Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 10, 2023


Jana had told Will that "it was hard to say" when chris' ass would be, as she put it "fully functional and externally pain free," which was frustrating for a man who worked with numbers all day. Ironically, it was chris who let him know, probably subconsciously, that he was fine.

It happened about five days after the tattooing. They were in bed, in their usual positions, and shortly before it was time to get up, Will felt what he thought was chris' ass pushing up against his crotch. Will's cock automatically sprang to attention, and chris pushed back again. Will leaned over, and whispered into chris' ear:

"You ready to take dick again, manbitch?" chris' eyes were still closed, but he murmured "Yes sir. I need it. I need it bad." Will sprang into action: the blankets got thrown off the bed, he spat a wad into his hand and then into chris' hole, grabbed his bitch's ankles and held them in the air. If chris were ready to receive, Will was ready to give: and he had been ready for three days.

"We'll look for your prostate next time, fucktoi. For now, this ain't about you." Will slammed in his cock and chris winced at the sensation he hadn't felt for nearly a week. "Yes sir. I understand. OOOOOOOOH. OOOOH YES SIR" This was a fucking where Will wanted to make it last, but he also wanted to FINALLY dump his load into the man who now carried his mark. His thrusts were slow, but deep. chris was fully awake and feeling every thrust. He slid back and forth on the bed, and while he could still feel that "something" had happened to his ass cheeks, it didn't hurt. When Will reached up and took his nipples, it began to feel pleasant. His own cock had been caged for two weeks, and he didn't know if he was going to get a chance to use it soon. chris felt Will shooting into his ass. "I missed doing that sweet stuff" "yes sir," chris answered, not daring to say how much HE missed doing that. He wondered if he was ever going to get to do it again. He was going to get an answer very soon. Something had happened at the office earlier that week, and Will knew about it. NO ONE got away with abusing his bitch but him. And now, there was payback.

What had happened? Well, chris took one day more off from work because of the pain of the tattoo, and then returned. He moved gingerly: the combination of the tight peach colored shirt and blue pants he was wearing, plus the cock cage, plus the new tattoo made everything a little more challenging. Fred and Matt, who looked more and more like scavengers every day, saw how gingerly chris was sitting down.

"WOO HOO. Someone got it up the ass REAL GOOD didn't she?" Fred commented to Matt and the two of them laughed, while chris blushed. He didn't know how much the two of them had figured out. He hadn't told them, but of course, Will was out of the office when chris was, and... "Who ya putting out for, stud?" Fred asked. chris, more than a bit out of it, gave the wrong answer. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" "OOOOOOOOOOOH. I think that's an admission Fred. So now we know he is: we just have to figure out to whom." "I think we know" Matt giggled and whispered something to Fred. "DAYUM. That would make sense: your Willy's boy: HA HA. chris it taking Willy's willy!!!!" "YOU TWO KNOW NOTHING!" He got up and stormed out of the coding area, just as Don was coming in. He saw chris' face. "chris: what's wrong? You're upset. I can tell." "IT'S NOTHING. I'LL FIGURE IT OUT." Don came over to the section where he saw Fred and Matt calming down from what had just happened. "Hey, what's with chris? He ok?" Fred shrugged his shoulders. "Probably just on the rag or something like that. All I did was ask him if he was seeing anyone, and...." Don was suspicious. "Well, he WAS out for a few days for medical reasons. I'd appreciate it if you gave him a little bit of time to heal." "Absolutely Boss, absolutely. Hey, there are rumors that Winks is selling the company. True?" Don looked at them. "I really can't comment on that. If you're worried about your jobs if it's sold, well... why don't you get back to work?"

The day continued to spiral out of control for chris. One of the things Jana had said to him was "as soon as you can, you have to get back to the gym. No squats for awhile, or anything to aggravate your glutes, but anything else you can do is fine." That's where he headed after the incident with Matt and Fred. He was frustrated: he wanted to beat the crap out of both of them. Had he been at full strength, he could have: maybe not at the same time, but one on one? No problem. He still felt a little weak from the surgery though, and of course there was the problem of hitting a co-worker on the job. He knew that Will had told him that "soon" he wouldn't be working at the company, but he'd be chris' "houseboy" as he put it. chris knew that he'd really be Will's live in manbitch, and there was nothing he could do about it. At times, he wasn't sure if he WANTED to do anything about it. He thought back to the morning: there was no question: HE had initiated the sex. Will had been extremely cranky because he had to be content with nothing but blow jobs, but chris hadn't felt up to doing anything, until that morning. And he had been VERY up to getting fucked. Living the life of a "kept man:" if he didn't have to deal with these yokels, he was fine with that.

