Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jul 17, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction.

All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Seventeen.

The Labor Day weekend was fast approaching and the usual tussle between kids and parents took place. Chris and Matt's parents started to drop hints that a visit to Aunt Madge might be nice. It also meant that costs would be kept to a minimum. The boys groaned at the suggestion as their aunt and uncle lived in the boonies in a neighboring State. Furthermore they had no children and so a boring weekend would be in store. Their parents acknowledged this and so readily agreed that the boys be left to their own devices at home; the idea of being rid of the boys for the weekend was not mentioned but was clearly on their minds. Furthermore this arrangement had been agreed to previously and nothing untoward had taken place.

One Saturday morning Matt was strolling through the Mall having bought a new shirt which he intended to wear that night on a date with his girlfriend Cindy, when he heard his name yelled across the food court. He looked around and saw Randy gesturing to him that he should go over to him and some girl; they had been sitting at a table over cokes for over a half hour and the waiter was becoming increasingly irritated. Of course it was like water off a duck's back as far as Randy was concerned; the niceties of etiquette escaped him completely. Randy indicated a chair to Matt and he sat down with them.

"May I introduce Maisie to you dude. A very good friend of mine. Maisie this is Matt a colleague of mine from school."

Matt said "Hi" and she replied "Pleased to meetcha." Matt stole sideways glances at her. She was chewing a piece of gum and appeared to be a little older than Randy and himself. She was dressed kinda prevocatively and he couldn't help but notice her cleavage which was clearly evident. She seemed to be continuously looking around as if the present company was maybe beneath her and that something better would surely emerge from somewhere. It completely escaped Randy and he gave Matt a knowing wink.

Randy continued: "Dude, Maisie and I are gonna take in a movie but I was wondering if I could pop in to see you later today. I have a proposition I'm working on and would appreciate your thoughts on it. Say about five?"

Matt said "Sure; I'll see if I can filch a coupla beers." With that he took his leave.


Having obtained the rents' agreement to him and Chris spending the weekend alone at home, Matt called Cindy when he got home and informed her of the latest development.

"Oh lovely, Matt. Why don't you join us at Crystal Lake?"

Matt replied: "Hell no Cindy, I don't wanna impose on your folks. What with Byron, the SUV's gonna be full anyway." Byron was Cindy's brattish little brother who made no secret of his dislike of Matt.

"Don't be ridiculous Matt. The two of us and Byron can easily fit in the back."

Matt made as if he was thinking it over and then replied: "Well, only if you are real sure Cindy. I don't wanna mess up your Mom's plans." By now he knew it was a done deal and he smiled to himself.

"Nonsense Matt. Just clear it with your folks and we can discuss the details tonite, OK?"

At about 5.15 that afternoon Randy arrived at the house, late as usual. Matt invited him upstairs to his room and they settled down with the beers Matt had filched from the basement fridge.

"Where's the cocksucker?" Randy enquired.

Matt, despite his own and Randy's previous involvement with Chris thought to himself "What a dick!" The guy was crudeness personified.

"He may have gone over to his friend Andy's house. Probably be home in a while for supper."

"Andy? That freshman kid?" Randy enquired.

"Yeah." Matt confirmed.

"Jesus dude, what's up with that? I seen them together at school. You think Chris is sucking freshman dick now?"

Matt indicated he had no idea what the score was and asked Randy what his visit was all about.

"Dude, I just wanted to know whether you guys are gonna be at home over the holiday weekend." Matt nodded yeah and that he and Chris would be on their own.

"Fucking cool man, me too. I had this idea in the back of my mind that maybe, just maybe, we could arrange a scene with Nate. You remember him right?" Matt nodded that he remembered Nate; once before he, Randy and Nate had arranged to party at Nate's place with Chris as the guest of honor. Matt had chickened out but he was aware that Nate and Randy had gone ahead with the arrangement.

Randy continued: "I was thinkin that maybe I could ask Nate if we might do something similar to last time. Maybe you guys could tell your folks you intend goin camping or somethin like that, and then bed down for the weekend at Nate's place. Give Chris a workout he won't forget in a hurry." He smiled in anticipation. "Lotsa booze, sex and drugs."

Matt informed Randy that he had been invited to accompany Cindy and her family to their cottage at the lake and so it would not be possible to join them.

"Jesus, dude," replied Randy, "that's a bit of a bummer. Your folks know about it?"

Suddenly it dawned on Matt that, if he was going to accompany Cindy's family over the weekend, his own folks might not be so keen to leave them at home since Chris would be on his own.

"Fuck Randy, that's somethin I never thought of. They never gonna agree to leave us at home if Chris is gonna be left on his own."

Randy considered matters and then said: "Tell you what dude. Why not tell them that both of you have been invited by me to go camping. Don't mention the trip with Cindy. That will leave Chris free to join Nate and myself. I figure that between the two of us we can convince Chris to play ball. How about it?"

Matt was clearly unconvinced; in his experience something always went wrong with a plan such as that suggested. Randy sensed Matt's doubts so decided to change tack.

"Well, Matt, it would really be a pity if you missed out on getting laid. I take it you and Cindy are doing the dirty, right?"

