Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 31, 2023


Will Winks sat in his office - it was just after 7 - musing about chris. Others would say that Will had chris right where he wanted him . Will would have disagreed. He was getting chris there, but "not yet," he thought. He COULD speed it up, but... that might take away some of the fun.

Tomorrow, after the promotion announcement, chris would be pissed off: he knew that, and the thought of having the man under control when he was angry, was stimulating. He outlined what would happen: there would be the meeting, chris would find out that another gay man whom he had bullied, would be in charge. He'd be sleeping at Will's, and have to dress the next day in clothes that were much tighter than the ones he wore now: he'd begin to look like a gay "boy", rather than a straight "man."

There was no question: Will's long game was to have chris quit and become his houseboy. He wanted to know that he was dominating chris 24/7: and he'd get there.

He figured chris would still be working: the coding department stayed late most nights. He reached into his drawer and pulled out the "present" he had gotten for chris. It was wrapped, but anyone who was experienced with gay matters knew that there was a 12 inch dildo in the parcel. Will got up from his desk, and packed his stuff. He wanted to go home, and get things ready for the next day. He smiled. THIS was going to be fun. Then he took the parcel, and walked out to the coding department.

There were about 20 people in the department and about ten of them, including chris, were still there. He was glad to see that chris had taken off his tie, and pushed back his sleeves. "Sexy" he thought. Don Alford was still there, plugging along. He was working on a project that bored chris, so chris had dumped it on his desk. Will tried to hide his glee: chris had no idea what was happening, neither did Don. He walked by their desks. "Chris." chris looked up "yes Dr Winks?" Will tossed the package on his desk. "Practice." Also, folks, tomorrow. Seminar room: 10:30. I'll be announcing the new head of the department. Get a good night's sleep everyone. Big day tomorrow. Bigger for some of you than others. " He gave chris a look which made chris blush, and turn away. "Is that a dildo he just threw on chris' desk?" Don was thinking? "Is he... NONE of my business. " Will walked away, trying not to laugh. Fucking with chris' head wasn't as good as fucking his ass, but it was a start.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chris didn't open the package until he got home. He had poured himself a drink, opened his shirt, and sat there, looking at it. He knew what it was, he had just never seen one that big: it was even bigger than Dr. Winks. "Practice," he said. chris gulped. That meant.... but where? Mouth or ass? He thought about it for a few minutes, then tossed it away, and went to refill his drink. His shirt tails were moving behind him. As he stopped to refill the glass, he ran his hands over his chest, and pinched one of his own nipples. "FUCK . It feels GOOD. Why the hell did..," and he remembered how, in the last few days, Winks had introduced him to the pleasure of nipple work. "He said that there would be toys, and he expects me tomorrow. Maybe to celebrate the promotion." chris began to get a hard on thinking about that. A part of him wished that he was with Dr. Winks right now, with Winks playing with his nipples, shoving his cock in his mouth.... "Get it wet, then..." chris thought. He put down his refilled drink and slowly began to suck on the dildo. Of course, he couldn't get it all down his throat, but he thought he did better than he did when he was getting face fucked by his boss. When it was really really wet and sticky, chris opened his pants. "Better try it. " He tried pushing it in, and it didn't work. He pulled over a chair, and he saw that there were suction cups at the base of the thing. He attached it to a chair and then, using some of the muscles he had developed from squatting, began to lower himself onto it. For a few minutes, nothing. Then, when he got through half of it, he began to "feel" it. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK" he moaned, as he lowered himself onto it further. He was still for a few minutes, letting his ass adapt to this new sensation. Then, he took a deep breath. He joked to himself bitterly: "to boldly go where chris has never gone before," and took the whole dildo. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" he screamed. He needed to stand up and get it out. He forgot that it was attached to the chair and instead, he'd have to let himself up, little by little. He did that, and at about halfway up: he started sliding down again. His hand was on his cock. "THIS FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD" he thought as he began stroking. He treated the dildo as a stimulus for doing squats: up and down he bobbed as he spat into his hand to get more moisture. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" came out of him one more time as he shot across his living room. When he was done, he was confused. He had just fucked himself: the kind of thing he said he'd NEVER do. He thought about how Winks had played with his nipples, fucked his face, fucked his ass. "He's making me gay," he thought, before he realized "no. it's, it's...." he couldn't face it. The alcohol helped him sleep.

