Chris New Life


Published on Aug 7, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

Chris - New Life.

Chapter 18

Rob Lancaster reached out and put his arm around the shoulder of Christian Thompson and pulled him close to him, Christian had tears rolling down his face, at last he had someone who had listened to him, he felt at last to have a mate.

"Listen Chris, I don't know what I'm going to do about all this yet but for now you go home tonight and get some rest. Tomorrow I'll see you at school, you can stay at my place ove the weekend and I'll have something sorted after that."

Chris looked up and into the other boys' face," Lancaster thanks for listening but I..."

Rob Lancaster interupted him," To start with I won't call you fag boy, so you call me Rob. You go on home I'll see you tomorrow, and remember your earlier promise to me that you would do everything I told you to, well part of that is that I'm telling you to stay at my place over the weekend. I'll speak to Mick, he'll understand after I explain to him."

Chris stood from the bench, Rob's arm falling from his shoulders," Thanks for listening see you tomorrow Rob" Chris smiled a genuine smile for the first time in what seemed a long time

"See ya Chris you leave it to me, I'll fix things tomorrow. Seeya mate."

With that Chris turned and scampered off across the oval to the Thompson household, he knew he would be in trouble for being late. Rob Lancaster remained sitting on the bench looking after his new charge running across the oval. He sat and pondered his actions for tomorrow and the future.

To be continued

Chapter 19

Chris arrived through the back door and went straight to the kitchen to apologise to his aunt for being late home. The kitchen and downstairs area was deserted. He turned and went upstairs to his bedroom. He walked through the door and Mick was there on the computer.

"You're late man." Mick said

"Yeah sorry I got delayed. Where's aunty Mary?" Chris asked

"They already left for the conference, went earlier this arvo." Mick answered." We got the place to ourselves to Monday night, cool eh."

"Yeah great. What was for dinner." Chris enquired

"There's salad on a plate in the fridge. Seeing as how there are no oldies in the house you can strip off and be like that whenever you're home till the rents get back."

Chris did not bother to argue, he removed his clothes, threw them onto his bed and then went downstairs to get his dinner. It felt strange to him to be wandering around downstairs and then sitting down to dinner naked. As he sat eating his salad his other piece of meat became engorged and stuck its head above the table. Martin, the youngest brother, came downstairs and saw Chris sitting in the chair at the table with a bare back and then noticed his bare backside.

"Dad says you're not allowed to sit at the table without a shirt on." Martin said to Chris

"Yeah well tell that to Mick not me." Chris snapped back.

Martin moved to the table and in doing so could see the top of Chris' cock poking up above the table. Martin turned and ran upstairs.

"Chris is sitting downstairs with no gear on and a stiffy." martin excitedly called to Mick

"Yeah I know , he lost a bet. Don't worry." Mick explained to Martin

"Fuck he's got a big donger aint he." martin said

"pretty big." Mick said,"All our family is well hung."

"You aint nothing like that." Martin exclaimed.

"Nearly.I am." Mick retorted

"Bullshit. I aint seen you with nothing like that." Martin retorted and turned to go back downstairs. As he got to the top of the stairs he met Chris on his way back up to the bedroom. "So how long you got to stay like that?" Martin asked Chris

"Until Mick says otherwise." Chris replied

"What bet you lose." Martin asked,"Must have been something really big to have that sort of bet where you strip off for everyone ."

" I bet Mick he wouldn't suck off Ando and he did." Chris lied

"He did, aw bullshit, wait until I see him , the cocksucker he is. I knew he was gay." Martin laughed excitedly. Martin rushed back into Mick's bedroom, "You suck Ando gayboy."

"What are you talking about potato head." Mick snapped back

"Chris told me, the bet he lost. How he bet you wouldn't suck Ando and you did. That's off man. You are gay."

Mick bounced off the bed as Chris walked into the room.

"Tell him the truth, tell him I didn't suck no cock." Mick demanded of Chris

"I can't lie to Martin it wouldn't be the right thing to do. He should know what a sleaze his brother is." Chris came back, sneering into the face of Mick.

"You seem full of yourself all of a sudden you know what is going to happen, it will be more than a photo to your mate at home, Singo." Mick warned.