chris was doing weight work with hand weights when they came in: he could hear them coming and there was no way out of the gym but the door they were coming in. "SHIT." He looked around. There wasn't anyone. His thoughts flashed back to when he had done what he thought was about to happen to him, to some of those guys who had used him two weekends ago. "Karma sucks" he muttered under his breath. "CHRISSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE" Fred yowled as they came in. "LOOK AT THOSE NIPPLES PRESSING OUT. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. BOYTOY MATERIAL IF YOU ASK ME." "C'mon knock it off Fred" chris complained. "How am I bothering you? " "Oh you're not bothering me, chrissy..." Fred started getting closer. "I'm just wondering why you haven't offered to suck me off " "I don't do that kinda shit." chris put down the weights. "Now let me get to the locker room. "Ha ha. You don't do that kinda shit. You expect me to believe that. Studly chris, flirting with every woman in the company, fucking most of them, dressing like a stud... Now, every one of us has a better chance because the amazing cock of Christopher seems to be silent, you dress like a slut, and... GOD you're cute. " Fred groped his cock. "There's a rumor you're putting out for Willy. True or False?" "I'M NOT ANSWERING THAT!" He yelled. "And what the fuck is that bulge in your crotch? Are you hard all the time." "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO OBSESSED ABOUT MY CROTCH?" Then he felt Matt's arms encircle him from behind. "WHAT THE FUCK. LET ME GO BASTARD." Matt was the stronger one of the two of them, and he had chris' hands locked behind his back. Fred got closer. "I think we're gonna see just what's going on with chrissy. "NO! NO! HELP! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGH' chris screamed out. Before help could arrive, they had his shorts down. They saw the cock cage, and the tattoo on his ass. "YOU BASTARDS. YOU FUCKING BASTARDS...." chris began to cry, just as security got there. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? " One of the guards yelled. "We were.. we were just razzing him, that's all..." Fred said. Then they saw Don behind the officers. "NOW this is making sense. chris' behavior this morning, YOUR collective behavior." He paused. "Chris, how about you get up and take care of yourself. I'll send a nurse in a minute to make sure you're ok. YOU TWO: You don't have to worry about whether or not the company is gonna be sold. You're fired. RIGHT NOW. CLEAR OUT YOUR DESKS." "Boss, we were just kidding, it was. " "CLEAR OUT YOUR FUCKING DESKS OR SECURITY WILL DO IT FOR YOU." chris had locked himself in a bathroom stall. He was sobbing. "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. WHAT THE HELL IS GONNA HAPPEN TO ME?" He heard Don's voice outside the stall: "Chris, what's gonna happen to you is you're gonna live a very happy life with Will. Something most people would give their right testicle for." chris snorted through his tears. "I feel like I already did. My right one and my left one." Don was silent for a minute. "Tell you what? " He tossed keys over the stall door. "These are the keys to my place. Take the afternoon off. Relax there. I'll talk to Will. If you don't want things the way they are, then I'm sure they can be changed. Just give me a little time.

I'm gonna leave now. You want the nurse?" "No Don, but thanks. I appreciate your help." Don left, and chris washed off his face, got dressed, and headed out. He had Don's address, and he thought.. yeah, being in a different place for a while would do him good." As he got his briefcase, he saw that Matt and Fred weren't around.

"WHAT? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Don had interrupted Will to speak to him. "Well, Fred and Matt used to be the equivalent of his frat brothers, Will. You changed that dynamic, except you left things the way they were. Some of it is jealousy, some of it is fear, and... it just bubbled over today." Will took a big sigh. "You know, this started as an attempt to simply humiliate chris, BIG TIME. To make him pay for what he did when he was younger, but... I feel for the lug." "Yeah, that was kinda obvious Will. Tell ya the truth, I was always surprised, still am, that you didn't put a ring on his finger, instead of just around his cock. "YOU KNEW ABOUT THE CAGE?" Don laughed. "You know, you're not the only person who knows about these things Will. chris isn't the first guy to be caged by his top, he won't be the last. Those pants you make him wear: every gay guy in the office has been wondering who collared chris. "I guess now they know" Will said in a low voice. "Yeah, they do. " He sighed. "Laser treatment can get the tattoo removed, if that's necessary, and of course, you can unlock the cage." He sighed again. "I'm not sure that's going to be necessary Will. I have a feeling chris feels the same way about you that you feel about him." Will laughed. "He's like a fucking pit bull trying to get off a leash. Constantly. " Don folded his arms. "Did you ever think he acts like that because he knows it gets you excited?" Will thought for a minute. "I didn't think he was that conniving." Again, Don laughed. "You really think you're something special don't you boss? NO ONE is as smart as you, NO ONE is as conniving as you, NO ONE is as dominant as you... " He stopped again. "If you're so smart, how are you gonna get to the bottom of this? Do you REALLY wanna spend your life with someone who despises you and what you do to him?" Will just looked up. "No." "I have a plan. It's despicable, but you'll know something. We'll ALL know something. Hear me out." Don closed the office door and began speaking. Will listened closely, and he began smiling. It seemed to be something that he could work with. When they were done, Don went back to his office in the nearly empty coding section. He called both Fred and Matt. "This is Don. I spoke about the situation with Will. He'd like to talk to you guys if you want your jobs back. But he wants to talk to you at his home. I'll be there too. 7pm tonight. If you're interested in working here, show up.

