Chris New Life


Published on Mar 15, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

Chris - New Life.

Chapter 16

At the completion of lunch Peter called those wanting to go to the pool to get their gear and meet out the front in five minutes.

"Come on mate let's get our stuff," Mick said to Chris. "Come on Martin you too, get the others moving."

The group of young ones left for the pool, three girls 11 - 15 years, seven boys 9 - 17 years plus peter, Mick martin and Chris, 13 in totoal it was a big group. On the way the group chatted and played about with the young ones telling everyone how they were going to throw them in the pool.


Chapter 17

The kids went to their respective dressing rooms to change into their swimmers. The ten boys continued to play about and when they got into the change room took up spots along the wall. The younger boys were protective of their modesty but at the same time trying to look at the older boys. Chris had positioned himself at the other end of the bench away from mIck. Chris found himself surrounded by a nine year old, an eleven year old and two 13 year olds. Chris found himself to be comfortable in this group of lads and without hesitation pulled off his shorts then t to stand naked among them. Straight away it was noticed Chris had no pubic hair. He turned to directly face Martin and the other boys who had made the comment.

"I got more hair than you." Martin said to him.

Chris was surprised at his willingness to be on display to these boys. He did not try to hide himself.

"Me too," Steve the other 13 year old cousin remarked.

Chris did not attempt to cover himself but allowed the boys to ogle his body. With the boys staring so intently at him and him being on display to them Chris quickly began to harden.

"Look at how big it is," the nine year old whispered to the young boy next to him.

Chris became more excited. He then noted movement further along the bench.

" What are you lot doing," asked the other 15 year old cousin.

"Nothin', just getting changed." said Martin

Chris reached and pulled on his speedos. His appendage was covered but clearly still discernible through the flimsy nylon material. Chris' hardon, being aimed with the head across to his left hip, pulled out and down the waist of the swimmers. This time however there was no pubic on display.

"How come he's got no hair," asked cousin Steve

"Fucked if I know , he used to last time I saw him," martin replied " Got a huge donger ain't he."

'Fuckin massive," said Steve," and he don't mind showing it."

"If I had it I would to," said Martin as he adjusted his package in his swimmers.

"Yeah me too."Steve said reaching into his speedos and moving his penis to lay flat up his stomach.

"Got a hard on looking at him, gay boy." martin said to Steve.

"Fuck off sicko." Steve responded to Martin's taunts.

Peter had been on the other side of the dressing room watching the goings on between the boys. He took particular note of Chris. He noticed how he was willing to give a full show of his bits to the younger boys but when Mick and the other 15 year old and 17 year old came towards him he quickly covered himself. Interesting Peter thought. The boys settled their gear under a tree and ran off and dived into the pool. For the next hour they jumped in and out of the pool playing freely. Peter noted Chris willingness to play with the younger lads more than those his own age. He avoided contact with the 17 year old cousin. Peter continued to observe Chris interacting with the others.

The 15 year old girl cousin met up with Chris in the water where they chatted for a while. The girl then splashed water into Chris' face and swam off. Chris pursued her. He caught her and the two laughed and froliced with the others. The group had a short rest period then back into the water for more games. From the time they re entered the water the play seemed to be rougher. The two young girls didnot become as involved, climbing on the back of the boys only occasionally and quickly being shaken off and dumped in the water. Susan the 15 year old was more active in attacking the boys. The younger boys jumped on the older boys, the older boys jumped on each other, and Susan jumped on the older boys as well. The boys started to play grab arse with each other, snapping at each others arse and genitals. In the rough housing Susan would have her developping breasts cupped and a nipple accidentally squeezed. On several occasions she felt hands rubbing hard against her covered vagina. She grabbed at what was on offer. On one occasion her brothers cock and balls another MIcks. Mick grabbed at the back of her bikini bottom dragging it down to her knees and rubbing his hand between her arse cheeks. She reacted quickly to pull up the cover. the boys wrestled, Susan grabbed a costume and yanked it down. The costume came off completely and went to the pool floor. There was no attempt to retrieve the costume, only hands grabbing at the exposed genitals. A hand shot out and took hold of the penis tube and began to massage it but there was too much other activity, the hand moved to hold the encased balls. Martin tried to determine whose hand was pulling his penis and balls. Looks like Chris he tought. No way. Can't be, more likely his cousin Murray, he reckoned he was queer. Martin got away from the grabbing hands and swam down to retrieve his swimmers.

