Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 14, 2023


It had been 3 days since chris' last day at the company. Both Will and Don thought that after all that had happened, it was probably better to fast track chris' departure, and so it was done. chris knew it was coming, and he thought he'd have more time to do things like say goodbye to people he knew (Sharon, the other ladies, etc), but Don and Will spoke on Sunday afternoon, and on Monday morning, chris was packing up his stuff. At home that night, Will couldn't have been happier. He tied chris into a chair, shirtless, and he was smiling ear to ear.

"Soon, I'm not gonna have to wait for night time to do this to you, chrissy..." He began flicking chris' nipples. The impact was always the same: chris began to squirm and to moan, which worked to make Will even more aggressive. "I love when you're in nothing but those tight shorts, studboy. Especially when I can see the wrapping on your package." Will began to snicker: the wrapping was the cock cage, which showed through the tight shorts. "This week, we begin what I call houseboy training. But for now, you're gonna do what you know how to do so fucking well: BOTTOM". Will had a set of clamps in his hand. He attached them to chris' nipples, and pulled him out of the chair. chris had lost track of how many different clamps Will had: he was sure that he hadn't used all of them on him yet (he was right). Will had a dresser that he called his "toy box." There was a drawer filled with gags, one with metal toys like clamps and cages, another one with electronic toys, and then the different restraints. Will was going to put chris in charge of making sure everything was in its proper place: in due time. Tonight though, all he was going to do was cuff chris' wrists over his head and then pull down his shorts. He pulled down his own pants and his cock popped out. chris saw it, and the mixed feelings he always had came back: he wanted it, but he also didn't. The negative feelings always disappeared when Will's cockhead started entering him, but he said to himself, over and over again "I'm not gay... I'm not gay..." He had said it at the start, and he still said it. Even as Will began sliding his cock all the way up in him. "Relax chrissy. You're too tight tonight. This is the way it is. You lost. You surrendered. BOTTOM." "yes sir." chris closed his eyes as he felt Will's dick slide past his prostate. He always winced when that happened: he winced in a good way. Whatever else he might say, Will knew how to fuck. He LOVED chris' ass. He loved the sense that the brute who had tormented him all through school may not have been a closet case, but what he was: was a bottom, a sub, in rude terms, his sex slave. And now, the humiliation would continue as chris went from coder to kept man.

On that third day, as they woke up, Will whispered into chris' ear: "I'm gonna have to head to the office. Don and I need to clean things up." He slid his arms under chris and hauled the muscular man onto his back. "BUT DAMN I don't want to leave here. I could use a good ass to fuck, and I got one." He smiled down at chris. "Instead, I'll take a morning blow job." chris sighed "yes sir. " He slid his mouth over Will's cock. All of the practicing, and the positive and negative "reinforcement" from Will had taught him what Will liked. From the sliding pattern Will was using, chris knew he wanted it fast and rough this morning. He felt the hot morning jizz going down his throat, and thought about his own stiff dick, locked up in the cage. It had been: how long? Not THAT long: Will had unlocked him when they had that evening with Matt and Fred, but chris couldn't do it. It had been at least a week and a half since Will had milked him and now... 2 plus weeks. He needed it. He wouldn't be getting it that day.

Will got up and started morning prep. "So, since the coding department is essentially empty, chrissy, Don and I decided we'll go in and clean things up for the takeover. Larissa is sending over one of her friends to help. It's gonna take a few days, but then" He smiled wickedly at chris. "We are going to begin our life as leisured gentlemen. " chris was still having trouble assimilating all that had happened, and could just answer "yes sir." "So today begins your training. It won't be too difficult. Sarah is going to start teaching you how to cook. That's how you'll start today. Then the gym." He saw the fear in chris' eye. "No, stud, not the company gym. I've got you a membership in another one. With a trainer. He'll work the parts of your body I like best: glutes, chest, arms... you're gonna be one helluva beautiful companion: that's what they're calling you in the papers. " chris looked confused and Will laughed. "Oh you'll see it when you're in the kitchen with Sarah. So, another thing you'll learn is how to mix my drink the way I like it. I expect it at 5 every day. Sarah will also show how shoes are polished properly: you'll be in charge of leather cleaning from now on. And finally: today, you're gonna dress yourself for your man. Assume I'll be horny and want action: make yourself look as hot and fuckable as you possibly can. Let's see if I can trust you with that. Any questions?" "No Sir" chris kept on repeating "i'm not gay, i'm not gay..." He felt Will's sticky kiss on his forehead before Will went off to wash.


