Chris New Life


Published on May 20, 2010


From: christian lee Subject: Christian and William Thompson

This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

Chapter 10

"Good boy, just a pair of shorts will do no use being over dressed is there. Seeya when you get here." The phone then disconnected.

Chris stood, holding the phone, no longer holding his cock, his cock had drained of its excitement. He replaced the phone in the cradle and went upstairs to pull on his shorts. As he left for Michael's place Bill came through the back door.

"Where you going mate."

"Just out for a while, over to cousin Michaels"

"I'll come with you."

"No next time mate he said he wanted just me to come he had something for me. Be back soon."

Chris hopped on his bike and peddled furiously towards MIchaels he couldn't wait for his five visits to be over so he could finish this torment.

Chapter 11.

"Come in Chris , how you been. Looking good." Mick welcomed Chris.

"Yeah everythings good."

"You look hot mate, come through and I 'll get us a drink."

"Yeah thanks, I rode over fast as I could, got so much to do this arvo, you know school and all tomorrow."

The boys walked through into the kitchen where Mick got a can of coke for Chris . "Here you go, have this then we can go upstairs to my room. I'm sure you remember where it is." Mick smiled. The boys took their drinks and Chris followed Mick upstairs to his bedroom. Chris followed Mick into the room, with great trepidation. "Remember what you got to do when you come here." Mick asked

Without further prompting or words Chris removed his clothes. He took off his t shirt first then slid his shorts down his legs, he knew better than to be caught wearing underwear. he placed his clothes on the set of drawers and turned to face Mick.

"Your body gets better all the time. You dead set keep growing mate. Speaking of growing look at little Chrissy, starting to stand up all by himself, there you go."

"What do you want Mick, let's get this over with, you might enjoy this shit but I don't."

"Yes you do, you just won't admit it . Look at your cock standing to attention by itself. That fucking this is so big it's gross you know that. Looks like it keeps getting bigger as well."

Chris didn't reply to Mick's taunts he just stared back at him. After a minute of silence between them Mick said to Chris,Lie down on the bed and give yourself a jerk off for a while."

Chris still didnot respond to Mick, he lay on the bottom half of Micks bed , fisted his now very erect penis and began to slowly stroke himself. He rolled his hand up and down slowly gently taking the palm of his hand across the head of his cock, picking up the precum that was starting to come. Chris took his other hand and took hold of his nut sack and gently rolled his balls in his fingers, he closed his eyes blanking out the thought of Mick standing watching him. The precum began to flow more freely , Chris slowly increased his stroke rate. He began to squirm and raise his arse from the bed as he stroked and he got into the masturbatory trance, he so often enjoyed, nothing but him , his cock and his imagination.

"OK let go of that rod," Mick ordered.

Chris did not react immediately continuing on with his masturbatation. Mick moved to the bedside and smacked at Chris' hand and cock.

"Arghh, that hurt." yelped Chris.

"Well stop when I say, I don't want you letting go just yet. Let go of that donkey dick."

Chris released his penis whilst still lying on the bed. His cock slapped up against his stomach , the head of his cock extending far past his belly button. "Please stop calling my penis by those names." Chris asked," It sounds really derogatory. I can't help how I'm built. I reckon a lot of blokes would be jealous to have a cock like mine."

"Oh, sorry I didn't want to insult you and hurt your feelings, aren't we sensitive. Get over it man, your cock is like really abnormal and nobody would want to be stuck with that thing. You reckon any bloke or girl , once they seen the size of your dick would want that shoved in 'em, I bet not."

Chris didnot respond he just lay on the bed looking up at Mick, his cock leaking precum onto his stomach. He noticed Mick had the outline of a cock pointing to his right hip showing through the shorts he was wearing. This was unusual for Mick , he rarely showed signs of being sexually turned on by Chris.

"We got a few things to do then you can go home to your mummy." Mick chided. "Roll over onto your stomach." Chris obliged, and lay with his cock ground into the bed cover and his arse exposed. Mick reached down and placed a hand on each arse cheek and parted them, Chris could feel the change in the air at his hole. One hand moved from his arse and he then felt fingers moving slowly down his crack to wards his hole. He tightened his arse muscles in response. Mick made a chuckle sound. The fingers ran up and down the arse crack each time going above the exposed hole. Chris lay waiting for something to happen , he was leaking precum profusely. The hand again began to probe, this time a sole finger up and down the crack then it went to his hole . It centred on his hole and rested there. Chris felt the finger at his entry, he felt the pressure slightly increase, then decrease, then on again , off again. The finger pressure continued, Chris began to groan at the experience, his mind wild with anticipation.

