Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Apr 22, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Seven

It took about three weeks before an appropriate opportunity presented itself to the gang of four which would enable them to hold the "party" that they had all been so looking forward to. Doug in particular had fast been losing faith that he would ever get the chance to get his dick sucked.

Will, whose parents were both professional people, finally came to the rescue. His parents were due to attend a symposium (read junket) in a neighboring state and they had both been looking forward to getting away from home (and knowingly each other) for a few days, but what to do with Will? There was no way he could accompany them and he appeared to have no close friends upon whose parents they could foist him. They were also loathe to leave him alone at home. Will, however, had become a fast-talking young man and he managed to assure them that he was now of an age where he could look after himself and take care of the house. They reluctantly, but with some relief, finally agreed.

At a get-together in Matt's bedroom Will informed the others of the good news and in a flash spirits were lifted. Matt thought that maybe he had misjudged Will all along and that he might not be such a bad guy. Chris was summoned though from his room and informed that the "guys" get-together would take place on the following Saturday night at Will's house. Matt said that he hoped that nearly a full week would enable Chris to make arrangements regarding the booze and weed. This was said in a slightly threatening tone as if to imply that failure to do so was non-negotiable. Chris said he would do his best.


Chris had in mind approaching Jose down at the Amusement Arcade for help in sourcing the beer and weed but was kinda loathe to do so. Jose was a bit unpredictable. Then he remembered that Mark had told him that he had started to use Tonio as his weed connection and, with Mark still being away on vacation (lucky bastard), he decided to pay a visit to the Arcade and see if he could locate Tonio.

As usual there were one of two hoodish looking guys hanging around the entrance and they gave Chris the once over as he entered the place. Jesus, it was as if they owned the fucking place, thought Chris. As he entered all eyes turned on him (this was usual procedure whenever someone entered), then turned away again if that person held no interest for them. Chris took up a place at one of the standing tables and let his eyes accustom themselves to the light and looked around to see if any of his acquaintances were present. It seemed not and he was amazed at the turnover of guys that took place in a very short space of time. Mind you, he noted that that there were some pretty hot looking boys there. The odd one gave him a knowing glance.

He stood there for about fifteen minutes and was about to leave when someone with a familiar face walked in. At first he couldn't place the kid but then he remembered who he was. He was pretty certain that it was Tonio's lil cuz who he had blown in the restroom after Tonio himself. The kid recognized him but didn't immediately approach him. Chris figured that maybe he wasn't sure what his reception would be. He waited another five minutes and then the kid went to the restroom. Chris gave him three minutes and then followed him. He was standing at the urinal although Chris was pretty sure he had finished pissing by then. Chris went and stood next to him and said "You are Tonio's cuz, right? Rafe if I remember correctly." The kid smiled, as if he was flattered at being remembered, and said: "Yea, dude. You got it on the button. I thought maybe you would remember my dick rather than my face." he laughed. What a little tease! thought Chris. Chris replied laughing "Well that would be something to remember also."

Chris continued: "Listen dude I was hoping to see Tonio about a little business. Does he still come here?"

"Yea, he sure do. But at the moment he's at the pool hall across the street. You want I should fetch him?"

"That would real kind of you, if you would."

They exited the restroom and the kid disappeared. About ten minutes later Tonio together with Rafe appeared through the door and looked around. When he saw Chris a big smile crossed his face and he came over to where Chris was standing.

"I always said once a bitch tasted my pinga, it would return for more."

"Chris laughed and said: "Oh yea? That little thing?"

Tonio looked truly hurt and said: "You fucking whore! You loved it. Admit it."

Chris threw up his open hands and asked: "Why you make me admit the obvious Tonio?"

"Coz you are my bitch amigo and you need to know your place." Chris had no doubt he meant it.

Chris continued: "Tonio, my younger bro is hosting a party next Saturday night and needs to source some weed. I know Mark gets his from you. Can you do the same for me?"

Tonio replied: "For you, I killa da bull. How much you need?"

They concluded the deal and Chris then asked Tonio if he could source a couple tabs of E and a case of beer as well. "No problemo amigo." replied Tonio. "Be here 8pm Tuesday and we will fetch it." They agreed on a price which of course included a hefty premium.

Tonio continued: "Chris. This kinda favor requires something in return. I'm kinda horny so how about you blow me at the back?"

Chris knew there would be a price to pay so they went back into the restroom and into one of the cubicles. Tonio soon had his hard dick in Chris's mouth and started to fuck it with no regard for niceties. He soon came and as Chris started to get up Tonio pushed him down saying "Not yet amigo. Rafe is right outside. You gotta do him too."

Matt was pleased that Chris had managed to source the beer and weed and on Tuesday night they hooked up with Tonio and collected the goods. It was all systems go for the following Saturday night.


Pauly was ecstatic that he had been befriended by Will. He had visions of being able to visit his new friend on a regular basis and to enjoy all that Will was able to provide; a pool (wow!), a cool comfortable room equipped with up-to-the-minute electronic stuff and the promise (as yet undefined) of some sex. The latter intrigued him. The thought of spending sleepovers or even weekends at Will's house was heady stuff.

Will, of course, being the loner type he was, didn't see their future relationship in the same light, but the thought of some m‚nage a trois using Pauly would be fun. He was sure he could indulge in his sexual fantasies by manipulating Pauly to take part. He would need to exercise care though as he suspected that Pauly's bro, Andy, was fast developing into someone not to be trifled with. He had a big mouth but he would quickly learn to moderate that.

Will thought that Pauly's presence at Saturday night's party would be quite fun but he put the thought out of his mind as Matt was in charge of that and would look askance at any interference on his part. He would have to arrange something himself together with Pauly and Chris.

To be continued..

Next: Chapter 41: Christians Induction III 8

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