touched the side of my face looking up at him, still sobbing uncontrollably, and saw some of my hair between his fingers. He flicked his fingers sprinkling the few hairs down on me.

"You won't be begging for it much longer. Soon you're gonna get more cock than you can handle. Well, that is once I tell the team what a prize we have." I would have begged him not to, but as he was saying all of this he reached down and grabbed me.

With a tight grip on both sides of my collar, he yanked me to my knees and shoved my face in his crotch. It smelled; if I didn't pay attention to the smells around me, as if it was the same as yesterday, did he not wash?

"Lick it skank. Yeah, bet you like that don't you? Smell it BITCH," he held my head against his crotch as he spit out his words. I didn't want this. I don't know how or even why this is happening. I have never felt so low and useless. I was losing myself.

"Yeah, that's my good girl," he said when I lost myself. "Lick my dick you prissy, cunt, cock whore. Now suck it into your mouth...Oh shit!" I didn't even have control anymore. I couldn't make myself do or stop from doing anything.

After the tip of his dick was in my mouth he became the man, where as I became...what was I becoming? I had his dick forced in my mouth again. The first thought was to bite the shit out of it, but...

I had a flashback to the bathroom. My face was throbbing with the memory, with the added pain I was in from today. I couldn't even think of what I would see in the mirror if I looked later on. I also new from yesterday, that it was pointless to try and push him away. Only my hands were up trying to do just that. This time I had my hands closer to his crotch when I pushed.

"Oh, fag boy wants to feel up the cock that's going to penetrate that pussy ass throat, huh?" With that said, I pushed harder in a frantic panic. "Yeah, I like this excitement in your eyes from the thought of's turning me on...fuck yeah bitch...I like my whores wild...I knew you would be good, but I didn't think you would be this excitedly wild...fuck yeah!"

The whole time he was talking, the tip of his cock, against my struggling protest, continued thrusting in and out of my lips. When he let go of the left side of my collar, he reached up to my head. Involuntarily, I flinched knowing he was going to grab my hair for leverage.

"FUCK...You BITCH! Didn't you fucking learn your lesson yesterday?" He shouted. I made the mistake of flinching and when I did, I closed my mouth and teeth may have made contact with his head on the way out. This time it wasn't a slap.

The kick to my nut sack hurt like hell.

"You wanna use your teeth on me, (punch to the face) this will keep those pussy lips around your teeth from now on," he said as he kept punching me in the temple right above my right ear. I'm sure if he didn't have a hold on my hair I would've been laid out on the floor. I was just short of being out cold.

"I was going to give you a break...but now...FUCK YOU BITCH..." he shouted with spit flying from his mouth. His lips were practically foaming. The punches didn't stop until the one he landed after calling me a bitch. It was the hardest one.

With one grip on the top of my head, the other on the base of his dick, he told me to open up. "PLEAS...GUH...UGG..." he shoved his cock in my mouth to shut me up. In the process he slammed my head into the wall. It would've taken me I while to get my bearings if it wasn't for the lack of air.

The whole of his enormous cock was down my throat as I was about to beg him to stop. It was worse than yesterday. I was already in pain from the abuse I suffered not even 24 hours ago. This time he held it there. I tried to do something, anything I needed to do because I needed air. My throat constricted in panic for my life. My chest was shrinking as it contracted in desperation for fresh new air.

It felt as if my eyes were bulging out of my head. I wasn't even able to cough. With him still in my throat I felt...I felt...felt...

Just as I was about to pass out and maybe even die from suffocation, he pulled out. That one lung full of air pushed the darkness out of my eyes. Well that was until he was back in my throat. Every time I was about to collapse he would allow me one deep breathe. I would take a deeper breathe than the one before it, not like it would help, all it did was make me conscious for the abuse seconds longer each time.

He didn't talk as much this time. Maybe it was because we were outside, or maybe I just couldn't notice. All I saw was his blond pubic bush. The smell of his crotch was starting to make me dizzier than I already was. The only air I got was his musk. Even the urine smell was nothing to his potent musk. If I could comprehend what I just thought, I would be depressed. My strength, which was almost nonexistent before his dick was in my mouth, was gone. I went limp. The wall and his hands were the only things keeping me in place.

"Yeah...that's your getting it...look at you...just taking it...soon your pussy's going to be shaped for my cock to fit snuggly...I told're nothing but a cock're not even fighting any more...are you liking it...huh, yeah, Mmh...shit you're better than any're the first to take it...all the way the base..." he spoke on my intake of breaths, then thrust and held. When he pulled out he would just continue his verbal abuse.

Throughout this abuse, the tears continued even though I did not have the power to cry. I felt empty. I became a shell, like a Real Doll, no emotions. I had no power to say no. I gave up. I wouldn't even be upset if he didn't let me get another breath of air. So what if it was found out after I was dead how it happened.

I can see the headlines now:




...and still I would take it...hell its not like I would have to see people after it was known.

"If you don't want to go to school with my sperm running down your better swallow this time like the cock sucking, queer, bitch whore you are, got it whore!" he said, and to get his point across he stabbed in so hard that I felt the cut on my lip open again as his pelvis slam into my face.

Nick continued to thrust in and out of my throat but with a faster pace. I was more comfortable with his movement than having his implanted cock blocking my windpipe. At least I was able to take more frequent breaths. Becoming more aware, I was able to notice the signs of his coming orgasm.

