Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 18, 2023


Thursday had not started well for chris. He lost his temper with Will, and he paid the price. Now, he sat at his desk, trying to ease into the seat: there was a plug up his ass, and it was a bigger one than the one Will had used earlier. His cock was still locked up and after all of his protesting: he was wearing the tight lavender shirt, and he olive color pants. With the golden thong.

Will had told him about the up and coming party and the list of "guests:" Seymour, Shawn, Elvin, Morris, Louis and Fred: ALL guys that chris had bullied either at school, or at work. He had some idea that he was not going to come out of the weekend unscathed, but he had no idea what Will had planned. He DID know that the outfit Will had picked for him that day was a lavender shirt, and a dark olive pair of slacks. chris had no idea how they fit, although he could guess. And he could of course see the color of the shirt. Fred had given him shit about the shirt he had worn earlier in the week, and .. lavender? A "FAG" color in chris' mind? He decided: he had to take a stand.

"I'm not wearing this Will." He held the shirt in front of Will. Will looked at him and smiled. "You're not? You're going to work bare chested? I mean, that'd be hot, but hardly appropriate, even if EVERYONE in the company were gay. And by the way, what did you just call me?" "I CALLED YOU WILL, FAGGOT. AND I'M NOT WEARING THIS SHIRT. AND I'M OUT OF HERE." chris saw Will get up out of the chair where he was sitting. He began to get nervous: Will looked pissed. "bitch, you ARE wearing that shirt. And NO, you are NOT out of here. You're going to work, you're going to the gym, and then you're coming home. And when you get home, you're going to assume your proper role: bottom boy." "FUCK THAT." chris threw the shirt on the floor. Will stepped around it. "You're going to pick up that shirt, and you're going to put it on. You'll squeeze in your gut until you get it buttoned properly." He smiled. "Maybe now I'll have you wear something else." He began walking very close to chris, who began to get more and more nervous. He lost his temper and threw a punch at Will. Will seemed to expect it. He grabbed chris by his wrist, and stopped the punch from landing. "You STILL wanna brute force your way around everything chris, don't you? Don told me some of your work is like that." Will began twisting chris' arm, and chris' resistance began to break. "LET ME GO FAGGOT. I'M NOT LIKE YOU." Will laughed as he pulled chris' arm behind his back. "No, you're not like me at all BOTTOM. You take cock. You take cock in your ass, your mouth, and you are a .... BITCH." chris struggled with the hold that Will had on his wrist and couldn't break it. He was concentrating so hard, that he didn't feel Will take his other wrist, until both arms were pinned behind his back. chris struggled, as Will held both wrists in his left hand. "You're gonna wear that shirt, chrissy." "NO I'M NOT. OWWWWWWWWWWWW." Will had begun to push chris' arms up to an uncomfortable place in the middle of his back. He felt Will's free hand come around, and begin playing with his right nipple. "OH FUCK... " he thought. Will had his nipple play down to a science. chris' cock, already ready to burst, banged against the cage. He felt Will's mouth on his ear. "Put on the shirt. NOW." Will continued to twist chris' nipple, and chris felt his strength ebbing. "yes sir." "I didn't hear that. What did you say?" Will didn't yell, but he had a laugh in his voice. "YES SIR." "GOOD. Let's see how it fits." Just like the other ones, it was tight. It made chris' nipples point out, and he had to suck in his gut. "Now, bad behavior does not go unpunished chrissy. Before you put on those pants, bend over." chris gulped. He had read about fist fucking and he didn't put it past Will to do that to him. Instead, he felt something like the butt plug Will had made him wear before, only this one went up further. "An extra inch and a half for you chrissy. A big butt plug for a big ole ass hole. Now finish getting dressed. And work out HARD today. I want you to look GOOD when my guests arrive."