"I'm going to blow, stop, please stop." Chris screeched.

"You better not , not on my bed.: Mick immediately removed his finger. " Come with me into the bathroom."

Chris relaxed some and as Mick turned to leave the room Chris sat himself up to follow. He looked at the bed cover it was soaked in his precum, he hoped Mick would not notice.

Mick spread a towel on the tiled floor of the bathroom." Lay down face up on there." Mick instructed

"What you going to do."

"Well, first up we got to do a bit of hair removal , got to have you bright and shiny for school tomorrow."

"Please MIck some of it is just starting to show again, guys will reckon I'm queer if I got no hair on me."

"Really, you are queer you just won't get it."

"I am not , I got a great girl friend, she's beautiful."

"Bullshit, no worthwhile shiela is going to get caught up with a poof."

"I have really, I can prove it."

"Yeah, what's her name, where does she live."

"Her name's Alexandra and she lives next door to us, she really likes me and we go out and all together." Chris lied.

"You fucked her yet."

"Of cause not, she's not like that. Alex is a really good girl and we love each other a lot."

"She felt your donkey kong, or does she know what you're packing."

"We've been really close."

"That's great then next time you come over I might get you to bring her along as well, and we can share our experiences together."

"I couldn't do that , she's a really good girl and we don't do things in front of other people.. Things like you're talking are private between two people and she's religious, a catholic ."

"You are full of it." Mick took out a jar of hair removal from the cupboard and began applying it to Chris' body, first his front then, he had him roll over and applied it to his back , arse and legs. In six minutes from the application "Ok get under the shower and wash the shit off. When you get out I'll shave your balls and around your arse and you should be clean as a baby's bum. " Mick smiled.

After Chris showering and patting dry the two boys moved back into MIck's bedroom , he stopped Chris in the middle of the room." Let's have a look at you." After inspecting Chris all over, "Beautiful, not a hair out of place." Mick laughed.

"Why do you do this shit, you're a sick pervert. Sure I get made bare of body hair but why does it turn you on like it does. Sicko. shit" Chris sneered at MIck

Mick sat on the bed and pulled Chris closer. Chris was now only a foot in front of the seated Michael. Chris looked down on Michael whilst Michael was confronted by the the naked Chris , the end of his puming scarlet cock head only inches from his face. Chris could feel MIck's breath on his cock, he was entering on a high , he thought Mick was going to relent and suck his cock he was now so close. He felt Mick's heavy breath. Precum flowed freely from the open eye of Chris' cock. Chris could feel his cock pulsing in expectation of what was about to happen. He slowly moved his hips forwards closing the gap between Mick's face and the rock hard bobbing penis. Still the breath flowed across the penis head. Chris closed his eyes in a trance waiting for Mick to take action.

Whack, then again, Chris reared back. A hard fist crashed into his balls. He fell to the ground in the foetal positon, moaning and hanging onto his goolies.

"Ah fuck you cunt that hurts, fuck you." Chris uttered through clenched teeth

"Get that dirty fucking thing out of my face. You didn't think I was going to suck you off did you. That's what pooftas like you do ,suck cocks. Remember you're the queer cunt not me."

Chris continued to lay at the feet of the now standing Mick, who as he said this to Chris placed a foot on Chris' face and pushed it into the carpet. " Me boss you slave. Me bum you shit. Understand whichever way you think of it I'm the butcher not the block. You are."

Mick bent down and in the fingers of his right hand grasped hold of Chris' right nipple and twisted it severely then pulled on it until Chris raised to his knees. Chris had one hand still holding his sore genitals which were throbbing from the assault on them and the other on the wrist of Mick's right hand, hoping Mick would relase some of the pressure.

"Ah shit please Mick that scorches, please man."

"We got a few things to get clear today so to put things in order first up you can suck my cock.,"

":But you don't ever want me to touch you , that's what you said."

"Stop whining and get your mouth around my cock and leave your cock alone. You better not shoot off when you're doing me either."