Susan swam over to Chris and pounced on him. her hands moved over his body. They dragged at the small nylon costume he was wearing. Chris pushed her away. He grabbed for her, his hands accidentally grabbed her nubile breast. Chris felt her nipple through the flimsy bikini bra. His hand shot away from her.

"You tring to feel me up,"she accused Chris and she moved closer to him. The others moved around all began grabbing at each other. Chris felt a hand slip inside his speedos and take hold of him. He jumped in the water to free himself. There was too much going on for Chris he decided it was time to get out of the water. Peter heard Chris telling Mick he was getting out and that he was finished for the day.

Chris climbed out of the pool, gathered his towel, shorts and t and went into the change rooms. Chris got under a shower and washed the chlorine water from his body. There was nobody in the showers with him and he relaxed under the water spray. As he heard voices come into the change room Chris turned off his shower dried and changed for the walk home. When everyone was finished they met together outside the pool and headed off home. Chris was pleased with himself for not having been humiliated in front of anyone at the pool, remembering what happened last time he was there.

Monday morning came quickly enough and the Thompson household was its usual frenetic self with adults rushing to get ready for work and the four boys doing the same for school. Chris knew he had a big day ahead. He had to meet up with Sinclair and it was also the first day of the challenges. He also had swim club this afternoon. Chris jumped from the shower and walked into his bedroom, Mick had laid out his clothes for the day. Chris said nothing but picked up his shirt which was the right size and slipped it on. There were no briefs so Chris took up the shorts. They were the "Stubby " type short, elastic waist, short wide leg and only a back pocket. Chris slipped the shorts on, apart from being short shorts they fitted him well. Mick explained they used to be Peter's years ago. The boys were dressed and the three younger lads left for the bus. peter was getting a ride to school with one of his mates.

The boys boarded the bus and went to the back seat in the bus. It allowed five or six boys to sit together across the back of the bus together. Mick and his mates always sat there unless there were seniors. Mahoney got on with his yonger brother. They moved to the back of the bus as well. The younger Mahoney sat in a seat in front of the others with his mates. The older boys across the back seat teased and picked on the younger kids on the journey to school. They slap the back of their heads, take off theri shoes and throw them down the aisle of bus, take off their socks and throw them out the window, anything to dominate them. Mick and Ando loved telling the younger kids how they were going to strip them and push their heads down the toilets and give them a flush, or that they would strip them in the playground and not return their gear. The older boys had never gone this far but with what they had already done to the younger lads, they were all scared it would happen to them. Even Martin knew he could not rely on his brother to leave him out of any taunting and teasing.

The boys got through the beginning of the first day and met up at recess. They sat in their usual meeting place in the playground and discussed the weekends events. The bell sounded for resumption of class. Chris raced to his locker to get his books for the next two periods before lunch. English was next. He rushed ot the class being sure not to be late, he did not want to encite any trouble with Mr Booth, the teacher. Chris entered and went to the rear of the class and sat with Mick as MIck had told him to do. Sinclair sat towards the front of the class, no longer with Chris as he did previous to the trouble between them. Ando and John Baker sat in front of Mick and Chris. Mr Lester entered the room and called the class to order. He welcomed them back after the weekend. Mr Booth then followed him into the class. He instructed them to take out their books and commenced the lesson. Mr Lester positioned himself at the rear of the class leaning on the wall. Mick looked back at mr lester and eased his cock out of his shorts as per the challenge he lost on the Saturday. He didnot play with himself just made sure his cock was fully exposed through the zipperd fly. He looked at Mr Lester then down to his crotch and back to Mr lester. Chris could see from the corner of his eyes the activity taking place next to him and focused his attention on Micks now exposed cock. Mr Lester moved from the wall and slowly moved across alongside the desk. He stood as if taking in everything Mr Booth was saying at the front of the class, but continually flicked his glance to Mick's exposure, 100mm ( 4 inches) of flacid tube lying over a set of nuts the size of walnuts with a sprinkling of blonde brown pubes. Mr lester pushed his hands into his pockets he was beginning to harden and as per his challenge of wearing no underwear for the week his erection was becoming noticeable through the thin cotton fabric of his chinos. Mick looked up at Mr lester and smiled, Lester smiled back. Mick moved his hand to his crotch and gave his tube a long slow pull, one then another then removed his hand and sat back leaving himself on display. Chris watched this and became erect. His member began to poke from out of the short leg. Chris was totally focused on Micks cock. It was now semi hard. Chris watched even closer as it continued to inflate.

"Mr Thompson, why are you sitting there." Mr Booth called from the front of the room.

