Chris New Life


Published on Jan 13, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 2

On the way home Bill talked to his mother about his cousins and how he had a really interesting day and would ride over to see them on weekends. He asked if he might even have some sleep overs. His mum thought that was a good idea. Both he and Chris could do that , she liked family to be close. She knew they had some fences to mend after Chris had walked out on his aunt and uncle before without discussing it or notifying anybody. He hadn't spoken to them since he left.

Whilst Bill and his mother were away for the day Chris had roamed naked around their new house all day. He felt very comfortable in the new home. Tomorrow he would go out and investigate what was around him. He thought his mum and brother would be home soon so should think about getting dressed.

Chapter 3

Chris moved from the living area where he had laid watching TV. Chris enjoyed the freedom of no clothes. He liked the feel of running his hands over his skin. He liked being able to fondle his genitals. He took the opportunity to be bare whenever it presented itself. When others were at home he would wear a minimum of clothing, briefs or shorts only, rarely a t shirt. Bill was the same, he disliked clothes. It was only when visitors arrived the boys would concede to wearing more clothes. In the bush they rarely saw outsiders. Chris heard the automatic garage door start to open and realised his mother and Bill had arrived home. At the sound of the door he took his leave and darted upstairs to pull on a pair of nylon footy shorts. He bounded back down the stairs to meet his mother and Bill carrying in the goods they had bought while out shopping. Chris took his new school and sports uniforms to his room to make sure everything fitted. Bill followed him upstairs to Chris' room. Even though both boys did not like to wear clothes and wore a minimum of clothes most of the time they had never seen the other fully naked. Chris had always been most emphatic about not displaying his naked body to his brother.

As Chris walked into his room he turned to Bill and said" I'll give you a call when I'm finished."

"What you afraid I'll see what you got." Bill replied

"Fuck off perve." Chris countered.

With that Bill left the room and went back to the car to retrieve the two envelopes his cousin MIchael had given him, one for him and one for Chris. Bill took them both to his room. He called to Chris asking if he was finished trying on clothes and was told not yet.

"I got something for you when you done." Bill told Chris

"Be there soon." Chris replied

As Bill sat on his bed he took the envelope addressed to him and was about to open it when Chris called"What you got."

"Just a letter for you from cousin Michael " Bill replied as he proceeded to open his envelope.

Chris came bursting into Bill's room, "Show me. What have you got . Don't open my stuff."

"I'm not, this is one he gave me your envelope is over there."

Chris walked quickly to Bill and grabbed Bill's envelope from him then moved and picked up the envelope Bill had indicated was his.

"Hey that's mine." Bill protested.

"Yeah well coming from that arsehole I want to look at it all first. If its ok for you I'll give it to you after I've seen what he sent." With that Chris turned and returned to his room and slammed the door shut behind him. He ignored Bill's protests about not taking his envelope, but Bill thought after Chris had seen what was in the envelopes he would get them back from Chris. He flopped back onto his bed. He then stood and took off his soiled shorts and t shirt went to his drawer and put on a pair of briefs, to replace the ones that had been torn off him.

Chris sat in his room staring at the unopened envelopes. He took up the first envelope and opened the flap. He put his hand into the envelope, took hold of the contents and slipped them out onto his bed. Chris gaped at the material lying before him. He picked up each item looked at it, replaced it and took up the next one. After he had examined all of the contents of his envelope he replaced them into the envelope. He picked up the envelope addressed to Bill, he slid his hand in and removed the contents. Chris was even more stunned at the contents of this envelope. He studied each page. He picked them up again and carefully restudied them all. Chris was dumbfounded, his envelope was bad but Bill's had him stunned. Chris read the letter in each package , one addressed to Chris , one to BIll'


