Chris New Life


Published on Apr 17, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 8

"hiya buddy want to do some one on one."

"Hi Max I got to have some lunch I'm starving then maybe"

"Cool guy, come over whenever, I'll be ready."

"I'll see if I can find the others."

"Whatever, if it's just you and me so be it I reckin we can make a match of it ."

"Seeya soon Max."

Chapter 9

Chris grabbed some lunch from his mother and she told him Bill was swimming at the Wong's place. Chris finished lunch dashed upstairs to his bedroom and put on another pair of nylon footy shorts and went to the Wong's to swim with his friends. When he arrived the three Wong brothers were in the backyard standing at the pool edge about to enter the water. Chris rushed in and charged at the group of boys standing on the edge and knocked John and Greg into the pool in his rush. They surfaced cursing Chris whilst telling Bill and Tim to hurry up and get in. The boys romped and frolicked in the pool for about forty minutes before dragging themselves out and lying on the paved surrounds to dry off. When the boys got out of the water there was a lot of animated talk but lying in the sun the boys had gone quiet and had started to doze in the early afternoon sun. Chris was lying on his stomach on his towel with his head cradled in his arms. From where he was lying he could just see up the leg of the shorts Greg was wearing who was lying on his back with his legs slightly flexed at the knees and raised. Chris could not see anything really definite but thought he could see a hanging ball and the shape of a bell cock head. He began to get excited, just being the voyeur. What he couldn't see he imagined. Chris felt himself getting hard caused by his looking. Chris raised himself slightly and adjusted his length down his left thigh and dropped back down to lie on his stomach. Looking at Chris you would not know he had an erection. Chris fell into a light sleep while having in his mindseye the imagined vision of Greg's cock. Chris told himself he was only interested in Greg's cock because he was asian and he had never seen an asian cock before and wanted to know if it was different and the fact Greg was sixteen nearly seventeen and therefore how much bigger Greg was compared to Chris' cock.

Alexandra Wong and her friend Susan had been watching the boys in the pool and when they got out and lay about the surrounds. They continued to watch as the boys slumbered at the pool edge. Alex and Susan were both attracted to the bare torsoed boys. Susan had her sights on Greg Wong and Alex, although she had a boyfriend already was impressed with the good looks and build of Chris, who whilst the same age as her brother John seemed so much older in the body. The two girls quielty left the house and approached the boys lying around the pool. There were the two younger boys, Bill and Tim lying next to each other quietly talking, then John lying on his back next to Chris who was still on his stomach and Greg lying on his back with his legs towards Chris. The girls walked up to the boys who did not realise their presence. The first thing that came to the notice of the girls was the very prominent cock head, bright red, with a shiny surface looking at them from the shorts leg of Chris. Susan looked at Alex who was staring at the flaring head. She bent down closer to the escaped organ. She turned and looked at Susan with a look of awe on her face. She stood again and Susan whispered to her ," How big must it be."

"It looks ginormous>" Alex replied in a whisper.

"He doesn't have any body hair." Susan noted," not even under his arms."

John opened his eyes and saw the girls"OH hi girls, come out to see the studs."

"Oh sure we would want to look at your boney body." Alex laughed.

With the sound of the voices all attention was now directed to the girls presence. Greg and Chris sat up. Chris could feel he again had an erection. He sat facing the girls with his chest pulled tightly to his knees and his legs tightly clamped to gether. Without warning he bounded to hisfeet and dived into the pool.

"What are you doing," called Greg

"I was sweaty and can't have these ladies ogling on my body." Chris replied jokingly.

With that John also jumped into the pool," No me either." he yelled

"Listen I seen all you Wongs got to offer," said Alex ," and for that matter you to Chris Thompson."

"What does that mean," asked Greg

"Never you mind, we got to go see you later," Alex said

"Yeah. goodbye, see you all later," said Susan," Especially you Greg see all of you later." She laughed and the two girls turned on their heel and left.

"You wanna go play some basket ball with Max." asked C hris.

Chris and Greg agreed to go play ball, with John saying he needed to show Tim some stuff and he would come over later.

Chris and Greg pulled on sneakers and clad only in their shorts went to join Max in a game of hoops. John took Tim and Bill upstairs to their bedroom area for a talk.