Chris reached up and pulled on Micks shorts and they fell to the ground. He looked at Mick and he was wearing a brief pair of red hipsters, something else Chris had never seen Mick wear before. Chris reached forward and dropped Micks briefs to his ankles. He stared at the semi hard penis, it was nothing like his. Chris slowly moved forward and without further word slowly took Mick's cock into his mouth. It was not done with feeling, Chris was carrying out orders, so Chris believed. As the semi hard cock entered his mouth Chris began to tongue the cock head moving around the glans using his tongue like a massage machine. In no time whatever his penis was rock hard and profusely running precum.

"Look at you, your cock's rock hard and you're doing the sucking," Mick chided," and you're doing the sucking. You are a cock hound man."

Chris continued his ministrations on Mick moving up and down the length of his shaft taking all five inches in, right down to his pubics. Chris moved a hand to Mick's balls and began to finger them. The fingers gently caressed the balls under the cock he was washing with his mouth. He sucked in hard each time he reached the top of a stroke on the cock. Mick was moaning, he firmly held onto Chris' head. Chris dropped his hand from massaging the balls to moved it underneath between the thighs and behind the balls to Mick's hole. He placed his index finger on the hole and gently applied pressure then would gently massage around the lips of the anus. Mick groaned further holding Chris hard against his pubic bush, his cock firmly implanted in Chris' mouth.The finger pressed again at the door and the door parted. The tip of Chris finger entered Mick's cave. Slowly the finger slid further in near to its hilt . It then withdrew, then back in again. As the finger reached full insertion Mick had lost control and gripped Chris head so tightly he was unable to move. Chris moved his finger to push further , MIck let forth an almighty groan and began to fill Chris' move with his sperm. Shot after shot slid into his throat. Chris tasted the sperm in his oral cavity, he spasmed and began to blast his cum onto the legs and feet of MIck standing before him. Mick slowly released the grip on Chris' head, Chris slid his finger from Mick's anus, Mick moaned at the exit. Mick stumbled backwards to his bed and fell on his back onto the bed.

"High guys." Peter, Mick's elder brother aged 17, was standing in the doorway to Micks bedroom. He looked at the sight before him, Chris kneeling on the floor completely naked with a semi hard cock, Mick lying on his back on his bed, completely naked with a chubby laying at his crotch. Ah, and his legs coated in what appears to be cum. The room stinks."You getting serviced Mick by our dear cousin here.",

"Don't you knock," Mick responded as he came down from his euphoric moment.

"Was open pal, great sight. Whats on show, Mick and his baby dick and cousin Chris with his poppa dick" Peter asked. "You sharing any of you guys."

"Mate give us a minute and I'll give you a call." Mick suggested.

"Sure mate in my room, don't be long."

"I told you not to cum, shithead. Can't you ever control that thing of yours. Get over here and clean this mess off my legs, now." CHris still on his knees scrabbled across to Mick now sitting on the bed.

"What will I clean them with."

"Get your shorts, and be quick."

Chris got up and retrieved his shorts ,then moved back to Mick kneeling in front of him and wiped his cum from Micks legs and feet. Chris went to stand and put his shorts on.

"I ain't finished yet." Mick demanded "Remember you're not to wear no underwear no matter what. If you do then our deal is off cause you broke the rules."

"Yeah I know, I won't." Chris repleid.

"Yeah well what you don't know is I got some mates who go to your new school and I am going to get them to check on you. Don't think because I ain't there I won't know. You won't know all of them but I'll introduce you to one this arvo."

"I haven't got time I got to be home to get stuff ready for tomorrow."

"Not a problem Pete can drop you off home after you met my mate."

"Nah but I'm on my bike, see."

"No problem my dear cousin, Petes got a utility, we'll throw your bike in the back."

"Hey Pete you wanna take us to Maccas."

"What about my bit of you know, what do I get out of it."

"Tell you what I'll buy at Maccas and next time Chris comes over to visit you can have a go then. I'll feed you Maccas now and you feed Chris your sausage burger next time, ok."

"Yeah ok, seeya downstairs, the ute is on the drive, it's open."

"Lets go Chrissy, let's do it." and with that Mick reached across and grabbed a pair of shorts and pulled them on , then went to his drawers and withdrew his wallet," I better get some money bet you got none."

"Not a cent." and with that Chris went to pull on his cum coated shorts.

"Nah, nah, not you my friend you are going in the raw. I told you not to cum so this is your punishment. Come on get your shit, lets go." and with that the boys left the room and went downstairs.

