Chris in High School

Published on Jan 7, 2017


Chris in Highschool 9

Chris in Highschool


  This is an homosexual content which may contain sex between underaged guys. If you can't stand it don't read it. If reading this content is illegal in accordance with the law of the place you live, don't read it.

  If you're looking for a story only with sex, this is not for you to read. This story is going to be mostly about finding true love (of course it may have sex but always as part of a context).

  Any similarity is coincidental as it comes all from my imagination.
You are not allowed to copy this story nor any part of it.

  Chapter 9

The physical exam

December, 4th, 2008

    You know, so many things, my nose barely hurt, my ribs, barely hurt, my pride and my heart, maybe a little, but still, I was `anesthetized' for all those feelings... for example, Mr. Thompson, maybe only in my wildest dreams I would think of seeing his `shaft', wow, I still feel the hots when I recall that, but... idk, it feels wrong somehow he being `older'... whatever.

    Besides, yesterday, when I went to his office *sigh* *blush* *glggle* he looked down and was about to say something bad... on my mind the continuation of that phrase would be `Chris, you didn't make it to next season, you suck, you're a horrible player' and so on...

    Talking about the coach, I know I sucked at the try outs for next season, but I wish I had a way to make it to the team... probably I'm not going to be as lucky as last year and that's among all these thoughts, what am I gonna say to the old man about it?! Damn it, he's gonna be disappointed... sigh.

    And when I was getting out for lunch – with the guys shoving some people as usual – there was Mr. Thompson, pinning the list of players for the next season and guess what, I was on the list!

    I was so happy but, honestly, I don't know how I managed a position. I was trying for something like outside linebacker and Bennett was so much better than me, I guess Donovan, Cameron, Horowitz were great for lateral positions too, er... whatever, I was so happy!

    I don't know, I feel like, somehow, I should drop by at coach's office to specially thank him.

    Oh, about that, would he `remember' about yesterday, or... gosh, I wouldn't like to feel like `used', that brings a rejection feeling and I'm really bad at those things, I guess that's mostly why I chicken out when that comes to ask girls out... well, boys, that's even worse, there's no way to `ask it'.

    I guess, about yesterday, I was having a conscience crisis, and adding up to the mind crisis moment, I was starting to admit to myself that, although *I* didn't shove anybody – okay, almost anybody, except Peter who I have a special competition issue I guess – I didn't feel right just seeing the guys bumping into people and do nothing, with a position more to `approval'.

    Well, I decided from that day that I would – gradually not to become the bullying object either – try to make up for the guys, mend it for them... idk.

    So, that day, you know, when the guys were away I took close attention to who they stole the lunch money and went towards the guy. Poor guy, nerd type, with glasses, I could see he was not comfortable with me walking towards him. I didn't make much of a small talk – I was kind of sorry, didn't have much to say – so I just gave him my lunch money. It just wasn't right be hungry after lunch period.

    Well, that left me with money only to buy the `weird stuff' lunch but that was a beginning, right? I hope someday I get to be like those people who can be cool, gorgeous beautiful and do everything right.


    After class, like I said, I felt like I should drop by Mr. Thompson's office to thank him for the spot on the team. I was thrilled.

    I don't know whether my heart was beating because of my new outside linebacker position or because I was kind of anxious to know if he'd mention something about yesterday... gosh, what if he'd treat me with indifference... well, I guess if he wouldn't want me around he wouldn't have put me in the team, right? Right?! Well, Chris, you're already by his door, it's no time for hesitance, knock and come in at once, I said to myself and with a light knock on the door I entered his office.

    "Hey, Chris." Mr. Thompson said with a large smile.

    Gosh, that jaw, those big, white teeth... sigh... no focus Chris, focus.

    "Ah... hi." I said and I don't know why I averted my gaze to the floor.

    "So, do you still have some doubts about your body from yesterday?" Mr. Thompson started, never losing a big smile.

    "Ah, no... ahem... it's... not that..." I started, stamping. I don't know why I suddenly got so nervous.

    Geez, how to say `I know I'm not a good player but I want to thank you for making it to the team' with `better words'...

    "So, what's it?" he said, by my side, hugging me sideways. His cologne was smelling so nice... sigh.

    "I'd like to thank you for... the new season list... result..." I trailed off looking upwards as he was so tall, at his eyes...

