Chris New Life


Published on Nov 8, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

"Don't disobey me again. You two, do as your told or it could happen to you." Michael warned "OK must be time for lunch. Lets get dressed, off to Maccas then the pool. See you boys later. Nothing to anyone OK. It could happen to you."

The two boys nodded in agreement and left the bedroom. Michael went to the drawers to select clothes for himself and Chris to wear for the afternoon. Chris stood with water running down the inside of his legs from the melted ice cubes at his gentials and in his rectum. It would be a long time before he would forget this humiliation. He stood there naked, but his nakedness was not what concerned him it was the fact of the strange feelings he got when he was humiliated.


Chapter 5

Michael pulled some clothes from the drawers, a pair of boardies and t for himself and a pair of white footy shorts and t for Chris. Michael then took a pair of red speedos for himself from the drawer and looked to Chris as to what he would wear. Chris informed him he had brought a pair of swimmers with him from the bush.

"Put them on and show me." said Mick " Let's see how you look in them."

"I haven't worn them in a while,last year I remember," Chris told him and went to his set of drawers and withdrew a pair of white speedos.

Chris pulled the speedos over his legs up past his knees and when he reached his crotch took the time to pack his package into the speedos and hitched them to sit just above his pubic hair line. Chris poked his cock to point to his left hip. He shook himself and got himself comfortable. Michael surveyed the site in front of him. He ogled this beautifully developed body with a great tan. It looked strange because Chris had obviously been wearing shorts without his shirt and the tan lines were higher than the speedo line and left a white skin line between the tan line and the top of the speedo and between the leg openings of the speedo and the lower tan line. Michael noted the speedo would have been a good fit last year but obviously Chris had developped, body size and package. Michael got past the view of the body and focused on the outline of the contained package. Chris had become flacid but it was all there to be seen. Mick indicated for Chris to turn around and Chris turned his back to Mick. Mick could see the beginnings of a crease of Chris' arse crack. This sight was outright hot, and would draw comment, it had to. Chris had no sign of hair on his chest and just a light dusting of a blonde treasure trail leading to the pubic area.

"This ok,' Chris asked as he paraded to Mick

"It will do, take 'em off and put them in this backpack. Pull on this stuff." Mick directed and threw Chris the footy shorts and t.

Chris did not question Mick's direction and pulled off his speedos, pushed them into the backpack and pulled on his white footy shorts and t. He got himself a pair of flip flops (thongs). Mick pulled on his clothes and the two left for Maccas, where they would meet several of the boys from last night. They were to have lunch and then go to the pool.

"I got to punish you for jerking off too, don't think you got away with me forgetting." Mick told Chris." Whose dick do you want to suck."

"No Mick please I never done nothing like that, that's gay. Everyone will know if I do that." Chris pleaded

"I'll pick one for you. When we get to maccas you sit where I tell you and I'll get our lunch." with that Michael reached across the front of Chris and back handed Chris in the crotch. Chris groaned in pain. "Just making sure they still there, and you know what will happen if you disobey, I'll punch them black." Mick could feel the tube against the back of his hand with the impact. He looked down and could see the outline of the large tube bouncing against the fabric of the white shorts as Chris walked.

The boys walked the 20 minutes to Maccas and entered the restaurant. Mick looked around and noted several of his freinds and told Chris to go over and sit on the end of the bench and he would bring the burgers. Chris moved to the bench, greeted the boys he knew from last night and sat where Mick had told him. The boys were all chatting, including how Sinclair had got the shits when they stripped him and they all saw him with a hardon. Sinclair was at the table claiming they were all shit and none of it worried him, given at least he could get a decent size hard on and they were all gay. He looked to Chris for support, and Chris nodded in agreement. Sinclair threw his arm around Chris' shoulder and declared" My mate, the rest of you are all gay. Me and Chris will stick together"

Michael arrived back to the table as Sinclair finished declaring Chyris his new partner.

"What's doing?" Michael asked

"Just saying how me and Chris are partners, and all the rest of you are gay." Sinclair repeated.

"I'll remember that later when we get into some games," said MIck staring into Sinclair's eyes, "You two can be each others shadow."