"WHOA. Looking gayer and gayer as the days go by, chris man" Fred walked by, and saw the lavender shirt. chris reddened. He had already lost one fight this morning, he wasn't going to get into another one. Don came out of his office with a paper. "Hey chris. Your vacation request came through. Doc Winks approved it himself. " chris looked up. "I'm sorry Don? I don't know about this." "Oh, but you put in a request for vacation: tomorrow and Monday. Four day weekend. " He smiled. "You've been working hard. Enjoy it. Any special plans?" "Uh... some old schoolmates are in town. I... I guess we're getting together." Don laughed. "I wonder why they're coming to this excuse for a city, but whatever. Enjoy the time off." "FUCK. Four days. What the...." He stewed with that. Then things got even worse. At 2, he had a text from Will: no reportings of a hot ass in a gold bikini yet. You work out ? " "Not yet Sir. Trying to finish a project before this weekend. I'll get there in half an hour." "Good. Finish your workout and then head here. Got to get ready. "

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chris' bad day got worse. There were two guys talking as he came out of the shower. He heard a piece of the conversation: "Can you get any gayer than that gold thong?" "Ha ha. I KNOW, RIGHT? And then that shirt? Why doesn't he just wear a sign saying 'fuck me'?" "Maybe because he's off limits. I heard Winks is fucking him." "WINKS? That nerd? I mean, yeah, he looks like a fag that one, but.. he'd snap Winks in half with one hand." "Well, maybe it's Don who's fucking him, but someone's GOT to be. What's that song? 'he must be somebody's baby?" The giggling stopped when they saw chris walking from the shower. He could hear snickering as he struggled into his shirt. He hoped they didn't see the outline of the cock cage, or the base of his butt plug. He had taken it out during his shower, and when he put it back in, he knew he didn't do as good a job as Will did. "I'm fucked," he thought. "I am REALLY TRULY FUCKED." Then the tattoo drawing he had seen came up in his mind. "OH GEEZ. This weekend?" Will had told him to leave after his workout and he drove. As he drove, his mind drifted a bit: he really thought Will was gonna fuck him this morning after that fight. He felt his cock jut a bit from that thought. He was horny: he needed SOMETHING. As he drove up to Will's house, he saw cars. "SHIT. Are they hear already?" As he went in, he heard chatting from the library - not the playroom but the library. Will was sitting there, with two guys. One looked familiar. That was... that was... ELVIN, that's right. The other one? Big, muscular. He didn't know who he was. "CARRRRRRRRIS" Will played with chris' name. "Doesn't he look good boys? My bitch." chris felt his face get hot at that. "You must remember your old friends: Elvin, and Louis." Elvin was unmistakable. That pasty complexion , the skinny arms. He had been the guy chris had bullied before he left school, and Will took his place. LOUIS? That was LOUIS? The guy he tormented in freshman year? The guy he made suck him? He had been a wimp. Now, he was built like a body builder. His deep voice resonated as he shook chris' hand. "Too long chris. WAY too long. And then Will got ya first. My loss." chris felt Will's grip from behind, pulling his wrists behind him. He didn't resist. "Isn't he pretty? Is he as pretty as you remembered him guys?" "Better." Elvin responded. "God. Sometimes I thought that it was a treat to have a hunk like him do what he was doing. It took tons of therapy for me to realize...." He looked at chris. "I'm gonna make sure I give you back some of what you gave me this weekend, walsh... " He grinned. "I didn't shoot for a week. I saved it for you." chris squirmed in Will's grip. He heard Will whisper "figure out what's going on yet, stud? This is a weekend about.... well, you'll find out.