Like all young guys Matt was most reluctant to admit he wasn't getting laid but he knew it would be pointless trying to bullshit Randy. "Dude, it's like this. Cindy is kinda straightlaced and she won't do it in the car. So we are in a bit of a bind. We don't have no place to go."

Randy of course had guessed the situation but pretended to have sympathy. He informed Matt: "Dude, it ain't right that you ain't getting any pussy. Blowjobs are just fine but a man has got to have some pussy too." He made out he was giving the matter some thought and then continued: "Tell you what dude. If you agree to what I have suggested I'll arrange for you to get laid the weekend after you get back from the lake."

Matt replied: "Oh yeah? I heard stories like that before. Just who you got in mind?"

Randy smiled rogueishly and said: "Matt, I may look it but I ain't dumb. I saw you checkin out Maisie at the Mall this morning. Nice tits huh?"

Randy had really caught Matt's attention now. "Shit dude, she's at least two years older than me. She ain't gonna fuck no high school boy."

Randy looked insulted. "Who says? Dude, she fucks like a rattlesnake. I know from personal experience. If I sweet talk her, she'll do it. I mean you are kinda cute." Randy pursed his lips and laughed.

Matt asked "You really think this will all fall into place?"

"Sure dude, you wanna go to the lake with Cindy. I want Chris to spend the weekend at Nate's place. What's to lose? You are gonna have to come down hard on your bro though. We can't have him fucking up all our arrangements."

"What about Nate though?" Matt asked. "Maybe he won't be so keen on having weekend guests."

"Leave Nate to me." Randy replied. "I happen to know he loves a bit of gay ass. And, if you ask me, your bro needs bein slapped around a bit."

Matt thought it over. "OK, it's a deal. Talk to Nate and let me know what's decided. But just remember one thing; you are committed to getting me laid OK? Preferably with Maisie." They both laughed.

"No problemo amigo." Randy assured Matt.


When Randy got home, he called Nate. "What's up man? You busy or can I come visit you. I got two six-packs of Bud if that will clear the way."

"Long time no hear Randy. I'm honored. And yeah the two six-packs sound good. I'll expect you in a half hour. And remember to keep your dirty sneaks off the furniture or I'll beat your ass".

Randy arrived dead on time and rang the bell to the garden cottage at the gate. Nate met him at the gate and said he hoped Randy hadn't rung the bell for the house and disturbed the old couple from whom he rented the cottage. Randy assured him he hadn't, to which Nate replied: "Lucky for you."

"So what's this all about dude." Nate asked when they had settled down with a beer."

"Nate, I was wonderin if you had any plans for the Labor Day weekend."

Nate replied: "I never make arrangements over holiday weekends. Some of my marks invariably contact me and I make good money."

Nate had been fending for himself since the age of sixteen when his parents had kicked him out of the house as he refused to go back to school. That was two years ago and he now had the use of a garden cottage which an ancient couple allowed him to use in return for maintaining the house and garden. He also did odd jobs around the neighborhood. But, relying on the experience he had obtained while street hustling, he now had a portfolio of gay men who paid him for the various services he provided, and Nate knew that he had compromising video tapes of two or three of them which he used to extort money from them. They paid regular dues to him in exchange for his discretion. Randy surmised that once Nate had his hooks into them, there was little chance of a way out of it.

Randy continued: "You remember those two bros Matt and Chris, right?"

"Yeah, Chris was the bottom boy who we used one night if I remember correctly."

Randy then went on to explain the whole scenario regarding the Labor Day weekend. Finally he asked Nate if he would accommodate Chris over the weekend; Matt would be getting his agreement to party with Nate and Randy himself. Randy explained that the idea was to party hard with plenty of beer, drugs and sex. Randy said his plan was to turn Chris into a mindless cock whore who they could use at will in future. He had even been thinking of producing videos for sale commercially.

Nate laughed and said: "For a high school boy, you really are a nasty piece of work Randy. But I admire your entrepreneurial skills. On the understanding I may have to meet one or two of my customers, I'm with you all the way. I could do with some young ass. Are you able to source the weed and booze? I'll let you have the dough. Randy agreed to work on that aspect of it.

For the next two hours they watched some porn and finished the beer. Nate had also produced a joint, so that when Randy left for home he was as high as a kite.


That evening Matt called Chris through to his room. He explained to him that he intended to accompany Cindy's family to their lake cottage for the weekend but that it was dependent on their folks not being aware that Chris would be left on his own at home.

He informed Chris of the plans he and Randy had hatched up and that he had made arrangements for Chris to spend the weekend with Randy and Nate at Nate's cottage. Ostensibly Matt and Chris would be going camping with Randy. Chris guessed what would be in store for him at Nate's place and, while he was pissed that Matt had proceeded without his knowledge, he was at the same time kinda excited at the prospect of spending a wild weekend with Randy and Nate. Moreover it would temporarily relieve him of Andy's attentions.

Thus it was that all involved looked forward to the weekend for their various reasons.

To be continued....

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Next: Chapter 51: Christians Induction III 18

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