Chris stood as Michael put their food on the table and Michael slid into the bench and Chris again sat down on the end of the bench where Mick had originally told him to sit. They were eating their food when MIck looked around and noticed the group of six younger kids sitting opposite could see under the table end where Chris was sitting. He lent across to Chris and told him to pull his cock out the end of his shorts. Chris looked at Mick and Mick asked him if he wanted him to raise his voice or continue to whisper instructions. Chris reached under the table raising the leg of his shorts and pulling his prick into the fresh open air, it immediatley began to chub up. Chris tried not to think of what was happening around him ,nor the feel of the air around his cock, he ate his burger and joined in the conversation of his group at their table. Mick dropped his right hand from the table and stroked Chris thigh, it brought immediate reaction with Chris' prick growing to it s full extent and the bulbous head appearing like a large one eyed snake hiding beneath the table waiting to spring and capture a passerby.

It wasn't long when one of the young lads at the table opposite looked across and saw the outline of something throbbing under the table. He took time to study the outline, he was now sure it was a huge cock. He looked up above the table to see who owned this thing that had escaped its confines. The boy was taken aback at the sight, he continued to stare. Michael noticed the kid opposite. He told Chris to slowly stroke his cock until told to stop. The kid opposite had his eyes glued to the scene.After several minutes without removing his stare from its target he elbowed the kid sitting next to him, speaking to him without looking at him. Another boy now had his gaze fixed on this cock sticking out from the crotch of the boy sitting opposite and being played with. The group with Chris continued with their boisterous discussion and eating lunch. All of those at the table opposite were \now watching the exhibition. Michael was watching their undivided attention to what was happening. Mick whispered to Chris to blow his load, and quickly. Chris took hold of his penis with his right hand which was away the the view of the other boys at his table and began to work his prick rubbing the free flowing precum across the head of his prick and into his piss hole. He threw his head back and moaned. Mick elbowed him as Sinclair averted his eyes to the sound and stared at Chris.

"What's wrong mate, you having a wet dream," Sinclair spoke loudly and threw his head laughing at his own remark. It was loud enough to get the attention of others at the table.

Chris denied knowing what Sinclair was on about, and picked up his burger with his left hand, the right one never left his inflated cock head. He continued squeezing his rod, the activity was enough to take him over the top and he began to spew forth cum. Chris had straightened his legs as his orgasm took hold and pointed his cock to the ground. Cum splashed to the ground. The kids opposite pointed and loudly reacted to the scene. All watched to the end. Chris turned his head to the right away from his friends view and raised his right hand to his mouth and cleaned the cum from his fingers, the last he had milked from his pulsing cock. Noise continued from the young lads oppposite. Mick told Chris not to worry about them they are in grade 7 and the red headed kid who saw him first is the young brother of one of the kids they were going to meet at the pool. Chris dropped his head to his chest, he wanted to just be able to disappear. The boys finished their lunch and decided they should move to the pool. The group stood to leave and move from behind the table. When Chris stood it was obvious he had no briefs on, his chubbed prick had swollen the front of his shorts, the outline of his prick visible through the white nylon material especially where there was a large wet spot and where some cum had got caught into the material. It was unmistakenly cum. Chris stayed to the front of the line of boys leaving the reataurant, his hands covering his crotch. As he passed the table of young lads the red headed kid said to Mick that he would see him down the pool. Chris shook his head but kept walking.

The boys arrived at the pool and quickly found their mates gathered together under a large tree on a grassed area to the far side of the pool. They dropped their belongings to the ground and those needing to change into their swimmers moved to the change rooms. Six of the group of ten moved into the change rooms. Sinclair followed Michael and closely behind Chris. Michael took his swimmers from the bag and quickly stripped from his gear and pulled on his swimmers, nobody realised he was chnaging it was sall done so quickly. Sinclair and Chris had sat thmeselves on the bench seat and begun to talk about things in general beforer commencing to change. The other 3 boys changed their gear and Mick said to Chris and Sinclair they would see them outside, ansd not to do anything they shouldn't. At this remark Sinclair and Chris both blushed, even though nothing untoward had happened.