Mick snapped forward, afraid he would be called on to stand up and him with his cock out.

"I er, er, well sir...." Mick stammered

"Not you Mr Thompson the other one." Booth cut him short.

"What do you mean sir, I always sit here." Chris responded

"You always sat there Mr Thompson, remember I told you at detention in future you would sit directly in front of me here in the front row, so I can keep my eye on you. Move to the front now." Booth ordered.

"Yes sir.' Chris replied, Mr Booth's attention causing his penis to lose its full erection but not completely. Chirs stood gathered his books, and moved down the aisle to the front row, all seats were occupied. He stood in the aisle alongside an occupied desk.

There was activity at the desk Chris had just left, "What are you jumping around doing Mr Micheal Thompson, do you wish to join him." Booth asked. Meanwhile Mick was stowing his equipment back into his shorts and zipping up.

"No sir, definitely not sir, the front is for people who don't pay attention sir, not good students," Mick said with a wide grin.

"You're right Mr Thompson, completely correct, move here alongside your namesake now." Booth barked.

"Aw sir,"

"Now Mr Thompson, now ,or you can join your cousin at detention a lunch time,"

Mick picked up his books and back pack and moved to the front.

"You two swap seats with them," Booth instructed the two boys sitting directly in front of the teachers desk.

The room settled after the the moving of desks. Mr Booth sat directly opposite the two Thompson boys. He could see them, he could see any movement under their desk. If he were to sit slightly lower in his chair he could see up as far as their crotches. Mr Booth continued the lesson. He had boys coming forward and reading pages from a novel to the class. After several pages, one boy would be replaced by another. Mick and Chris stared directly at Mr Booth and also see what he could see, up to his crotch. Mick lent across and whispered to Chris, they began a whispering conversation. Booth looked up over the top of his book whilst a boy was reading, he noted the two whispering, his intent stare didnot deter them . He noted the left hand of Chris Thompson resting below the desk but moving slowly in what appeared a regular movement. He slid lower in his chair, he noted Chris massaging a pronounced mound in the crotch region. Booth said nothing.

When the boy reading reached the end of his required pages Mr Booth said" Righto, Mr Chris Thompson you step up and take over reading for us please."

Chris sat dumbstruck. He had not been listening nor had he followed where they were up to in the book.

"Step forward Mr Thompson, we are on page 82. Read to pages 86 and see me at the conclusion of this lesson."

Chris took the book and stepped in front of the class. He turned the pages found the spot and started to read. His mound at his crotch was still very noticeable and those sitting close to where Chris was standing could not help but see the outline of an inflated cock and balls pushing against the cotton fabric of the shorts, and forcing the left leg opening further out. Chris could feel the air on his parts. Several of the boys who saw the mound and the opening murmured amongst themselves. After Chris had read several lines Mr Booth, stopped the reading stood and moved partially forward into the class to ask questions about what had just been read. Chris looked across at Mick who acted as if he were playing with himself under the desk. The action was enough to cause Chris to become more excited. He could feel his rod starting to push out the bottom of the leg of his short shorts. He knew much further and the head of his cock would come out of the shorts leg and once this happened his steel penis would force the material up and his cock would be on display. These thoughts were going through his head whilst Mr Booth continued to rattle on about something behind him. The boys sitting directly in front of Chris could see the leg of the shorts beginning to push out further, they could see the outline of a large cock head. As the material was put under more pressure they could see the material rise, they could see just a small piece of flesh coming into sight where the cock head was forcing. Chris had closed his eyes trying to will his penis down, the more he tried the harder he became. He prayed he would not be on display to the class. The boy sitting directly in front of Chris took his wooden ruler and flicked it up and at the flesh beginning to appear from under the shorts. The edge of the ruler caught the hem of the shorts leg and lifted it higher. Now there was two thirds of a cock head poking from under the shorts. Chris was not aware this much was showing. The boy took his ruler again and rubbed it along the swollen tube outlined in the shorts. Chris went to step back but was too close to the desk behind him to get away. He knew he had been spotted and became totally excited. Mr Booth continued to drone on. The boy took his ruler and spat a wad on its flat and took the ruler and smeared it across the now exposed cock head. Chris felt the ruler with the smooth liquid applied to his cock. He stepped back on to the desk behind him again. He glared down at the boys sitting in front of him, they were two he had never spoken to but knew what he would like to do with them. Several other groups of boys sitting at the front of the class were also watching what was happening, this was Chris most humiliating moment. Again the ruler came out and flicked Chris on his cock head. Chris' movement and him grabbing for his shaft to comfort it after being flicked caused his shorts leg to rise further. He held his penis, partly in his hand and partly through the fabric of his shorts.