"Rob lancaster said for you to speak to him. I am going to be staying at his place this weekend. He said so." Chris informed Mick. "if you don't like it talk to Rob." and with that Chris moved and pulled his clothes back on. " Before you decide to send anything out you should speak to Rob or he will rearrange how you're put together. Hope you understand. Do anything to hurt me in anyway and Rob will punish the fuck out of you and you know he can. You and your mates."

"really how come that fat fuck is taking your side, wants your arse for himself does he. I'll sort him." Mick responded,"I'm not scared of him."

"Shit I would be ." said martin, " He is one really big tough dude man."

"I'll sort him tomorrow and then we'll see how you feel then my country cousin. You'll wish you'd been fucked by a bull by the time I'm finished with you."Mick warned Chris

"Fuck you." replied Chris and he went into the boys bathroom and closed the door.

Martin stood looking at Mick who had turned scarlet and had his fists tightly balled by his sides. Chris returned, looked at the two boys standing in the bedroom, climbed into bed and pulled up the covers and said ," Turn the light out when you're finished, good night." Chris laid his head on the pillow and smiled and closed his eyes. He was excited at being free from the clutches of MIck although he wasn't sure what Rob Lancaster would want from him in his promise to do anything he asked earlier in the evening. He knew if he broke his word to Rob, then he would suffer, he didn't know how he would suffer, such was Rob's reputation. He had to admit Mick had balls. He knew Mick would front him.

Friday morning and everything went well in the house with all of the boys getting ready and off to school. During the first three periods leading to recess Mick didn't say anything to Chris. Chris was hoping Mick was going to accept what he had said and the matter would now be over. Recess came and the group of boys gathered at their usual place in the playground. None of the group said anything to Chris about his argument with Mick. Chris looked around and couldn't see Mick anywhere. He searched the playground but Mick was away somewhere. Perhaps he was over at the staff room Chris thought. Unbeknown to Chris MIck had arranged a meeting with Rob Lancaster in the gym during recess. Lancaster had wanted to know what it was about and why he should waste his time and Mick told him it was in his best interest as he was about to make a fool of himself.

"What's this about Thompson, what do want to talk to me about that's so important." Rob lancaster asked Mick when they met at the back of the gym.

"My fag cousin tells me he's staying at your place this weekend and that you're his protector." Mick probed

"Yeah, we decided we had some shit we wanted to do."

"I thought you hated queers." Mick goaded Lancaster

"I do so you're lucky I am talking to you. I might still belt fuck out of you." Lancaster responded

"Yeah well before you get carried away with yourself you better get things straight, like just who is the fag." Mick protested

"Chris told me the whole story of how you blackmail him cause you got a photo of him jerking off." Lancaster retorted'"Christ, I jerk off, all guys do., that doesn't make you a fag."

"I'll tel you what Rob, I got some of the blokes coming over on Friday night for a game of cards then a party on Saturday night while the oldies are away. Why don't you come on friday night play some cards, watch Chris and you'll see my queer cousin for what he is. You can then come to the party Saturday night if you want."

"Chris is coming to my place this weekend, I promised him that and I don't go back on my word." Lancaster said

"Yeah fair enough, bring him with you. Let him go to your place tonight and you two can come back tonight over home for a game of cards. You see how he is. I bet you before the night is out he has his cock out for the boys." Mick suggested." You want to make sure before everyone knows he is your chum, that know how that will look."

"I'll think about it."Lancaster replied "What time and Who's going to be there."

"Get there 8pm thereabouts. You know Ando ,John Baker and mahoney, those guys. If you want you can bring along one of your other mates if not tonight then Saturday night."

"No, no , it's ok If we come it'll just be me and Chris tonight. What about tomorrow night. It's not going to be some dry turnout is it." Rob asked

"No, no, we will play some tunes, have a drink, play some more cards, some weed if you want, just a knock about for the guys."

"I might be there. Depending on the weekend will determine what happens between you and me. I'm going" and that said lancaster turned and walked away.

Chris was at his locker when Mick turned up next to him and nodded a hello. Chris was uneasy he was waiting for Mick to react to him telling Mick he was staying the weekend with Lancaster. Nothing happened for the rest of the day and everything proceeded as it should. At the conclusion to the day Chris went to his locker to put away his books when he was met there by lancaster.

