Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jun 11, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Thirteen.

When Chris saw him at the skatepark Pauly had made no reference to the fact that he and Andy had taken compromising pictures of him and had acted in his normal way. Either he had no part in Andy's plans or had purposely avoided the issue due to his friend Tom's presence. Chris had also not heard anything further from Andy himself. On the Friday morning, however, he received a call from Andy suggesting that they meet at the Arcade that afternoon. He had had plans to go swimming but thought it best if he agreed to meet Andy; the whole episode with the pictures Andy now had of him had been playing on his mind and he still had hopes of it being resolved satisfactorily.

Chris arrived at the Arcade at three that afternoon as had been arranged and found Andy ensconced on a high stool at the standing table he himself usually occupied at the rear of the room. Next to him stood Joey.

"Hi Chris baby. How ya doin?"

"OK thanks Andy. And you?"

"I'm just fine dude. Good to see you could make it. You remember Joey right?"

"Sure." Chris replied. "How you doing Joey?"

The small talk continued for a while, principally about the imminent return to school, and one or two guys Chris recognized said hello to him in passing on their way to the bathroom at the rear.

Andy said to Joey "Hope you don't think it's rude dude but will you excuse me and Chris for a coupla minutes?" He indicated to Chris with a movement of his head that they should go to the john and led the way with Chris following. The place appeared to be empty but Andy moved to the one end where the urinals were situated.

"I didn't want to chat you about this in front of Joey dude. I guess you have given some thought to what I said right?" Chris nodded that he had. "Well," continued Andy, "Friday is payday man. Do you have the $20 we agreed upon?"

Chris began to realise that there was going to be no way out of this predicament and that Andy was serious about extorting the money from him. He extracted his wallet from the pocket of his jeans and took out two tens which he handed over to Andy.

"Thanks Chris. That was kinda painless right? No hard feelings then huh?" In fact Chris had an overwhelming urge to smash Andy's face in but restrained himself. They exited the bathroom and when they were back in Joey's company Andy said to Chris: "Joey's spendin the weekend at our place, so we thought it would be great if you came over tonite. Joey has a porno vid and maybe we could have a little fun." Andy gave Chris a stare and continued "You OK with that dude?"

"Should be fun Andy." Chris offered, to which Andy replied "You betcha!"

Andy pulled one of the two tens out of his pocket and asked Joey whether he felt like trying out one of the new machines the Arcade had acquired. Joey replied "Fuck yeah!" Meanwhile Chris excused himself and agreed to see the others later at about six thirty that evening.

On the way home Chris passed the skatepark and encountered Pauly with his friend Tom. "Hey Chris!" Pauly greeted him. "Just had a call on my cell from Andy. Says you are gonna join us tonite at the house. Lookin forward to it man!" Tom decided at that point to join the skaters and Pauly with a nod towards Tom said to Chris giving him a wink: "Pity Tom is tied up. Maybe he coulda joined us."


At about six o'clock George, grumbling, started to get ready to accompany his parents to visit some friends for dinner. They had a son George's age, eleven or twelve; hence the requirement of George to go along.

George asked Pauly: "What are you guys gonna do tonite?"

"Well, probly just hang out you know. Joey's here and Andy's friend Chris is coming over."

That surprised George. "You mean that older dude who visited Andy once before?" He still had some suspicions about that visit, especially since he had caught Pauly and Chris in the john together.

"Yeah, that's right." Pauly replied.

"Cummon Pauly," begged George. "Tell me what's goin on. I ain't a kid no more and I can keep my mouth shut. We're bros right?"

Pauly thought to himself that George was gonna be twelve in a coupla weeks; maybe it was time to tell him the facts of life. He was already jacking off after all.

"OK George, I'm gonna tell you but I want your word of honor, as a bro, that you will keep your mouth shut. No talkin about it to your buds or anyone else for that matter." George made as if to zip his lips.

"Bro, I guess by now you know what a blowjob is right?" George looked at him pityingly and nodded yeah. Pauly continued: "Well, there are certain guys who get off on sucking other guys' dicks and Chris happens to be one of them. During the course of the evening he's gonna be suckin off Andy, Joey and me. He'll be getting his jollies, if you know what I mean, and us three guys will get some good head."

George's eyes were open wide. "Jesus man, are you serious?" Pauly nodded yeah.

George continued: "And you fuckin guys wait until I gotta go out to arrange this?"

Pauly laughed and told George that maybe he was kinda young to join the party. "Tell you what bro, you do sumthin for me and I'll tell you all the dirty details when you get home. How about that?"

George looked at Pauly with some suspicion. "What I gotta do?"

"Go downstairs and get a clear soda bottle with a screw top. Then come back up here and piss in it. I may need it during the course of the evening."

George responded: "Jesus, dude, you become weirder and weirder, you know that?"

"Just do it bro. It may help your cause."

George did as he was told, handing Pauly a bottle about two thirds full. Pauly secreted it in their bedroom.


At six thirty on the dot Chris arrived at the house as arranged. Pauly met him at the gate and they went up to the boys' quarters. Pauly informed him that Andy had called and said they would be a little late as Joey's junker refused to start.

Pauly got them both a coke and they sat in Andy's room to wait. After a few minutes Pauly smiled and told Chris that he and Will had been seeing one another.

"You mean Will, Matt's friend?" asked Chris.

"Yeah, he approached me at the pool one day and introduced himself to me. He invited me to visit his house as they have their own pool. He figured we were kinda close in age and have similar interests."