Meanwhile at home, Sarah greeted him. "Good evening Dr Wilks. I hope your day went well. " He smiled. "Thank you Sarah. Indeed it did. Tomorrow will be good too." "Oh, let me check Sir. Tomorrow that Mr. Walsh will be coming for dinner, and spending the night?" "Correct to both Sarah. But don't call him Mr. Walsh. You can call him chris. If there's still turbot available, we'll have that. " "Yes sir. Excellent choice. Sir, I hope that you don't mind. I didn't want the boxes of clothing to take up space in your bedroom suite, so I took the liberty of hanging everything up." Will smiled. Organization wasn't his forte. "Thank you Sarah. I'll take a look after dinner, but I'm sure it will be fine." Will ate his meal, while Sarah went about other details of keeping the house in order. During the meal, Will began fantasizing about how chris would be at this table almost every night in the future - if not EVERY night. He'd need some relief later himself.

While Sarah cleaned up the dining area, Will went to look at the wardrobe . He was VERY pleased. Sarah had arranged of the clothing as casual, and business. Then, she had organized everything moving from white and down to darker colors - although Will had decided that chris would rarely be wearing dark colors: a bottom boy needed pale colors, so white, light blue, pink, pale green, lavender, even some peach colors dominated the choice. Slacks? Khakis, blues, jeans at different stages of wear. And the item that made him most proud: the underwear. Will was OBSESSED with underwear. He never wore the same pair twice. He hadn't gone that far with chris, at least not yet, but chris would be wearing sexy speedos and thongs from now on. "This is all SO FUCKING HOT" he thought. "I'm going to love this." "Dr Winks: is there anything else you'll be needing tonight?" "No Sarah, nothing at all. Thank you for doing this. It's wonderful. I could never have done this on my own." Sarah smiled. "You underestimate yourself Doctor. You have a good night." When he heard the door close, Will dropped his pants. He was already dripping. He wanted, very much, to jerk off on one of th new outfits, but he controlled himself. There would be time.

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The coding department had gathered in the conference room already when Winks walked in. He looked around, and laughed to himself. "That cocky bastard. He really, really thinks..." chris was sitting there looking very smug, as if he expected someone to kiss his ring. WIll heard him "Don, did you finish that sorting project yet?" "Not yet Sir. I've gotten through the first 20,000 units, but there are another 30k to go." "You've had a week. C'mon Alford. This isn't grad school anymore." "I know Sir. I'm sorry. I had some personal stuff and..." "NOT MY ISSUE. GET IT DONE." It stopped when Will cleared his throat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen: thank you for all being here, and all being on time." There was some laughter. The coders were notorious for not keeping schedules. When Will took over, he had made punctuality a key component of the job descriptions. 'First, let me thank all of you for your continuing hard work. I think no company in this country has a team that works as hard as this one does. Certainly, I've never been at one where the department does. We're looking at a very profitable year, and you have my word: I intend to make sure everyone shares in that." There were WOOHOOS and applause at that. "Now, to the matter at hand: Since Simon retired, this department has needed a head. You all work hard, but.... and he deliberately looked away from chris. "Sometimes, I'm sure some of you feel that you all don't work EQUALLY hard. "Amen to that," someone whispered, but it wasn't Alford. "It wasn't easy to choose. I'd say there were four or five of you whom I could see being in charge. It really did come down to very, VERY minor points. Now, I'm not going to do something stupid like say "in 5th place/ in 4th place," but I'm more than happy to discuss that with anyone in private. " He paused. "Please congratulate the new head of your department. DON ALFORD" chris had begun to stand up and dropped back down, shocked. Some saw his face go red, and others saw Don's mouth drop open. There was a minute of stunned silence, and then more than polite applause. Will turned to Don. "Chairman Alford, congratulations. Would you like to say a few words." "Uh, Wow. Just wow. Thank you for your vote of confidence Dr. Winks. I won't disappoint you." Don spoke for a few more minutes, but chris didn't hear any of it. All he heard was the repeating "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" going on in his head. He didn't even see the evil grin on Winks' face. In fact, he didn't hear much of anything until later that afternoon, when Don came to him with the sorting project. "chris. I know this is important, but I'm about to discuss my new portfolio with Dr. Winks." He smiled. "Since you'll be working under me now, I think you should take the project back." chris wanted to hit something. Instead, he gritted his teeth. "Yes Mr. Alford." Don laughed. "Now, now. Let's have none of that, chris. My name didn't change. Please call me Don." "Yes sir," he muttered, as Don headed off to Will's office.

