Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Feb 4, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a complete work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part Six

On the Saturday morning prior to the last week before the Winter Break started, Matt had been in an unusually good mood and I could hear him humming in the shower some crap song from an album by one of his favorite groups. I figured he had good reason to be happy because, according to my calculations, I had serviced nine guys that week which meant he himself had pocketed about 135 bucks. I wasn't complaining either. Of the nine, four had been new guys and I had loved the sense of expectation I had experienced as I unzipped their jeans for the first time. With his new found wealth Matt was taking his girl friend Cindy out on a date that evening.

Shortly after Matt left the phone rang and I answered it. It was Will, one of the famous "gang of four". I said hi to him and explained that Matt had a date and had already left.

"Yeah, I know about his date with Cindy. I wasn't calling him, I was calling you. Jerry and Doug are also tied up tonite, so I was wondering whether, if you ain't busy, you would like to come around to my place for a soda and a chat. With a bit of luck I might even be able to filch a coupla beers from my old man's stash."

I must say I was kinda surprised because Will was the youngest of the four of them and normally had the least to say and basically tagged along and kowtowed to the others. I explained to him that I would have been glad to accept his invitation but that unfortunately I didn't have wheels.

"That's no problem Chris. My folks are out at a party tonite so I can use my mom's car to pick you up."

It seemed there was gonna be no way out of this so I said: "OK Will. Gimme twenty minutes and I'll wait for you in front of the house."

I changed into jeans, a tee shirt and sweater and, looking at myself in the mirror, figured I looked pretty hot. Especially since I had had a hair cut that morning. I went down and he arrived promptly on time.

On the way to his house I said: "I didn't know you had your driving license dude." He replied laughing: "Why, is it that obvious? I just got it man. It's like a new fuckin world!" I laughed along and thought "fuckin"; I had never heard him swear before. He was growing up!

They lived in a very nice house and we went up to his room, which was spacious compared to Matt's and mine. He had an en-suite bathroom, just like ours except that we were forced to share.

"If you need the bathroom it's through there." he directed me. He put some music on the stereo and excused himself "to go get some beer". Despite all my reservations, I was beginning to enjoy myself.

We started in on the beer and were chatting about this and that. Suddenly he asked me: "Has Matt told you that I'm on our swim team now?" I replied that no he hadn't. Will (and Doug) went to a different high school, the same one as Randy in fact. Matt and Mark were on the swim team at our school.

"Yeah," he continued. "Just made it." I offered him my congrats and he thanked me.

He really was a pleasant young guy and I looked him over. He was about 5'6" and 120lbs, with brown hair and eyes. His hair was nicely cut and his casual clothes sat well on him. Very nice, I thought!

"The schools had a swimming meet last week and I met a guy who knows you."

I said: "Oh? Who was that?"

"Mark Nesbit." he replied.

"Oh really? I haven't seen him in a while, although he and Matt are in the same grade."

"Yeah, he mentioned that you and he were real close before but that there had been a bit of a falling-out at a party Mark gave some time ago."

I replied: "Yeah, kind of a pity that."

He looked me straight in the eyes and said: "Mark told me everything that went on between the two of you. Sounded hot as hell dude."

I was thinking to myself that Mark had turned out to be a real bastard. How could he have told Will everything?

"Well. that's life I guess." I said hoping to conclude the subject.

"But life goes on Chris. I was wonderin if you were perhaps lookin elsewhere for a little action. Maybe to take up the slack." He gave me this little smile.

"Is that some kind of offer Will?" I said.

"Not some kind of offer Chris. It's an offer of my dick for you to suck. For my silence you could say."

Will continued: "I don't give a fuck about Mark. If his parents found out about your little dalliance, he could take his chances. But word would be bound to get back to your rents and neither of us would want that, would we? I know it's blackmail Chris but I wouldn't expect anything more from you than what you were giving Mark for free and gratis."

He could see that I was fucked whatever happened. In fact I saw no way out at that moment and didn't know how to respond. He got up and walked over to where I was sitting and stood directly in front of me. "Now is as good a time as any to start our relationship Chris. Take it out and start sucking on it." I could see he was deadly serious and so did as I was told. I unzipped him, slipped my hand inside his jeans, and took his cock out. I took it in my mouth and started to suck on it in earnest. "No tongue, Chris? I believe you are an expert on that score." I started to roll my tongue around the head of his dick as I sucked him and it wasn't long before he shot his load. He held my head and said: "Swallow it bitch! OK, now put my dick away and zip me up. Oh! And, before I forget, lemme have your cell number." I gave it to him.

He looked at his watch and said: "Time to get you home dude!"

He drove me to my house and as I got out of the car, he gave me this small parcel. "A small gift for you Chris." With that he drove away.

I went up to my room and opened up the parcel. It was a bottle containing what was obviously piss. A couple minutes later my cell rang. It was Will.

He said: "Not directly from the source dude but close enough. Enjoy it and get used to it!" With that he disconnected the line.

Mark had even told him that I had drunk his piss, the only guy I had ever done that for. Now I had this wet behind the ears young guy obviously expecting me to do the same for him. I just couldn't believe it!

I lay in bed trying to get this new situation around my head. The Mark situation of course was well known to Matt; in fact they had been partners in crime. So that wasn't a problem. But the problem lay in what would happen if Will did spill the beans. Even if Mark had said nothing to Will about his relationship with Matt vis-a-vis me, it would be bound to surface. I just couldn't allow that to happen. I just couldn't believe that Mark, in an act of spite against me, could have been stupid enough to lay himself open to blackmail by Will. But, as Will had said, he didn't give a fuck about Mark; he was interested in having his own suckboy. That was the bottom line. Maybe Mark had figured that into the equation. He knew that I would be forced to submit to Will's demands. Sweet revenge indeed!

And what about the fact that Will was one of Matt's best friends? If I told Matt what had now happened and he confronted Will about it, it was not impossible that Will would find a way to rat me out to our rents which neither Matt nor obviously I could afford to happen. Matt had his own agenda after all. On the other hand, if I said nothing to Matt about this, presumably he and Will would continue to be "friends" and Will would be having a laugh at my expense every time he saw me. Even in my own house! What a major fuckup!!

I decided not to tell Matt what had happened; I would leave him out of it. And to keep Will's mouth shut, I would just have to submit to his demands. It was going to take a major juggling act on my part.

Then another thought struck me. What if Will found out what was going on between Matt and myself? Maybe through Larry or even Matt himself. Jesus, it didn't bear thinking about!

I didn't sleep that night.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 28: Christians Induction II 7

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