"Good morning chris" How's about you slip into an apron so you don't spoil your clothes." Sarah smiled at him. chris remembered that when he came here the first time, she called him "Mr. Walsh." She understood the dynamics of he and Will much better than anyone else did. "I need to show you how to prep vegetables and how to roast a chicken the way Dr. Winks likes it." "chris and Dr. Winks" he sighed to himself. "Yup, that's what happened. " He wondered: what would happen if he tried to escape? He might get some distance, but Will had transferred all of chris' credit cards to HIS account, so he'd know if chris bought gas, or a ticket or anything. A part of him said: "why would I leave anyway?" Yes, he'd have duties, but for the first time in a long time, he didn't have to worry about rent, or paying any bills at all, and... DAMN IT he couldn't avoid it: he really LIKED the way he felt when Will took charge. He wasn't fantasizing about other men at all: just Will. He had forgotten how many times he had seen Will walk by at the office and he'd think "He's FUCKING me. The genius. The billionaire. I'm HIS" and felt his cock swell. Sometimes Will would walk by and squeeze his shoulder, and chris nearly melted. "CHRISTOPHER PAY ATTENTION" Sarah joked. "OH, you ought see the paper this morning. Society page 1." She handed it to chris and he gulped. There was a picture of he and Will leaving a restaurant. Will was smiling and he had his arm around chris' shoulder. The text with the photo referred to "Dr Will Winks and his companion Chris Walsh..." "Companion," chris muttered. "Chris... all 'companion' means is someone you eat bread with. It means nothing else." "I guess Sarah, I guess." She smiled. "Chris, Dr. Winks is not so bad. Yes, he has his ways, and yes, he's demanding, but. he takes good care of his people. You'll see." "I know Sarah, I know... I'm still trying to figure this out." "Well, figure it out at another time, young man. Pay attention here because, according to Dr. Winks, I'm to leave this afternoon and you're to do it on your own."

chris paid as much attention as he could. Sarah prepared him a quick lunch for when he came back from the gym, and then she prepared to leave. "Dr Winks gave me the afternoon off so you could have the kitchen to yourself. Best of luck." She kissed chris on the cheek. " "Chris, it's going to be alright. Believe me. It will." As she left, chris realized that for the first time in about a year, a woman's kiss did nothing to him.


One of the best parts about working at Will's company had been the gym. It was the best equipped corporate gym chris had ever seen. He thought he'd be sorry to say goodbye to it: until he showed up at the new gym. A blond man at the front desk, in a white polo shirt with the company logo on it, smiled. "Good morning, Mr. Walsh, we've been waiting for you. Andrew is on the floor of the weight room. Look for the red haired guy with a green shirt." The set up reminded chris a bit of an airline terminal: it was HUGE. He was still gawking when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. I'm Andrew. Drew if you like. You can gawk, but we only get an hour and a half, so.... I'd say we get started. It was the best workout chris had ever had, culminating in twenty minutes of stretching. Every time Andrew lifted up one of his legs to do something like stretch his hamstrings, chris felt a twinge in his cock: it felt like chris was lifting them up, only Andrew handled it much more easily: he was clearly stronger than Will. When they were done, Drew offered a hand to help chris off the stretching matt. "How you feel sailor?" "Honestly? Like three thugs beat the shit outta me." Andrew laughed. "That's cause I took it easy on you. Normally you'll feel like it was five. So, chris... .this is going to be your time every day. 90 minutes. No need to do cardio , I'll be working it into the program. " He patted chris' middle. "You're in pretty good shape for an executive type, stud, but we're gonna make ya even better. Tomorrow then." chris smiled. "YESSSSSSSSSSS SIR!" It hadn't happened with anyone else: was he getting a man crush on Andrew?