Chris and Greg went to Max and after some discussion it was decided Max would play the other two and if one of the other boys came they would join Max's team. The game commenced and Greg and Chris combined to give Max a resounding physical workout. As the game progressed the game became more physical. The marks were harder , the blocking hands were now colliding with bare chests and leaving handprints. The two boys were giving as good as they got. Max was finding the spirited interaction with these two boys both invigourating and stimulating. He liked the feel of their bodies colliding with his, he liked slapping and being slapped by the boys, the feel of the wet shiny skin as he came into contact with it. It was all having its effect on him, he was not wanting it to end. He and the boys were becoming tired however and he knew at some stage the boys would call it to a halt.

Meanwhile over at the Wong's place John had gone upstairs with Tim and Bill.

"Timmy, Bill tells me I got to have a talk to you about certain things." John stated

"What sort of things."

"You know things to do with getting older, like you in puberty."

"We have sex classes this year for all this."

"Yeah I know you do but by the time you get there things will already be happening to you and you should know about it cause otherwise smart arses will only make fun of you."

"What sort of things,'

"Don't make this so hard I'm only doing it for you for fuck sake. To start with, things like jerking off. You know pulling your cock. You understand."

Tim looked at John,'I'm willing to learn."

"Well sit here and let me explain it all to you." said John as he called Tim to come and sit next to him on the bed. Tim sat on one side of John and Bill took up the other side."What are you doing, you know all about jerking off, I reckon you do it every day."

"Sure do at least three times a day, every day and I love it. That's what I haave been trying to tell Tim. It's fun and feels superb."

"Yeah well you don't have to stay around it's going to be hard enough explaining it all to Tim without you sitting there grinnig all the time."

"Aw bullshit I'll help, between us we can show him things."

"This is against my better judgement but ok sit there you and not one word or snicker.ok."

"Cool, like a sleeping cock not a squeak."

"You're a devo." John then went on to describe to Tim the changes he would experience in his body and what it meant, and how it would change how he felt and the things he did. He explained the growth in his body and organs. How he would grow hair on him and the function of sperm. He explained how he would get erections, sometimes with no provocation other times by being turned on by some sexual event. He explained how to get an erection through self stimulation and then the process to ejaculation. John finished his talk to Tim, and sat back waiting to see if there were any questions or if his brother would just accept what he had said.

After a minute or so and nobody had said anything John asked," Alright you understand all that."

"Can I ask you some questions." Tim enquired.

"If you must, but keep it simple.ok."

"Do you jerk off" Tim asked

John looked at Bill and then back to Tim,"That's very private but yes I do sometimes."

"How many times"

"I don't know maybe twice a week."

"What are you mad, is your cock broke, I bet you do it more than that." Bill interupted

"Nothing out of you remember, this is private shit."

The room went quiet for a moment then Bill spoke again." Rather than you be embarrassed by Tim's questions how about you and I play truth or dare to any of his requests."

"What do you mean"

"Well every time Tim asks a question we split the cards and lowest number has to answer the question, that's got to be fair that way it's not all you and I'll tell him honest answers."

John thought about it for a moment and the idea appealed to him, this way he wouldn't have all of the prying questions directed to him, he could not see he had anything to lose." Yeah ok but anything that happens here stays in this room, it doesn't get talked about outside, agreed."

"Sure, no problem." Bill answered

"And you Tim,"

"Yeah that's good with me. but you and Bill got to be able to ask questions too cause I might not think of everything."

"Nah that won't work because then we won't be splitting the cards."

"Yes it will , because it's for Tim's information and to help him, what can be wrong with that."

"No smart arse shit Bill." Jon said

John thought about the proposition and then agreed not being able to see what harm it would cause.

"Righto let's get started, this doesn't finish until nobody has anything left for the other to do or answer." Bill put in

"What do you mean do."asked John

"I don't know but its called truth or dare so you got to have a dare in there," Bill smiled his shorts already beginning to show a lump in his crotch."and listen you got to tell the truth because if you get found out lying the then other two can pick out punishments for a week each."

"OK, ok, get the cards." John said impatiently" This is taking forever and now you've made it all complicated I was just going to tell him about jerking off to keep him out of making a fool of himself."