Chris sat on the side of his bed, head bowed trying to sort out what he should do first, particularly as Bill was now involved. Chris felt confused, he could not see any other way but to contact Mick and see what pressure he was going to try and exert on him and BIll. He thought he knew. Chris again went to the envelopes, he looked into the envelope addressed to him, a photo of Chris lying on his back jacking his very engorged cock with his eyes closed, a photo of Chris lying with his legs over his head sucking on his own cock, a photo of Chris lying with cum running between his arse cheeks and a photo of Chris pulling his engorged cock with cum flying from its hole and cum all over his chest. Chris felt himself reacting to the photos, he was hard again. His cock strained at the briefs which tried to confine his substantial genitals. Chris was disgusted but turned on by his own display. He pushed the photos back into the envelope and took up the other envelope. He reached in and pulled out the enclosed photos. How did these happen, why was Bill so calm. Chris stared at the photos of his young brother. He was a well built lad , and well hung, Chris was impressed with his display. The first photo was of Bill lying naked on the pool coping, he had a strong erection of about 6 inches and it was poking at a 45 degree angle from his crotch back towards his chest, the next photo showed Bill in the same pose but with a hand wrapped around his cock being jerked off, then the next photo showed cum flying from the end of his cock towards his chest and face. The photo that had Chris stunned was the photo taken from the perspective of Bill's feet looking towards his head, it showed Bill lying covered in cum on his chest but with another cock dribbling cum down onto his face. It didnot show who owned the other cock. The whole time Bill retained a rock solid erection. Chris looked at the photo it did not seem like he was forced into the situation. Bill is gay, he's enjoying all of that thought Chris. Chris was convinced Michael had got Bill under some form of spell. He knew how devious Michael was. Even while Chris was considering what to do next, his cock knew, it had begun leaking copious quantities of precum, Chris subconciously moved his hand to his penis and massaged the precum around his glans, the great bulbous head shone with the lubricating fluid. Chris looked at the photos, Chris made two long slow strokes of his now pulsing cock and then the explosion of cum fired into his briefs. Chris' hand remained within his briefs at his cock feeling the slimey goo in his hand and fingers. He could feel it over his pubic , he could feel it over his cock and onto his balls. He massaged the fluid over himself. He loved the silken feel, he fell back onto his bed and closed his eyes. He was in bliss. He was confused about Bill's sexuality, he was confused about what he should do, the only things he was sure about was, he did not want photos of him being distributed and he was not one of them, he was not gay. He had proved that when he went back home from Michael's place, he didnot ogle any of his friends crotches at any time, and he could have. He did once but that was only because John Singleton, his best friend had received a photo from Michael by email of Chris jerking off, and he was in the back yard one day when John grabbed a handful of his crotch and waved it at Chris asking him if he wanted to pull on this, Chris turned his back and had told him to grow up. Nothing more was ever said. Chris recovered himself , removed his sticky hand from his briefs, got up from the bed and looked at himself in his mirror. He stared into his eyes, what should he do. He would like to punch the fuck out him but he knew Mick could beat him anyway. He would need to think on it. In the meantime he decided to hide the photos in the room and then go shower. He pulled clean briefs from his drawer and headed out down the hall to the shower. While showering his mind reflected on the photos of his brother BIll, he sprang another boner. Chris did not massage his prong but chose to slowly soap it up and down trying to concentrate what his next move with Michael and then Bill should be. He also wanted to get out and have a look around the suburb. Chris finished his shower and with his erection still in tact pulled on his briefs and returned to his room. He lay back on his bed, closed his eyes and thought through what was going on. He let his hand lie on his swollen crotch. He decided on his actions, he knew it would be folly to avoid MIck. He couldn't decide what action to take with Bill. Should he front Bill and discuss what had happened or was Bill a willing party to it all. He didn't think so, Bill had never shown any signs of being gay. CHris reflected on the photos sof Bill, again he fired shots of cum into his briefs. Hell, another clean pair. While Chris was going through these intrigues Bill lay on his bed in his room, blinds open and desk lamp on slowly stroking his throbbing cock. Bill reflected on the days happenings. He didn't plan it but it went ok, he got off. He liked the feel of being jerked off by something other than his own hand, he was about to cum again thinking on it. He never thought of his cousins or their friends as being perverted or gay, just having fun. He didn't think of the photos that were taken, he only thought of how good he had felt. He exploded into his hand. Hell another pair of clean briefs.

Chris left his room and went downstairs and rang MIchael. He spoke to Martin and asked for MIchael.

"Yo Chris , how you going cuz."asked Mick very breezily

"I got your note what do you want."

"Not nice Chris, what about how are you MIck, gee I missed you MIck, you know something family like and touching."