Chris looked at lancaster,"Am I still ok to come for the weekend."

"Sure bud. I'll go home with you while you get your things then we can move on to my place." lancaster explained

Chris beamed a smile, finished packing his locker, said goodbye to several of the boys and Lancaster and Chris moved to the bus stop together. Mick and the others were waiting at the bus and nothing was said except to Lancaster about how unusual it was for him to catch this bus. He explained to the others he was going back to the Thompsons for Chris to pack some gear then they were going to his place.

"Aren't you going to be there tonight?" Ando asked of Chris

Before Chris could respond Lancaster said" Maybe, maybe not it depends how we feel." and looking at Chris "Doesn't it mate."

Chris looked at Lancaster but said nothing he would save it until later.

Rob Lancaster sat downstairs while Chris was up in his bedroom packing some shorts and polos. He sat on the back verandah talking to Mick. He had not spoken much to Mick before having always regarded him as a rival. He thought he liked Chris now he was beginning to like Mick. Mick was reminding Rob before he declared himself the protector for Chris he should know what Chris is really like, because he might be sorry later. Who wants to be known as the guy who looks after the class gay. Rob didn't say anything just listened.

Chris came bounding down from his bedroom,"All ready let's go." He looked at Mick, grinned at him then said "See you later mate."

Mick and Rob stood, " See you later ." Mick said to Rob and smiled directly back at Chris.

Rob and Chris went out through the rear yard gate across the oval and onto Rob Lancaster's place. When Chris entered he could see the place was much the same as the Thompson's place. Living areas downstairs, bedrooms upstairs. it was a nice house. Rob took Chris upstairst his bedroom and showed him where he could stow his gear. The room consisted of a bathroom leading off the bedroom, window looking out towards the treed area of the park and inbuilt wardrobe, desk and double bed. It was a very spacious room with posters of sport stars hanging all around the walls. From the bedroom window you also looked over the back yard and a large inground pool.

Chris flopped onto the bed ,"Nice place mate, I like your pool."

"yeah thanks, we can go for a swim if you want." Rob replied.

"I didn't bring no swimmers." Chris told Rob

"Don't matter I got heaps, you can use some of mine."

Chris was a little wary as this is what Mick had told him before he gave him two very brief speedos to choose from.

"Lets get something to eat then change for a swim." Rob directed.

Both boys trouped downstairs into the kitchen where Rob got some juice from the fridge and cheese snack packs from the fridge.

"Where's your folks." Chris asked

"Still at work, they don't get home until about 7pm. They know you're coming, their calm."

The boys finished their snack and Rob directed Chris back upstairs to the bedroom. Rob fished through his drawers, turned to Chris and threw him a pair of red speedos.

"These should dod you." Rob said." Get into them."

Chris caught the speedos and held thme out to look at their size. Much to his surprise they looked a size alrger than he would normally take and felt relaxed. The two boys began to get undressed. As Chris got down to his underjocks he turned his back to Rob, who seemed to be showing no interest in him stripping off, slid down his jockeys and pulled on the speedos. When he had the speedos in place he turned just to see Rob pulling up a pair of black speedos. He quickly turned his head away until he felt Rob would have been dressed. he didnot want to appear to be spying on Rob at all. He intended to prove to Rob he wasnot gay and he had no interest in other boys. Now in their speedos Rob lead Chris back downstairs and out back to the pool area. Chris unintentionally watched Rob's arse move in his speedos. Hewatched the well muscled back and shoulders moving in front of him. Rob didnot have the tan of Chris and had no definitive tan lines. Rob turned to face Chris as the two boys got to the pool edge. As Rob stood facing Chris he raised his hand to Chris' shoulder, Chris went rigid waiting for Rob's next move. Rob with his hand planted firmly on Chris' shoulder he looked directly into his face and as he spoke "You want to swim." pushed Chris into the pool and broke out in gales of laughter. Rob then dived into the pool. The two boys romped and skylarked about in the pool for the next 45 minutes. Chris had enjoyed the rough house play, the body contact, the good humour. Even though Rob over powered him he had given and much as he got. the ongoing wrestling and dunking had caused Chris to be excited and whilst not fully erect, his penis was greatly engorged. Chris was concerned Rob would see him excited and when he could kept himself pressed hard against the pool wall. Rob had made no sexual overtones to him at all, they were just playing about as mates. Chris liked the feel of the two grappling together. He hoped given time his growing erection would subside and Rob would not have noticed. The more he thought of his erection subsiding the harder he became. As Chris' erection was now forcefully extending the front of his speedos from his body Rob called rest time and said he was getting out to lay in the sun for a while.