" He began pushing chris to a chair. After he had chris in the seat, he turned to the two of them: "Who wants to tie him up? He's gonna be there for a while. And when you're done, open his shirt." "GLADLY" chris could feel Elvin's thin fingers getting to work. He tied a knot that was tighter than the ones that Will tied, while Louis began opening his shirt. "Guys, please. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. ALL of you," chris began to whine . Will laughed. "Oh, you're right. You'll BEGIN making it up to them. This is just a start." He turned because the bell had rung. "AH. Must be the rest. Let me go let them in." He pulled a pair of clamps out of his pocket and tossed it to Louis. "Have at it Mr. L" As Will headed to the front door, Louis grinned "You heard what your Master said." They weren't the 'serious' clamps that Will tended to use, but they still bit in, and when Louis pulled them gently, that elicited a moan from chris. "OH. Will was right. This is gonna be fun." "HEY GUYS. Let me introduce Seymour, Shawn, Morris and Franklin. The only one here who knows all of you... is this boy." He squeezed chris' shoulder. He pulled on the chain. "Hmm. Nice job. " Then he covered chris' mouth with his hand. "So boys, here's how it's gonna work. For the first hour, I'm gonna be out of the room. Play with him all you want. Pull the chain, feel him up. Tease his cock - it's locked so don't worry. Just no fucking... yet. That's gonna come later. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" chris tried to scream through the hand gag. "bitch boy, if I need to, I'll gag you. BEHAVE." Before Will left, he tossed one of chris' collars to Seymour. "Don't be afraid to use it. Didn't he make you pretend to be a dog?" He snickered. "I have to go and check to make sure the catering is setting up dinner. " As he left, Will was thinking "He MAY be broken completely, but I don't think so. This should do it."

In the den, Franklin was playing with the flesh around chris' waist line, teasing him to a level just below tickling, while Elvin was playing with chris' earlobes, and Shawn began pulling the tit clamps. chris was overloading with sensation. Where was Will? When Will did these things, it turned him on. Now.... "HEY. I GOT AN IDEA" Morris spoke up. "How about we leash him, make him walk around the room, spanks if he's too slow. "FUCKING HOT" was Franklin's response. "Let's do it." One of them untied chris' hands. For a brief second, he thought about fighting them. Then he dropped it. He could probably take one of them, but Louis? Or all six? And Will was still outside. He felt the leash go through the collar, and he got down on all fours. "MOVE IT STRAIGHT BOY" Shawn yelled, before he whacked chris' ass with a paddle . He handed it off to Seymour, who did the same. It went down the line. By the time the last guy was taking a second whack, Will was back in the room. He smiled. "My my my. This was actually something like one of the games I had planned for my bitch this weekend, but you guys finessed me. That's fine. " Elvin had the leash in his hand. "Lead him into this room. I've got the playroom all set up."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chris found himself on all fours, in the playroom. Elvin had turned the leash over to Will, who kept it taut. "How the hell did I get into this? What are they gonna do?" chris was thinking. Then he knew the first thing they were doing. Sort of.

"Ok guys. " Will began. "Not enough time to do everything, but.. we're gonna start with a spit roast. There will be three of them this weekend, each one with two of you guys. Who does what, when?" He smiled. He pulled out a sack. "This bag contains a souvenir for each of you. It's a little doll modeled after my hot bottom. They're each wearing a t shirt. The t shirt says "Th" "F" or "Sa" for the day, and then either "A" for butt, or "M" for mouth. Whichever two of you get the Th dolls... you're up first." As Will passed around the bag, chris moaned. "Please Sir. Please." Will laughed. "By the time this weekend is over, fucktoi, you'll be so happy I'm the only one in control of you, you'll do anything I say." Seymour and Franklin picked the Th dolls: Franklin got chris' mouth, and Seymour, his ass. Will started laughing. "DAMN. I think chrissy here doesn't know what a spit roast is." He pulled the leash again. "Ever hear of it bitch?" "No Sir." "Spit roast means you get taken at both ends. Seymour's gonna take your butt, and Franklin, your mouth. " He pulled chris up from the floor. "Get your clothes off. Then get on the palette. On your belly." chris submitted without trouble. He blushed as the whistles started for his smooth body, the cage, his thong. Then he felt himself moved to the palette, and strapped down. He saw Franklin's body in front of him, and he could hear Seymour dropping his pants. "Gentlemen, you are absolutely free to jerk off as you like: on my bitch, on the floor, however you wish. Keep in mind, however, that one of you is going to win the pleasure of sleeping with this bitch tonight, and what you do in bed is, well up to you." He paused "Have at him guys." Seymour needed no further encouragement. chris felt a cock thinner, and shorter, than Will's penetrating his ass. There was no finesse the way Will showed, and Franklin's cock: thick, smelly, uncut. Franklin was shouting orders about what to lick, how to lick, and he grabbed chris' hair to keep his head in place. "SUCK IT BITCH." All the guys were now playing with themselves, except Will. Yeah, he was hard, but he was waiting for Sunday: he'd have plenty of fun with his bitch then. Morris was the first one to shoot. It got chris' back, and then some of it spilled on the platform, and the floor. Then Elvin. He had moved close to chris' hair, and shot all over it. Louis followed. chris saw that his cock was modest sized, and he smiled as he aimed at chris, but then turned and shot directly on the floor. Seymour shot a load into chris' ass before Shawn emptied his own jizz, all over chris' feet. And then, finally, Franklin began pumping chris' exhausted mouth. As he swallowed, chris was thinking "GEEZ. Will has had some big loads, but this guy....." "OK. Have we all relieved ourselves on the big guy?" There was some applause. "GREAT opening act, Will," Morris told him and there was applause. "Well, we're just beginning. So, here's what's gonna happen. Guys, you're free to clean up in your rooms if you want. chris is gonna clean up here, and then get dressed for dinner. " He grinned. "Trust me. You'll be happy with what the boy is gonna be wearing. Just follow the smells. It's gonna be buffet tonight. Serve yourself. " "What about chris serving us?" Seymour asked, and Will smiled. "I think he's serving you on a serious level already. Let's go gentlemen. chris, you know what to do, and you know where to shower." "yes sir," a humiliated chris answered. Six men had just cum either on him, or in him," chris was thinking as he got on his knees to scrub the floor. "How did this all happen? What am I? Am I just a sub bitch? Am I ever gonna fuck a woman again?" He was fighting the voice that said "You ARE that woman" as he cleaned up. A tear or two fell. He couldn't tell whether he was crying over what happened, or because Will hadn't taken him. But he'd better get moving.