"Oh yeah...fuck...your getting me close...Mmh...your getting a big one this time...I was hard all night...just thinking of your queer boy talents...fuck yeah cunt...what a find...your taking to it better then I does it feel...feeling a man inside of you...does it make you feel sexy you fucking queer you feel more like a man with my monster dick in side your pussy ass throat...huh?"

He kept talking as his thrust got faster. The faster he thrust the harder he pounded. The harder he pounded the harder my head slammed into the wall. I tried to keep my head pressed against the wall, but that did not stop it from banging when he slammed home. Wow...home? He said my throat would come to be a formed fit to his monster cock, but that was him!

"Fuck...I'm almost it comes faggot...SHIT...I bet you're in queer heaven...FUCK..." he shouted as he thrust in and released his first two shots down my throat. He pulled out, leaving just the head in my mouth. "Taste it bitch," he said with a twisted smirk. "...Mmh, yeah...ah...oh, yeah...fucking shit...take it...fucking cock sucker..." he shouted as more of his load collected in my mouth.

Yesterday I had the after taste of his dick in my mouth, the sweat mixed with the aftermath of the throat rape, but this was different. The strength of its potency shocked me. The flavor was saturating my mouth. Every inch of his dick was coated in it, that and the musk. I knew it was from the same source, the same man. "Swallow it!" He said, never taking his dick from my mouth. I just looked up at him, pleading with my eyes. "Swallow!"

The tears continued to flow. The shivers started as I tried to swallow. Something was trying to stop me. I felt like I was going to gag. How could I willingly swallow his load? Something about it was...I don't know...disgusting, but I did, after a second or more.

Once it all slid down my throat, I knew I would not get this taste out of my mouth. Well, it was all over the cock in my mouth, maybe that's why I think that. Just as I thought it, Nick started to fuck my face again.

"Clean my monster bitch. I don't want cum all over my junk, while I am in class," he kept eye contact with me the whole time, since he saw me plead with him not to cum in me. "Lick it clean before I use your face as a tissue." Oh, how I wish I could have said no. When he was clean, or thought he was clean enough, he kept it in me longer than necessary; he put his semi erect dick back through his fly.

"Get up! It's time to leave or you'll be late." My body was still limp. Arms at my sides, my hands lay on the ground, while I stared into his eyes. "I thought you didn't wanna be late. GET UP, NOW."

"Just go. Leave me here," I said in barely a whisper. I saw him. Blurrily, I looked into his eyes. Back still against the pissed on wall, hiding us from strangers that could have helped, watched, even joined in on my torture.

"Oh, your queer ass is going to school...yeah, hehe haha...I want to see everyone look at my new cock sucker...I want to see if they you think they will see what a queer you've become...Mmh...oh, but they will smell the cum on your breath...that is for sure..."

As he spoke, he pulled me to my feet. Falling back against the wall, limp and weak, I continued to stare out from my body like it was a shell of my former self. Numb. I fell, sliding down the wall, back to the pissed on ground.

"I can't wait to see what the team is going to say once they find out we have a fluffer to use every day in the locker room."

"Oh god, please Nick don't," I said as the panic set in and I started to hyperventilate. "Please Nick, I thought we were friends? Please, I beg you. Let's make a deal." "Let me think about it."

"You're not going to tell anyone, are you?"

"I don't know yet, I'll see how I feel, are you coming?" Shit what now? The panic set me into overdrive. I guess it was better than feeling numb. At least people wouldn't notice too much of a change if I was more jittery.

"Just go. Leave me here." I said in barely a whisper. I saw him. Blurrily, I looked into his eyes. Back still against the pissed on wall, hiding us from strangers that could have helped, watched, even joined in on my torture.

"Fine, but you better be at practice for round two, if not the team finds out. Got it?" he said, and then he hocked a loogie and spit on my face. "Please Nick; don't show the team the video? Is there anything I can do to get you to give me that, please anything?"

"I'll think about it, until I decide I'll see you at practice. I am sure your going to wanna keep in my good graces until I just might work to your benefit." He then just turned and walked away, laughing, as I was left sitting on the pissed soaked ground wishing I could get my life back. I started to cry again.

I was still crying five minutes after Nick left. I had my face in my hands, so when I felt a hand on my shoulder I assumed Nick came back. "Hey..."

When I looked up I was horrified to see, no Nick like I thought, but Alex holding my sneaker. "I's your shoe..." He looked at a lose for words. He looked nervous in a way. He was kneeling right in front of me, while I was still pressed against the wall.

"" I just looked at him. What was he trying to say?

"What did you see, Alex?"

"I was just on my way out of my house...heading to school...and"

Shit, just then I remember where he lived. His house was across the street of the park. Not only across the street, but his door faced the side of the outhouse; I could see it from here.

"I wanted to...the fight...I know Nick...but I didn't think..."

"NO! Please, no!" My face fell into my hands in a fit of sobs. Someone knew. Someone saw it all happen. My life was over, everyone will find out.

I hope all of you wanted to find out what happened to Chris after Nick's `treatment', if you liked where it went, let me know. Also, thanks to all of you that wrote, it was appreciated, and kept me thinking of where Chris was going after Nick had his way with him.

Remember all comments, good or bad, are welcomed at

Thanks again, just another PEN

Next: Chapter 3

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