"OK mate, I'll be out in a minute I'll just swim some underwater laps." Chris told Rob, not wanting to get out and have Rob see his excitement.

Rob pulled himself out of the pool with his back to Chris. As Rob was emerging from the water Chris noted the straining back and arm muscles as they hoisted Rob from the water and as the water line fell below his waist he watched Rob's black speedo covered tighly rounded arse draw from the pool with the water draining drown from the speedo and down the thickly muscled thighs of Rob. Chris was not deflating, his erection strained more at the sight. Rob cleared the pool, turned and stood on the side of the pool facing Chris.

"I'm exhausted ." Rob called." Give me time for a short rest and I"ll be back after you."

As he spoke, Chris stood in the pool looking up at Rob. Unintentionally his eyes focused on the body towering over him at the pool side. He noted the well developed chest and stomach. Rob did have a great body. His eyes moved down to his black speedos and the outline held behind the nylon fabric. Chris didn't want to look but it seemed out of his control, he could imagine from the outline what Rob had at his crotch. Chris yearned to see what was in the package. His penis strained harder in his costumes. He knew he was leaking cum. Rob was a really athletic guy, his whole body was developed for sport. Rob turned from the Chris and lay on the pool surround in the sun on his back. he pulled a t shirt over his eyes for shade. From where Chris was lying he looked directly at Rob's mound. He had to get control of himself. He knew Rob Lancaster didn't like queers, and he wasn't queer. Chris stopped looking at Rob and resumed his underwater laps, trying to put Rob Lancaster's vision from his thoughts. He willed his erection to go down. After 20 minutes of continual swimming Chris felt his erection had subsided enough to get out of the water. The bounded from the pool, joined Rob where he was lying. Chris lay stomach down on the paved surround, laying his head on his forearms and looked at Rob lying next to him. He felt himself begin to chub again, god he wished he could control his organ.

Rob turned to Chris," Mick wanted us to go over to your place tonight and play cards, what do you reckon."

"I'd rather not but it's up to you, I'll do what ever you say." Mick replied.

"yeah thats right, I forgot, you said you would do anything I told you to do, didn't you."

"Yeah I promised I would yeah." Chris half heartedly replied

With that Rob got up on one arm, looked at Chris and began to speak. Chris felt "Here it comes, I knew it was too good to last."

"OK, with you as my slave, you can go grab us both a coke from the games room over there. Go on, don't fuck around or I'll have you sweeping the pool as well." Rob chuckled

"Right away master." Chris happily replied. Chris was sure Rob would do something devious, but no, he was playing it really straight. Chris was relieved.

The boys finished their drinks, had another brief swim, then Rob said they should go in, get showered, changed then work out wha tthey would do for the night. Chris followed Rob into the games room where at the rear of the room was a separate bathroom for use when out in the yard. Rob threw Chris a towel and showed him into the shower.

"Give me a call when you're done." Rob said to Chris as Chris went into the shower area.

When Chris was finished showering he realised he had not brought any clothes downstairs with him so wrapped the towel around his waist and went outside to Rob.

"You done, great. Give me a couple of minutes and I 'll be finished and we can get ourselves changed." Rob said. He didnot make any suggestions to Chris about being only in the towel or that he should do anything slightly perverse. Chris relaxed , he was happy he had met Rob Lancaster even if the start was a bit rocky.

Both boys, finished showering, and with towels wrapped around their waists left the yard and returned upstairs to Rob's bedroom.

As they entered the bedroom Rob looked around and said to Chris" What do you want to do about sleeping arrangements tonight. You can camp here in a sleeping bag or down the hall in a bed in my little brothers room."

"I didn't know you had a little brother." Chris remarked

"Sure, noisey little prick, he's in year 7." Rob joked," He can be a pain in the arse sometimes, other times he's a good guy. He's got two beds in his room. It's just I got the queen size so there isn't enough room for two in here."