"How is chris taking it? " Will asked. Don laughed. "I don't think he's very happy Dr Winks. I think he expected it. To be honest, so did I." Will laughed. "Well, I guess no one had ever looked deeply into personnel files the way I have." Then he took a deep breath. "Just between you and I, Don, I don't think chris will be at the company much longer." "That wouldn't surprise me Sir. He seems distracted. Like he's trying to make a choice. Maybe several." Will shook his head. "I think you're spot on. It's that perception that got you the job. Now, let's plan the next 3 months. "

Later that afternoon, chris, face as red as a beet, pushed through the executive suite, and charged passed Sharon "CHRIS! You can't do that!" It was too late. He had shoved Will's door so hard that it almost came off the hinges. He slammed it shut. Will expected it. He was very calm. "Sit down chris. " "FUCK YOU! I'M NOT SITTING DOWN. YOU'RE LUCKY I HAVEN'T DRAGGED YOU ACROSS THE DESK BITCH" Will laughed. "Well, that might make for an interesting scene, but I wouldn't recommend it. You're upset about not getting the position Don got. "DUH!!!! SURE LOOKS LIKE THE RUMORS ABOUT THE FAG MAFIA ARE TRUE." "Well, if that were the case, chris, you would've stood a chance. You didn't." "I'M NOT GAY DAMN IT!" chris answered. Will laughed. "That WAS you moaning when I fucked your ass, wasn't it chris? By the way, did you practice last night?" The approach Will was taking was totally disarming chris. "Was I the second choice Sir?" Will pursed his lips. "You weren't in the final five, chris. I've been hinting at this, but you don't seem to want to hear it. You're not going to advance in this department. However good you are, your earlier behavior, has certainly killed promotion. "FUCK YOU. I'M OUTTA HERE." "Fine. I'll see you at 8 tonight." "THE HELL YOU WILL." chris got up and tore out of the room. After he was gone, Sharon walked in. "Well, you called it, Dr. Winks." "I sure did. He's too good a soldier to leave before five. " He sent an email to Don: "Hey Don. Do me a favor. Let me know when Walsh leaves." "Will do Sir. Again, thank you."