"What are you doing boy." Mr Booth snapped, turning at the sound of Chris being flicked and seeing him holding himself. "Remove your hand"

"But sir," Chris whimpered back not moving his hand from its station. The class were all focused on watching Chris and Mr Booth.'Please sir." With the full attention of the class Chris was unexplainedly excited. Never had his cock been harder. never had it pulsed like it was pulsing now. Chris could feel the precum on his fingers that were clasping his cock head and covering it from public display.

"Move your hand boy, now." Booth demanded.

Chris attempted a manipulation trying to push his exploding penis back under cover and at the same time pull down the fabric of the shorts leg. He lifted his hand from his crotch. One could see a greatly distended crotch, with the outline of a very thick penis tube running down the left thigh. At the end of the tube was the pronounced outline of a cock head partially covered, and for those sitting closer partially on display. Also for those closer was the sign of wetness caused by a leaking cock. It was obvious to all who saw Chris he was experiencing an erection, and that erection was very large.

As Mr Booth was about to utter more instructions the end of period bell sounded, nobody moved, they waited to see what would happen .Chris didnot move , his erection didnot subside, it continued to seep precum, now noticeably dripping from his cock. The boy in front of him with the ruler slid it forward in an attempt to catch any that fell to the floor.

"Thompson see me at lunchtime in this room," and to the boy with the ruler ," Lancaster you can join him."

"But sir it was him who was playing with it not me so why do I have to come." Lancaster rudely asked

"Because I said so, and you can explain what your role in this was, and don't tell me nothing. Now get to your next class all of you."

The boys demobbed and moved to their next classes. As the boys were leaving and walking down the halls Chris was the topic of conversation for all of them. Some discussed how embarrassing it would be to be sprung with a boner, others how big his cock was , others about him playing with himself in the open like that in class. By end of day the whole school would have heard about the event, all different versions.

Lunchtime arrived Chris went to see Mr Booth in his home classroom and Mick went in search fo Mr Lester. He wanted to watch lester jerk off in the playground toilets. One of the challenges Lester had lost. With Mick was Ando and John Baker. The trio kept close watch on the toilets for lester to arrive. Mick was sweating on Lester not doing his challenge so he would then release the nude photo of him or set him another challenge which is what he would prefer to do.

Chris entered the class and sitting waiting for him was Mr Booth, lancaster the other boy had not yet arrived.

"Explain your actions lad." Mr Booth instructed

Chris was about to begin when Lancaster arrived. He stammered at first but Booth told Lancaser to sit alongside Chris and for Chris to continue. Chris explained to Mr Booth how he could got an erection and it kept happening and he had no control over it. Mr Booth said that was quite normal and to be expected for a boy his age but he should not not showing himself around class. Chris explained it was not intended and it was an accident. Mr Booth nodded his head and then turned his attention to Lancaster.

"What about you lancaster what was your part in this or do I ask Thompson." Booth enquired

lancaster didnot respond to start and as Booth was about to say something Lancaster said" Sir, it was only as a joke. I saw he had a stiffy the way it was pushing out his shorts and got me ruler and gave him a whack on the mound."

"And, Mr lancaster the rest."

"Well sir when Chris jumped a bit I thought it was funny and did it again. I didn't expect to see it shoot out from his shorts like that. it looked like a snake getting ready to strike." lancaster then chuckled. "Anyway if he wore undies it wouldn't do that."

"Thats none of your business Lancaster if he wears undies or not." Booth instructed."How many times did you strike Thompson on the penis."

"I never sir it was in his shorts," lancaster defended

"Well the last time wasn't was it , you struck him on the bare organ. Now how many times." Booth again asked

"Three times sir. Only three times." Lancaster answered

"Three plus one because you would have cheated one makes four. That would have been very painful to Thompson Lancaster don't you think." Booth suggested

"Jeez sir he was the one with the stiffy, he was the one without undies i just had some fun."

"Well now Mr thompson can have some fun at your expense. Hand me the ruler."Booth said

lancaster looked at booth then slowly removed the long wooden ruler from his backpack.

"OK Mr Lancaster stand directly in front of the desk. Mr Thompson administer 8 blows to Mr Lancaster's crotch region.' Booth instructed

"I only hit him four times." Lancaster yelled " that ain't fair."