Chris had already seen Sinclair naked and with a hardon but Chris was intoxicated and it was late, he now watched him strip his clothes to put on his swimmers. Chris noticed for the first time how very dark skinned Sinclair was, as if he had a super tan and the season was only just beginning. Sinclair had his back turned to Chris and Chris noted how smooth and hairless Sinclair's legs were and that his arse had no signs of hair on it either. Sinclair had a chestnut brown torso and legs but his arse where the sun never shone was a faint coffee colour. Sinclair's perfect globes were exquisitely rounded and seemed to be two moulded mounds of muscle, no dimples but indented on the side of the glute. Chris had never been so taken with another boys arse, he had never taken such careful note of how it was out together. Sinclair began to step inot his swimmers and in doing so turned towards Chris. Chris studied him feet head to crotch and when the swimmers were in place continued his study over the stomach ,chest up to his face and hair. Chris noted Sinclair had a dark patch of pubic hair above his flacid 3.5 inch cock (85mm). He had no other hai on his body, not on his legs,nor no treasure trail on his stomach nor hair to his chest. Sinclair had flat stomach with narrow waist, he lookedd very athletic. Chris moved his eyes to look at Sinclair and noticed for the first time how very black were Sinclair's pupils, like pools of oil. He had a strong face, not manly but that of a sporty male teen. Sinclair wastopped with jet black hair, so black in the light it was nearly purple. Sinclair raised his arms to indicate he was ready to go and Chris noted sparse black hair under his arms. Chris was overcome by the picture before him. He had never noticed how striking Sinclair was, not muscley but lithe, agile athletic. Chris stared taking in the sight, Sinclair, standing before him also in white speedos, glowing chestnut tan and rakish body. Chris noticed how Sinclair's package did not bulge out but was high lighted by the nylon costume. Chris could not understand being so taken in by the sight of Sinclair but he was.

"You going to get changed or you just going to keep staring through me," asked Sinclair.

This brought Chris out of his dream and he immediately pulled off his t and down his footy shorts and began rumbling through the bag for his swimmers. Normally he would have got them out first but he wasn't thinking clearly right now. Whislt he fumbled it gave Sinclair the opportunity to return the close inspection Chris had made of him. Sinclair began to harden at the sight before him. He saw this well developed muscley kid from the bush with a golden tan, blonde treasure trail, blonde bush of pubes and oh my god! Fuck what is that thing! Sinclair gaped open mouth at the sight of Chris'appendage. Chris was facing Sinclair as he changed but was not aware of Sinclair watching him.

"You got to be shitting me." Sinclair declared." Fuck how big is that thing. You have to get tired carrying it."

With that Chris immediately covered himself by quickly pulling up his swimmers and tucking away his bundle. "Please don't say anything," Chris said to Sinclair.

"Mate I don't have to say anything nobody can miss it. For fuck sake don't crack a stiffy."

But it was too late, with the words from Sinclair Chris had begun to inflate. It did not reach normal epic proportions but enough to stretch and cause his speedos to hang forwardd and down from the pressure inside. It was obvious that under the white cover there was a real treasure to be had, enough to feast for all. Chris turned his back to Sinclair allowing Sinclair to note the beginning of the cleft to Chris arse, Sinclair began to harden. Both boys turned to face each other, both in white speedos, both presenting an erotic sight in each their own right.

"Come on, we better get outside or they going to reckon we been up to something." Sinclair said.

Chris followed Sinclair from the change shed, walking closely behind him as to provide shelter of the sight of his laden crotch. As the boys approached the tree under which the group had parked themselves the boys threw their towels and bags under the tree and raced and dived into the pool. No one to their knowledge, had seen anything untoward. The boys swam and played with the group, most of the time Sinclair was their target. He was continually taunted verbally being called all manner of things including fag, and physically rumbled. Sinclair did not react, he was used to this from the first time he entered the school some 3 years ago. His mates were always doing things to him, but he didn't mind because they didn't mean it and they were good blokes. Apart from that the other groups of kids in their grade were nerds or freaks, at least Sinclair thought so, and he wanted to be part of the in crowd.

After 20 minutes of swimming around together the two boys left the pool, laid out their towels on the grass and lay alongside each other and began to talk.