After he drove home, and got a bit of a rest, chris went back to work on the dinner. Everything seemed to be going fine until.... what was that smell? It was strong meat, and.... plastic. "OH SHIT THE GUT BAG" Sarah had been very clear: make SURE you take the gut bag out. If you don't.. Now he knew. DAMN. He had ruined the chicken. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT." He didn't want to but, he pulled out his phone to text Will. "Sir, I'm sorry but ... I guess I wasn't paying good attention this morning. I screwed up the chicken." Will read the message and started laughing. He showed it to Don. "Yeah, I did that too. Part of the curve" he laughed. Will wrote back. "I'll just put it on your punch list for retribution at the end of the week. Don't sweat it. We'll go out tonight. Eventually...." He followed with an eggplant emoji, just so chris knew what was expected. "You know Don, the three of us: you, Fran, and I... we coulda run this department ourselves. How much shit did we get done today?" "I KNOW! It's kind of amazing. What the hell WERE those guys doing here ? "Well, it's not your problem now, not my problem. For now." "For now?" Don smiled. "After a bit more humiliation, I'll hire them back. You still having the party on Sunday?" "I am. " He began to laugh. "I can't wait until they've gotta serve chrissy drinks." Will hadn't announced the party to chris yet. He was saving it. And Matt and Fred as servers. OH, this would be GREAT.

Back at home, after breathing a sigh of relief about the dinner, chris went to "make himself look pretty" as his mom used to say, when she got ready for his father to come home. He looked at the closet.. what to wear, what to wear.... "I guess it's a bit of a push but... let's see. He wouldn't have gotten it for me if he didn't want me to wear it." chris found a solid black button down in the closet. It seemed even tighter than his usual shirts, which he thought was a plus for tonight. Rather than wear the faded jeans Will liked so much, he put on a pair of tight new ones. He looked at himself in the mirror as he pushed back the sleeves. "Hell, I'D fuck me," and then he reddened right away as he realized what he said. He realized he had dressed PRECISELY to interest Will in bedding him down. He thought as little as possible about it, opened a second button on his shirt, and went to get drinks ready. Will drank martinis, and chris knew: when Will came in, he was horny. After one drink, he was hornier. After two, he was asleep for the night. He prepped enough for one martini. He was dressed: the shoes would have to wait until tomorrow.

Will texted before he was leaving. "Understood Sir. Your drink is waiting." "You gonna send me a pic of what you look like." chris teased "it's a surprise Sir." Will liked that. He had heard chris muttering "I'm not gay and he didn't care if he was or not. What he WAS, was Will's bitch. That's all that mattered. If keeping chris in line was a challenge, so much the better. Will felt his own cock dancing. Yeah, that boy was gonna get it good tonight before dinner.