The ute stood in the driveway and Chris' bike was leaning against the side of the house. Chris stood at the open front door not willing to venture out doors in his naked state.

"Come on be quick and no one will notice," Mick told him."You're not getting your shorts."

CHris bounded from the front door to the side of the house and grabbed his bike and wheeled it to the ute. He lifted the bike into the rear tray and rushed to the passenger door, opened it and jumped in. Mick stood in the door laughing wildly at his cousins discomfort. He then followed and got into the ute. When Peter came downstairs to drive them that would leave Chris in the middle of the two brothers.

"The guy we will meet this arvo is Jamie, I play footy with him on the weekends in winter. Funny eh, I play with him on weekends and against him during the week with school. He's a really good bloke. Heh, that's an idea you should play footy for the school then we can play against each other." Mick smiled

"Whatever, so how can I meet him with no gear on."

"Well if he meets you like this then he will definitely remember you."

"But he will tell all the other boys at school he met me without clothes on, they'll think I'm strange. You know how rumours go."

"Hey, you are strange, like queer ok. Secondly he doesn't need to see you naked I could just tell him what a great cock sucker you are and that would get him talking as well, so just sit tight and see how things go. Hey and get your cock from hiding between your legs and get it pointing to the air, give it a bit of a touch up. Go on, don't be shy."

"I'm sitting in public someone might see me."

"If you don't get your dick up and start jerking I'll put you out of the car and you can walk home, so start jerking." Chris adjusted himself taking, his cock from down between his legs and lifting it to be on display with his cock head proudly pointing straight up and he placed his hand on it and slowly began to massage it. The cock began to respond as it does every time, no matter what has gone before.

Peter came from the house and got into the drivers seat."Whoa guy, look at that thing getting ready to go again," he said as he looked down at Chris' crotch, " Fuck that thing is impressive." He started the ute and backed it out of the driveway.

"Let's just drive around for a little bit before we go to Maccas ok." Mick asked of peter

"Sure bud." Silence for a minute then " You reckon your man would like to give my little boy a massage." Peter asked of MIck

"Sure no problem," Mick answered, looked at Chris then said" change hands and get Pete's cock out and give it a work up." Mick smiled to himself, he had never been sure but he suspected his brother Peter was at least bi given the friends he hung out with, a bunch of wierdos. Now that he wants to be jerked by his cousin, he would just see how quick he got up and what happened.

As Pete drove around the neighbourhood Chris did as instructed and reached across and undid the buttoons on the fly of the 501's. He reached inside and could feel a grouping of warm genitals and pubic hair. He moved his fingers around looking to get hold of the shaft and withdraw it form the jeans.

"Ow, go easy man they're all I got. Shit " Peter complained and shifted in his seat allowing his jeans to be loosened against the genitals and more easily withdrawn. Chris had his hand wrapped around the head of peter's cock as he brought it out into the daylight. The fondling it had already received whilst trying to be retrieved had caused it to become reasonably rigid. Peter had some meat to be proud of. Chris began to dry stroke the cock. Mick looked on with interest. Peter tried to concentrate on his driving. Several minutes after Chris had taken hold of Peter's cock and stroked it precum began to seep out so providing a lubricant for the head and shaft. The more that flowed, the more Chris spread around increasing peter's sensations increasing his precum flow. His cock was now at full mast. Peter showed a cut cock of 7 inches in length and thick in girth of about 5 inches. Precum was now flowing freely,Peter was finding it hard to keep his mind on his driving with what he was feeling at his crotch. He stopped at traffic lights. The truck driver alongside who he stopped looked into the cabin of the ute and saw one boy sitting in the middle of the seat with an enormous erection standing from his crotch whilst masturbating the driver of the vehicle seated alongside of him, who also had a good showing of cock. The passenger alongside the passenger door was sitting passively by whislt this took place. The driver wound down his window and glared at the occupants of the ute. He showered the driver and his passengers with a torrent of abuse, telling them what disgusting creatures they were and how they weren't fit to be in society. He also screamed how he was going to report them. Mick looked at the driver and lent across and spoke to Chris. Chris looked askance at Mick, MIck spoke again. Chris shifted in his seat , raised himself and moved towards the passenger window, turned and sitting across the front of Mick pushed his arse through the open window and pulled apart his cheeks showing his brown hole. The driver had been mooned at close quarters. The driver was furious with what had just happened. Chris moved back to his seat between the other two, his erection still forcefully projecting from his crotch, Peter sat waiting for the lights to change his erection showing unashamedly from his crotch and MIck at the window smiling at the truck driver. The driver in exasperation threw open his door and began to dismount. As he was half way out of his truck, cursing and swearing about the smart arse pooftas next to him and what he was going to do to them, the traffic lights changed and peter roared away from the lights leaving the truck driver standing alongside of his truck and cursing loudly down the street at the disappearing ute with the boys all laughing hysterically.