As they with questions to each other slowly determined their levels of trust and what they could answer honestly but without embarassment the two boys began to inadvertently build a relationship bond. Chris continued to stare into the eyes of Sinclair and became emotionally lost in the black still ponds. He could see his reflection. He thought he could see into Sinclair's soul. Sinclair in turn kept his eyes roaming Chris' full body, from tip of his head to the bottom of his thick strong legs, resting on the crotch on each pass. The boys told of their past, Sinclair how he was an only child and all the hang ups that brought, especially the need to be part of something. How he hated going home each day to an empty house waiting for his parents to arrive home from work at about 7.30 to 8.00 pm each night. He poured his soul to Chris of how lonely he could become, how he sought other boys company, how he longed for a true friend in whom he could confide. A true friend with whom he could share his inner most thoughts, his feelings, someone he could do things with, a real special friend. In return he would be the same to that person. Everyone needs someone you can trust, confess their inner self to, turn to for physical and emotional support. Sinclair explained how his parents gave him whatever he wanted to keep him happy, but it didn't. He told Chris how he would stare at himself naked in the mirror trying to understand who he was. He laid bare his soul to Chris an Chris responded. Chris reached out to Sinclair took his hand, looked him squarely in the eyes and told him he would be his true friend, his soul mate because he too sought the same thing and he too had things to discuss, personal things, feelings, confessions. Chris told Sinclair of his family, his brother, the farm, his friends in the bush and how he had been sent to Sydney and was on a good behaviour bond. He told him of his fear of going to prison, he told him of his fear of being rejected, of being unsuccessful. He told him how he longed to make friends in Sydney, people he could be as one with. The two looked into each others eyes and mouthed their commitment to be true friends, no matter what, to be there, to shoulder each others problems and to help each other overcome adversity.

Their attention from their tryst was diverted as Michael and Ando returned from the pool and called them to the pool to participate in a game of cock fights. They would be able to do this because it was only the beginning of the season and there were few at the pool let alone in swimming, they had the pool virtually to themselves. Cock fighting called for the boys to break into pairs, and one to sit on the shoulders of the other, sitting one's crotch firmly against the neck of the boy on the bottom and with ones legs hanging over his partners chest and around under his arms and secure your position with your feet at your partners back. The horse or the partner on the bottom could also hold onto his partners legs and hold him from being unseated when the pairs went into their joust trying to unseat each team. The last team standing was the winner. The role of the base was then reversed with the base becoming the jockey and vice versa. The six groups of boys quickly got into the spirit of the game. Sinclair was Chris' partner and with Chris strength Sinclair was able to boldly launch at his opponents. As the activity continued with the boys bouncing their crotches into the back of the neck of their partner, Sinclair developed a hardon, one which his horse , in this case Chris, could feel every time Sinclair moved, he could feel the movement of balls moving within their pouch and the firm rod poking him in the back of his neck, he reacted accordingly and grew an intense boner. Whilst Sinclair had his poking Chris in the neck Chris had this raging hardon now poking its throbbing, leaking, bulbous round head over the top of his swimmers. He was in water up to his waist, he didn't want to blow his load. He had lost control again, his penis was thinking for itself. It got down to three pair left, each now manouvering around in attempts to get an advantage over the over. Meanwhile Michael an Ando who had been unseated early in proceedings had taken to swimming under the contestants grabbing and groping in an attempt to put them off the game. Michael groped John Baker, he always had a hardon, all 5 inches (125mm), it made no difference to him he was used to the distraction. Ando swam down to grope Chris, he saw the head, as if a periscope, out from cover and looking about. he surfaced, took air, and again dived, the water must be magnifying what he was looking at. It wasn't everything else was the same size, just not this cock he was transfixed to, Chris was none the wiser he had an observer. The game continued, now there were only two pair, Sinclair on Chris' shoulders and John Baker with Bill Mahoney, a red headed kid, on Bakers shoulders.

Ando alerted Michael to what he had seen under water. They both swam down for a showing. The two pair of boys came together, thrashing about in the water pushing and shoving. Amidst this was Michael, he put his hand to Chris' speedos and undid the tie cord and pulled it free. Chris felt the pulling at his waist but thought nothing of it, just part of the rough and tumble. Chris was none the wiser during the contest with the other boys. Sinclair thrust his fist to the air in triumph over the group, avowing the team of himself and Chris unbeatable, unshakeable and able and willing to take all challenges. Sinclair dismounted Chris' shoulders and Chris also made a victory leap. As his speedo waist cleared the water line the weight of the water dragged against his speedos and they fell to his knees. He was in the air with his cock showing from one side and his pert rounded arse cheeks the other. He wasn't exposedd for long but enough for several of the boys to notice including Michael and Ando at the front and Sinclair looking to his arse cheeks.

"Have you seen that thing?' asked Ando. "Fuck he's got some."

"Runs in the family." bragged Michael

"Bullshit Mick, I seen yours and you don't rate compared to that schlong."

"You never seen my cock." Michael denied to Ando.

"Wake up, of cause I seen you. Last time you were wasted you fell over with your cock out. Baker put it away after he had played a tune on it."

"You shittin me." Michael exploded.

"True mate. Nothin really happened. Just Baker being Baker and puttin on a show." Ando responded.