"Sure, sure, this will be ok you'll see, you right to go."The questions commenced.

Tim had thought of some questions and after each question Bill and John would split the cards to see who would answer.

John...I jerk off every day

JOhn... Yes Greg would jerk off all the time. All boys jerk off. OK that's what this is about

Bill...I jerk off in the shower, at school and in my bedroom.

John... I don't know how big my cock is I never measured it.

Bill....No I never played with another boy

John....,No I have never jerked anybody else off, I never touched another guys dick. Come on hurry up.

Bill ...Yes I got pubic hair, and some under my arms

John...No I never tasted my own cum, what sort of question is that.

Bill....Yes your nuts get bigger as your cock grows. I don't know if you can have big nuts and a small cock or a big cock and small nuts.

John....I know I explained the prostate to you but I have never felt how it works that would mean somebody had stuck something up my arse.

The questions started to slow and just as John was thinking they were over Bill said to John" Show Tim your pubic bush."

"Fuck off, we're finished here."

"No we said anything ask or do or you know what."

John grimmaced , stood from the bed, showing a lump in his crotch and pulled his shorts down to the stub of his cock exposing his pubic hair. Tim's eyes were glued on the very black bush before him.

"Get hold of it and run your fingers through it."

John again went to argue but Bill responded quickly," Be fair you know it feels different to normal hair so let him touch it."

Tim reached forward and began to stroke and probe his fingers through the coarse shiny black hair, John's cock responded to the attention near his cock and forced out against the fabric of the shorts. In response to John's hardening Bill did the same, only the bulge was more prominent.

"Show me your balls,"Tim requested. The boys split the deck, John tried to drop his balls out the leg of his pants without exposing the rest of his body , but without success. He lowered his shorts to his ankles. He stood in front of the two younger boys,naked except for the shorts around his ankles. Poking directly out from John's crotch the boys saw a stubby thick cock of about five inches in length. It was circumcised and the penis was a brown colour. It was adorned by a thick black patch of pubic hair and under the erect cock were two balls hanging in a sack which was virtually hairless. The nuts were the size of decent marbles.

"No comments or nobody says anything to....." and as John was talking Tim reached forwarded and cradled the sack holding the hanging fruit. Tim rolled them between his fingers in his hand. John moaned, precum was flowing from the slit in the mushroom head.Tim took his other finger and rubbed it over the seeping fluid and around the head of the cock. Still holding the balls in one hand Tim moved his hand slowly up and down the length of his brothers' shaft. John moved his hand to Tim's stroking hand in an effort to stem his actions. Tim resisted the move and continued stroking, slightly increasing his pace and increasing his grasp. John fell back onto the bed, he threw an arm across his face and continued to moan as his brother increased his ministrations. John lay on his back on the bed face covered by his arm unable to see the surroundings, or not willing to, being jerked off by his younger brother. Tim rolled the nuts whilst he stroked the now straining cock. Tim was knealing at the base of the bed stroking his brothers wildly leaking prong looking at the writhing of his brother's body on the bed. Tim was mesmerised by what was happening before him. Bill had been watching this, and was now over stimulated and without being invited dropped his shorts and walked out of them and leaned over the side of the bed. He let his hand go forward and whilst Bill stroked his fiercely throbbing cock his other hand reached out and took John's left nipple and at first began to slowly massage it but as he became more excited he grabbed hold of the now erect brown nipple and began to twist and pull on it. Tim's hand had now increased in pace, John had lost all sense of reason and propriety and with no recognition of his surroundings loosed his greatest ever ejaculation. The first shots blew from the end of the cock and settled on the chest and as the others followed came to settle on his stomach and then dribble to his pubic bush. With his ejaculation John removed his arm from across his face and grabbed hold of the bedclothes in his fists and held them as the sensation overtook him. It was too much for Bill and him leaning over John loosed his load onto the face of John directly shooting it at him as he leaned over him. Bill milked his cock of the final slurry dribbling from his cock onto John's face. John had not moved. He lay panting, his body heaving as if trying to regain control of a body gone berserk. Bill took the last scrag from his cock and wiped it onto John's hair, the white cum a stark contrast in the shiney black short hair.

