Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Feb 2, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part Four.

That night after the rents went to bed Chris came through to my room as arranged.

"Ready for action dude?" I asked.

"Uh huh"

"Good to hear bro. Just gimme five minutes to take a piss and strip down and I'll be right with you." I told him.

I got on the bed wearing just a pair of the briefs I had recently bought, the type with the narrow strip sides and which I think show up one's bulge to such advantage. I had worn them the day before as well and piss stains were clearly visible through the pouch. I settled down with my hands behind my head. Tonite though I had left on the sports socks I had been wearing all day. Chris went to the foot of my bed as he had done the night before and looked surprised to see I was wearing socks.

"Oh fuck, sorry dude. I forgot to take off my socks," I lied. "Could you do the necessary for me? They are kinda rank though; I hope you don't mind."

"No problemo Matt," he replied, using my favorite expression.

I made out I was relaxin with my eyes closed, but through slits I was watchin him carefully. He slowly removed my socks and as he put them aside I saw him hold them up to his nose. Aha, I thought, so my guess wasn't so far off the mark! My feet really stank but without demur he started to lick them as he had done the night before. He even seemed to take an extra element of time in licking between and sucking on my toes.

I said to him: "You know dude, I've been thinking. If we are gonna play like this every night, and I am definitely up for it now, I'm gonna shower in the mornings rather than at night. I can't very well go to school with slobber all over me can I?"

"I guess not Matt." he replied.

"You sure you don't mind though dude? I may be a little sweaty for ya, ya know?

"You know I can handle whatever you dish out Matt. Ain't that what I'm here for?"

"Too fuckin right dude! I'm glad that's settled then."

Chris proceeded to lick my body all over as he had done the previous night and seemed to savor the sweaty smell of my pits. I let him go to town without hindrance. Finally he reached my dick and took it into his mouth.

"Go slowly tonite dude." I instructed him. I want it to last OK?" He nodded as best he could seeing as he had a mouth full of dick. Then he kinda caught me by surprise. He moved his mouth from my dick down to my balls and started to lick them. I must admit this made me rather uncomfortable; it seemed kinda faggy to me. But I had an important question to pop so I let him continue.

I checked him out surreptitiously and he seemed to be completely out of it. It was like he was completely obsessed with what he was doing. I thought to myself that maybe this was the time to strike.


"Huhmm?" he replied.

"I hate to ask you but maybe you will understand the problem. Since I took over the running of the car, the cost of gas and stuff has been killing me. I started to ask the old man for a raise in my allowance but he cut me off in mid-sentence. He really is so fuckin mean!"

"So?" Chris managed between slobbering over my balls.

"Well, dude, we both know you are into sucking dick right? My question is: is it some kind of addiction? I mean will you take all you can get?"

He got taken by surprise, enough to make him leave my balls for a few seconds. "Yeah, I guess it is Matt. I will do most guys provided they ain't gross, like fat or old or sumthin." He went back to my balls, only now he had lifted my sac with his tongue and was licking underneath it. I got REALLY freaked out but let him continue.

"The reason I ask, " I continued "is that I thought maybe if I could find a few nice young guys who need a bit of head (and who doesn't) , we could maybe kill two birds with one stone. You could really go to town suckin them off and maybe we could charge em a few bucks for the privilege."

Chris seemed really to be enjoying himself now and I was getting really nervous. He was moving down from under my balls to the region of my asshole. But I was determined to use this opportunity to ensnare him.

"Chris dude," I kinda squeaked, "I really need to know. I do a lot to please you right? So would you be prepared to go along with my suggestion? It sure would help to relieve our cash crisis."

He was zeroing in on my hole so I pulled away and demanded to know whether he would do what I wanted. Jesus, he was like in a fuckin trance; he wanted to get his tongue in my hole come what may.

Finally he answered: "Matt I agreed you were the boss, so I will go along with whatever you decide OK?"

Jesus! Talk about music to my ears! I grabbed him by the hair and lifted his head. I looked him straight in the eyes and said: "Chris, you are making a commitment here. You realize that I hope. There will be no going back. If you try to back out, I promise you I will make your life a misery, together with Randy and Jose. So what do you say dude? Are you in or out?"

"Count me in Matt. I'll do whatever I need to."