chris positively FUMED at his desk that day. He kept checking the clock. Don couldn't help riding him. "Hey chris, how is that sorting project going?" chris knew his chain was being yanked. He didn't look up. "I'll have it this week, Sir." And at the stroke of five, he got up, gathered his jacket and his brief case, and left. Will was waiting outside, sitting in his car. "Get in chris. " "FUCK YOU." "I said get in chris. You practiced. You're gonna have to show me." He smiled. "Sarah's making a wonderful fish for us, and there's plenty of time for hanging out before dinner." He smiled. "Now get in." chris hesitated. Then he said "Yes sir," opened the door, and got in. "You'll learn chris. Things are new now. And I have lots of surprises for you at home." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"DR WINKS. You're early. " Sarah smiled. "Good evening chris." The difference in names did not escape chris. "Hi Sarah. I heard you're making fish for dinner." "I am, but Dr. Winks said 8pm. I can get you a snack if you like." "That's ok Sarah," Will answered. "We'll be fine." Will put his hand on chris' arm. "I have a rather big snack for you, stud." When they got to Will's bedroom, he pointed out the wardrobe to chris. "You'll be spending a lot of time here now, chris, and so I made sure that you'd be equipped." chris looked at the array. "Sir. I have clothes." Will laughed. "They don't suit you. You're now the bottom of a high level executive. You've got to look he part, stud. These clothes will fit you properly." He looked at the items and pulled out a pale blue polo, and some chinos. "Change. Let's see how much more sexy you can be." As chris got out of his clothes, he saw that his cock was growing again. Will hadn't done anything but give him orders. What was it? He pulled on the shirt. It fit very, very tightly. He saw his bicep hugged by the sleeve. "It DOES look good" he thought. He saw Will come up behind him, and he felt his arms get pulled behind him. Will leaned in and whispered into his ear "I told you toys tonight, didn't I, you big stud?" He began to nibble on chris' ear, and chris began to breathe harder. "Yes sir. You did. " chris tested Will's grip and found that the slighter man was stronger. He wasn't getting loose. "OH SHIT SIR...." Will's long narrow fingers came around and closed on chris' right nip. The tight shirt outlined it, making it easier to find. As he squeezed it, Will whispered into chris' ear. "You wanna get FUCKED big boy?" chris did. He didn't understand it, but he did. He wanted Will's cock back in his ass. He didn't want to admit it, and then Will squeezed harder, and chris yelped. "I asked you a question bottom. You wanna get fucked?" Panting, chris answered. "yes sir." "By who?" "By you Sir. By your cock. By your big cock." He heard Will laugh. "And you're gonna get it. But not yet." chris felt something go around his wrists. Will was tying them together. Once they were tied, he felt Will's hand over his mouth. "mmmmmmmmmmmph." chris reacted instinctively, and Will laughed. "Nothing better than a good old hand gag. This way big stud." He had his hand on chris' bicep and chris, again seemingly without knowing why, flexed it. "OH NICE BIG GUY. NICE. Do that again. It'll make me even harder." chris complied, and he felt Will nibbling his earlobe. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" sneaked out of the hand gag, as Will put him in a chair. He pulled something out of a drawer that chris had never seen. It looked something like the dildo he had used the night before, but... like a space ship version. "A hitachi, studmuffin. Wait. You're gonna love it. Spread your legs." chris was nervous, but when Will went back to his nips, he did what he was told. "In that chair, your legs get spread, your chest gets pushed out. No ifs ands or buts. GOT IT?" "yes sir," chris answered. "Now.... " Will turned the hitachi on, and shoved it underneath chris' balls. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" was the last sound chris made before Will was behind him, hand gagging him with one hand and working on his nipples with the other. He whispered. "How long do you think it's gonna be before I see a stain in your pants, bitch boy?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." The nipple work, the teasing of his ear, the vibrating toy: the stimulation was almost too much. "You are gonna get played with like this every fucking night, you sexy beast. You... mancunt. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" something about the name got to chris. He began to squirm and then... the spot. It showed up on his crotch. Will took the hand gag off, and walked around to the front. "Got anything to say, handsome?" FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME. FILL ME WITH THAT HUGE COCK. PLEASE. TAKE ME. TAKE ME H ARD." "Your wish... is my command," Will teased as he took chris to the bed. Resistance was useless, as he bound chris' wrists to the bed. Just before he did, Will pulled chris' shirt up over his head, and exposed his chest. "Getting fucked with nipple clamps. You're gonna love it." The needle pointers came out , the ones Will had used before, and he sealed them on chris' tits. Then he pulled off his shoes, the new chinos, and chris' briefs. He took the briefs in his hand. "Know what? No more?" He grabbed the briefs and ripped them into shreds. chris was moaning from the clamps so he couldn't protest. "Only thing these are good for, bitch, is as gag strips. Not tonight though. Tomorrow. Now let's get those legs in the air. chris felt absolutely helpless. Even if he HAD any fight in him, the clamps drained it. His legs went into the air as Will dropped his own pants. There were two hard cocks in the room, one much bigger than the other. It was that one that penetrated chris' ass, to a loud, LOUD moan of surrender. "OH GOD YES SIR. FUCK YOUR BITCH. FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR SLAVE BOY." Every now and then, Will reached up and pulled the clamps. "I hope you like your own stink, bitch chris, cause you're gonna be choking on these later." chris gulped: he was planning to fuck him again? He was getting a pounding now. A true, hard, deep pounding. He saw Will sweating, but he also saw the smile. "In my dreams, one day I would conquer you, you big stud, and now... I GOT YA." The pounding got faster and faster. chris wasn't sure what Will meant, but the thought of being conquered, like some warrior, was getting to him. "YES SIR. YES SIR. YOU TOOK ME. I'M YOUR.. I'M YOUR FUCKING SLAVE." "DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE BITCH." Will began shooting into chris' ass. chris could feel the cum dripping down him. He hoped, he hoped... that Will would jerk him. Instead, Will smiled. "Bitch boys wait. You'll get your relief after dinner. Mancunt." Hard, and without underwear, chris answered meekly. "yes sir." Will went to the new clothes and pulled out a very tiny white silk thong. "You wear this for dinner, bitch. And you wear them from now on. Can't let panty line get seen under your new pants." "I AM his bitch," chris thought, gulping. "What the fuck is happening to me." For now, he was being led to the dining room, to eat the turbot Sarah had prepared. Later that night, they had part 2. And we'll look at that, next time around.


Next: Chapter 4

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