"It's your penalty. You learn you do not attack other boys in the crotch area. It's not yours leave it alone." Booth turned to Chris , handed him the ruler," OK Thompson strike Lancaster here eight times in the crotch just as he did to you."

Chris took the ruler from the teacher and looked up at lancaster, who was now staring down at Chris with a look that could kill. Lancaster was wearing blue shorts, his mound was discernible through the fabric. Chris took back the ruler and delivered the first blow, Lancaster pulled back a bit and uttered a yelp.

"You hurt me and I'll get you." lancaster said to Chris

Chris looked at Lancaster and then focused on his crotch and delivered another four blows as hard as he could. Lancaster was now standing with several tears on his cheeks and a growing mound at his crotch.

"Mr lancaster as you delivered a blow directly to Mr Thompson's penis drop your shorts." Booth said

"Fuck off I ain't dropping my shorts for this homo." lancaster replied in a rage.

"Mr Lancaster do as I say or you will be suspended from all sporting teams you represent for this school."

Lancaster sneered at Booth but knew he did not want to risk losing his sport representation. He was the captain of the rugby thirteen side of his grade last year and would be again this year. He represented at cricket, water polo and wrestling. Lancaster was one of the largest boys in his year grade, was always training and it showed. Lancaster moved his hands to his belt and then the clasp at the waist then unzipped his shorts and let them fall to the floor over his shoes. He continued to stare at Chris. Chris stared back then moved his focus to the underwear clad genitals. Lancaster was wearing tie at the sides small mesh briefs with a modesty panel behind the mesh to hide the cock and balls. The panel was very small and because lancaster had a chubby going and it was pointing to the right and not down his cock head was clearly visibly through the mesh. Chris took aim and delivered as hard a blow to the showing penis top that he could. lancaster yelped loudly at the discomfort caused by the blow, he continued to chub, the tube increasing in weight. Chris was now fully erect. Chris took aim and delivered another blow, this time to the covered balls. Lancaster again yelped and covered his crotch with his hands.

"One more, Thompson make the best of it. teach Lancaster here to only play with what is his."

Chris again took aim at the on display cock head, he pulled back the ruler and delivered his final blow. Lancaster expelled a loud howl, Chris had tilted the ruler slightly and the corner of the ruler and not the flat of the ruler directly struck the exposed cock head.

"Right all done, neither of you boys come before me again or I will put you on detention for a week now off you go and finish your lunch break." Booth instructed.

Chis stood to leave, his erection was most noticeable forcing out the front of his shorts. Booth saw it but said nothing.

Lancaster saw the large protrusion from Chris crotch and as they reached the door and walked through it said to Chris," I'll get square with you homo, you'll pay for what you did today."

"Suck on this," Chris replied as he grabbed his crotch and shook it at Lancaster, " Just leave me alone."

"See you after school," Lancaster said.

The boys split up and went their different ways.

Meanwhile John Baker had spotted Lester enter the toilets and he followed him in, Mick was staying out of sight. He knew if Lester spied him he may put off his jerk session. Lester walked along the aisles of toilets and when he reached the back row where there was no one he entered a cubicle. He quickly dropped his trousers and fisted his cock. He lent against a side wall of the cubicle whilst he stroked his cock. The excitement of jerking off in the boys toilets at lunch time was exciting to him and stimulating. Lester quickly came to a solid erection and began to furiously work his cock. He felt he was getting close, he grabbed his balls with his left hand whilst rapidly stroking with his right. Within minutes Lester shot his load onto the concrete floor. Lester took some toilet paper cleaned his cock head and hand pulled up his trousers and opened the door of the cubicle to go, leaving his spent cum running down the cubicle wall and splotches on the floor. Outside the door were the three boys and as Lester attempted to leave Mick pushed in past him and called the others to look at what lester had left behind. Lester could feel his face turning hot.

"Good load sir," Ando said

"See me after classes please MIck," Lester said and quickly left the toilet block.

The three boys followed him out talking among themselves of how they could capture Lester in action.

The rest of the day passed and at the end of the day Chris was pleased to be at home. He arrived before the others. He had not bothered to attend swim training he just wanted to get home. He lay on the bed and dozed off. He was asleep on his bed when awoken by MIck.

"Hi guy, no swimming this arvo, I told them you were sick and that'swhy you weren't there." Mick explained

"Thanks Mick, after Booth at lunchtime and that fuckwit Lancaster I had had enough. What's wrong with Lancaster why has he got a chip on his shoulder."

"Why, what happened." Mick asked

Chris told MIck the full story of what happened at detention during lunch with Mr Booth and Lancaster.

