Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 9, 2011


Christian's Induction

Part Sixteen

Mark was working frantically in the week leading up to Thanksgiving to pull the threads together. He had already got Matt to persuade his parents to allow the two boys to remain at home over the Thanksgiving weekend, which was an essential part of his plans, and he now had to get his own parents to agree to him not accompanying them on their planned visit to relatives who were organizing the annual family get-together. To this end he called his best buddy Randy, who he had been seeing less of in recent months, and invited him over to the house after school one afternoon. Randy, who attended a different high school, happened to be free that day and agreed to come over

Mark and Randy, best friends since grade school, gave each other a hug and high-fived. Randy, who was a year older than Mark but in the same grade, immediately asked with a grin whether Mark was still seeing Chris. He had been introduced to Chris by Mark earlier in the Summer and they had both been using Chris, sometimes simultaneously. In addition he had been fucking Chris on the side without Mark's knowledge.

Mark replied with a laugh: "Funny you should ask about that. Things have kinda moved on and it's one of the reasons I wanted to chat with you today. Chris is now my wholly- owned bitch; he's my devoted cocksucker and lackey. He reports to me every Friday and," waving his arm around the apartment, "keeps this place in the immaculate state my old lady insists on. Also does the laundry dude. Quite the devoted slaveboy!"

They both laughed and Randy said "No shit! I always figured that boy had potential!"

Mark then proceeded to apprise Randy of how Chris had been blackmailed into serving his younger bro's cock too and how he and Matt, now both on the swim team, had stumbled on the fact that they were both using Chris.

Mark continued: "This young dude, Matt, sure ain't no pussy boy. He's got a real mean and dominant streak and he takes shit from no one. Has no problem with bossing his older bro either. He's still got stuff to learn though."

Randy said: "OK I get the picture. But why am I here today?"

"Randy, I got a couple big favors to ask. First, though, I wanna know if you are going away for Thanksgiving." Randy shook his head no. Mark continued "Perfect, just fucking perfect dude. Because I wanna have a party here on the Saturday, a real down to earth party, no holds barred. Obviously you are invited and if you wanna bring along a bud that's also cool. We gonna need a bitch to party with and I got that covered. Chris and Matt will be home for the whole weekend, their parents visiting with relatives or some such shit. However, I'm supposed to go away with my folks. Favor number one: could you ask your rents if I could spend Thanksgiving Day with your family so that I don't have to tag along with my folks? If they are cool with it, maybe you could call my mother and ask her if it would be OK if I spent the weekend with you. Of course, I would only spend Thanksgiving Day with you guys, not the whole weekend. What do you think?"

Randy smiled and said: "Mark, you really are somethin, you know that? I'm sure we could arrange something along those lines, so yeah I'm game."

Mark went over to Randy and gave him a big hug. Randy asked: "So, what's favor number two amigo?"

Mark got serious. "Dude, we have to get a good supply of booze. I don't have a connection now that Jerry is at college. Are you able to organize that part of it?"

Randy thought about it and eventually said he would need to ask one of his neighbors to assist. "He's nineteen but he's got a fake ID and usually has no trouble buying stuff. We might have to ask him to the party though. It shouldn't present a problem though coz he does fuck around with gay guys. Says they give the best head." They both laughed at that.

"What about weed dude?" Mark wanted to know. Randy said he could handle that, no problem. "And do you think you could score some E? The bitch is gonna have a busy night and I figure that might keep him going." Randy nodded "Also not a problem."

Mark and Randy had a quick beer and then Randy left. He promised to speak with his folks and to call Mark's mother .

After swim practice the following day Mark gave Matt a ride and told him he wanted to discuss the upcoming weekend with him. They sat down with a beer each and Mark laid out for Matt the plan he had been hatching. Matt laughed and said: "Sounds like a heap of fun dude."

Mark then got serious and said: "It could be but I hope you realize that the whole thing stands or falls on Chris being willing to participate. He's gonna have to service four guys and the plan is to party through the night. So he's gonna be real busy. I could lean on him and threaten to cut him off if he doesn't agree to play ball but I think that this would be an ideal time for you to exert your authority over him. What do you say dude?"

Mark could see that Matt was a little unsure about his new role and whether he could pull it off. He was determined however not to let Matt off the hook; if the kid wanted to continue to hang with him, then he was gonna have to prove his mettle.

"I'll do my best Mark." said Matt. Mark replied: "Well, 'doing your best' is a pussy answer dude. You better not fuckin fail, ya hear?"

That night Randy called and spoke with Mark's mom and, after she had a short discussion with Mark's father, who was none too pleased, they agreed to let Mark spend the weekend at Randy's house. They had known Randy since he was a little boy and he had spent many a sleepover at their house. She figured it might look ungracious to turn down the invitation. They were not really that well acquainted with Randy's parents but they knew Randy well, so did not check it out any further with them.

Mark, needless to say, was elated. Nothing, he thought to himself, was as satisfying as a plan when it came together.

To be continued...maybe.

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Next: Chapter 17

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