"Fuck you MIck, what do you want." Chris realised he was speaking too loudly and lowered his voice , his mother may hear him.

At that moment his mother called to the boys to come down for diner, it was on the table.

"You like the photos, well if you don't want them spread all over your new school you better call and see me." MIck instructed. "You and your little cock mad brother."

"Leave him out of this, you trying to fuck me up leave him be. He's never done anything to you. Just what do you want. Spit it out and let's get it settled."

Bill wandered downstairs , passed Chris and on into the family eating area to sit for dinner. Chris watched him as he passed. He noticed from the rear view his broad shoulders,well developed thighs and prominent rounded arse. It showed tight in the briefs he was wearing. Bill had no modesty when it came to what he wore around the house. Too used to living in the bush. Either he knew he was putting on a show or he was so naive. Chris decided he was naive. Nobody could act that well.

"I got shit on tomorrow so you call me tomorrow evening and we'll discuss what I want. I'll think about it between now then." Mick directed." make sure you call. Remember our school and your school are in the same zone for sport so we'll get to play against each other. Shame to start off with everyone knowing the Thompson boys are up for it."

"I'll ring you tomorrow night." and with that Chris hung up and walked in to have dinner.

Bill watched him as he came through the doorway and sat at the table alongside him. Their mother sat opposite them, their father would be late home this evening, he had things he was getting in order for work tomorrow. The three of them chatted about the things they bought at the shops today, and mum told Chris to make sure he tried every thing on, as they only had one week before they started at their new school. She asked what Chris had done then scolded him when he told her he lay around and watched TV. She told Chris of their visit to their cousins place and how nice a day it had been. She told Chris how nice everyone had been to them and that it seemed Chris leaving them without notice had all been put behind them and things are like they were before . She did not know how right she was. She told Chris how Bill had played with his cousins and their friends in the pool next door all afternoon. Bill joined the conversation filling in how great Martin and MIchael had been and what great blokes the Mahoney boys were. He said it was good where they lived because they were close enough that he and Chris could ride their bikes over every so often to see them. His hand rested in his lap whilst he told Chris of how much fun they had in the pool. He told Chris he looked forward tio using their pool. Dinner over and the kitchen cleaned up both boys excused thmeselves and told their mother they were off to bed early. The boys, both only in briefs returned to their rooms. Chris did not say anything to Bill about the photos he had received. Bill had evidently forgotten about the envelopes as he hadn't mentioned them again. Typical, he had a short attention span. The boys said goodnight and retired to their beds. Bill lay on his bed and fingered his cock and pubics. He gently curled his fingers through his sparse pubic bush. Herubbed his finger over his leaking cock head and around his balls. God he loved the feel of his bits. Chris lay on his bed and could think of nothing but Michael and what might be in store for he and Bill.

The next morning both boys rose both with morning wood. Both boys in their turn used the bathroom to clean up and relieve the built up feelings over night within their crotches. Bill and Chris went to the kitchen for their breakfast. Their father was just leaving for his first day at his new job. He had taken a job as a sales representative selling wire products for fencing etc. to rural outlets. His job would entail travelling into the country and being away Monday returning Thursday nights. His father bid farewell to the family. The boys ate breakfast and Chris told his mother and Bill he was going for a ride around the suburb to see what was there. Bill invited himself along. Chris agreed thinking it may present an opportunity at some stage in the day to raise the subject of the photos. He had in mind he had to ring Mick tonight. He wanted to understand Bill involvement in the photos.

Just as Chris was leaving the meals area the phone rang, Chris picked it up and to his surprise it was Mick. "I was going to ring you tonight, I told you."

"Yeah I know I changed my mind, I want to you to come over here this afternoon about 2pm." Mick ordered. " I haven't heard from your little cum shooting brother yet either, he hasn't rung me."

"He won't be either I'm handling all of this for us. He doesn't need to be involved." Chris replied

"So you think. You be here this afternoon and we can discuss all this shit. Seeya then." and with that Mick rang off. Chris stood holding the phone , he knew he had to go to Mick's place or MIck would do something that the brothers would be sorry and suffer for later.

"Who was that." Bill asked as he left the kitchen.

"Noone you need get involved with. Let's go for a ride." and with that Chris moved to the garage.

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I will try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 23: Christian and William Thompson 4

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