"What do you want me to do." Chris asked

"Whatever you're cool with man. Shit you're the one who has to sleep where ever."

"OK for the first night I'll bunk down with your bro as he's got a spare bed." Mick reasoned

"That's good. Might be for the better, if you were on the floor in a bag I 'd probably trip over you when I went for a piss during the night." Rob smiled.

"Will your brother mind me staying with him." Chris asked

"He won't mind, you will stay awake all night cause of his snoring anyway. Let's get changed, so what you want to do tonight. Me I'm happy just to stay in and watch dvds, what do you reckon."

"Got me." responded Chris most definitely not wanting to go back to his place. If things could keep on like this he would never want to go back with his relatives. He knew he was dreaming now.

Chris went to his backpack and withdrew a pair of nylon footy shorts, jockey briefs and a t shirt. Rob moved to his drawers to look for clothes. Chris turned his back to Rob, dropped his towel and pulled on his briefs, and tucked his great schlong to sit comfortably pointing across to his left hip and held cradled by the cotton fabric of the briefs. When he had his briefs on he grabbed his shorts pulled them on and turned back to face Rob. Rob stood with his back to Chris at his drawers. He marvelled at the physically developed body before him. Rob had muscle that clearly showed as Rob moved, Chris was mesmerised. Rob dropped his towel to the floor leaving Chris looking at the rear naked form of Rob Lancaster. His arse mounds were so taut and rounded, Chris reckoned he could see muscles flexing as Rob bent to pick up the towel and throw it to his bed. As Rob bent to pick up the towel and then to pull on a pair of athletic shorts Chris noticed the arse crack spread and a glimpse of a tan hole and then a pair of nuts hanging between Rob's legs. Chris was surprised Rob had not put oin a pair of briefs but instead was going commando. Chris pulled on his t shirt, Rob chose to stay bare chested.

"Come on let's go down the rumpus room and watch some TV." and with that Rob left the room and loped down the steps. Chris followed close behind watching the muscles flex on Robs torso as he went.

The boys flopped onto the floor in front of the TV. Rob selected Fox sport and the two boys sat watching the swimming replays. They joked and talked with total freeedom. Chris was enjoying his uncomplicated friendship with Rob Lancaster , somebody who wasn't trying to get him to do something he didnot want. Rob get up and went to the kitchen then returned with drinks for the both of them. he handed a can to Chris and Rob sat on the edge of the lounge with his drink. He continued the dicussion with Chris. Chris turned to face Rob as he spoke, his eyes immediately dropped to Rob's crotch where he could see the head of his cock hanging from the open leg of his shorts. Chris turned back to the TV not wanting to be seen looking at Rob's cock. Rob oblivious to the show he was putting on continued with his conversation. Chris turned bakc to Rob again and stole another look at Rob's exposed cock head. It was circumcised with a rounded helemt type head and seemed reasonably thick. He turned away again. A minute later he turned agian to look at Rob. Chris felt himself getting hard, really hard. He looked back to the TV. He turned back to Rob, the sight of the exposed cock head was like a magnet to Chris, he was drawn to it. He continued to look , turn away, look turn away and so it went on. Chris was leakiny copious quantities of precum, excited by the sight of his friend's cock head. He longed to see Rob fully bare, he longed to see this organ erect, he longed to hold it and play with it. Chris exploded in his shorts, shot after shot was fired into the pouch of his undies, he turned from Rob while thisd happened and bit on his lip to stop him from groaning. His body went stiff. After seven strong shots of cum and some final leaking Chris subsided, his cock did not relax. Chris could feel the warm sticky feel at his crotch. He knew he would have to change before the cum seepedd through the jockeys and put a tell tale damp mark on the front of his shorts.