Chris was surprised to say the least but he could guess what those interests were. Both of those guys were into feeding piss.

Pauly continued: "Will told me that whenever you two guys have the chance he unloads in your mouth. Says you can't get enough. He wants for the three of us to get together sometime for a piss party. Would you be game dude?"

Chris replied: "Well, maybe we could do it Pauly. But it would have to be strictly the three of us OK?"

"That sounds cool Chris. I'll have a word with Will."

Pauly laughed and continued: "Chris, you ever thought about drinking a real young dude?"

Chris also laughed and said "Not really. But that's not very likely, is it?"

"Oh, I don't know, Chris. Nothing's impossible. It just so happens I have a bottle of real young nectar next door in my bedroom. George left it for you."

Chris responded "You're kidding right?"

"Definitely not dude. I'll fetch it and then I want to see you drink it down. Every fuckin drop." He got up, went to his bedroom and returned with the bottle of George's piss.

Handing the bottle to Chris, he said "Here you go man. It's all yours to enjoy. All of it, you hear?" Pauly's voice had adopted a menacing tone and Chris realized he was serious about this. He unscrewed the top of the bottle and with some difficulty drank the contents, a few mouthfuls at a time.

Pauly watched him as if mesmerized and when Chris had finished said "Good boy! Bet that tasted real good huh? George will be pleased and kinda flattered I guess."


Andy and Joey arrived at the house about fifteen minutes later. A few of the guys at the Arcade had helped "push-start" the car.

Andy chided Pauly: "Jesus dude what have you been doing? Get the sodas and snacks and stuff and lay em out. The folks are gonna be home by nine thirty and we wanna be able to watch the vid and smoke a couple of joints I bought at our leisure. Chris too has gotta have enough time to get us off if we want." They were soon ready to start the vid and Andy suggested that Joey and Pauly take the two easy chairs while he lay against his pillows on the bed with Chris at his side. All were dressed in shorts and t-shirts and wore either sandals or sneaks. Chris couldn't help but notice how hot they looked.

The vid consisted of four black guys with enormous dicks taking turns in fucking a scrawny white bitch from both ends.

"Jesus" said Joey, "look at the size of that dude's dick." much to everyone's amusement.

Andy, laying back on the bed, soon became erect and told Chris to get to work on his dick. Chris slipped Andy's shorts down with the waistband under his balls, and went down on his cock. He started to stroke it while at the same time tongueing and licking the head. Andy instructed him to remove his hand and to use only his mouth. "Keep your lips tight around the shaft dude and using your tongue move your head as fast as you can all the way up and down. I wanna feel the head of my dick in your throat." Meanwhile the first of the joints was being passed around and they all soon had a pleasant buzz going on. Chris found it hard work getting Andy off but eventually Andy grabbed Chris's head and arching his back let loose with a good load of cum in Chris's mouth. "I wanna see it on your tongue dude, then you can swallow it down." he instructed his cocksucker. He visibly relaxed and told the other two to let Chris know when they were ready to get blown.

Both Joey and Pauly called on Chris's services in turn, instructing him how exactly to go about getting them off. Having his balls sucked was clearly part of the ritual for Joey and Chris found the sweaty taste of his balls intoxicating. While he was sucking Pauly's dick, Pauly leaned down and whispered in Chris's ear: "Can't wait for us to get together with Will dude. We gonna have a lot of fun."

After each of the three boys had orgasmed they sat back relaxing while watching the final portion of the vid and passing the second joint around.

Joey ventured to ask: "Is George jacking off yet."

The other two laughed and Pauly said "He sure is but he still dry cums at this stage. One of these days he's gonna get a big surprise when he shoots his first load."

Andy said that it must be every cocksucker's dream to be able to suck out a young dude's first load. "What do you think Chris?" Chris looked a bit embarrassed but agreed that the idea was a hot one.

"Well, who knows dude, maybe we can arrange for you to get the second or third load." Andy said laughing. Joey thought the whole idea was hilarious.

Soon after nine o'clock the rents' car was heard entering the driveway and Andy instructed Pauly to waylay them downstairs in case the old man took it upon himself to come upstairs. He would surely smell the pot. He said: "I got enough shit on my hands as it is." he informed nobody in particular.

The boys' parents went directly to the house and George was heard clattering up the stairs. He stuck his head in Andy's room and said "Phew, lucky the old man didn't decide to look in here. You guys woulda been grounded forever. Jesus, here you guys are enjoying yourselves and I am stuck with that little asshole Brent all evening. Life sure ain't fair." The others had a laugh among themselves.

Chris decided he should be getting home and Andy and Joey said they would drive him. Luckily the car started.

Pauly and George went to their room and immediately George wanted to know what had taken place. "You promised to tell me Pauly." he whined. Pauly told him all about the blowjobs Chris had done and whispered in George's ear. "And guess what, you also played your part bro."

"What you mean Pauly?"

"Well, before Andy and Joey got back, I made Chris drink that bottle of your pee baby bro. Every last fuckin drop of it."

George was sure Pauly was kidding him and insisted that Pauly take an oath that it was true. By the time he got into bed George's head was spinning with all Pauly's revelations.

They were both about to go to sleep. However, George leaned over to Pauly and asked him: "Do you think Chris might want some more of it dude?"

Pauly laughed softly and replied: "Maybe George, maybe."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 47: Christians Induction III 14

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