He showered. It took some doing to get the jizz out of his hair. He thought about Elvin's face as he coated chris' hair with his jizz. These guys wanted revenge, and chris feared for what was next. He went into the bedroom to put on his clothes. "OH FUCK" he muttered. Will had laid out a yellow t shirt that had "BITCH" written across it in red letters and a pair of white shorts that chris knew were gonna be tight. "Ok Walsh. Deep cleansing breaths. You can get through this. You can."

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Look at that stud!" It was Will, breaking up the group to make sure that they saw his bottom come in the room. "FUCKING HOT" was a comment from Seymour. Will was taking ownership now,though, and he had his arms around chris' middle. "This is my boy. Aren't you chrissy?" chris nearly whispered "yes sir." "LOUDER. So my friends can hear you." "YES SIR. I'M YOUR BOY." "And my BITCH as you can see. chris, go get a plate. Then over at the sofa. At my feet." "Yes sir." For all of what happened, chris was hungry. The workout, the spit roast, and who knew what else. He filled a plate and sat down where Will pointed: on the floor, between Will's spread legs. "If he's hungry, I'll give him a sausage. " There were groans from the bad joke. "So, ok guys, we have two more events tonight. First... the free play. One of you is going to get a chance to do WHATEVER he wants to chris tonight, except for fucking: we already did that. And after we choose THAT winner: one of you gets to sleep with the boy tonight. And what happens in bed... stays in bed. Unless you want to tell at breakfast tomorrow." Will passed around a small box, with envelopes for the free play. "I WIN!!!!" Morris opened his envelope and showed everyone the WINNER! card. "Ok, Morris. That means you get use of the playroom with chris. All the toys are there. Anything you want." Morris smiled. He had some ideas, but he wasn't sharing. "Now... who gets to see if he can convince my bitch that I'm not a good lover?" A second box went around. Louis smiled when he opened his. "Guess it's my turn, chris. This is gonna be FUN" "You need experience chrissy. Not as a top, because you're never gonna be one. But it's time you learned what other guys like, just in case you, ahem, ever need to fend for yourself." chris felt Will's fingers on his shoulders. They felt good. It was hard for him to admit, but this was the first time since this had started, that he really wished he was gonna be sleeping with Will that night. "Let's go chris. I've got some really, really fun plans." Morris got up and came over to pull chris to his feet. He looked at his watch. "Gimme two hours Louis. Then he's all yours." Louis smiled. "I can't wait."

Next: Chapter 8

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