"Let's go to Maccas." Mick directed.

Chris moved his hand back to peter's shaft. "Nah just stop for a minute mate I'm about to lose it, eh." Peter said as he moved Chris' hand away.

Chris returned his hand from Peter's cock and placed it over his.

"Need more than one hand to cover that thing pal." Mick chuckled.

As he spoke they pulled into Maccas car park. Mick directed Peter to park over in the far row away from most of the other cars. There were several in the row but most of the spaces were vacant. Once he stopped peter forced his erect cock back into the confines of his jeans and buttoned up. That left Chris sitting naked and fully exposed his cock had not relented and still stood hard and firm, as if a flag pole.

"You wait here." Mick directed to Chris, I'll get you a burger." Peter and MIck set off across the car park to the building, Chris remained seated in the car.

No sooner had the boys left the vehicle and a car pulled in alongside the left side of the utility. The mother at the wheel and her two young kids jumping around inside. Chris moved across the seat to the right side of the vehicle away from the vehicle on the left afraid he would be seen by its occupants. For some reason his penis did not deflate under this pressure but got as hard as it ever had. In its own way Chris was excited to near climax by his situation. A large 4 wheel drive station wagon then pulled alongside on the right hand side. Chris did not move he was frozen in the seat hoping nobody would notice his situation. He glanced at the occupants of the 4x4, a mother driving and three young boys of about 8 to 10 years of age. The boy in the rear passenger seat was staring straight at Chris, sitting naked and erect. He turned back to the driver of the vehicle, who then alighted and walked towards to the Maccas shop. When the adult driver was clear the three young passengers of the 4x4 moved to the left side of the vehicle and stared out the window at Chris. Chris covered his erect penis with his hands over his lap. The boys in the car spoke animatedly and began making gestures to Chris, one lad implying Chris should jerk off for them. Chris turned towards the front and did not look at them. He heard loud noises coming from the car next to him. The window was wound down. He heard the boys talking to him. He tried to activate his windows but with the ignition off and Peter having taken the key he could not get his windows up. The boys called on him to show them his cock, remarked how big it was, to jerk off and he must be a mad sex maniac. He heard the car door alongside of him to the right open, the one with the boys. The doors on the car on the left side of him opened and the occupants of that car got out. As they moved to the rear of the vehicle to go to the shop Chris prayed they would not look into his car. They didn't they were too interested in getting to the shop. Chatter was now coming at him through the open drivers window.

"Why you got no clothes on."

"You a perve are ya"

"Show us your dick."

"My brother pulls his can you."

Chris chose to look straight ahead and not respond to the visitors at his window.

"Show us your cock or I'll tell me mum." a red haired kid said to him

"Yeah pull it off for us," a kid of italian descent. "Look he's only got a helmet. What happened to your cock."

CHris glared at the kid," Nothing happened to it, it's circumcised, obviously you're not."

The kid turned to his friends and asked "Does your look like that ."

One kid answered yes and another no. To the kid who answered no they said" Show us."

"Fuck off I ain;t gay look at his." the kid replied.

"Jerk it mate, go on or I'll tell me mum." the red hair said again.

Chris feeling trapped and wanting only to rid himself of these intruders , removed his hand from his cock giving a clear view,"If I jerk off a bit will you piss off and leave me alone."

"Sure mate promise." the boys all responded.

Chris put his head back and slowly began to stroke his cock. As expected precum quickly flowed. Chris having been so excited for so long was close to his peak and with one more stroke began to unleash a gush of spurts of cum from his pulsing cock. It shot onto the dashboard, onto the steering wheel, into his lap and over his hands. There was cum everywhere, Chris experienced one of his greatest releases.

"Shit look at that blow."

"Look at the size of it, shit."

"See it squirt out, man. by brother MIkey never does it like that."

then Chris heard

" You kids fuck off from there, go on piss off."

Chris was returning to the car.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 31: Christian and William Thompson 12

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