"Fuck that was wild, you ok John. John you ok." Tim asked of his brother

John did not move. He scrunched his eyes and then covered his cum coated face with his hands.

"You know about jerking off now don't you." Bill said to Tim

"Fuck that was wild man, see how the cum shoots out. Out of both of ya.Johns shot out like a water spurt I didn't know which way to point his cock, it just went whoosh." Tim was amazed," Then you out of your great sausage, fuck that was like a river man."

The two boys now stood looking over John who remained lying on the bed with his face covered. Bill stood naked with a half hard cock but with a glow to his complexion. The cum on John had begun to run as his body heat effected the viscosity. John removed his hand from his face , he had tears in his eyes. His face and body were covered with cum, his and another boys.

He sat up and leaned forward, the cum began to run down his body to his waist and crotch area. The cum on his face ran towards his mouth then neck. Bill leaned forward and ran his hand across John's chest smearing the moving cream and smearing it evenly onto the front of John. John still in his own state of shock simply looked across at him. Bill moved his fingers to John's face and wiped the cum from around his eyes and mouth and smoothed it to his cheeks and into the the closely cropped black head of hair. Bill took his finger and put it to his mouth and sucked off the viscous liquid. He repeated gathering a finger of cum and placed his finger into John's mouth. John didnot force it away but sucked the cum from the finger , Bill left his finger linger in the other boys mouth.

Tim stood before the bed watching his older brother and his mate Bill finish whatever it was they were doing together. Neither spoke, Bill had a finger in John's mouth as his other hand went to his own cock and slowly massaged his member. Bill took his hand from his cock and knelt before John sitting on the bed. He moved his hands to the front of John massaging the spent cum around his chest whislt letting his other hand fall to the chubby cock sitting at John's crotch. At the feel of Bill's hand on his cock John tilted his head back, closed his eyes and let out a further moan. The two remained like this for several minutes. Tim stood agape watching the two. Suddenly John leapt to his feet brushing Bill's hand away from him. He stood naked and cum coated before the two boys.

"Enough, you see now what it is to jerk off and shit, ok, remember nothing leaves this room." and without waiting for an answer John left for his bedroom area and then to the shower.

"You believe me now." Bill asked Tim,"I told ya it was ok to jerk and everybody does it."

"Hell, John and you and then John started to eat stuff off your hand, that's gross."Tim said

"Told you all guys do shit."

Tim looked at Bill who was still standing before him naked with a semi hard cock."Your cock is a lot bigger than John."

"Yeah I know and he's two years older than me."

"I hope my cock gets to your size not like JOhn."

"His is ok, he still shoots lots of cream."

"Yeah I reckon a lot more than you."

"Maybe, you want to hold my cock for me."

"Nah let's go outside for now."

"Remember you got to be my slave now because I got John to show you jerking off."

"Yeah sure later."

"Righto, let's go tell John we're going over to see Chris and Greg at Max's next door."

Bill pulled on his shorts then they went down the hall to the bathroom and entered without knocking. As they entered John was standing before the full length mirror, naked, surveying himself. He was hard again.

"Hey John we're going over to Max's with Chris...." Tim was saying as he entered

"Don't you guys ever knock first."

"Why you got something we haven't already seen." chuckled Bill,"John and his stumpy cock."

"Why is Bill's dick bigger than yours,"asked Tim

"Don't know some are bigger than others, some they call showers which is they are big to start with and others are called growers. Then there are those that are just big, like Bill."

Bill grabbed at his genitals and held them bunched in his shorts.

"It's not how big your cock is pal it's what you do with it. that counts." John replied to Bill's actions.

John's cock was still hard, as he stood before the boys," You want us to jerk you off again." asked Bill

"No I don't, that was a one off, don't mention it again. I'm warning you." John intoned

"Yeah you reckon, tell you what let's go tell Greg and Chris you jerked off in front of Tim and I jerked off on your face, see what they say."

"Don't talk shit."

"No don't you talk shit, you going to be a smart arse then let me tell you you will do whatever me and Tim tell you or the story is out, eh Tim."

"I couldn't do that he was only being..."

"Ok as you like but you better do as I say or I'll tell them you ate my cream, how bout that."

"Please Bill let the whole thing drop."

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 29: Christian and William Thompson 10

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