Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Mar 31, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part Three

The end of the school year was reached and everyone embarked on the Summer break. With the exception of the few lucky ones, most kids would get away for no more than two weeks coinciding with their parents' vacation time. That meant that they were left largely to their own devices and, being the mid-west, there were not that many attractions. Chris ventured to ask his parents what they had in mind and they were pretty evasive. "No bucks!" was Matt's assessment of the situation. Chris figured he was probably right.

Chris continued to service his bro but he rarely saw Mark more than once a week. Mark's time seemed to be entirely consumed with his girl friend Beth but Chris knew Mark well enough to know that he would tire of her soon enough and dump her unceremoniously. Mark played hardball with girls. Then he would turn back to Chris again.


Mark and Randy were lounging around in Mark's pad, dragging on a joint and demolishing a six-pack of beer which Randy had brought along. He never seemed to have a problem in sourcing booze. Mark walked over to his desk and fired up his computer. He entered his password and found among his Favorites one of the bdsm sites which attracted so much of his attention these days. Randy smiled and said "You really seem to be into that stuff dude. Here lemme check." He made a grab for Mark's crotch but Mark hit his hand away and said: "Keep your hands to yourself faggot. Unless you have dough that is." Randy was a little surprised when he saw that Mark had accessed a gay site.

Mark called up another site which was a supplier of gear for that market and said to Randy "You gotta see some of this cool stuff dude."

Randy quietly went along with Mark and was wondering whether he should give Mark just a little push to encourage him. Perhaps the time was right to expand Mark's education.

"Seeing your interest in this stuff dude," Randy said, "I was wondering if you planned to introduce Chris to it."

"Well fuck man," Mark replied "Blowjobs are great but one has to expand one's horizons. Right?"

"Fuck yeah." Randy replied.

After finishing the last of the beers, Randy decided that he would take the plunge and come clean about his earlier involvement with Chris.

"Mark, you and I been buds since grade school so I think it's only fair that I tell you something. While I was involved with Chris's bro Matt, together with another guy I know we fucked the ass off Chris. He ain't no virgin bro."

Mark tried to look nonchalant and opined "Well Randy that really comes as no surprise to me. I wasn't aware that you were involved but so what? Chris is a bitch boy and it must be expected."

Randy felt that Mark wasn't displaying his true feelings about the matter but thought what the fuck, that ain't no concern of mine.

Randy continued: "I don't think you have met Nate, this guy that lives near me?" Mark shook his head no. "Well, Nate is a bit of a hard case. He's only eighteen but he left home two years ago. That's putting it mildly though. His parents booted him out of the house when he refused to go back to school in Grade 10. Since then he's been fending for himself. He rents a garden cottage from an ancient couple in return for looking after all the chores around the house and does other handyman jobs around the neighborhood as well."

"Gay guys have long been a target market for him and I suspect that he has done some hustling in his time. Although he has never admitted it to me, nor denied it, I suspect he is blackmailing two of them after taking compromising videos of them on the webcam in his apartment. He is what you would call 'rough trade' and spares them no leeway. He exerts as much pressure on them as is possible. I can't see him ever letting those two guys off the hook and they are gonna pay the piper for a long, long time."

Mark's eyes were open wide. Randy continued: "Well, anyway, in your absence, with Matt's consent, I arranged a little party for Nate and yours truly with Chris as resident bitch boy. With Nate to the fore he got worked over good for about four hours and it was really cool seeing him getting fucked from both ends. First time for me by the way, but something that definitely bears repeating. Nate slapped him around a bit but nothing too serious and he bore no marks when it was over."

"Anyway, dude, I think it would be good for you to meet Nate. He definitely will be able to answer all your questions. And he's a young guy like us, so won't mind chattin with a newbie. Maybe we could also organize another party with your boy. You want for me to arrange it?"

Mark replied: "Jesus yea dude. He sounds so fuckin cool. I would love it".


If Chris had thought he had got Andy off his back, he was very much mistaken. Andy was continually calling him and was like a bull terrier never letting go. They met many afternoons at the junior high school playing fields where Chris pleasured the younger guy. Before school let out for the Summer break, Andy devised a plan to get a copy of the key for the boys' toilets at the back of the covered stand. The janitor, who was an old guy and kinda dozy, kept all the keys nicely labeled and hanging on a board on the wall in his office. Andy broke a window on the other side of the building and had Joey call the janitor to take a look at it. Once he was out of the office, Andy slipped in, found the key and made a wax impression of it which he had copied by a not very concerned locksmith. He made sure that the copy was in working order. He now had access to the boys' toilets on a permanent basis.

After the Summer break commenced, he called Chris one afternoon and suggested a meet at the school. Chris said that it was almost a certainty that the toilets would be locked but Andy told him not to worry his pretty head about it. It was on this occasion that another milestone was reached. When Chris arrived at the school Andy was waiting with another kid. Andy introduced him as his younger bro Pauly who Andy said was a year younger than him to the day. He looked a lot like Andy but had an all-over short 1/4" haircut. Normally Chris would have objected to this development but it was now a fait accompli so he let it go. Andy led the way to the back of the covered stand and produced his key with which he unlocked the toilets. Once they were inside he locked the door from the inside.

Andy said: "Dude, I was sure you wouldn't mind me bringing Pauly along. He needs his first blowjob and his little girl friend thinks it's gross to suck a dick." He laughed and continued "Girls are so fucking stupid!"

The stalls were still filthy and Chris wondered if they ever cleaned the place. Maybe the boys messed faster than they could clean.

To Pauly, Andy said: "Chris is gonna sit on the toilet seat so you must stand in front of him so he can get at your dick. You sure you still wanna go ahead with this?" Pauly squeaked "Hell yea."

So it was that young Pauly received his first blowjob. I tried to make it as enjoyable as possible for him and Andy told him he should shoot his load in my mouth. Pauly said; "You sure bro?" and Andy instructed him to do as he was told.

After I had blown Andy we snuck out of the toilets and jumped the school fence.

Andy asked me: "Did you get off on my dirty undies dude?" I told him I had slept with them with the pouch over my face. He said: "Ewwww, they were kinda rank, but so long as you enjoyed it that's all that matters huh?" I had to agree.

To be continued.

Comments/Suggestions/Brickbats welcome.

Next: Chapter 37: Christians Induction III 4

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