Chris bounded to his feet telling Rob he had to go to the toilet. Rob told him not to go upstairs and directed Chris to the downstairs toilet. Chris keeping his front away from Rob as he passed him went to the toilet. He pulled off his briefs and looked down and saw his penis, balls and pubicss were coated in his cum. He pulled off wads of toilet paper to clean himself. His pubics felt sticky as if he couldn't get all of the cum from the hair. He stood shirt on, undies and shorts off wondering what to do, he was concerned Rob would smell the cum on him if he didn't get clean. The toilet Chris used was an extension of the laundry, still only clad in a t shirt he opened the toilet door and crept out into the laundry took a towel and wet it and proceeded to clean himself thoroughly. His shorts and undies were lying on the floor of the toilet. He had no worries as Rob was watching TV and his parents would not be home until 7 pm at night. Chris again wet the corner of the towel and wiped his near fully engorged cock,it was responding to rubbing with the towel. He wiped around and under his balls and moved again to wet the towel. He looked to the tap and saw a young lad standing in the doorway to the laundry oggled eyed watching Chris perform his cleaning act.

Chris turned bright red and froze for the moment. The lad said nothing just stared at Chris and what he was doing. Chris realised he had to say something by way of explanation," I was just cleaning up."

The lad continued to stare. "I'm Chris a mate of Robs."

Still the lad said nothing.

Chris began to feel very nervous not sure what the lad might say and what Rob's reaction might be.

"I'm Ben, I'm Rob's brother." the lad explained

"Hi Ben, I just needed to clean up a bit,"said Chris now holding the towel in front of him.

"What from, what were you doing." Ben asked

"Nothing really just needed to freshen up is all."

"Your cock is massive man." Ben said

Chris nodded his head and reached back into the toilet and picked up his shorts and pulled them on. His jockeys that had been lying on the shorts fell to the floor between Chris and Ben. Both boys looked at the jockeys laying between them. They had fallen inside out, pouch to the top. The wet slimey fabric was clearly visible. Chris swooped down to pick them up.

"You forgot to put your jocks on." Ben recognised looking intently at Chris

"Yeah, decided against it they're a bit tight." Chris responded as casually as possible.

"With that thing you got I bet they're real tight." Ben replied.

The boys then heard a voice from inside the house from Rob calling to Chris asking what was taking him so long.

"I think I just met your brother." Chris responded. Chris then looked at ben and said "Let's not say anything to Rob eh, he won't understand."

Yeah sure." Ben answered unsure of what Chris really meant or his own reply.

Both Ben and Chris moved inside into the rumpus room, Rob was still sitting on the lounge but with both legs drawn up under his chin. Ben and Chris moved to Rob and Ben said hello to his brother. Both Ben and Chris saw Rob, sitting the way he was, had his cock head pointing out of the right leg of his shorts and the very clear outline of his nuts in the left side of the shorts. Neither boy said anything, both took an eyeful then moved to sit opposite Rob. From their seats they could clearly see the exposed Rob. Chris was also watching Ben, who seemed to be mesmerised by the sight of his older brother's cock head. The boys again chatted but ben's attentino did not leave the crotch of his brother exceptt to steal a furtive glance across to Chris occasionally to see if Chris could also see his brother's show. Chris smiled at Ben.

"Listen mate Chris is staying for the weekend, and as I haven't got a spare bed in my room you won't mind if he bunks in with you will you." Rob asked Ben

"Nah, I guess not," Ben replied. With that Ben stood and told them he was going up to his room and he would see them later. Ben left the rumpus room but detoured by the laundry. Still laying on the floor were Chris' discarded jockeys, Ben picked them up and took them with him. He inspected the jockeys and saw the unmistakeable remains of cum and the smell. They had forgotten them when Rob had yelled out. Ben raced to his room pulled over the door, stripped to his briefs, looked at the jockeys again, put them to his nose, breathed in the heady aroma of spent cum and furiously began to jerk his growing rod. Within minutes Ben had fired his four inch cock into the palm of his hand. He fell back onto the bed. He lay there, his feet on the floor, his back on the bed. He had his eyes closed, his briefs around his ankles, his left hand firmly grasped the cum filled jockeys, his right hand full of his cum still gently massaging his now half deflated cock with his sticky sperm. Ben was euphoric. He lay, eyes shut with the vision of Chris engorged cock and it being wiped with the towel. Ben felt himself again beginning to inflate. He loved beating his meat, he loved looking at other guys, he loved to snatch glimpses when he could of his brother, he was the hottest of them all. He had never been with another boy not even to jerk off but he wanted to . He lay on the bed visions of Chris cock, visions of Rob's exposed cock head. His penis was now fully hard and he stroked it again, wanting his second ejaculation for the afternoon. That would make his fourth for today, he could never get enough. Maybe another four today before sleep overtakes him tonight. He always got six jerks for the day in. Anywhere and everywhere was his motto. Ben had been cock mad since he could remember always wanting to look at other cocks. He would go to the shopping centre urinals just to get the chance to see cocks. He never wanted to show his off even though for a young lad he was well built. From the time he reached ten he would dry cum and when he finally started to shoot real bullets Ben had been unable to control his need to masturbate, when the urge came on him he had to do it, he could not put it from his mind or delay. His hand would go to his cock and he would work himself up to ejaculation. Sometimes it took more time than others but he always got off, he would jerk with his right hand and either play with his balls or finger his hole with his left. He always caught his cum in his hand, he enjoyed massaging his cum on his cock, balls and stomach. It was what he always did, part of his process. He loved the silky feel of cum on him, he liked the way it smeared over his body parts.