Meanwhile, chris just sat in Don's house. His head was down, and he was thinking: he was thinking hard. He could "figure something out" if he needed to. Surely there was SOME place he could work and live where he wouldn't be under Will's thumb. "Of course, he'll try to find me, and drag me back" he muttered, and then realized: his cock had hardened. "FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK" He reached up and ran his finger over his nipple and thought "Will does it better." "Do I want to live as Will's sub, if that's the only way I can live with him?" He ran that thought through his mind, over and over again. He wasn't a hundred percent sure, but...." His phone rang. It was Will. "Yes sir?" He answered. "Hey babe. I heard a whole lot about what happened today. Are you ok?" "I'm fine Sir. I'm sitting here in Don's house. I'm trying to figure things out." "You wanna stay there? If you do, I'll have some stuff brought over. It won't be a problem." chris paused "Would it be ok if I came back, Sir?" "To work or home?" "Home Sir." "I expect you to. When do you want to come back?" "Tonight Sir?" "This afternoon. Get your ass home. I'll see you in a few hours" "YES SIR." chris was smiling when he got off the phone.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fred and Matt both had expensive lifestyles, and no savings. Being out of work was not an option for either of them. They agreed to meet at Will's house, even though they had no idea why it was there, and not elsewhere. They agreed to share a car to get there. chris got to Will's place first, and then Will arrived about two hours later. When he heard the door, chris got up and went to meet Will . He put his hands behind his back and pushed out his chest. He had been crying on and off, and he hoped his face didn't show the tears. It did. "Welcome home Sir." He stood there in front of Will, who put down his briefcase. He smiled and put his hands on chris' tits. "Well, well, well. My runaway has come home.." He squeezed chris' tits until he heard the sigh. That's when he shoved his tongue down chris' throat. "I don't kiss you enough chrissy. I'm gonna have to change that. For now though... it's been a very stressful day. VERY stressful. "Yes sir. I'm sorry if I added to that stress." "Well, if you're sorry, nothing relieves stress like a good blow job. What're you waiting for?" "Yes sir. " chris got on his knees and realized it was EXACTLY what he wanted to do: he wanted to feel Will's hand on the back of his neck, pushing him forward, urging him to take more: to take his cock deeper, and deeper. "YES FUCK YES. NO ONE SUCKS AS WELL AS A REFORMED STRAIGHT GUY. " Will began thrusting the way he did before he came and then... a hot stream of creamy jizz went to the back of chris' throat. He sucked it down, and licked Will's cock clean. Will looked at him. "Drop your pants chrissy." chris was confused. "Yes sir?" When he did, Will unlocked the cage. chris' trapped cock jumped out. "Stuff it in your pants NOW, bitch. We'll come back to that in a bit. "