I said: "Good boy Chris. Now get back to my asshole and get your tongue in there as far as it will go." I hadn't intended it to go this far but I figured it had been worth it.


I called Randy the next day after school and told him the news.

He laughed and said "Really? You are a bad boy! I'll start campaigning asap and see who I can rustle up. Chris needs the protein for his diet. We have to take care of that!"

He continued: "Matt, I have a really good friend livin down the road from me. He's only 17 but a high school dropout. Name's Nate. Does odd jobs to keep goin." How about, on the side, we arrange a lil party; you, him and me, with Chris as guest cocksucker? I'll provide the booze and weed."

"No need to ask Randy." I replied. "Call me and let's fix a date and place. Can you get some E?"


I knew that Jose was gonna be a hard nut to crack. He was nineteen, street smart, and brooked no shit from younger teenagers. I figured he was gay though, or maybe bi, and he had taken a shine to my bro.

I decided to revisit the ABC Amusement Arcade to check things out once more and drove down there after school one day. In front it was like a storefront shop with all the windows painted black so you couldn't view the inside. I took the precaution of parking the car in a lot; last thing I needed was for the car to get boosted, not that our car would have been first choice. There were four or five young dudes hanging around the entrance and they gave me the once over as I entered. On a raised dais there was this pimply guy who was in charge of selling tokens or giving change or whatever. I asked him where I could find Jose and he directed me to his little office at the back of the place. There must have been thirty machines cluttered around the place and, as had been the case the previous time I was there, young teenagers as far as the eye could see. Some looked about 12 years old.

I knocked on the door and entered when invited to. Jose was sitting behind a desk that Abraham Lincoln probably had used before he became president. Then there was this one "visitor's" chair, where you sat on like strips of plastic.

He got up and said "Matty boy. What a pleasant surprise! Although I should really beat your ass for whisking your bro away before my eyes!"

I said (nervously): "Hi Jose. Nice to see you too!"

Jose continued "Well, I know what brings you here and I'm all ears!"

I should explain what I subsequently found out. The arcade was owned by Jose's older bro who was "made" or something or other. Jose was like the manager of the place and he had this one employee, the pimply guy, who sold the tokens and shit. But Jose's position was no big deal because it turned out he was about as short of cash as I was.

I got to the point. I told Jose that my bro was now committed to selling his body and that I was in effect his pimp. I thought a little exaggeration wouldn't do any harm in this environment.

"Let me put you in the picture Matt." said Jose. "The dudes you see out there really ain't got the dough to lay out for blowjobs. Nor am I so keen that they do so. I would rather they spent the money on the machines. We may find one or two of the younger ones (I mention no ages) who wants his first suckjob and has been saving up for it for a while, but that ain't gonna make us rich. I treat them like "younger bros" because they have to get done eventually. I would like to make it a memorable occasion for them and I know that your bro wouldn't disappoint me. However, there is some illicit business that goes on in this vicinity and the guys involved often hang here and have bucks to spare. They might well be interested in a quickie from time to time. And if it was a good experience they would come back for more. Here's the rub. The cock whore would need to be here when required. I know Chris is still at school and shit but is there a possibility that he could be here for say two hours every afternoon? The guys I was referring to "work" mainly at night and so during the day would be best."

I gave it some thought. School got out at 2pm, so if he was allowed an hour to do some homework and get down here by 3pm, he could be available until 5pm. He would need to be home by 6pm when the rents got home. Any unfinished homework could be completed that night. I know he played tennis one afternoon a week but that was crap stuff at the local courts and could be sacrificed. I told Jose we could work something out.

"What about the money?" I asked.

He replied: "Well, they can get a blowjob for $25 from one of the street whores but the pimps time them at 15 minutes. Who wouldn't prefer a clean boy for the same price? I could swing that. My cut would be $10, yours $15. If sometimes he did four guys in an afternoon, that would be $60 in your pocket. Not to be sneezed at dude. And as far as the young dudes go, one couldn't ask more than $10. That would be yours. I'd take the goodwill. They would spend their time and money here. I have a storeroom here which is safe and not too bad."

"Sounds good." I said. "Maybe a trial for a coupla weeks? And of course Winter Break will be here soon. Then he will be available pretty much whenever."

We said adios and I drove home with a good feeling about it all.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 26: Christians Induction II 5

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