    He was looking at me, with a so beautiful smile, so good cologne, so tight polo t-shirt... Does he remember about yesterday? Duh me, I mean, of course he does, he doesn't have a memory problem, not that I know of... however, argh... you know what I mean... say something Chris, say something.

    "So... er..." I started.

    "So?" he encouraged me, now looking at me from two or three inches of distance, I suppose, with his arms behind his back. I guess that would give me an opportunity to admire him... sigh. He was examining with his eyes, you know... yeah, that's it!

    "Er... don't I need a physical exam, now that I'm part of the team?" I tentatively asked. I wish I was confident like Mr. Thompson, as the moment the words left my mouth I looked at the floor and I'm sure I blushed and my heart got a little faster... ok, way faster. And, wow, that was so lame, I was already part of the team... argh, whatever!

    "Mm... okay." he said, now with a wide smile spreading across his face. "Just let me close the door." he said.

    "I guess you're too tensed up for the exam. We need you to relax a little". He said as he rested his abs against my back. Gee I could feel his strong voice.

    He started rubbing my shoulders. It was really good and, indeed, made me more at ease.

    His smell was so good. I turned, to face him – face his chest *giggle* - and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face on his t-shirt, it smelled sooo good. I could also feel something else poking and *I* also was starting to grow a `part of me' that demanded some attention.

    "Okay, take your clothes off." he said. He didn't forget about the exam thing.

    I took my t-shirt off and then took my pants off to show a raging erection.

    "Please, step on my desk in all fours." he instructed.

    I had a quizzical look at him but he nodded, encouraging me.

    There wasn't much on his desk, just a few pens and papers, so it was no problem. I admit that felt a little weird, you know?

    I took some hair from my eyes and from the corner of my eyes I could see him taking some contusion lotion. Was it for my bruises, they were mostly gone, my nose, it was already okay...

    Geez! I felt the cold lotion on my er... `rear' *blush*. I looked at my back, in that position.

    He was putting a finger `there', you know. I never made it but I knew what that led to and I wasn't ready for that. I felt a little afraid, exposed, idk. I automatically tensed up but got quiet, as well as I could.

    "Mhmmm... argh."

    "Alright, from the look in your face and as our `friend' had gone down I guess it didn't feel good..." Mr. Thompson kinda inquired me.

    "I'm sorry coach. I guess it didn't..." I trailed off. I had a feeling like I just wanted to run away, you know?

    "You can get down from the desk now." he said.

    I looked at him, hesitant. I guess he could read what I was thinking looking in my eyes.

    "You're a healthy boy. Come here." Coach said and pulled me against his wide chest.

    It felt good... good thoughts were running through my made. I made it to the team, I was approved in my `examination' – if you can call it that way – he `remembered' about yesterday, and he was so so kind *giggle*

    "It's hot in here." he said as he took his t-shirt off and gosh, he had a hairy chest, so... big, you know.

    I tentatively put my hands on his furry chest. With that my raging boner came back, of course.

    "I see someone is happy." he commented.

    "Yeah" I giggled.

    Mr. Thompson kneeled in front of me but I remained my hands in his shoulders... that would be for balance as he put his mouth on my... penis... can you believe it? Gosh, and that felt great! It didn't take him much to make me be real close...

    "Are you close?" he asked.

    "Yeah." I said. "Please, can I...?" I trailed off and he understood. He stood up and was beside me as he watched me jerk to cum. Man, that felt great!

    I couldn't help but gasp and smile. He was sitting on his desk. He had taken his shorts off.

    Well, I took that as an invitation. Damn, his shaft was so big. Soon, he came without warning.


    I had a shower and was thoughtful in the lockers, and as I went home. It was good, but I felt confused somehow.

    It was better than when I did it alone but, wasn't I still alone? I mean, it was good, actually coach was so so hot, but still, he was coach... sigh.

  My note

THAAANK YOU for your feeback and opinion. Still I'd love to know your opinion for me to move on with the story =D
I have a good feeling thinking that somehow I can entertain or bring a good feeling to someone, even though everybody who reads of mine is far far away from me *giggle*

Peter in Highschool
The title is 'clickable' The story has the date in the beginning of each chapter for you to know where to keep it up between Peter in Highschool and Chris in Highschool, as they happen about the same time and, mostly, about the same facts ; )

  And these are from a few years ago, but here they are, my other series (the titles are 'clickable'):
Through the rain
My angel   and
I want a friend
Take a look if you feel like.

Next: Chapter 10

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