Mick sat shaking his head as he listened to Chris tell what happened. "That's not good mate. Lancaster is not the guy to get on the wrong side of. He is a real standover and if he wants to get square he will get you. He's tough and he's got a tough gang."

"Oh well fuck him. I'm not going to put up with his shit." Chris announced.

"Be careful. Stay away, I do. None of us will cross him." Mick warned. " Anyway why are you dressed you know the rules."

Chris didn't say anything, he got off the bed and stripped naked and lay back on the bed, face down. Mick rose from sitting on his bed and went into the bathroom. Whilst he was in there peter came along the hall and entered the boy's bedroom. He could not help but see Chris naked on the bed.

"No clothes mate." Peter joked.

"Just relaxing," Chris replied to Peter not wanting him to know that Mick made him strip naked at home, afraid if he did he would find out about the photos and videos Mick had of him, the same went for Martin. Chris continued to speak to Peter laying with his chest and stomach on the bed.

"You want to be careful, someone sees you lying there like that with your arse in the air they might think you're waiting for something." Peter warned.

MIck re entered the room and joined the conversation. Peter then told the boys Uncle John and Aunty Mary would be going to a sales conference, leaving Thursday night and returning Sunday night. He also told them he was not going to be responsible for them, but he would be for young Martin, he had already told his father this. Mick said that it suited them because they would arrange their weekend between now and Thursday. The boys heard their names being called from downstairs to come for dinner. Peter continued talking to MIck, Chris was loathe to move from the bed not wanting to expose himself to Peter. Peter made no move to go downstairs and again the boys were called. Finally Chris stood from the bed and moved to put on shorts. Peter watched intently as Chris got dressed. The boys went down to have dinner. At the completion of dinner and after cleaning up they returned upstairs to do homework and get on the net. Chris again stripped when back in the bedroom without prompting by Mick.

Chris sat on his bed reading a novel whilst Mick opened his net messages. Mick noticed a message in his mail but addressed to Chris, it was from John Singleton Chris' mate in the bush to whom Mick sent the photos of Chris. Mick opened the email and read the reply.


Good to hear from you. Obviously you have got into the way of things in Sydney. Did you want me to show the photos around or were they only to me. Let me know. Can't wait for you to come home for a visit, didn't know you were gay but its ok by me.


"Hey Chris here's a reply form your mate Singo." Mick told Chris.

Chris got off the bed and walked across and stood next to Mick and read the screen. Chris turned to look at Chris and stared straight at his chubbed penis.

"Don't put that thing in my ear." joked Mick and he reached out and flicked the very tip of the cock head.

"Ouch, that hurt," Chris complained," Don't do that fuck you."

"Really," Mick punched Chris straight in the nuts."DOn't tell me what to do."

CHris howled and fell to the floor holding his balls, cradling them after the blow. He writhed on the floor. As he took his hand from his balls Mick reached down and slapped him on his tube. Chris again grabbed his genitals to protect them from further assault. Chris lay on the floor on his stomach protecting himself. Mick got up and stood over Chris. He then reached down and took a full blooded swipe at the bare backside that was exposedd to him. Chris again cried out in pain but didnot roll over. Mick again firmly smacked the arse again. Chris shot a hand onto his arse cheeks to try and cover them.

"Move your hand." Mick ordered. Chris reluctantly moved his hand. Mick again smacked at the bare arse cheek. Three red hand prints were now visible on the bare arse. "Looks good, we might do this more often."

"please no more," Chris pleaded

"Get up off the floor." MIck directed

Chris stood facing MIck.

"Fucking look at you you fag, you got a hardon again. You like being punished don't you."

"No Mick, please don't, I don't like it , it just goes hard you know that." Chris explained.

"Just finish your shit I want to go to bed. " With that Mick went into the bathroom and prepared for bed. Chris went back to finish reading his book and then also prepared for bed. He was determnined to stay away from everybody.

The week continued with Mick, Chris and dave lester all undertaking their challenges each day. Dave Lester continued to be concerned he would be found out masturbating in the playground toilets each lunch time but so far only the group knew what was happening. Sinclair continued to try and be accepted by Chris. Every free moment they had out of class during the day Sinclair spent with Chris. Chris accepted sinclair had no choice in what he did and was softening his attitude and was accepting Sinclair back as his friend.

During the Thursday Mick had his group of friends about him and was making plans for the weekend telling them his parents would be away for the weekend. The boys were coming up with different ideas of what they could do "while the cats are away the mice will play".

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 18

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