"I'm not gay and only one person touches my cock, me." Michael was now fuming."I'll get him."

Meanwhile Chris was searching for the tie cord to his swimmers. Everytime he jumped up or forward his swimmers pulled down exposing his rump at least.

"OK everyone reverse positions. Round 2" yelled Ando.

All the boys who took the role of steed in the first round now became the mounted fighter. Baker mounted Mahoney, Michael mounted Ando, Chris mounted Sinclair and the other 3 pair also swapped positions. The battle began. With Chris now sitting on Sinclairs shoulders and with no cord to hold his speedos tight the waist was loose fitting and inclined to move away from Chris' lower abdomen exposing his pubic hair and glimpses of cock.

The boys actively jousted the opposing teams and with the movement of Chris' cock and balls bouncing and rubbing against Sinclair's neck it caused Chris to become quite chubbed. Without the tie cord for his swimmers and the weight and pressure of Chris' appendage, Chris' swimmers moved away from his abdomen giving full sight of his now excited penis. Sinclair could feel the large testes moving against his lower neck but he could also feel into the back of his neck and ear the large bulbous cock head which belonged to his jockey. Sinclair was as hard as he had ever been. This was his most erotic moment. Sinclair was losing concentration of what he was doing thinking of Chris not the opponents. He also didn't think of Ando who had again been unseated and swam up under him and pull down Sinclair's speedo to his ankles. Ando looked directly into Sinclair's erect penis with balls now semi floating and moving freely in the water. Ando grabbed hold of Sinclair's shaft with force, using it as a tether pulled him towards the swimout area. Chris swivelled on Sinclair's shoulders but Sinclair realised where he was being led and dropped Chris off his shoulders and pulled back against Ando's grip. Chris fell into the shallow water with his costumes again dragging down over his rounded arse. Sinclair grabbed frantically to pull up his swimmers before anyone could see him exposed. Bill Ando was exploding with laughter. Baker and mahoney won the second round and Chris and Sinclair told the others they were getting out of the pool to rest for a while. The others continued to romp in the pool, Chris and Sinclair returned to their towels on the grassed area and lay down facing one another and resumed the personal talk they were having before being called to participate in the pool games.

Chris lay on his right side with his arm stretched at length and acting as a pillow for his head. His left leg rested on top of his right. He faced Sinclair who was in the mirror reverse position except he had his left arm bent at the elbow and head propped on his left hand. This had the effect of Sinclair looking down on Chris. They lay close to each other and were able to speak in hushed tones. Chris always pushed his package to the left and with Chris lying on his right side the package pushed out to the right causing the top of Chris speedos to yawn open away from his abdomen giving a clear sight of his pubic bush and part of the tube. Sinclair spoke to Chris but his eyes never left the sight at Chris' crotch. Chris lay chatting to Sinclair involved in their conversation unaware of the show he was now providing. With the afternoon sun glinting on their bodies Sinclair was mesmerised by the golden shimmer of happy trail and light dusting of blonde hair on Chris' body. Sinclair was dry mouthed. The scene to him was a dream. Chris continued talking, Sinclair not really listening, but obsessed with the sight before him, the gold blonde hair, the beautiful body, the pubic bush the sight of a piece of thick hose, he strained in his speedos. Listening only to his inner emotions Sinclair reached across the space between the two boys and with his right hand gently took hold of Chris'right nipple and started to feel it between his fingers. The brown nipple the size of a five cent coin, raised from the pec muscles on the chest, he took the nub of it and massaged it between thumb and fore finger. Sinclair was lost within himself. He closed his eyes, his imagination on fire.

"What the fuck you doing." Chris snapped as he drew away from Sinclair and breaking Sinclair's touch. "I'm not queer. You got it wrong." Chris looked down and saw Sinclairs prick pushing out from his crotch. "I'm not a bitch." and with that jumped to his feet, his swimmers drooping onto his hips exposing the top of his pubic bush and only being held in place by the jutting package they encased. "What happened to the cord off my cossies." Chris stood confused, staring down at Sinclair. Chris was surprised more than angry. He had not understood how this just happened. Tears welled in Sinclairs eyes, he was lost.

To be continued.

P.S. I'm not trying to confuse issues but my cousin with whom I'm staying is Michael and Sinclair (his surname) is also Michael, that's just the way it happened.

To those of you who have responded thank you for your positive encouragement it is most gratifying. Should you wish to comment or ask any questions I will endeavour to answer in a timely fashion.


Next: Chapter 6

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