Don arrived twenty minutes later. He smiled. "Will, chris.... " chris looked at him. "Don, I...." he didn't get to finish because the bell rang again. This time it was Fred and Matt. "Dr. Winks. Thank you for giving us a second chance..." They looked around and saw chris. And then Don. Now, the only ones who weren't confused were Will and Don." "Come over here chris" Will spoke to chris in a commanding voice, and he did so. "SIT" he pointed to a chair. Will stood behind chris' chair, and pressed his hands into chris' shoulders. It felt good to chris. "I'm going to say a few things and you're going to listen. What you do after that is up to you. You're right: chris and I are a couple: I fuck chris. He takes my cock. " Will looked down at chris. "Is that right?" "yes sir" chris was blushing beet red. He had no idea what was going on. "chris isn't gay. I am. How we came to this position is not relevant, nor is it anyone's business, but I'm telling you because the two of you seem so fucking obsessed with this issue. So now you know. Do either of you have any questions?" They looked at each other. They both did, but neither one asked. They both wanted to know: how long, the details, did chris still fuck women, so many things. "GOOD. You're both lying which I expected, so we can move on. You can wonder how a straight guy came to take my cock all you want: how he became my bitch, since you were so fascinated by his tattoo. Well, you're gonna get a chance to find out how a straight guy can bitch for another man. You want your jobs back?" "Yes sir," they answered in combination. "We'll see how badly you do. chris hasn't used his cock in a while. He's gonna get the chance tonight. You guys want your jobs back? Drop your pants. GET UP CHRIS. DROP YOURS." "OOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT" Don was thinking. "If I have to explain this to personnel...." Fred and Matt looked at each other. Matt spoke. "Dr Winks, is there.. is there ANY other way?" "I SAID DROP YOUR PANTS IF YOU WANT YOUR FUCKING JOB. HOW HARD WAS THAT TO UNDERSTAND." It was hard to determine who was more embarrassed: Fred, Matt or chris, but all three drop their pants. The only one with a hard on was chris. "chris, which one you want first? Fred, or Matt?" "HUH? " chris was thinking. "He wants me to TOP? These guys?????" He felt his hands shaking. He saw the two of them, and he saw, as did everyone else, his cock shrivel up and go limp. "Sir... I think I deserve better than these two. I don't like saying no to you, but... no, I don't want to fuck them." Don began to giggle behind his hand. So did Will. "You know, chris, you did such a good job on me today that I don't have any juice left, otherwise I'd force myself to think of you, and take them. But I can't." chris knew Will was lying. His recovery time after fucking chris was not immediate, but he could fuck after a blowjob with no trouble. Will began to laugh. "Think about that you two fucking ... duds rather than studs. Three guys in the room who know about cock and ass. THREE of us. And not one. NOT ONE, wants you. " He began to laugh. "Isn't it funny that a geek like me keeps this hunk so fucking satisfied he doesn't want either of you? " He laughed harder. "You both have your jobs, but not in coding. Tomorrow, you'll get your uniforms. That's right UNIFORMS. Custodial crew will be glad to have new workers. Best of luck living your lives on your new compensation packages. Any questions?" They looked at each other. "No Sir." "Then you can leave. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." Don interrupted. "Wait Will. I believe that Fred and Matt both have something to say to you, and something to say to chris." Then he was silent . The two of them looked at each other and figured it out. "Thank you Dr. Winks. Thank you for not firing us." "Chris, we're sorry we did what we did. Ashamed too." Will's smile was almost a snarl. "NOW GET THE FUCK OUT. AND IF I FIND THAT EITHER OF YOU HAVE SO MUCH AS SAID A BAD THING ABOUT MY PARTNER, I WILL MAKE SURE YOUR ASS IS ON FIRE AS YOU LEAVE." "Partner? PARTNER?" chris thought. "That's the first time he's called me anything but his bitch."

After Fred and Matt were gone, Will asked Don if he wanted to stay for dinner. "Thanks, but hubby's home tonight. He promised to hold dinner for me. " He looked at chris. "I'll see you tomorrow, Chris. I know you won't be with the company long, but for the time you're there, you're gonna be busy." Before Don left, Will gave him a hug: "you're as much of a schemer as I am. I love it. You'll be great as the company head." Don just smiled as he left. Then Will turned to chris. He was smiling, and it was a smile filled with... lust. "Get to the bedroom. NOW. Flat out on the bed. Face up." "YES SIR." chris couldn't wait. He reached for the left cuff to tie down his wrist and he heard Will. "DID I TELL YOU TO DO THAT MANCUNT?" "No Sir." Will was reaching for the cage to lock chris back up. "You had your chance. You turned it down." He began opening chris' shirt. "I wanted to RIP this fucking thing off of your, but I like it on you too much. Just like I like THESE on you." He pulled out clamps and lifted the chain to chris' mouth. "Now... let me find that prostate." He reached his fingers into chris and, when he felt the shiver and heard the moan, he smiled. He toyed with the gland for a few minutes, telling chris what a fucking cunt he was, how easy he was to break, and ordering chris to pull the chain tighter. Then he slipped in, the way he did that morning. What had just happened always roused Will and he was VERY roused as he began pounding chris. chris tried to push back to get more cock in him, even if it meant the chain on the clamps pulled tighter. When Will shot into him and smiled, chris was happy. He was home. Will took off the clamps. "I think you'll be there another month, chrissy. Then you'll be here, 24/7. This weekend, you'll start learning what I'll expect from you. " He looked down at chris. "Yeah, I said it. My partner. My partner, my lover, my bitch. ALL of them. "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." "Better get dinner made REAL fast, chrissy. I'm fucking starving.

Next: Chapter 12

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