"Hey Ben you decent," Rob called to Ben from the stairs as he and Chris asceneded them heading to Rob's bedroom.

"Yeah," replied a stunned Ben now rushing to gather his stuff around him and make himself presentantable, not wanting anyone to know what he had been doing. He threw Chris' underwear under his bed, he would retrieve it later.

Several minutes later Chris entered the room," Just need to get settled in and put my stuff away," Chris said," and thanks for not saying anything to Rob about earlier."

"Sure, no problems, that's your bed over there, gotta go get you later, seeya." Ben said as he left the room

Rob entered Ben's room "So you got everything, what do you reckon about tonight. We go or stay and only go tomorrow night."

"How about we chill here, go for a swim and if you want go to Mick's tomorrow night, me I don't want to go there at all, but up to you." Chris answered

"Okay, we'll just hang here tonight. Yiu're right lefts just hang at the pool this evening." Rob agreed "We'' think about tomorrow tomorrow."With that Rob put his hand on Chris shoulders and guided him back down the stairs. "Let's put pur cossies on then we can swim as we want."

The boys went out to the cabana and stripped off their clothes, pulled ontheir damp speedos and lay in the sun lounges. The boys talked and got to know each others interests. After some time the discussion turned to girls and girl friends. Chris declared he didn't have one in Sydney, Rob declared he didn't either at the moment. Chris found this hard ot believe a guy like Rob with all of his attributes would not have a girl friend. Rob explained they were to high maintenance when he devoted so much time to his sport. He wanted to be a high achiever in sport, football and athletics, but particularly football. Girls only got in the way.

"I know that sounds gay not wanting a girl friend but right now with study and practice they are just to much fucking about." Rob explained

"Well without one there's no fucking is there so you're ok there. so how do you relax." Chris asked

"Just with mates and shit nothing complex ," Rob retorted

"I thought you would have a dozen girls lining up for you."Chris said" There'd be any number would put out for you."

"It's not always about sex pal, I can get that later after i get where iwant to go."

"YOu must get uptight though, now one ot get you off." Chris reasoned

"I do the same as all guys, I knock the top off it whenever I get the urge. All blokes jerk off and I',\m one of them." Rob said

"I never had anyone admit it before." Chris came back

"Yeah well they're full of shit any who say they don't. Just cause you jerk off don't mean you're queer or nothing, shit it means you're normal."

The conversation between the two boys shifted to how guys deny jerking off, how many times they did it and how they didd it. Chris had never been with anyone who was so open about such matter before.

"You got a boner guy." Rob said looking over at Chris "Don't tell me our talk had turned you on."

"I get them all the time, I don't need a reason." Chris relied very embarrassed.

"Well you can go inside and take care of it if you want I 'll still be here when you get back,"

Chris was taken aback how forthright Rob was about this matter." No I'm okay. It'll go down soon." Chris knew this was not true he just would n't stand up while Rob was around.

Chris had just replied to Rob when Ben walked out to where they were," Hey Ben go get your togs mate and come swim with us" Rob said to his brother.

"OK I"ll get changed." Ben repleid from looking over their shoulders, he was talking to Rob but staring at Chris' crotch." I'll be back in a minute," he said and reached a touched Chris on the shoulder. Chris looked around and ben smiled at him.

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 20: Christian and William Thompson 1

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