"Welcome home Sir," chris stood with his hands behind his back. He had put the slave collar without the lock on, at the last minute. Will smiled. "He's broken," he thought to himself "Or, almost." "Look at my sexy bitch." Will smiled as he came into the house. "Turn around. Let me see your ass." "Yes sir," chris did as he was told, and he felt Will lacing his hands through his arms, pinning them behind his back. chris was still sore from the workout. He had no fight left, and if he did, it was gone when Will slid his other hand to chris' nipple. "This is VERY sexy bitch boy" His mouth covered chris' ear. "VERY VERY FUCKING SEXY. " chris began to moan. "Thank you Sir. " "I wanna fuck you. You wanna get fucked?" chris knew he had no choice but... he did. He really, really did. "Yes sir. Good and hard." Will kept chris' wrists pinned behind him as he pushed him toward the bedroom. "You're the first man who can blow me in the morning and get me hard that night. " He was on top of chris, rubbing scruff against his neck. Again, he whispered "No more office. No one cares if you have a hickey." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG" Will was giving him one. He knew it. Just as he was pushing his knee into chris' cock and driving him more and more crazy. "Sir, please. Please. I've been thinking of you all day. Take me . PLEASE TAKE ME." Will climbed up off of him. "Get those sexy pants off. I want them looking good for dinner. DAMN I'm trying not to rip that shirt off you." Will smiled as he pushed a finger into chris' ass. "Let's look for that nut." "OH GOD. OH GOD.... " Will didn't have to look: he knew exactly where chris' "bitch spot" was, and he began rubbing it gently. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" " One finger rubbed chris' prostate, while another one played with a nipple. Will chewed chris' second one. "DAMN OH SHIT SIR. THIS ISN'T FAIR.. I WANNA EXPLODE. " "In due time, pretty boy. In due time. I explode first. Roll over." Will took chris from behind. After he dug his tongue in and had chris moaning even more. Will positioned his cock at chris' ass and growled. "Tell me what you are." "I'm your BITCH Sir. I'm Will's BITCH." He winced as part of Will's cock went in. "DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE. You like this cock?" "YES SIR. YES SIR. I like it all. ALL of it. OH SHIT....." Will had pushed in so deep that chris couldn't remember such a thorough fuck. Then Will kept his cock there, still. He didnt' start moving it for about ten minutes and then, just a very gentle thrust, back and forth. He was very very close. And then he wasn't. A SNARL came out of chris' DOM that he had never heard before. "YOU ARE FINALLY FUCKING ALL MINE YOU BITCH. I OWN YOU.!!!!"

chris thought about that at dinner, and he realized.... Will was right. He did own him.

Will told chris about the Sunday party the next morning. "It's a combination of farewell and meeting new management. " "Do you need me to do anything Sir?" "Look prety. That's your job. And do what I tell you. And right now, I'm telling you: I LOVE the way you look in a crisp white shirt." And for Sunday, that's what chris was in. Snug, two buttons opened, not rolled up this time because... the hired help, including Matt and Fred, were wearing uniforms with rolled up sleeves. Their shirts were white too. "Just remember chrissy. You're now in charge of people like them." Will snickered. "And I'm in charge of you." So who was there? Larissa and Sharon. And Don. No one from the geek weekend was there, but Will and chris would see them as they traveled. There were other people from the firm, as well as chris' new trainer and his partner, Even. Lots of new people from the buyers. One guy was teasing chris. "Well, you landed the CEO. THAT's quite a feat." chris felt Will's hand on his shoulder. "I think it's kind of the other way around, Parker. chris didn't go after me, I went after him. And I got him. Didn't I stud?" chris smiled, and put his hand over Will's. In bed that night, Will looked at chris. "I think you get shaved tomorrow. And I'll drain you. Then, it's gonna be once every couple of weeks: you shoot when you're shaved. " "Yes sir." And so it happened. On Monday, Will tied chris to the bed, and took every bit of hair off his body. He put it in the box where he was keeping ALL of chris' hair, except the pubic stuff: that went into a separate box. Then a pounding. A good, thorough pounding before he edged chris for about two hours. chris' climax was... well, climactic.


So that's where we're ending things folks. Did Will and chris ever get married? No. That would imply things about their relationship that weren't true. They did travel though: their first trip was to Greece and then to Morocco. Will came home with some sex toys that he had never seen before and they got used thoroughly before their next trip. Will continued to collect chris' shorn hair. He began wondering what to use it in. He thought about weaving it into a new slave collar for his bitch, but as we leave the two , he hadn't made up his mind. chris never used his cock again. And as of now, he's been trained to wear the lock for as long as six weeks. His nipples can handle four ounces of weight each without pain. And he's still ridiculously ticklish, which Will takes advantage of, at least 3 times a week.

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